Sunday Service

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Believe - The Book of John  •  Sermon  •  Submitted   •  Presented   •  2:34:49
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In water answer.

Let everybody know.



Change it.

Stevie J and Joseline.

Play music.



So pretty.

Are there real touchy, I notice on the pace?

Sure. Sure. Bridge that seems seems to be.

yeah, yeah, so I'll I'll just say nice and chill and try to

Haley, are you wondering what the songs are? Bless your heart? They were not in there. They were, they were not in there. I had, I had been texting me.

All right. Any any questions?

Guitar on this one. 00, weather Basehor acoustic. I think, I think acoustic.

Are we doing words really for it? We're not doing words for believe we're, right.

I think I was just confused though. Yeah, I know. I don't want to know cuz what, what we have. Ben's been actually made it. It's a it's a really cool video, just showing like looking back and just how far we've come. So he did. I don't know if we would, I don't know what I'm showing the the video that he actually everybody knows. He does want to do believe for it at the end because it really cool kind of puts on it. Put the! On ya. What we want to do. Yeah, so it will be closer. Are we closer to the end? But yeah. Haley, I don't think I'll check with him, but I don't believe, I don't know. I don't think he'll want the words up there. Can you settle be? It'll just be so confused? Can you run the the fog machine for us, Haley machine and maybe like these kind of, you know, and then give me, like, give me like a little spinning pedestal, you know, we'll have

Oh my word. It feels like my birthday. It's only 10. This is so exciting. Okay, this is awesome. Let's go to, let's go through belief for it. Do it. I

I mean, I think I'm pretty sure that Aaron has already had light. 3:30 High. Practice. Sometimes, I'm not worried about it.

And I think I'm actually going to use this. I preset, Holy Ground relief for it. I was trying to find one that had like a nice strong piano. Anything's got to be better than playing it without the drums. Like, right there.

Do not miss you the other night, but we do.

No, he didn't miss you. We miss you. It was miserable without the drum.

You're such a cute couple. Okay, so so, so what if I do? Sandy. So what if I do?

For that, for that last one since I don't have like the actual midi patch for it, I can add in an octave. So instead of this.

come give it like a little bit of ice.

Not that one.

Oh, like the power cord thing. So, here is my, here's my dream, is to have Kurt play, like the open like that, you know, court and then have you do that for?

Text Rodger.

I don't know who that is. That's the part that he just said. It's like,

you're welcome.

Are you on 34 weekend? We can try it. I'll probably do this. I'll probably just come in with you know, but the thing was less than 12, of course, we never fold and either but I just don't want it to sound empty. We're just like, you know, there's nothing else going on in between. Yeah, I mean.

Just something. Because

We missed you, too, Jason. We miss you.

Okay, I will I will I will let you guys.

By the way, the base is so Heavenly for my gosh. We missed having the base. I will let I will let Curt and Kevin figure out figure out those parts. Maybe let's try going to that intro just so we can get a feel for it.

And then I would say another thing. If I was listening through like as far as the temp by time, we get to the instrumental.

Okay. All right, go ahead and bring us.

But I can't cook it till there's quiet.

Okay. I'm so sorry. For some reason. It was like Clash for one hot second. Let's just, let's just try it again.

Do you say?

Where is my phone?

Where is?

Do do, do, do do to me.

Jason, do you want us to go through that chorus the last time going into the bridge? Instrumental, just for timing.

yeah, so coming out of The last time through the bridge.

Into the chorus. You brought that way back last time, which you kind of did you started moving in that direction?

So yeah, coming out of that last Bridge into the course, it comes way back and it just moves into more of that that kick and then it builds back in. So.


It's all kind of tattoo.

A little bit slower.


In sure. Are you talking about the actual intro? Or the or the first and second verse.


Better than us.

I guess I'll have to go back through it.

I don't know, but the other part of me two things.

Maybe, I don't know, maybe a little bit at first. Verse is pretty late. pretty chill and kind of

it's moving.

I'm doing. Is that the live one I sent? I think it's alive.

Okay. All right over there.

Maybe switch to the first one, but I think it's a little bit less. Let's try.

No, I don't need mine.

Did you remember?

OK, Google, let's let's try that. Let's go that route and try to

Yeah, maybe a little bit.

Sorry, I'm so sorry. Totally missed that one. OK. Dragons.

Days Inn.

Birthday, don't know.

So much video.

It's much better.


Weather today weather today.


Play some breakup.

Alright, cool.

Oh my goodness. We jump. I was like, Wow, first aid. Course you go right into. Yes, so it's so after after verse 3, we do the chorus twice. and then, it's That last line that goes right into it. So it's


Okay. I thought that was way better. Yeah. Even just at last time that even just that last little bit through definitely help. So, yeah, it really. And I think just the the temple was a lot when it's slower. It's easier to get to all those cords because every time he's hitting the drums. I'm hitting it out. So it's like just it helps when we started but that was I felt like that was a lot more comfortable. And yeah, it's just the thing to remember is after verse 3, the chorus is two times and coming. Right out of there, on that. See it jumps right into that. Instrumental, and then coming out of it, even, like even coming out of that last Bridge. Jason. I thought was much better. Sounds good. We just need Aaron.

I need it. I don't know what key that I speak. Oh, yes.

So we're going to have Kevin lead it.

We'll see what Kevin feels like. What do you think? So yeah. Biore. How about you start with B? Here's the thing about that song. It jumps. We just did it at the the women's retreat. I went to it jumps and interactive. So it's really it's cool because you can do it guy guy and girl, so if it jumps and in the eve of the guy can't reach it where the girl can't reach it. Then the guy can step in and take over and no no that's a, it's another, maybe bring it after. Yeah. I speed cheese.

Media save, man.

With the new. Okay question. Was that too early to send out the stuff. Did you guys forget about any height?

Remember this morning as I was getting dressed as they know what? That's what I see. See, I like you to all you have to do is search. No. No. No, you can either send a reminder on Wednesday at a reminder or you can search and you can look in your inbox and just search for worship and it popped Jason, personally, personally. I, I like it because it gives it gives people all of that time. To really like to on it, send out a reminder, perfect. If you want to send it out and just start listening to this, you know, I'll practice on keys at home and I'll practice in the key of B, and we'll see. Okay. Okay. I just need to remember to get the octave key on that so that I have the cool sound. So, Just can't forget that and otherwise, we're good. Let's meet at about 10 minutes to to pray 10 or 5 minutes. Let's do it.

What can we, what can we be praying about?


