Testiminute Training
testimony Testament it remember the gist of this was to get everyone in the church to at least share their testimony and under a minute. Some people it is scary cuz I don't know about you as you get your normally introverted and I'm telling you to do an extroverted thing. That's right out of your mind. These has stepped on my comfortability box. It's no different to what I'm going to tell the extra boards. I want you to take 5 minutes and meditate with God.
I can't do that. I want to talk.
You guys about Testament it's and it's just your testimony and under a minute and what it consists of is this you sharing your life before Christ. You're a life after encounter your life encounter in Christ and your life now and you can do that under a minute because if I'm in the grocery store, I don't have 30 minutes to keep a person in line. I have a quick minute or so talk to them and as I'm talking to them, I'm releasing a seed of change in their life. When you share your stories you're releasing face. and someone says if God can do that for you, then he can do it for me what up with it when I know my wife's downstairs and Nursery, but when I keep thinking about my wife story of how her family was Amish and she prayed and God said God told her you need to start believing. Cuz you pray that with your family gets shaved, but you don't believe it.
It's a one day. She came to a place where this little boy after he said do you really think God's going to change your family? And she said no. and the Holy Spirit convicting her And from that moment, she stopped praying. God save my family and she started praying. Thank you for saving my family. What a difference one little word one little conversation can make you know when you say thank you. It's because you received something, right?
She started to believe she received and it wasn't too long after her mom and dad came to Christ and her siblings came to Christ and years later her brother's can her brother came to Christ has sister say, but she doesn't know what she got yet. You know what? I mean? Sometimes the church doesn't know what it has and when you don't know what you had you don't use it.
And they all came to Christ. Now. I sure that testimony of my wife's story because your family is coming to Christ. Your families are going to come to Christ, but you would not believe that is possible. Unless you heard someone else say it happened the why we share is so important. We share to import Face and sow seeds of transformation. That's why you are able to have his that biblical. You got to ask me that listen whenever I ask is it biblical? That's not offending me at all that sharpening me. So it's so we stay on course with the word. You got what I'm saying? You must ask is this biblical? Yes and your Bibles in Romans 10 13 through 15. and we're going to come from the living Bible anyone who calls upon the name of the Lord will be saved. But how shall we ask him to save them unless they believe in him and how can they believe in him if they have never heard about him and how can they hear about him? Unless someone tells them?
And how you want to go and tell them unless someone sends him that is what the scriptures are talking about when they say how beautiful are the feet of those who preach the gospel of peace. pause You guys want some pretty sheets? But I had a manicure, right?
It was yeah, I did. I went had a manager. I'm telling you guys something. And this lady was just doing my feet, right it she gets out this thing as you start scrubbing the bottom of it and all I see is corn chips fall off.
You'll never eat them the same again.
And she starts I don't like how this feels weird. And so after that then she put these things in between my toes look like foam and start doing my nails so I can meet you like Sean. Yes, I like shine.
You want any color? I said I'm already colored enough.
I looked at my feet. If your guy never had this done tell him that I'm going to tell you to look at your feet after starting. Sebastian my little toe is got rid of my Claus. And she gave me some beautiful feet and you got to realize when I realized that my feet look good. You understand. I wear sandals without socks. Never see someone wearing sandals with socks. Do you know what I'm talking about, right? sandals and socks on
I'm just weird. Who's is normal for me?
You got your feet done. Just what you do. You take those socks off you walk down you like.
And if you're a lady you might have some color on your toes like they were going to do my big toe and camouflage. I was tempted.
I'm secure.
