Sermon Tone Analysis
Overall tone of the sermon
This automated analysis scores the text on the likely presence of emotional, language, and social tones. There are no right or wrong scores; this is just an indication of tones readers or listeners may pick up from the text.
A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
Emotion Tone
Language Tone
Social Tone
Emotional Range
Tone of specific sentences
Social Tendencies
< .5
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.8 - .9
> .9
Kids-Honor that only God Deserves
In 2nd Samuel chapter 23 there is a story about Davids mighty men.
Do you know what his mighty men did?
His three mightiest men
snuck down to the Philistine camp
beat them back until they could get a bucket of water from that well
and fought their way back to David’s camp.
Do you know what King David did?
Did he thank the guys and drink the water?
He did not.
Why not?
There men had risked their lives
just to satisfy his whim.
Only God deserves that level of devotion.
So King David would not drink it.
Here is what he said to God that day
Let me pray for you kids that you are receiving or giving praise and loyalty to your friends, you will understand proper limits, and never honor them and their wishes beyond your honoring of God.
Still Wanting to kill Him
This morning our scripture passage is in Mark 14, the first 11 verse but I’m only going to read part of the passage to set the stage.
An unexpected anointing
A Dramatization if Mark 14:1-11 related or similar passages Matt 26.
John 12
For telling this story, I’ll assume the women is Mary, the sister of Martha and Lazarus, even though Mark does not identify her in his Gospel.
. . . .
Hi I’m Lazarus, my sister Mary liked to sit at Jesus feet and hear him talk.
She did it so much that Martha would get angry with her for not helping with the food.
But during the week Jesus was Crucified, Mary shocked us all.
Here is how she would tell the story of anointing Jesus head.
She would say:
I heard Jesus was having dinner down the street that night.
I knew His time was short,
and I wondered,
how can I express my thanks to Him,
For all he had done for me,
for my family and others.
Freeing us from our guilt and shame
Freeing us from our own demons of doubt and despair and self-loathing.
Raising Lazarus from the dead.
We had many valuable things in the house but
what did Jesus need with:
five new outfits or
an ornate bed of ivory?
Then I remembered the ancient Jar of perfume,
Worth more than I laborer could earn in a year.
It was a symbol of our wealth,
passed down to us from our parents
And maybe from their parents before them.
This I could give him.
With this oil,
I could anoint His head and
He would carry that precious fragrance with him,
through all his trials
to his death on the cross and
into his grave.
This fragrance would accompany him everywhere.
Every man near Him would smell the fragrance and know that
Someone loved this man
Someone was thankful for all he had done for them.
Oh what a scandal this will be,
a women,
approaching the men’s dinner table,
without a tray of food
or a jug of wine.
or any other reason to be there
But I will serve Him,
in the best way I know how,
I will serve him with the fragrance of Love and Thanksgiving.
I dress simply, not to draw attention to myself.
I have the bottle with me.
The men, I watch as they come back from Jerusalem,
The dinner is served, and
I wait until a quiet time in the meal.
Then I see my chance
With all the courage I could muster,
I defied custom and approached the men’s table.
I can hear a hush and see the confusion and concern as I approach Jesus.
I pull out my Alabaster Jar
I break the slender neck of the jar
and pour All the this costly perfume on his head
dripping down onto his beard and his robe,
like the anointing of a king or a high priest.
I kept none back.
Poured it all on his precious head.
The room is filled with fragrance, everyone can smell it.
It’s almost stiffing it’s so strong!
There is shock in everyone’s eyes and some of them look very angry.
They begin to yell at me
and hurt me with rude words.
They asked “Why wasn’t this perfume sold and given to the poor?”
But it was mine to give,
and my heart was glad to give it to Him
while he was still with us.
Some, I’m sure were sincere in how they could have helped the poor,
but others I wonder if they only were thinking of how they
could have benefited from handling the money if it had been sold.
One of them,
Judas was so mad, he left in anger.
That man scares me.
But Jesus eyes were not harsh
Jesus eyes were not angry.
< .5
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> .9