Good morning, Heartland. I loved it when somebody answers. All right, go ahead and come on in here this morning. All kinds of great things to celebrate this morning. We have this is Visions, which is awesome. This is always one of my favorite days just celebrating what we've done and looking forward to the future. And then also this I believe today we are celebrating. This is Heartland 6th birthday. So alright. So yeah, this is, this is awesome. Lots to celebrate. So we're going to talk to him this morning, but Star Wars heroes.

You can hang up on her shoulders. Harry Potter, Harry. Still crying over a perfect father for booking for us. Go to Dora.

our home just because

Buy Here. Pay Here in his name, we overcome.

In this same time. I was living in the city has not been.


No more days. It clear that this morning. Definitely a weapon sound happens to your teeth.

Crown him.

Every knee will bow.

How to get?

Must put our hands together this morning. We praise you father God. We celebrate you this morning. Jesus. Good morning. This house is filling up. We're going to have to build out. I think, maybe this week that, why not his vision Sunday. If you guys can handle it. We're just going to roll with it. But me and so good to see you all here. Today is be her joining us online. Welcome. If you are new here today, we want to say thank you for coming out to be a part of what God's doing here at Heartland. I would just ask you to take a moment and grab that, you'll find a welcome card in the seat pocket in front of you. We want to get to know you as if you would take a moment to fill that out. Drop it off at the information booth on your way out. We have a free gift for you. I just say thank you for coming out. If you don't have a church home. This is a great one. We're celebrating six years of church home here at Heartland today. So happy birthday Heartland, but truly you guys, you are the church. This is just a building and this building to be gone tomorrow, but we would still be The church. And you're, the Bible says, this is James 5:13, 5:13. You were sick and anoint them with oil. In the prayer of faith will kill them in this one of the blessings and benefits of being a part of the church is that you get to have a place that you can come to where you can, that be surrounded by people with faith people who are believing maybe for a future, that is greater than the one you can even imagine, but if you get around these people, you begin to hear Faith. You begin to hear Vision, you begin to hear a path forward. Maybe out of a situation that you're going through right now and have somebody just as he over here, follow me as I follow Jesus, and so that's what we're here to do to do today as to really leaned in and here, and and walk with the master and understand what his plan is for a life. And so, if you are new here today, and maybe you're just now new to following Jesus, or maybe you're not following Jesus and, you know, maybe you're just so, you know, just trying to Find a community find a home. Hey, we believe everybody belongs here, even in the process of believing and understanding who Jesus is and what he has for your life, what he's done for you, but we want to take a moment now, to pray, for those of you who need prayer, because he has been awakened, A lot's happened in a week. We're living in a world of turmoil right now. And so, you know, is if the if the war has has been made you anxious made you worried. The Bible says be anxious for nothing but by prayer, let your requests be made known to God. And the God of Peace, will will guard your heart. And so you're part of it is just letting go of those things. And so I would invite you, if you're dealing with physical issues in your body, how you need healing? Maybe anxiety. Maybe just something is going on your life. You just need a touch from God. He has that for you today. So, please come on down here. Put some face, your feet will pray for you guys. I just thank you so much for what you're doing here. Thank you for the Gathering. Thank you for God for your peace. That surpasses all understanding. Do you have for every human that you created who you love dearly. Who you called out of Darkness into light, father. I prayed today. Father, that burdens would be would be dropped down. Got the blessings would be picked up Lord. I pray that people be get to see a way where there was. No way before you. I pray that you would cause your spirit to blow upon the hearts of your people to awaken every heart. And every home here at Heartland, your love and your power. May we be changed today in your presence, because that's what happens when we are in your presence. You changes, you make us what we are to be. We thank you, Father. We look forward to the good things are going to do today in Jesus name. Amen. Go ahead and come on down and pray for you.

No, thanks.

Home2 Suites.

videos of

Where am I now?

How hot is it?

Where do 60?

God is love.

The thing that coronavirus one more time.

The Cry of our hearts Jesus. Let us become more aware of your presence. God, everyday in the mundane and all of this, the things that are Just natural and normal as we go about our day. Father. That's our hearts. Cry. Lord, that we become more aware of your presence. Jesus and all the joy that you taken us your sons and daughters.

Day today. God, we need your presence Lord. Let us invite you Holy Spirit. Into every detail and ask him to fill, to fill you up this morning with his presence, as you go out into your week, Phyllis Phyllis with your presence with your power.

How many of, you know, when his presence shows up in a room that changes things? Amen? Thank you. God.


The show us, show us, show us, everybody.

By Heavens abbreviation.

In wonder.

That's our cry.


Clear that you're changing everything.

Jesus. Change everything.

Disney Channel.


Imran Durant.


Chainsaw, so chill.

Jesus, Mary Chain tags.

Videos of DJ.

Weather report.


Do you have today?

Thank you, treat you that the bridge?

I think I you know one of the keys to experiencing freedom and you know, it looks like this is it if you're right in this moment that what you're experiencing your life is a lack of peace to lack of a lack of closure, a lack of mayonnaise. Just wish I could change the situation. The key to life in in Jesus is surrender to him in one of the ways that we have a visible demonstration is by lifting our hands lifting, our hands, and sit for some of you that's going to take an Act of Faith.

But nobody's looking. I just know. I would just stay in this moment. We sing the song. We can go back to the bridge here. I was thinking. You close your eyes. Everybody here? Just close your eyes and promise. I was going to steal your wallet. But God wants to work Freedom here in something has to happen. Something there has to be something in your body is not just all spirit is spirit and body, something has to happen, physically. Sometimes, for things that happens. Spiritually in you in as if you like, I'm not via physical spiritual. Hey, how about like just what's going on in your mind right now, but God wants to meet you. He wants to break the shackles from your life. You want fear to go away to leave you alone. He wants to be in Throne upon your heart so that you can know him and you can enjoy him forever. And so is we go through this again? I was just encouraging church. If you've never raised your hands, I said we're going to. You can do this if you want, but eventually you're going to be like this. I promise, because you're going to experience the joy of surrendering your hands to Jesus. In fact that the scripture tells us to Lift your hands to him with your hands to him. You know, we don't have to be just because we're from the north doesn't mean that we have to keep our hands in our pockets during worship. K. We can be free. We can be people of joy. We don't have to be weird. Unless you want to be weird. You know, whatever. But I just don't want you to be free more than anything and if that makes a little bit of weird that whatever, okay, but this is what I do know, is that in my life? There was a remarkable difference in in God's working, in my life, in my ability, to see beyond my hurts, my habits, my Hang-Ups things that they were going on in my life and my, my teenage years 19. I'm like, I'm in a worship service tonight and and I see people around me lifting their hands and knees are the happiest people I've ever seen. And they're not weird. Elsa got to want that and and he moved upon my heart. Is it just lift your hands? How do you receive anything with your hands in your pockets? Right? That's your hands in the sanctuary that your hands to him to church where you get it. We got to go through this and this is just me. Being your pasta right now. There is freedom and lifting your hands and worshipping him and engaging him. I'm not saying he lick your hand the whole time.