Please when you guys got your feet done you off your toes, you know. It's crazy how we act when we have beautiful feet. Might get a little ankle bracelet. Just a little more attention down there. Look. texture I put a little bell on mine. There's my Walks Like a little tingle, you know, but it isn't Christmas season. I know but I'm bringing gifts Everywhere I Go. Do you know where I'm at, but we respond different when someone has beautiful feet. The Bible says when you carry the gospel and you're going to have beautiful feet dude, and it really means because you're carrying good news because the scripture goes on it says how beautiful are the feet of those who preach the gospel of peace with God and bring Glad Tidings of good things in other words. How welcome are those who come preaching God's good news. Why are we learning about testimonies and sharing and give you guys are shared in the church? It's because until you able to do it in God's house. You won't do it out of Gods.
I'm slipping that settle for a moment.
Think about that. If you're not willing to share. In God's house. She wants it out of God's house. How do you know because home so safe place, isn't it? But I don't know about you girls when I was at home. I acting goofy right in public. And what did you call that and society when I came out of the wild right and then to civilization I had at the certain way to be accepted right at home. I was able to let my hair down and play and one day my sister dressed me up like a girl. When I was younger they dressed me off. Who played dress-up with me? And and yeah. Now there's no way in the world. I'll go out in public in that type of dress up. I want to stay with my family. Yeah.
If you are unwilling to play with your family to make mistakes with your family, you're never going to be confident enough to make mistakes out there.
Hi guys.
You got it girl. Come on.
This is why we're learning to share. She said she said it in a nutshell.
So that people will call out to the Lord cuz it started with a no-call it to the Lord and they shall be safe. Right? So who has her testing minute ready?
Call Jamin.
Yes, I my favorite thing to do getting up in front of people. I didn't read this out a few weeks ago. I wasn't sure if I want to go buy that or just wing it.
But my life and before I knew God, I only knew about God. I knew all the stories but my view of God was of someone who is the distant unknowable and he's disappointed in me. I live a life of bondage to send in a self-loathing and depression. I hated myself. I wasn't worth anything in my eyes and I assumed that was how God viewed me as well.
So the way I encountered God was actually through other people. I didn't encounter God directly at first it was through other people they believed in me and they love and the purpose that God has for me. I began to see God's love for me through them and I began to see his love for me. Despite my failures my shortcomings my mistakes and their many and through that through that process is beginning to believe I experienced miraculous deliverance from addiction addiction to pornstar cific Lee and the weather changes that happened in my life as well and actually happened twice. So to make a long story short, I experienced these deliverances, but then because my identity was still let's say it wasn't firmly rooted. I eventually fell back into old ways of thinking and acting so I went through that a couple of times but where I'm at now is I know who I am as a child of God, but I'm still learning to live that it's still making the journey from here to hear Sometimes some days. I do better than others. I still make a lot of mistakes. I still can fall into Old thought patterns old habits old coping mechanisms, but as I grow more and more sure of his love for me and his power in my life. I now have peace and a lot of Hope for the future. And that's my testimony.
The gym I want to tell you. I love the fact that you shared about Deliverance. And you shared this she said because my identity was intruded. In him, I fell back into Old thoughts and old behaviors tell you that is powerful and when you share that with people you're going to give them. You're going to impart. Hope cuz what I heard from you was a lot of Hope. And you're also I'm growing and God is still moving in my life.
You know anyone else has any comments feedback for GMAT?
Okay. Alright who's next?
Come on, Tony.
Hi, I don't like being up here either.
