Ministry Models from Mom & Dad
Ministry Models from Mom & Dad
1 Thessalonians 2:6-12
ICC’s PM service (31422)
I. Introduction
1. Prayers
i. Lord, grant us eyes to see the truth in your word and ears to hear how to should change our lives
2. Catch- My wife and I like to say that father’s exist to make sure their children grow up, but mothers are around to make sure they live long enough to grow up
i. The father pushes the children to try new things and grow up,
the mother hugs them and fixes the booboos when they stumble
ii. Now, this isn’t a universal rule or is there anything wrong with a gentle father, but I think we can all agree that mothers and fathers are different… this is one reason we believe in completionism.
iii. But we are to learn from these natural differences how Christian should both be gentle and pushing forward
iv. We need to care about
3. Review on the context
i. Chapter 1 was Paul’s statement of thankfulness for the Thessalonians and all that God had done through them
1. They had been a baby church when Paul left them, but they proved to be strong so that all around them knew about their faith
2. It was a reminder that suffering is a part of a faithful life
ii. Chapter 2 has the repeated phrase, “you know” and remember
1. Paul refers to his time of ministry with them to give them an example and possibly defend himself from accusations
2. Verse 1-5 showed how the Thessalonians helped verify the truth of the gospel through what they saw in the missionary’s life
3. Paul is building a case for how they are to grow, and so he is reminding them of how they started that growth process in the first place
Now Paul will give
II. Spiritual lessons in gentleness and expectations from Mom and Dad
1. Be like a gentle mother: love without payback (6-8)
i. Moms do not do it for the glory; be like Mom (6-7)
1. Explanation
a. Paul says he was not looking for the glory from people
i. I think we can all associate glory with the idea of sports glory right after the Olympics, the cheers of the crowd
ii. But losing glory can come with huge consequences as we seen in the gospel of John
John 12:42–43- Nevertheless, many even of the authorities believed in him, but for fear of the Pharisees they did not confess it, so that they would not be put out of the synagogue; for they loved the glory that comes from man more than the glory that comes from God.
iii. The consequence of taking God’s side was the destruction of their place in society
iv. So, it is very tempting to seek glory from people as it is more obviously beneficial for us
v. But Proverbs makes clear glory from man is a lie
Proverbs 29:25- The fear of man brings a snare, But he who trusts in the Lord will be exalted.
b. Paul makes clear he wasn’t doing it for the praise or the benefit he would get
and this is clear by how he instructed them
i. Paul was a Apostle
ii. Quick definition
In a broad sense, it just means “messenger” or “pioneer missionary.” But in a narrow sense, the most common sense in the New Testament, it refers to a specific office, “apostle of Jesus Christ.” These apostles had unique authority to found and govern the early church, and they could speak and write words of God[i]
1. These were the foundation to the church according to Eph 4
iii. The apostles gave us the requirement to be an apostle as they prayed to repleace Judas (acts 1)
1. (1) had to have seen Christ with his own eyes after he rose from the dead, and (2) had to have been specifically appointed by Christ. They did this with lots
iv. Who was the apostle here? (Any apostles today?)
1. Paul, Timothy, and Silvanus? Probably not
2. He says just four verses earlier, “we had already suffered and been shamefully treated at Philippi, as you know” (1 Thess. 2:2), but this refers to the beating and imprisonment which happened just to Paul and Silas, not to Timothy (Acts 16:19). So the “we” in verse 6 does not seem to include all of the people
3. Chapter 3:1 says We sent Timothy
4. So, it would be accurate to say Paul alone is the Apostle, but he is always emphasizing the who group and their ministry to Thess.
1. And there were not apostles after Paul according to 1 Corinthians 15.
v. And what could Paul do as an apostle?