And hate is this. If you're not getting it, do it again, if you get tired, put it with your hands. This is a safe place to lift your hands loose tooth As we sing this. Come on? Thank you, Jesus.


What time is it?

Jesus, you change everything.



Stephen Davis, Jesus change everything.

Change it.

Show us videos.

In Winder. Free fall.

Then everybody.

Atmosphere changes by simple acts of faith like that. You know, I didn't there's something absolutely true about opening your hands. I mean if you're self-sufficient, you've got it all figured out and you men's your tank is full in the economy like this. If your tank is full, that's a miracle. That's got to say when you lift your hands. One surrender. God movie here to What do you have? What do you have for me? Lord? Father, I just thank you for the way that you are moving at work in calling choosing redeem healing. Saving father. Thank you for what you're doing or how you move in the hearts of your people. Got to awaken us. Godzilla to realities dreams, and visions and thank God. We never knew were possible. That's, that's your joy. That's what you love to do. God to bring us back to. You've got to show us your glory. Thanks you for what you doing here? I pray that we would treasure these moments and repeat these moments and not let go of what we gained in these moments. To father, I pray. In this house today that what we've done would chase us down throughout the rest of this week. Thank You For Freedom, we thank you for joy. We thank you for peace. The world around us is falling apart. We thank you that you're the one who keeps us together. Forever. In Jesus name. Amen. Amen.

Thank you, Father. That is joy. That is your boy. Hey, we're out. We're here. This is a House of Joy. The House of Prayer people have prayed and believed in and have expected a full house and is just so cool to see. She's getting filled up here. We're going to actually take a moment to transition here. And if you have children of the ages of 5 to 11 younger than that, to do you want to get rid of your husband for a little bit. I'm sure. Kids ministry will take care of them. But we're going to go ahead and dismiss for kids church now and Heather and then and her team doing a great job. We're going to go ahead and take a break here in 3 minutes, and we're going to be back for vision Sunday. Vision Sunday.


Getting. All right. All right. All right, go ahead and grab a seat. Sex when I can't hear myself talk to so many people talking. I think it's a good thing. I don't mind you talking this. Sounds of life has Kingdom Builder. Actually, it's missions months. And if you were with us these past few weeks, you may have grabbed one of these. If not, you can still grab one today at 4. We're just asking my Kingdom. Builders take a moment. If you haven't yet, fill this out and we're trying to get a good Ball Park idea of what, what, to expect to come in this year. We're believing that more than we asked her to think or imagine is going to come in. But this is just a way for us to connect to be charting and tracking with with the funds as we're releasing them. So what does is a pledge card? You can actually, you can stand this and give if you just a one-time gift. But this is basically a monthly commitment. You didn't have to put your name on it. We don't care so much that your names on this lot of people are kind of weird about that. I mean, but it doesn't is not binding. It's just for us to know that. What's your what you expect to come in this year? So thank you for those of you who've already you've done that and we just say, hey to get those in. As you can drop them off the black box back here. Even if it's just us. All about whatever, whatever Faith, you have, whatever you can do. Just try the Bible, says, cast your bread upon the Water Sprite, shut it out there, and see if it doesn't return and harvest all around the world and it won't produce a harvest in your life as well. And we can save it, very confidently because we walked in that ourselves. And so even if it's a small amount, just try it and see what happens this year for the first time. Does in that obedience and in faithfulness, so we do have a few couple of announcements that we want to share with you coming up here. First of all, is we have go ahead and run that slide. The Book of James. So if you are new here and you're looking for a place to get plugged in, we have a men's and women's Bible study this going bi-weekly right now, and the men are having a great time. We got it. Thank you. Girls are having a better time, right guys, in the house. Hey, hey, there's room at the table. Okay, guys, here's what I do know is that the guys are still meeting in the Fireside room, while the women are so large, like not. So that the Gathering is so large taking honey. That's why there's an anointing for announcements and that's why I have her up here. Anyway, and your hats off, when I'm doing a great job. Men's bible, study this Thursday, starting at 6:30 in the Book of James. You can grab a copy that or just pick up the Book of James in your Bible or Bible app in the stairs.

Broke up into groups of three for us gals and really had the opportunity to dive deep into each other's lives and carry burdens with one another. And it was just, it was powerful. So God is definitely doing something. They're so. So, man or woman get there, that's encouraging to see. Young people. Getting a hold of God's word, and, and run with it. And I think what we're seeing in both groups is that people are hungry. So if you expect something, then you'll come in, you'll get it. So if you come expecting, then you will receive. And that's what we're seeing right now is it's been a really powerful time going through this together. So, come next up. I believe he'll you can run the next slide here. Okay. So yes, we do. Have youth is running every week now and that's been awesome. From what we heard. It's been a really great time. We're having a lot of good feedback. Matt, and then go ahead to the next one. Yes. This will be fun and still I have not edited that slide. So there you go. You have, you have the date and the time twice. So you definitely have no reason to forget. It's so anyway, this is going to be a blast. We do this now every year and it is on Saturday at 1 p.m. So that just kind of gives you a chance to come out, have fun with your family the day before so that you can get right to your Easter dinner or family plans after church. So if there's no hold up, so it's at 1 p.m. And if you would we're going to start will put a basket out here. Starting this next week. If you just can start bringing in little candies and they have to be kind of small on the small side because the little eggs are not that big. So if you would like to drop off a bag or two of candy, that would be awesome. And we will announce the time really soon to get together where we stuff the eggs and make all that happened.