I grew up on my parents were catholic. And so I knew all the Bible stories. I knew about Jesus. I knew he died on the cross and rose again, but when I was about 12 or 13, I think I was in the 7th or 8th grade some friends invited me to go to youth group with them. We had moved out to mespo from when I was younger. We moved out probably I was eleven or so. So I went to a youth group in West Farmington and my mom was kind of nervous about letting me go and but she did let me go and I heard them all talking about asking Jesus in your heart and they'd sing worship songs and they'd study from the Bible. It was really fun, but I didn't quite get what they were talking about. And one night so it was probably several months after I started going. I was in my bedroom at home. And I thought you know, I'm going to test this out. And so I'm going to say the words. They said Jesus if what I said is Jesus if you're real, if you really do this, I want you to come into my heart and you know, you'll have to show me that that it's for real. So there was no confessing of sin. I couldn't think of any sin. You know, I mean, I was the goody two shoes so so
It happened, you know, if the Lord came into my life and over the course of the next two years. And he convicted me of what sin was he showed me once I was willing to follow him. He showed me what are against bad attitudes. I have to be my way all the different things. So it didn't follow the routine. So it made me a little nervous to know that I couldn't think of any sin to confess until he was there. He showed me the sin and he forgave me and that's about two years after I asked him into my heart was when I said Lord, I want to live for you. My life is for you. I'm please use me. I want you want you to be my Lord and It's been pretty cool. Actually, it is kind of fun to be a Christian and and step out and do those things that God calls you to do it. Sometimes it's scary to but so that's my testimony.
That's why I love the fact that you do your friends invited you to youth group. But the fact is you were at home by yourself in your room. I love it. And you just I love the I just love that where you said Jesus if you're real vicious real, I love it. Do you know God dislikes looking for he's on he's not looking for the big answer you just looking for the invitation to come? If you invite him to come.
No, and then later on. first transforming you inside out
Come on.
Yeah, you know that is powerful and so powerful and they think they have to have it all together or no all the theology when all you need is just invite him in. No, you got to be broken. Yeah. They do. That's a beautiful story. beautiful Who's next?
All right, so I'm not going to actually talk about when I got saved. I'm going to talk about what God has done for me. That's where I grew up.
Pretty good kid wasn't in church in color Outside. The Lines very much got saved in about 6 months. Later. On the worship team playing bass and I was sitting on my stool. Horizon worship times were like double what we do here is a long time. And our password time at church. I was at came up and started praying also. He's so long-winded. I want to be here forever. Lord deliver me take me down to the computer up here and I was half listening and at the time growing up I had IDs which long story short if I had any red sauce pizza sauce pot pasta sauce any of that? The next 6 to 8 hours, we're going to be real rough for me. I can get around it with eating a pill or eating pill taking a pill and it would subside the effects. I've been living with that for. I don't know probably 8 10 years that point makes pizza parties real fun. So it's in there. Annoyed not having the best.
Attitude and pastors praying and start praying and that's telling me he wants to heal somebody stomach. I'm like, huh? My stomach start getting real hot.
This is weird.
I didn't say anything go down and go through service. Go home made before we had pizza at my house in the fridge. I hear God say like you have that pizza. You don't have that pill.
Having problems since so God healed me from that despite my attitude of like let's go but I wasn't asking for healing guy just gave because he loved so much.
First of all, I just love the openness. I was this dude long winded. I'm ready to go home comedian out. I like this dude, but he's a Caucasian man. So you goes to a black church. And the whole time I was in a black church. He's just like
10:30 I want to go home.
I didn't have a good attitude.
Think about that. Momentary what you think about that?
Go out cuz we think God uses really amused really big. We have a good attitude.
You don't want me to come meet you guys going to do something. Good know. God is always good and he's always wanted to do something.
And he said in a kidding sort of way. He said and he was going through some struggles in his life and he said it in a kidding sort of way. He said yeah you can when I asked him if I could help him. He said yeah, he says I want to know the meaning of life.
And I was kind of taken back by that and I didn't really we kind of joked it off and I didn't really tell him. But I thought about it afterwards and especially as we've been sharing this about having a pet estimate ready a testimony in it. You know, I had I had the answer for him. I had it already. I just wasn't ready to share it, you know, and that's what it says in the book what I shared in Hebrews this morning that were supposed to be pushing one another on the love and a good works. And that doesn't mean that doesn't mean you know, chiding one. Another that how come you sometimes it might. But it's saying you know what we have the answer. We have the meaning of life. And what I would have said to him now is I would have said I know what that I know what the meaning of life. Is it snowing God. In fact that is life itself. That is real life knowing you. and God wants to know you just like Tony said, you know God's God wants to know you he was faithful, you know, he says seek me and you'll find So praise the Lord.