1. Speak with the authority of Christ and command respect and honor
2. But instead they were gentle like a nursing mother to her own children
vi. They put aside their rights of being respected and playing a dominating part and demonstrated the utmost tenderness
1. When Katie was born, she had trouble nursing at first and needed gentle and tender care to direct her to eat properly
1. Babies are so little that they don’t even know what they need, and mom’s must direct them without hurting them,
so a firm hand is needed
1. Paul proved he wasn’t in it for the praise when he was gentle like this, something his contemporaries thought was foolishness
2 Corinthians 10:10- For they say, “His letters are weighty and strong, but his bodily presence is weak, and his speech of no account.”
2. Illustration
a. Nursing Babies need gentleness
1. When Katie was born, she had trouble nursing at first and needed gentle and tender care to direct her to eat properly
2. Babies are so little that they don’t even know what they need, and moms must direct them without hurting them,
so a firm hand is needed
3. Paul proved he wasn’t in it for the praise when he was gentle like this, something his contemporaries thought was foolishness
2 Corinthians 10:10- For they say, “His letters are weighty and strong, but his bodily presence is weak, and his speech of no account.”
b. MinistGentleness is the result of not worrying about results with man, but being fully focused on Godry to others must be gentle like mothers
a. And we know that a mother’s gentleness can speak more than all the arguments in the world
Colonel Ethan Allen, hero of the American Revolutionary War, was an unbeliever who wrote a book to deny the deity of Jesus Christ. A physician, Doctor Elliot, came to visit his home when his beloved daughter was dangerously sick. He was taken to the library, where Allen read to him some of his writings.
a messenger entered, informing Allen that his daughter was dying, and desired to speak with him. He immediately went to her chamber, followed by Doctor Elliot. The wife of Colonel Allen was a pious woman who had instructed her daughter in the principles of Christianity. As soon as her father appeared at her bedside, she said to him, “I am about to die; shall I believe in the principles you have taught me, or shall I believe in what my mother has taught me?” Allen became extremely agitated; his chin quivered and his whole frame shook. After a few minutes, he replied, “Believe what your mother has taught you.”
Prosise, Ron. Preaching Illustrations from Church History . Kindle Edition.
In a humble cottage in a little town in Germany, just about the close of the seventeenth century, a Christian mother gathered her children about her death-bed to bid them farewell. Her family was the poorest, but the dying mother astonished her children by saying, “I have laid up a treasure for you—a very great treasure.” Eager to possess it, one of her little ones asked, “And where is it, mother?” She replied, “Seek it in the Bible, my children, and you will find it; there is not a page which I have not wet with my tears.” Among the children was a boy whom that mother’s tears and prayers were the beginning of his spiritual birth. His name was Bartholomew Ziegenbalg, the first Protestant missionary to India.[ii]
a. Gentle words from a mother are powerful
3. Application
a. First, might I suggest that we need to be amazed at gentleness in a way
i. For example. It would be perfectly within pastor Yurie’s right to say here is what the bible says, and we need to listen to him… we have no right to fight unless we can quote chapter and verse
ii. But does he lay down the hammer… never, he listens, he allows arguments and he gently points us back to God’s word
iii. We should be shocked with his kindness and moved to thankfulness
b. Then second, a lack of the fear of man should not lead move you not to be dismissive of people, but gentle with them
i. (I’m preaching this to myself too)
ii. It is too easy to think I don’t care what you think about me, so I don’t care about you.
iii. But not seeking praise actually enables us to be more gentle yet firm, like a good mom
iv. So, think of those who fight you mercilessly and realize you need to be gentle
=height of relational intimacy
The force of positional authority is not as powerful as relational ministry
*you can use your position, but it would be more powerful to be relational
Paul was gentle, and Paul shared all of himself
ii. Moms love with their all; be like Mom (8)
1. Explanation
a. So indicates a because, because of this lack of fear, the were gentle, and because they were gentle, they were free to love
b. A word used only here to express a passion that cannot be explained
i. Like a mother looking upon her child with an love that just shot up in an inexplicable way
c. This love led them to not just be ready, but be resolved to give
i. The love meant they brought them the gospel
1. The good news that first required the bad news of all their sin against their creator, God, and the wages of sin being death
2. But then the good news of what God had done to provide a savior and substitute for them
3. The greatest act of love can be one of the most awkward… telling someone they’ve done wrong and God can forgive them of that
ii. But the gospel should never come alone as Paul explained to Titus
Titus 2:10- …. showing all good faith, so that in everything they may adorn the doctrine of God our Savior.