Newer. That was going to bring the big pieces. I don't have the invite everyone who's available on Wednesday night to join us for 6 p.m. Midweek prayer. We're praying for Ukraine. We're going to continue to pray for Ukraine through this, this conflict. It's a war and it's it's the biggest conflict that we've seen in in the west since World War II. And a lot of people are hurting right now and we're being we're being touched by here. And so we want to make sure that we're continuing to pray continuing to keep the Lord front and center in this. He's the one who fights our battles and I pray that righteousness and justice will prevail. Pray that people would would find would find a home away from their homes, that they would find Healing that they needed protection and just an end to this conflict and the justice will be served. So please join us 6 p.m. Wednesday for that and I would just say, hey, this is bothering you at all. Should she bother every single one of us, but let it bother you to the point of Prayer. And it was late before the Lord, because he's the one to give me a little more than we can ask or think. Even in this situation, that is strong. And by the way, they're, there are believers all over the globe. But Ukraine in particular, there are so many Believers and, and we've heard Miracle after miracle coming out of that situation. And so, our prayers are making a difference at one of the things that we're doing and thank you, honey. I think that'll be that we are through Kingdom Builders supporting two things. One is the Apostolic Church Apostolic Christian Church in Slovakia, and they are neighbors to 22 Crane and they're taking in a number of refugees. Really turn the church into an Outreach and Resource Center. For people who are, who are needing help right now. Convoy of Hope for this week. I've been traveling with us. Johnny Mathis these last couple weeks, know the work that we're doing with them as well as our kingdom Builder offerings, that come in this month. And we already have a calculated amount that any amount that goes over, that we're going to give, we're going to split between these two efforts between Convoy of Hope and Apostolic church and coaches. So that kind of the next part of our service, which is giving you are giving you have a couple ways, it would like to give you can give online. You can grab the offering envelope in the seat pocket in front of you. There's a little QR code on it back. If you have one of these, and you can go to any of our giving stations, you can scan this code with your phone. You just open it up and scan. It will take you two are getting page, and it makes giving super easy Tides Kingdom Builder. Offerings can all go through that goes by check. Just drop it in the in the Box in the back or giving stations throughout the Churchill. See. Those are offering and have a quick quick video on the show and we'll get on with this and Sunday. Heavenly father. Just thank you for how you given us. Everything. We need in life. Are you giving us? Jesus, and we have nothing else in this world. We have everything with him. And so, father, pray your blessing as we give as we. So as we as we strive to be faithful in every area of our life. Father. I pray that this area specially that we would just find even even greater Faith, even greater resolve, father, to support the work you're doing in this world. God. We pray. Let your kingdom come, your will be done on Earth as it is in heaven. Try giving two are living in Jesus name. Amen.

Yesterday, we sent her first truck in to Ukraine. The plan is to keep using that model us being able to bring some tangible things to the table to help maintain. Hope for people that are living in a war situation.

They don't know if they're going to be here tomorrow.

They don't know if they're going to survive today.

Show us being able to bring that. To the table is a big deal.

Dense, that some that is being sponsored through Kingdom. Builders to thank you. Kingdom. Builders for forgiving to that. I can give directly to Convoy of Hope. If you want to go to the website Cowboys and give through their work. They're doing incredible things on so many levels and so excited to share more with you about that in the coming weeks and months and that we're going to continue. This is missions month here at Heartland. And so we're we're kind of on a folding. I'm packing global missions, but also local missions and things that we're hoping to see happen here to our church. And so today we're really going to be focusing on what we call Vision Sunday, which is really the heartbeat of who we are as a church, when when you think about what what brought me to this place, or what brought me to, you know, how you met your wife or how you met your, you know, you're maybe a business. When you smell like that, there's just there's something there that connected with u-22 Ally, for a new level of living that you didn't know was possible until you met that person. And so I know a lot of people when they came here, myself and Melissa included that we just realize that God was doing something that that we just had to keep saying yes to and so here we are six years later literally two weeks ago. We said we was our first 6 years ago. Two weeks ago was our. We had to kind of push the birthday celebration off, weed up some balloons here just for it cuz you know anybody that my birthday got to get balloons and so are there. 6 balloons are now? He's like 12. Thank you for making that happen, but I want to share with you. First of all that we're going to see where they run a video here just cuz I believe that one of the one of the critical things for us not just as a church, but as a people is to continue, is it to look back? If for a moment we can't always be looking behind. It's infected and Italy. In fact, I think most like Mediterranean countries in Europe. They will tell you do not look behind you. When you're driving only look in front of you because the minute you look behind you. You're going to rear end somebody. So you let the person behind you take care of what's behind you. You keep your eyes on what's in front of you. And so, when it comes to vision is very much about keeping the things that are in front of you within View and making sure that what you're seeing in front of you that you're seeing correctly. However, it is important on occasion to look back and glance behind you to see where you come from to see, you know, what happened. And so as to give you some idea as to the trajectory if you kind of like if you look at where this is going, you can kind of teas it out over the span of the next five. And yours and you can get a pretty good indication of where we're going to be as a church. If we continue living Faithfully, the mission that God has given us here. And so our vision here at Heartland church with me. I'm going to share here in a moment. Really stems from what we experienced in the beginning of years here at Heartland, and what people were feeding back to us and helping us understand about their experience of what it would. It look like it would have felt like to be a part of a church family where you genuinely felt loved. You genuinely felt valued. You didn't feel like you're just being kind of processor. You know? That there is Justice in a command that you were going to come to church and you were going to serve him. You're going to do this, but it was like, no wheat. Like we value one another because Christ values one, another heat. He said they will know that you are Christians by your love. And so above all things, you know, we really are compelled and constrained by the love of God. And so our vision here at Heartland is to awaken hearts and homes to the love of God. Because when you dig, Earrings, you can't just keep it to yourself. You have to share. It is the only way to keep the love fresh. It's the only way to keep the vision of what God, what he did before continuing to, to stream through your life, into your family's life and into your communities life, but also that, that is continuing to be renewed. So I have to share this with you cuz it's just cool to look back and see where we've been what we've done. And so as to keep looking forward to that video and I take a look at where we've come from.