so some of you know this some of you don't I'm divorced. I went through a divorce in 2000. There's a lot of extenuating circumstances and I had biblical grounds that still doesn't make it easy. I came from a cultural background as we said Mediterranean and that was really looked down upon and I spent a lot of time trying to put a marriage together with someone who didn't want to be married all of that aside when I went through my divorce. My home was in foreclosure and I was working part time making $7 an hour. The situation on paper was absolutely impossible and I went to a conference and it was with Joyce Meyer. And the Lord told me he said I want you. to give like I don't have anything to give I had nothing we were so in debt and I took all of the debt just to get out and
He said you can do five bucks a month and I had his bad attitude and I was like if I give this $5 that CD cuz that got it was CDs. I said that CD that comes in the mail better have something to do with me so that I can get better cuz I need to heal. every month that blessed CD. With my heart One day I realized two months have gone by and I had not gotten my CD in the mail. So I called them and they sent it and I listen like that had nothing to do with me and he's like well you told me. To have it come to you if you needed to work on something and I started celebrating the months that I didn't get a CD in the mail cuz it meant that was some place that I had done what the Lord wanted me to do in my heart. and God used people in my life And myself, I worked two jobs and he gave me the ability. He gave me people to watch my son. He my church family came around me. They I had one woman closed my son from H3 until age 12. I didn't have to buy clothes for my son. He will give you more than finances for a $5 seed, you know, and I still get obviously very emotional about this because that's the absolute extravagance of God and it's not it never had anything to do with money. It was him wanting to change me. It was him wanting to love me and be in relationship with me and Be able to just get closer to me and he allowed Community to do it. I had a wonderful church family that just I mean, my son was the one who told you he was the one who was running on stage. Everybody was having to go grab because he was the wild kid. Now you wouldn't even know that and you know what my life was a mess. It was an absolute mess, you know, I had an ex-husband who was abusive and ran around and had more girlfriends into fiance's while he was married to me to fiance. I bought two engagement rings that I paid for through that divorce, you know, so when you talk about having and living a mess and then being here where I am now and realize that it started with a decision of a $5 e You know and you don't give to get so please don't go into it without my said I'm going to do this so I can get something he was doing it for face. It was a step of faith. It was saying I trust you. It was me saying I trust you. I trust you that you are going to do a work in my life. That's what it was. And that's what it was with Doctor Johnny. It's not about the money, but that isn't it. It's a step of Faith. It's that stuff that says, yep. I'm willing to put skin in the game. So hopefully that'll help somebody but if you're in a place where you need God to move that step of Faith might not necessarily be a physical dollar it might be doing something. It might be stretching yourself in a way so
Yes, it's definitely your obedient.
Definitely. Thank you for sharing that so powerful. so far for
It's a goddamn already hurting. Why would you why would you ask me to give it a place that I'm hurting at, you know?
Sometimes got to ask you to so where your pains at.
When you when you share your testimonies and stuff.
I didn't know just think was real or not. That's a painful thing to be in a place like that. But when you when you when you even when you don't call Mama.
This is what God does in our lives. He's a good father. Please be more encouraged.
Bieber still terrified you have to put your hands. I understand that.
Who who hasn't prepared, but don't want to share.
Let me see your hands. I see to anyone else having prepared. They just don't want to share cuz they're scared.
It's okay. Like I told you this is this is God's house is. We're family and this is going to be a safe place. This is no place for one another and encourage one another. You know, I was scared to go on a roller coaster when I was little like it was that six flag and it was closed. I think it was the wolf cuz it was like the old roller coaster made of wood. It wasn't like the new want it. So I'm there for my brother and my dad and my older cousins and they're like dude you got to go because you were like you know it or not I decided to go on it, right? I go on this roller coaster.
