Untitled Sermon (2)
Jesus offers deliverance to the audience
God brought to Israel the opportunity for national deliverance. But this deliverance involved their welcoming the Messiah—to which Paul now turns
Thus John’s ministry was particularly directed to Israel as he urged a baptism of repentance—a public recognition of their desire for fellowship with God in preparation for the arrival of Messiah.
Paul’s Jewish audience would understand his message in terms of OT salvation or messianic deliverance.
Ironically they fulfilled the Scriptures in disobedience rather than righteously by recognizing the Messiah they spoke of and who lived and ministered in their very midst.
ostensibly to never hear from Him again
He thus leaves himself out of the circle of eyewitnesses.
He nevertheless will commence His actual reign on David’s throne in the future millennial kingdom.
Only a Davidic descendant who had never experienced the corruption of death could fulfill this promise.
It identifies Him as the Subject of the prophecy.
without referring either to baptism or repentance
Thus rather then despising God’s Word they should believe it.
In its original OT context the quote pertained to the coming Babylonian siege and attack against Judah—a destruction so amazing that those who experienced it would never believe by hearing of it.