Not many people clap when they look in the rear-view mirror, but it's exciting to see what God has done, what he has brought us through and you from the very beginning and Melissa. And I, when we first said, yes to this, just a bit of a recap in this is no, no, honestly, when we when we came here, we we were just starting fresh nothing from the past, really being carried into what is being done here. But my mother-in-law, she said, when she drove by this church and that church ever got a pastor in it. I will be back there in a heartbeat. Can I say that? She always said that? I think she would say that shamelessly. Now. So this was, this is actually my in-laws home church when they were here years ago. And unfortunately, there was things that kind of went sideways over the years and yeah, we're not going to give any voice attraction to that, suffice it to say, this is a God who began a good thing at this at this location is faithful to finish it. And so, when we came into this, it wasn't about building on another Foundation. It was about building on what was already there. On any kind of God call someone. There is. There's a calling in place long before there's ever an awareness to it. And so, is simply us, recognizing the calling. And, and he said from the beginning, just, hey, I'm not asking you to do anything brand new. I just want you to come and glow in the, a what I've already begun. And so in time you saw, you saw that eat people. That was our third Sunday, the 2nd or 3rd Sunday. Anyways, theme decals in the back there and has been so faithful to continue growing Us in in, in moving, I sent in helping us make all things to do. And I think that that is one of the most beautiful things about being in the kingdom, is being able to see God, recreate people. That's really what we are as Christians as it were people. A bit of a new kingdom who are continually being made Nubia may like Jesus. And so I want to share with you a few things. Your first of all, your white vision is important, vision is critical obviously, for those of you who have Vision issues. You know, how how important it is to see correctly? My mother Works in a vision center. And so, you know, I didn't realize how important it was until I started getting some eye exams and they like hey, you know what you should get this fixed and we can take care of you here and then all the sudden I'm wearing glasses and then all of a sudden my life a few headaches and I can see things clearer. I can read faster in my life just better. So thank you, mom for that. But the importance of vision is so that not only that we can see but we can see what's ahead of us correctly. another way that you can look at this has to say that vision is a picture of not only what could be, but which should be and my faith will be Vision is a picture of not just what could be, but what should be, there is a, there is a, a sense of obligation to see this to the end and say, oh, well, you know what that could happened. And I just remember from one of the first week that we were here. Melissa, you know, is we were encountering technical issues and you know, she just said by faith. God, will he can he will watch him. And there's just such a prophetic word to me and I think I just keep remind her about it too. And for those of you who've been in our Circle, since the beginning, you've been able to watch and see the growth into the development, and one of the things that that we grew into is really a sense of identity. What, what you might call a DNA, how many of you you're grateful for your DNA? Gators. The DNA vet that uses you. And then there's the DNA that you choose and the DNA that you choose is the way that that you see life as it was intended to be, as Jesus has laid it out for us until that's the DNA that we have here at Heartland. And that's what we invite people into is, is this life is a new life in Jesus. And so, if you here today, and you have not begun your relationship with him walking with him, it is a b, a personal relationship is meant to be expressed with one another. You can't just have it a personal relationship with Jesus. That isn't challenge. That isn't Express and isn't celebrated and experience and strengthen and grown among other people. You have, you cannot have one without the other. And so if you've been following Jesus on your own and you know, and things just kind of like, you know, I did actually seems like you could be more than you probably need to put yourself in some awkward situations and you probably need to meet some people who aren't entirely like you. But I know this mess is at the core of who Are here at Heartland, we embody, seven core values. We follow God's leading, we leave with love. We serve all people. We Elevate one another. We involve one another, we believe for the broken, and we live in Hope. And those are things that you can count on from those who had been journeying with us. These are the things that have issued, out of my life at work. They're keeping us in it, to win it. And so, that's that's who we are as a people. And so, that's what we invite, everyone else to in what we call the waking of hearts and homes to the love of God. So I want to share with you from scripture. You're the big idea that really want to, to express you. We talked about this, this past Wednesday, at our Heartland family, business meeting, and we worked out some business and it was good. But I share this with our, with our people, if you're not, a member would invite you to consider being a member because it is, it's just part of being here and in doing life together as a people. So this is 1st Peter 2:9. It's about remembering who you are, remembering who you are. And that's why. When we talked about Vision, I can't talk about giving this church in New Vision because of the vision is what God gave us. A picture of what could be and what should be in by faith will be when we give ourself to it, more and more, and more. And so, phony back on. How do I work through this? How do I live this out? I embrace the values and I say, this is, this is how I roll IV. I follow God's lead. I try to understand to the best of my ability is scripture by the auction of the holy. Spirit's speaking to me in my relationship with Jesus my prayer time and then being challenged by their brothers and sisters in Christ to continue hearing from God. And because he hear from Garden, Inn in the word to hear from him in prayer, you hear from him in the wisdom that he gives to you from those around you. And so, if you're looking for the counsel of God, you look into understand God's plan for your life and you're hot, you're going through scripture. It's not making sense, you're praying and it's you feel like God's not hearing you get around other people who were going in that direction and God's going to be. Open up because that is, this is just the way that it happens. And so we want to give that to you first Peter 2:9, but you are not like that. You're not, you're not lost a passenger for smacking to get into it. But he's Peters. Talking. Peter is that he was the Rockstar disciple, Jesus. He completely blew it. And with Jesus, in his Mercy restored, and he's, he's telling he's he's speaking this from a place of of wounded nurse, that was killed a pizza place of blowing it, but now having been redeemed and restored by Jesus, he can speak with authority what we're about to read here, but you are not like that. You're not the one who blow it without any without any hope or healing on the other side of it says you're not like that for you are chosen people. You are royal priesthood. A holy nation. Got special possess. And as a result, you can show others, the goodness of God for he called you out of the darkness into his wonderful light. I want to talk to you today about being chosen. Doesn't it feel good to be chosen? Yeah, playing kickball? Brad. Did you get like where you're the first to get chosen in kickball? I need to blast it to the fence. It feels good to be chosen and what you need to know shirts. At if you're here today, is because you were called and what you need to embrace now. Is that your chosen? God shows you, he loves you voice to set his favor in his face upon you. And so, as you get this, under your belly, as you begin to understand who you are, number one that you are chosen, that you are, you were set apart. God has his hand on you, and it's not that he doesn't have his hand on anybody else. But the fact that you're here today, the fact that you're leaning in and that you're wanting more than what you had before you came to Heartland. More than before, you came to Jesus, that you're continuing to come into the family of. God tells me that you're chosen. How do you know, the chosen ones? A chosen one show up? They just show up and they keep showing up. Why? Because their chosen and so desperate was so what are we chosen for? What are we chosen to use? I want to go through that a little bit here. One is that? First of all your, your chosen to declare his present? It's the first of all I pay if you so we can go back here. So couple things on a point Outlook chose this, not your thing. The second thing is that you were Royal your Royal Priest, Some of you like, that's weird. But this is, so what a priest does. The priests of someone who administers the will of God Ministries that the plans and purposes of God to a people in this really what it means to be a follower of Jesus. And a Christian is at your, your ministering, the ways of God to the people. That he's, he's calling and choosing him and bring it into your chosen, your your holy, you're special. Like he's got a lot of things that he's describing you at. If you would receive it, if you would accept it. This is who you are. So, if there's any other, right? And identity, anybody who's told you anything different about who you are, if their words that were spoken over your life that needs to go. Somebody said that, you know, you're just like your father, you're just like your mother. You're just like your brother and not in a good way that needs to go your chosen, your chosen, your Royal K. What it mean to be royal when it's one thing to be a priest with nothing to be royal is that you're part of a a House of Authority. Your house of edicts and mandates of calling things that are not as though, they are a being able to declare things in a kingdom when, you know, that aren't there in alignment with the kingdom things. That, that produces joy peace righteousness, fellowship with God and the through the holy spirit that you're able to to minister those things with authority, but you're special your special possession. He chose you because you're special. What makes you special. I'm just going to say from the very very basic fundamental level You Were Made In His Image out of all creation. You're the one thing in all creation that he says, looks like him. And your intelligence, maybe even your physical attributes? We know when Jesus came, he came in as a body in a body. We know this also that you're God's created world has a specific design to it and a pattern to it. Then he has put that same intelligence inside of you. So that even the Creator in his creation is created. Things are able to create, does that make sense. So you are creative. You have power to produce things in this world that other things just can't. That makes you very special to him. Why does it matter? Because in this world, people will either produce one of two things though. Either produce light, or they'll produce Darkness works of light or works of darkness.