It starts making is a sin top. I start feeling like this is a bad idea.
It is just like do do do do do do I do just like and I look down you don't look down but I look down and it has I got all the way up to the peak. My uncle was there he was wild, you know what he told me to do. Throw your hands up. I'm there already terrified. Hey, guess what? I did. Through my hands up like this and that thing.
Guess what? I jumped off of it and ran to my mom's I want to go again.
I would have never have gotten on that ride. If it wasn't for family encouraging me, and you can do it. And eventually I got to a place where I can put my hands in the air and you know. When the doctor people didn't encourage me to go.
Sharing your testimony is a lot like that. It's the climb up at so so scary. As you start going it becomes easier and easier and they will start saying I want to start again what happened? I stared at the mall, right? And this person cried that I really needed that and God moved and I felt the spirit just begin the flow one person got stabbed.
And it begins to be the best ride ever cuz you have the best news ever.
Hi kind of scared her you are. Okay. So it's not whatever you want to do. What you point your hands to Laura?
Don't pray so Jesus. We ask that you give Laura boldness God. We ask that you impart to our bonus and Grace that lord said she can overcome because we overcome by your blood and the word of Our Testimony and us not love in our lives and to death. So we thank you God right now for strength for courage and your name Jesus.
Are you ready?
So I just want to share that I grew up in an Amish home with a dad. That was an alcoholic and he had a quick temper. So he never spent much time with me. He I never got held or I learned to if I stay out of the way. I it's better. Like I always felt better when he wasn't at home and because of all that I learned insecurities. I learned to fantasize and I learned that doing everything by performance is how I get love. So I thought by performing was how you get loved and as the years went on I got married and I thought now that I'm not living at home. I'm going to have a perfect life while guess what I was trying by My Own Strength by my performance. So I had babies I kept house. I help my husband in the fields cuz he was farming and I went to church but I still felt like God was a punishing God and I really didn't understand why I was ever born cuz I thought you know God it's kind of mean to put me on Earth and expect all this stuff all this.
How to dress and how to do everything I thought how I didn't have a mind of my own. I I just did what everybody told me but I lived in worried. I worried so much about what if if there was any question about what if I could come up with it, you know, I would worry and I'd worry about everything so sure enough the day came When the Children grew up and they started leaving the nest and I think did I do enough did I raise them? Right and it didn't look like it because they started getting saved and leaving and my daughter marry and had a job in Chagrin Falls for an elderly couple doing housework and dirty laundry and she needed help she's at there was a day of the week. She couldn't go with her. She asked me what I feel in and I did so guess what? I was in the basement doing dirty lawn. And the radio that she kept going cuz she knew I was coming was Moody Radio. And she'd leave scripture on the table and I'd read those notes, but I didn't tell him Marion how much time I spent there because I wasn't sure if it's a good thing. It's felt like it but I knew that I couldn't tell anyone what I was listening to. And then that's not long after that my other daughter got born again, and then I was broke and I thought oh my word. I got two girls out in the world and you know the way that we got taught was that if you leave the Amish you're going to hell. So in the people at church, I could see him look at me with those sad eyes. Oh, I feel so bad for you. You know, your kids are just going astray and I was so broken that I got on my knees. And I said Lord tell me the perfect thing to tell to my girls that they know that this is not going to work that it's wrong and I was I was praying and asking God to tell me again by my strength what to tell my girls. I heard be still and know that I am God, and I thought I was so floored. I thought I don't know where that came from, but I literally couldn't pray anymore. I had nothing to say and I just finally gave up. So soon after that tap came to the house with Mary and to get to know me and my family better. And that evening he said to me. He asked me do you want to get born again? And you know, I saw it. I was born again when I got baptized in the I missed church, but in my head when he said that I thought you know, what do I have to lose? What what is the prayer? What what why not what's going to happen? And after he prayed that with me the next couple weeks, I literally felt the Lord take over my life. I felt his presence when I'd be reading I literally felt him standing in the living room beside me and I just whipped my prayers were being answered like I didn't feel so suffocated. I felt were Freedom coming and I felt my life becoming exciting because I'd see stuff that he do and I knew it was purposely just for me. He I learned that he's my savior and then I learned that he is my Lord and then he was my friend and then he became my father the father that I song for from my dad's that I didn't get the Lord took that and he literally cradled me in his arms. I felt his heart beating in my chest and this to this day when we sing that song Abba I belong to you. I truly say that I do belong to my Abba daddy. He's my father.