iii. The Greek is but also our souls
1. I’m a firm believer in what is known as the Dichotomists view of man that sees soul and body
instead of Trichotomists that see body, soul, and spirit
2. So, Paul is saying we shared not just the outside, but the inside as well
d. He restates again, why does he do this?
Because of agape love they have
i. One commentator writes A gospel messenger who stands detached from his audience has not yet been touched by the very gospel he proclaims. The gospel creates a community characterized by love. [iii]
2. Illustration
a. Knowing how much God loves us should cause us to love others
i. Electricity is based so much on the flow from positive to negative, and from much to little
ii. A full battery has lots of positive charges, and those charges are attracted towards a negatively charge, thus supplying power as it flows
b. In the same way, we who are full of God’s love will have that love flow to others
i. The gospel wants to go to others and it brings our love along with it
3. Application
a. We need to have this kind of love for others, right?
i. But the problem is that Paul isn’t commanding this love for others, he is laying out an example
ii. The indicates something we see throughout the bible… you do not just try to build up love inside you, but instead you look at how you’ve been loved by God and others.
b. I know I have trouble loving people sometimes
i. Sometimes it is because of them, more often it is probably because of me
ii. So the way to move my heart to love is to see how I have been loved by God in Jesus Christ
iii. The gospel says that while we were his enemies, Christ died for us, right?
iv. and it wasn’t always easy for Paul to love these people, their neighbors drove him out of the city
v. Yet, he loved them by bringing them the gospel that could rescue them
i. He was like a mother who knew the children needed him
and no mom feels prideful that she is better than her baby
Trans: But we said mothers and fathers are slightly different right, so secondly
2. Be like an uplifting father: call them to something greater (9-12)
i. Dad works an honest job; be like Dad (9-10)
1. Explanation
a. Paul repeats what they knew and saw with their own eyes, that he labored.
i. The word means beating, wailing, striking as he worked himself ragged for their sake
ii. Paul worked honestly as he says in 2 Thessalonians 3:8- nor did we eat anyone’s bread without paying for it,
iii. You will remember that Paul was a tentmaker according to Acts 18:3- putting together animals hairs and skins
1. So he may have done some of that
2. he also received support from the Philippians during this time as he wrote
Philippians 4:16- Even in Thessalonica you sent me help for my needs once and again.
iv. Notice his focus was preaching, or heralding, the good news of God’s judgment and salvation
v. Paul was doing evangelism and church planting at this point, and he wanted to make clear he wasn’t building an empire
b. So they knew his character and he claims God knows it too
i. They were not doing it for the sake of people, but they wanted people to know the truth of their character
ii. They were holy, or morally or religiously pure
iii. They were righteous, living out those moral conduct
iv. They were blameless- Free of any guilt
c. Not perfect men, but they were men of character
2. Illustration
a. Character, good honest work is what matters
b. Dads often go to work in cultures influenced by the bible because men are told to work the field in Genesis 3 and women are supposed to workers at home in Titus.
i. But all the money in the world matters very little if dad is not an honest man.
ii. Joining the mafia destroys the family
c. And the same in true in Church
i. I read online this week Conviction, competency, and character are all important for leaders, but one is more important. The Church Growth mov't over-valued competency. But the Young Restless Reformed mov't needs to take a hard look at how we've over-valued conviction. Character. That's what matters.[iv]
3. Application
a. So, what are you looking for in your pastoral examples?
i. Someone who is your best friend, a pastor with your same interests? OR someone who is devout, upright, and blameless?