Number to what? Is he chosen you to do? So we're going to, I'm going to go to a different different passage here when we get into some fun stuff. I promise.

Beer at chosen people. Your chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, got special possession that you may declare the Praises of him who called you. That's that's what happens to all that God is really looking for in us, our hearts that get the joy that he is. Parts that understand fundamentally at the core of who God is, he is good and does good. And so from my life now issues a gratitude and a Joy to the World Around us, that makes the world. Ask what is it about that person? So I can tell you that one of their chosen. The royal. They're, they're holy their special to God. Some more special than others. Be honest. But this is who we are Church. These four things in. So I want you to meditate on, she's think about it. Okay, if you have, if you have received Christ as Lord of your life, if you've submitted your life to him, said, I belong to Jesus. Those are the things that you can own beyond the shadow of a doubt, as your identity chosen by God. Royal Holi special. And so what does it do? What are the Praises do? What are the Praises do, but how does that affect the people around us? The worst do we have? Here is calling people out of Darkness into light. So you are chosen.

To declare his praise, but you were chosen also out of the dark. And what that the said in for a moment because there's some of us here today who I think are still maybe try and in your own effort to get God to recognize you were too. So, you know, when I get this out of my life, then God will notice me or God will be like and I can walk with God. He didn't call us in the light called us out of the darkness. He called us. When we were dead in our sins. He called us. When we went, we were finished to the world. It's so if you're here this morning, that's great news. If you feel like there's a cloud over your head right now. Darkness God is speaking to you and calling you into the lights. The next thing that happens. That was that, you and I are actually like we were called into the light. We have the joy and the privilege of calling others into the light. So not only does he he he doesn't stop and lie, but he also uses you and me to call people out of the dark and into the light. And sometimes this requires hard conversation. Sometimes this just requires faithful living. This requires us having a good witness in front of the people around us. And it's not that like, hey, and I just, I want to be real. And so I do this or I do that or talk this way or that way. Now beat beat chosen. The other word here is actually peculiar VP pick she earlier. Let your life. Make people ask the question. Who you are, who you are. Where you from, and where you're going? This is this is it right here. And so I want to go into our vision because I think that this is really, it keeps me coming back, honestly.

Which chosen to be as Heartland Church, a life-giving community, a life-giving community. So when you come here, you should be expecting like you should be experiencing Joy, should be, you know, the donut Wall fell down today. I never felt so alive in that moment. Then when the donut Wall fell down. I just thought, you know, what? Something's going to happen here. We're going to fix this. It's going to be just fine. You know, I think it in the world people would have been like everything was about the donut wall today, and I don't think and I'll just just got interesting.

And what happened was there was a scramble of people capable and and diligence and fix what was go to a donut wall and in Foley donut down. And so we're grateful for that. We're grateful for the Innovation, but that's life, giving giving Life, Giving life is capitalized. And I want you to know that is a, that's like a pronoun of some kind. That's Jesus. We have Jesus to people, we give people Grace. We give people the benefit of the doubt. We believe for the broken, the broken, donut wall or whatever. And we see we see the miracle. In the mess. We see what is? Tangled Up Tied Up broken Beyond repair, and instead of trying to pretend like, it doesn't exist. We begin to engage it with a holy curiosity. That is honest about our own ability to fix a situation, which says Jesus would you fix this? You Are the Healer Jesus, you're the provider. You're the one who who even made me want to care about the situation. You maybe want to care about this person. You maybe want it even venture out to try and pretend like, I have any clue as to what I'm doing, but you know what, you said, you put words in my mouth. You said that you would put you put the money in my hands. You would put the the the the water under my feet. If you're calling me out to walk on the water, if you're going to do it. Jesus is not up for me to figure it out. It's just up to me to obey and so we are that in doing that weed. You deafen us is a lot of times. You're us holding our word when we feel like I'm a nice person. Just need to hear it. We buy it and we simply respond. Really? You give people space? And in that space it may be death to you in the moment, but it is life-giving to the other person on the other side of you just holding your words and letting that person talk until I mean a lot of times it'll come back to you and they'll say man. I'm so sorry. I said such and such I had no idea what I was talking about. And I'm you know, I'm I'm sorry if that offended you and it's a good place to get life worked out because the more you and I give people a wide berth to get things figured out the more transformation happens. The more people come to terms with who they are and the baggage in the stuff that Jesus is saying, that's mine. This is yours.