That wasn't so scary was it?
Hahaha, I couldn't tell. Wow. You know.
I love the part when my favorite part it wasn't where I was in it. That's a good part, but
Come on. Yeah.
I wants to do all you can but he needs all of us into as much as he can.
I'm flabbergasted.
How you learned? Love to Performance? You learned it. but then you had this question. Why did God even create me? Why what's the point? I have all this stress and anxiety and is then I love the fact that you before I met you seeds were already Stone you're sitting in the basement and God speaks to.
I want to just for a moment pretend that I don't know Jesus. And that I just heard what you said. Okay, let's so I want to ask you some questions. You know. Laura that's that's good for me it good for you because you know you grew up going to church all your life and and so God probably loves you, but what about me? I never been any you stole my life. So sorry, I've been an easiest all my life and I know what I mean. I'm interested. I want want you have but I just don't see how I could possibly get there. What do I do?
Or he loves everybody the same and it's not what I did. It was him pursuing me. Just just I faced just ask him to come and do your heart because even though I went to church I still wasn't doing. I still wasn't. born again You didn't know God before that.
And I didn't.
Did it because I was scared not to now I am to the place where I want to cuz I love him. Really real.
He is real I I have heard him. I have felt him. Ice I he was in my living room and I almost felt I had a vision of him, but I didn't dare look cuz I was afraid he'd leave.
Do you think he'd do that for me? He sure would because he is not a God he is not a respecter. People that did I say it right not a respecter of person teeth. Everyone is the same to God. He he he loves each one with the same kind of love. He doesn't just pick me. He wouldn't pick me and not you. So what do I do? Just say Jesus Come into my heart make a roommate a home in my heart. Forgive me of my sins.
Do you understand?
This is real conversation that happens.
This is what happens when you're out of here and you actually start sharing you get real questions real people that come to you and they'll say things like that to you. It is an opportunity to the testimony opens the door for conversating through God. I didn't say about God I said through God because God is using you to answer him. And he's drawing he's been so many times. I've met people and as I met them the encounter happened, but if the conversation after the encounter that like this
but you have to share it you asked it starts with us sharing our story sharing what God has done in our lives and all of a sudden it begins me think I got to do that for me. I'm telling you guys. What is the point of going through this until everyone does it because I told you last Sunday that until we all do it. We're going to keep doing this. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah.
Do I want to have why? Matt
because if we don't put feet to the gospel to our testimony the world around us does not change.
I don't care how much you pray and fast until you put skin in the game until the rubber meets the road. You don't go anywhere. This is why I'm telling you can always go to a church. That's just going to have Worship in the preaching and you're going to go home.
But training you guys so that you guys learn to catch fish. and when you learn how and you get encourage you pair up with teams? Couples or singles. Did you step out this week? When you start seeing the ministry through your lives, it affects your children. I'm closing with this story. That's it will pick up. I'm literally at Home Depot and I put it on Facebook. It was so cool. I'm at Home Depot buying paint. I'm buying pink, dude. And there's a lady whose mixed in my paint her name Cheryl. So every time I see her I think of you and Cheryl her name is Cheryl. Angels having a bad day. I guess she's swamped. No one's helping her. I talked to Cheryl I said she says could you hold on for a second? Cuz I have many things I need to tell you and I start laughing. It's just like my sister. I'm sorry. I just started cracking up right now. You can't bear the thought I would on this whole Bible spiel. It started with a little funny thought many things to tell you that the Holy Spirit just dropped scripture after scripture my head after that. Dude, I really needed to hear that. This lady comes walking by and on the back of her shirt. It says Cowboy Church.
