Jesus Came to Deliver Us From Sin
Christ Appeared and Dealt with Sin (v.4-5)
Christians Abide in Christ and Do Not Live in Sin (v. 6)
What is Your Nature?
Tony had come to talk about his relapse during his spring break from college. “I trusted Christ and was born again last year, but I’m still struggling at times with the temptation to smoke pot.” He explained how he “kind of fell backward” during his recent trip to Daytona Beach with some college buddies. “Sometimes wonder if I’ve really changed,” he said.
“Tony, how do you feel right now about having smoked marijuana?” I asked him.
“Miserable,” he quietly answered, his eyes staring at the floor.
“Did you feel bad about smoking pot before you became a Christian?” I continued.
“Not really,” he said. “I always said I wasn’t hurting anybody with it.”
“Do you know why you feel miserable now? It’s because you are a new man. It isn’t your nature to enjoy drugs anymore. The old Tony might have been a party animal who loved drugs. But that lifestyle contradicts the nature of the new Tony.”
The pleasure of sinning doesn’t disappear when a person trusts Christ. But after the short-lived pleasure is gone, sin leaves a Christian feeling empty and unfulfilled. Have you found that to be true when you sin? It isn’t your nature now to live a lifestyle of sin. If this weren’t true, you wouldn’t experience inner conflict when you sin. If your basic nature were a sin nature, it wouldn’t bother you to sin. It would be as comfortable for you as barking is for a dog or gobbling is for a turkey. However, you’re not comfortable with sin, because your nature is not what it used to be.