Give me your stuff and I'm going to give you my righteousness. I'm going to give you my joy. Me to give you my peace and we get to walk with people in the process of doing that. And so we're going to go through a few things here, but we were chosen to gather and this is a thank-you church for showing up. Thank you for showing up Curious ones. Thank you for showing up. Those who thought. Maybe there was something better. They could have been doing today. Cuz you know what? I want to get my family to church today. I don't want to be in church today. I want to be around. I want to hear what this Vision, Sunday's all. I want it. And I want to sing. I want to pray. I want to I want the Foster coffee. I wanted donuts. Keep back there. Shaking his head. I want to show you just as we talked about Gathering, you really what we're talking about when we gather. Is not just where we're Gathering, but in your, why were gathering and so forth? But Where We Gather is important. It's critical. Because if this building did not exist, this would not exist. And so one miss no more, one myth that I want to bust right out of the gate here. Is that buildings do matter? Places physical places where God's people can gather do matter. There's some people, there's a missed out there right now who they missed that that people would Gather in the temple. And then we gather house-to-house or they would Gather in the synagogue and then they would gather house-to-house. And so today, there's a movement. We're just, as he knows just have church at home. I'm sorry, but I fail to see how that can effectively reach a community on the scale that a local people gathered in a local place in a building can do our building. This property is meant to be a blessing to have. You guys saw the events in the things that we do here, and that's meant to bring people into space for grace and sews. When we talked about the building here, as we get into some of the things we're looking at doing over the next over this year. So I want to take a look at most of the space for Grace and if you have ever liked, found yourself, like walking down a quarter, were people are like chit-chatting across the hall from one another and just likes got to do the Midwest. Squeeze past you. In. Do you know I'm talking about? We're all polite, but you're like, why you guys standing there? Keep keep gathering in the hallway. The hallway is about to get a lot bigger. So we're going to take a moment here. I want to share with you, some of the ways. We are gathering to improve here and part of it is just making room for more. I will say this much September September 19th or 22nd. I forget cuz my years of kind of blur together. We're going to be moving to two Services here. Where right now at the plate, 60% capacity. That historically speaking churches have to either add a service or build out. And so we're Easter is going to be pretty lit up in here. Might have to go to the second service by Easter. I don't know. But yeah, why not right? Yeah. It's supposed to worship. Team clapping is this kids ministry clapping by by faith. We going to get there and but I want to take a couple of spaces. First walls are Lobby is the top of our, of our list, to your things that were looking at improving this year. Our lobby. It's just, we need more space. And so we're looking at, I know this is, this is literally going to be at Just kidding. But if you walk in to give you an idea of what's going to happen is that wall is actually going to be moved back to the other side of the door. So we're going to gain about four feet. They're so this space is going to be and will have will probably have the same counter space for now, but the walls going to move back so that they can be better flow of traffic as you walk in anybody's ever. Tried, to squeeze past, Pastor been on the way out because I stand at the door and reverse knock. But his people are leaving and it's like, you know, it we we need to get away from the bottleneck there. Instead of going to help us free some at space Curt. Nicols is going to be in. This is an invitation to those of you who are available two weeks from this coming Monday's at Ricart two weeks from this Monday. We're going to begin our renovation, our lobby so we can be moving that while back turning that space into a mother's room and where the mother's room is is currently can look back here and you can see the window that space is actually going to be going to be taken out. So sorry, Mom is but we aren't we have a new space. We can be showing to someone to show them. Is the mother's room next. So, we are going to be improving the mother's room. And so we want to make sure my mom is here. Taking care of. I will actually open up my office, any, Mommy wants to just add some, peace and quiet. So that's we have plenty plenty spaces here. So, I don't want the mom is thinking that they're getting their like going to be put out on the curb. He's going to make sure I Mom isn't taken care of. So we can actually be resuming, that the mother's room and they're adding some lighting and so forth to make it accommodating to our Mama's. There are at Lake Church. Groves 101 right there. So, thank you. This is kind of like what we're thinking for the lobby. This is going to be that South Wall. So when the wall gets taken out where the water fountain is, that would be pushed back. And so you'll see something similar statement while here. And then more space. And so this is actually the closest thing that I can find that thing right there. The bathrooms will be across the hall, but you can walk down and you can just find your way through that space. A lot easier. So we'll be able to accommodate probably about 20 more people in our lobby area, after church, was pretty awesome. So, so that's exciting. And what do I have next? Never too. Yes, finish the kids waiting. So we have some kind of left things, stalled out with her with the kids. Renovations. We have some things were going to be wrapping up back there. But we have carpet or going to be laying down back there. We have some, some decor and things are going to be adding to the two walls and but it already has made a knight and a different one of the coolest things in the video, by the way. I just got it back and apologize for the video. I render that video three times and could not get the pictures of stick, but it was the biggest transformation that we saw here at the church, was from Curt, Nicols demolishing. Everybody who's apart of kicking out the Fireside room. We remove that entire wall. It was full of junk. Like we hit like close it off, like put paper off in. Like we just weren't letting people in there. And so we should just take it out this wasted space. And so the transformation of that room was, what was that giant? Like, awkward Darkness, but we called it out of the light and we're good. Now, we got to Fireside room. This looks kind of lame but it's going to be cool. I promise we have a kids where we have a kids store, where our kids, as they is a bring their Bibles, as they learned scripture, as they are giving their offerings towards bgmc, that they're earning points little bucks that they can use to buy fun things. This is actually, this is from pastor arentz church at Freedom. That's where I first. Got the idea. He has Legos over there. He had me late like date. It's just cool. And I thought we got to do that someday. So we're actually in a position right now. We're here in the next next month or so, we're going to be building. Our kids store is going to be as you walk into the kids wings at elevated space. Would like the media booth area, but a semi the kids store. They're going to be super excited to have a couple of gifts that are a couple of a couple things in there that they can start earning. Keep going here. A number three is the bar Jones Memorial Place cave. I don't know how much y'all have heard about. This bar Boise, Barber was amazing. And you know, when we think about a couple weeks ago, we were Winston and Kelly were just running around just in Melissa and I we you guys matter just connecting with you is very important to us, but not more important than our children and sometimes we walk a fine line there of keeping an eye on her kids and making sure that you all are cared for and then we're connecting with you, but Winston was out in the parking lot, throwing rocks. I know, right? So what kid hasn't done that but Melissa as we were leaving, you're just really like, we were members how well Barb took care of our boys. After church didn't leave your side was always telling him not to run and get a making sure they didn't get too much sugar in and just took care of them in a village to raise a child children. To Barb represents that she represents that person has stepped in a very critical hour of our. Our Lives is new parents. She was there and just never skipped a beat taking care of our boys after church and making sure we had date nights and so forth. So we love her. We went to honor her and remember her we have today at about $15,000 that have been raised towards this place game. Most of that has been raised outside of this church. And so what we're going to be doing through Kingdom, Builders is adding another 5 to $10,000 to that. And so we're going to be inviting you Kingdom Builders to jump on with that, has a project begins to close out. We may be doing another campaign just make sure that we rounded off. So this these are some of the examples of place within our budget, they're unbelievably expensive but super well-made and talking with Brian Brian and Mary. Sorry. Sorry, Mary. She's watching to know Brian and marry. They just said, you know, we'd really love for a swing set to be there. Just so we know your barbs memory is holding on holding our kids cuz he was always the one walking around with the babies. And so this is your kind of symbolic of that. We'll be able to have a swing set for kids that she can still hear keep holding them keep swinging them and so on. So that was an important part of the playscape Wendell. Goldman actually came in to Ruth while you're a demon. It's okay. The goldmans came into a came into a purpose, play playground. So they have a ton of pieces that we're going to be kind of selecting from it and moving into this as well. So our kids are going to have a blast here and so is something really excited about as we think about our children's having memories here and But ultimately, you know, remembering Barb and I just the joy that she was so many of us going to keep going here.

The road signs. So this is one of those Barbara almost didn't come to to Heartland because a road sign wasn't big enough, but actually did cause her to stop and pull in and look at what time we met. And so here, a couple examples of road signs that were hoping to get out this this year, possibly something with would maybe some some bricks or something, maybe like this. Or maybe just that.