That's a really cool name. I can picture me with a big buckle and a hat on.
Where do you go? You know, I'm actually the pastor she looked at me.
Put Mike you're forgetting my child.
Start confessing their sins to be all the time. It's funny and I just look at them. Like you're forgetting. You know, it's so cool. And she's like I want information on your truth before you leave. I'm going to go check out I'll wait for you at the end of there until you're ready. So I'm still getting paint mix has been about 10 15 minutes. I finally go to check out guess what this ladies are waiting for me still. Play WoW.
But I go to my car I'm looking for those Circle things that we have like oh, where is it at? I'm looking and I find it and I'm like here you go by that time. This guy comes walking up to the vehicle at Jack's with me at the same time. I need to lock it up to him. I said hey, how you doing? Remember me? I said she just goes home into the hospital and I want invite you to church would love to pray for you guys. He's like, well, no. No, I don't know about that either. We really don't go anywhere and I could tell the minute you said that I saw the walls
but Joshua made the walls of Jericho fall down. calculus how to do it or something. So I looked at him I said man what's going on with my arm is messed up. Record this for training purposes. You said absolutely what are you going to do? So I had to pray for the guys out though. I said, where is it? Anything changes? I know I prayed again. Guess what happened to the Devil? He's like, this is all Army felt it up to his neck is like Oh my gosh, is it I don't feel okay. I feel it's still there, but it's not like it was some Jax's there the whole time we open up the back of the vehicle that is pointing out like you have to teach him how to pray like a Jedi.
I really have your young use your imagination.
Thank you for healing. Thank you for healing. He's doing the whole Jedi thing and I'm praying my hands touching. It was really cool.
we pray again and the guy Sun happen if it was Prague and he start taking down your he said he thinks his arm is fractured. He broke broke something. So I prayed again. He's just like I can't use the words. You're the raw reaction was awesome. He was like, I'll be beep. I love it because we didn't know how to respond to God's goodness. He starts moving and he's like, oh my gosh and I start telling about Jesus and he was available because my stripes and I said, I do not get in touch with you. I know you live. I'm coming to visit you guys, okay. When you left him because he had to go back because his boss comes out of the Home Depot. That is the best part his boss cuz walking out of Home Depot. He's an Amish man. So now his taxi driver has to get back in the car and talk to this Amish guy about his elbow that Jesus just healed.
I call that a two-for-one special.
I'm sharing that with you because this is how it starts like imagine if I wouldn't be willing to share scripture. You know, I have many things to tell you sometimes it's your testimony was just I was joking. I want to tell you that Andrew dude. I was just joking, but I was cracking up the whole time at all. Like it a lot but to this.
When I first learned how to to do this, like don't be intimidated by how he's sharing this at church. We had what was called boot camp and we sat down and they said just ask the Lord. Where does he want you to go doesn't matter where it's at. Just write it down. Ask him. Who does he want you to see write it down and I was so skeptical. I mean completely and utterly skeptical and I'm writing Mall. Young girl dark hair double braids and I'm like, this is so weirdly specific. This is just I have a vivid imagination cuz I'm a writer and I'm like white pants green shoes turquoise jewelry park bench. So I'm like not even sharing my information with anybody else. God will do this. Just ask him ask him and he will do it we go and we had three people in our group who had mall. So we go to the mall or in the food court cuz one person had food court. I started hitting the person next to me because I see a young lady with double braids dark hair white pants green shoes, and I'm like hitting this poor guy. And so we walk up and I had heart condition written down on my paper. So they were smoke date. They were smokers and they were totally nervous or like hey were we believe you know your Gods treasure and he wants to speak with you. Can we pray with you and they're like, yeah, but can we go outside? So we go outside and guess what? We're standing next to a park bench and this guy again, and so She goes like this and she's got turquoise jewelry on every single finger now. I'm in absolute full-blown tears. So I said listen. You're my paper. Like I can't make this up. Do you have a heart condition? She start sweeping the next day. She was going to the heart doctor for a heart condition and we were able to pray for her and I believe God healed her so don't feel like you just need to necessarily wing it cuz God will work with your personality and I needed a little bit more help to start out and so by having that structure saying okay God, where do you want me to go today and hearing a place and instead of going to Giant Eagle I go to Heinen's because he tells me to go shopping at Heinen's I can have an encounter. So it might help you when you're trying to do this yourself. I don't put so much pressure on yourself. God will work with your personality and I needed a lot more help.