ii. The best thing about Pastor Yurie is not how he makes us feel, how cool he is, but his personal holiness before God.. that will last longer
b. But also, notice the benefit we can give by supporting pastors
i. This past week a church member invited me to come pray for their neighbors
ii. I talked to a lot of pastors in different modes of employment, some working multiple jobs
iii. And I just want to thank you, because if it wasn’t for your giving, I would not have been able to take off in the middle of the day to go pray for this family without any request for them
iv. Praise God for how you free up the pastors to serve others
Trans: And we don’t want pastors who are honest, but lazy in discipleship
ii. Dad pushes you forward; be like Dad (11-12)
1. Explanation
a. They knew that he was like a father to them
i. This is fatherly teaching, not just motherly care
ii. He exhorted them- it be to help by coming alongside
1. Picture a father putting his arm and directing a child towards the table
iii. He encouraged them
1. Like a coach- It means to speak kindly in regards to achieving a goal
iv. And he charged them
1. It means to call someone to be a witness
2. The gospel is not just a call to hear, but a call to change a life
b. And God calls us to his kingdom and glory
i. At Jesus’ second coming, Christians will enjoy the full blessings of the kingdom and will participate in God’s glory
2 Corinthians 3:18- And we all, with unveiled face, beholding the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from one degree of glory to another. For this comes from the Lord who is the Spirit.
ii. We do not need to get glory from man, because Jesus promises greater glory\
1. People offer glory that can be taken away, you only need to fail once
2. But Jesus’ glory is one that just grows more and more even as we see how unworthy we are of it
2. Illustration
a. Fatherly love sometimes is a firm hand. Not harsh, but a firm reminder to strive for something great
i. When the Puritan minister John Dod was experiencing trials, he consulted his father-in-law,
ii. who told him, “Son, son, when affliction lieth heavy, sin lieth light.”
iii. This reply conveyed great encouragement to Dod, who would afterwards say, “Sanctified afflictions are spiritual promotions.”[v]
b. Fatherly care instructions us for the future
3. Application
a. So, are we open to hearing a glory that call us to spiritual promotions?
i. We have to respect challenges and pressure sometimes because it is calling you to something wonderful
b. It’s not just the job of fathers, but all of us must be part of the discipleship process that calls others to follow Jesus
III. Therefore
1. Since we have seen (Cohesion)-
i. A motherly love comforts, especially when we are weak
ii. A fatherly love challenges us to live up to the great calling of the gopsel
iii. Both are needed in the message
2. We know we must believe the gospel
i. We’ve seen that the same gospel that comforts also propels us forward.
Titus 2:11–14 (ESV): 11 For the grace of God has appeared, bringing salvation for all people, 12 training us to renounce ungodliness and worldly passions, and to live self-controlled, upright, and godly lives in the present age, 13 waiting for our blessed hope, the appearing of the glory of our great God and Savior Jesus Christ, 14 who gave himself for us to redeem us from all lawlessness and to purify for himself a people for his own possession who are zealous for good works
ii. So, the gospel should make us change and when we fail it catches us.
1. Like a rescue boat for ocean swimmers, because we are protected by the gospel, we can swim forward
iii. So swim forward brother snad sisters and rejoice in the challenges
IV. Closing prayer
a. Father, allow to be both gentle and directing.
b. TO love with our whole selves and not be concerned about people’s opnions
c. Grant us to see your glory God
d. AMen
[i]Wayne A. Grudem, Systematic Theology: An Introduction to Biblical Doctrine (Leicester, England; Grand Rapids, MI: Inter-Varsity Press; Zondervan Pub. House, 2004), 911.
[ii] Prosise, Ron. Preaching Illustrations from Church History . Kindle Edition.
[iii] D. Michael Martin, 1, 2 Thessalonians, vol. 33, The New American Commentary (Nashville: Broadman & Holman Publishers, 1995), 81.
[iv] AM · Mar 12, 2022·Twitter Web App
[v] Prosise, Ron. Preaching Illustrations from Church History . Kindle Edition.