Yeah. Yeah, you know. It's so much better. Let me tell you when you start it's so much fun. It's fine because you can see the kingdom come.
Because Ellen also her family also came from the Amish. So we started we just kind of had a connection with her Ellen yet and and we met with her and we did some things with her and she started to share about her family and we began to pray for her and I told her I said and in Marion said she starting to your mom was starting to read the scripture and I said, you know, what I said God is going to take that and use it and I we prayed with her and I said I said we are you know, God's word never returns void always accomplishes that which would set out to do I said, so I know that your mom and your dad and hurt your family is going to get saved. I said, you know, we prayed for her we prayed for them, you know, and we didn't have the opportunity to say, you know to meet her at that point and and say but we were Able to pray for her and then when we heard that she came they came to Jesus what Joy it brings to your heart. You know what you see what it does is it allows you to be part of what God is doing. God says, I love you and I want you to be part of what I'm doing cuz I want you to be part of what I'm doing and when that happens, but joy comes we know that God did you know I made lots of mistakes in those times in between there were times that I felt like cuz the devil came and said you blew it, you know, you're not worthy. God doesn't love you and you're no good. I wear lots of times but God answered though my prayers. Anyway, just like you dude you. He answered my prayers anyway. And he says he's saying to me, you know what I still love you, and I'm still going to use you and he's going to use you and Amanda and Nate and Jamie. and Joe he's going to use us to reach the people around us for him and bring more into his kingdom.
Come on. Yeah.
Yeah, you know, you know there's you have to visit on the snow. You have to be excited about sowing the seed watering the seed and reaping the Harvest all of it excited cuz you're partying with God and sewing your partnering with God and watering and when God gives the increase will send someone to harvest. Or you're just being your room. And got a harvest you he's a good Harvester. But that's what he does and we partnered with God it is so awesome. And I love you said Frank Joy. What a joy. And what is this? What's our strength? The joy of the Lord is our if you want to be strong and we need God to increase his joy in US. This is how he does it.
Okay closing cuz you brought the story about a heart condition. Okay, we're going to just live.
Proud of you and Emily right now.
still you saw him Okay, so yesterday he was back to work. This morning is back in the yard. Yeah, cuz if he wouldn't come on he got out and then he got out and then he went right back. So we're going to declare over them and safe guys ready. He's in the ER. So I think I think jog hospitals that way right you guys over and we're just missed after that if you can stand stand if you can just point to point. We're going to move in the face right now.
So in the name of Jesus the Messiah we call for his heart and The rhythms of his heart to be in sync right now we call for 4 p.m. To run all through the ER room. We stall for peace on Emily Dodge eco word and tell them God why they're there and that you would just bring the building down in Jesus name as the doctors run tests. Got if there's something they need to find we ask that they would see it immediately got but in your clear healing in Jesus name, we say Satan get your hands off of him and the name of Jesus.
Are we thank you Papa for his healing in his life and his future in Jesus. Mighty name. Amen. Hey guys. I love you. We're eating sandwiches there in the foyer. Grab a bite to eat Fellowship. God bless and I'll see you.