We'll see. We'll see. I'm open.

Grocery, I think it's important. We think about these, these slight changes here. It's amazing. What, something like that will actually do for somebody, who's driving by to see a road sign that has been freshly rebuilt. It says, you're welcome here. It says, we're thinking about you. We want you to know what time we we meet. We want you to come and be a part of it. And so, when we invest in something like this were investing, those people that are driving by who are called. I don't how many people I've heard that church all the time. Would love to check it out with like, what is so cool on Sunday mornings that that you can't come. And so they're eventually, we're going to weaken the resolve and they're going to show up and it's going to be awesome. But a sinus is a really important part of that. We've had several people say, I need to get a bigger sign and so everybody looking into getting that keep going here. The future is exciting. So we have this year to look forward to it. As we look down the road, at one of the things that that your vision is tied to, his is, is we have to be able to clarify it. We have to be able to really like no one does. It were trying to hit when were living out our vision here in. So the vision of Heartland church is to engage. I think I have it here and go ahead and bring it up. So, this the vision statement.

Yeah, the vision of Heartland church is to awaken hearts and homes throughout Mid Michigan to God's love and Power by engaging 7,500 people within a 20 mi radius of Ovid by 2025. What is an engagement engagement is like? Oh, yeah. Yeah. Yeah, I'll come. Okay. Yeah, why don't you take a moment and pre-plan your visit, go online, fill out. And and so we get their information. We follow up with them. That's what we call an engagement. And so we have a number of ways we do that. When you come in and you feel that a welcome card, that's an engagement when people come to our events, summer fest and I fill out a registration card. That's an engagement when people are planning their visit online. That's an engagement with people are filling out prayer request online. That's an engagement. When people are commenting on our social media, that's an engagement. And so with these engagements, the way that we do this, we have a number of ways that were just getting the life-giving, a culture of our church out in front of people through social media, and honestly, you guys are the best. You guys are the best invitation to the people around you. And so think about this like you a lot of people get so weirded out, so freaked out about meeting somebody to Jesus and it seems like a big responsibility and we weren't called to save people. Jesus does the stadium, we were called to go and make disciples, We Make Disciples by engaging people by caring. First of all, like loving them and when were in their space begin to ask some questions, get to know them, get to understand them and and help it because everybody's going through something dealing with something in the minute that that comes up. You can say, you know, what I would love to, but I would love to pray for you mind. If I ask you, if if I do, I'll keep you in prayer. I can pray with you now, would you like to pray? Yeah, sure. A lot of people and they don't mind if you pray for them. And then eventually it becomes a relationship with me, follow up with you. What are you doing? Next? Next Tuesday? We'll go get coffee. Yeah. Yeah, that sounds great and we can talk a little bit more because I think I have some some some help and we get to walk with them and share Jesus with them and before you know it you have your invitation. You become somebody that they trust cuz they see the character Jesus. See the life of Jesus in you and overtime that ends up becoming infectious and begins drawing people to him. And so yeah, I just say you'll follow me as I'm following Jesus. Now, we just do that for any one of you if you feel like discipleship is is challenging or difficult. You know, it's a natural thing is you're following Jesus. People will naturally follow you. There will be people, that will be like, I want what you have, I want your peace. I want you Joy. I want your power. And so 20 mile radius. Did you know that there are 75,000 people within a 20 mi radius of Heartland Church. I think it's actually 15 miles but we spread out over 20 because we have people that they're driving over 20 miles to be here. So I'm just believing that there are going to be people who want to be a part of what God's doing here that live in places that are 20 mi from here.

And so as we look at a future here, so it will go through and I'm going to wrap up. To see what the future looks like. This is the only building I could find that actually had are slanted roof, but it will actually be longer on the other side of this. One of the key features to this is having a drive-through overhang where we can drop people off on how many people have wanted that. And so by faith right now. Oh, yeah, that'll be awesome. There's like grass here and I don't know what that's all about. But drive on the grass. I don't care on the backside of it. You will have a gymnasium but really the first phase of this Sanctuary is the fan. This out is meant to double. There's actually there's a really good layout that shows the seeding and everything, but the so the way that is going to work here is that there will be an additional built onto the front of this right here is no free to Concourse or Lobby space. So our parking lot actually move up a little bit so our parking lot will span out there as it is. Over the next year. We're going to have to expand our parking lot, take out the the bath. Boggle. Sorry, we don't have like one person play with that thing in the last three years. So we're taking it out. We're going to expand the parking lot over. Put some gravel in and give some additional parking space. So this is a picture of what it would look like. Actually fan out our Sanctuary or stay at your stage and in the presentation features a level bigger. Get this is about Pride 45046, route 450. This is about what Freedom Inn in Sterling Heights. Looks like Pastor Harris Church. Keep going to hear our kids are. He's going to be getting an overhaul. Some of these elements were already going to begin implementing. The self check-in is along that wall, is, is a kids? Come in. I'll keep going, but they have this mean. We already have a foosball table back there. So it's new carpet. I'm like, honestly with new lighting, elemis, renew. You bring him back there and Skittles look kind of like this just a bit smaller. So it's exciting kids rooms that are just a bit more like places. Kids can actually burn some of that energy and to the trampoline and response at the ball pit. And I went to get all their energy burn. They can come around the table, learn about Jesus. It's awesome. See what else we got here. I think it was, it. Was there a picture of the gym that I take that out. Anyway, part of the vision to use to have a Ministry wise, we want to be able to have this place should sustain community life and a big part of that is having a facility where people can come not just for Church events, but come and maybe have your drop your kids off here for a while. You go get groceries or why you get coffee with your friend. We actually have childcare here who watch your children between certain hours. How awesome would that be Jim here? Where you can come and work out to have a basketball courts? Have to have a track on the table where you can run in the cold months is not a track anywhere around here. It's on saying, these are things that are actually needed in where we're at right now in this, in this town. There's not a place where you can go and work out some place where you can run inside. And so, these are things that we could be a practical help to the people in our community and open up our space to them. Is. So this is what we talk about when we talk about any of the days ahead. The number people that God's going to add two sets entirely in his hand. But here's what I know is we keep doing what we're doing. We keep being faithful with the vision that God has given us just day-by-day. You're doing the right things in the right direction is going to produce an exponential Arc in the in the direction of something that has never been done in the city. And there's going to come a point where it just bursts forth. This is It's science film. He just kind of brings the Supernatural and science together. Is that when you make tiny shifts in the right direction, doing the right thing in the right direction, specially when it comes to following God's Will and in the area of Purity and area of finances, in the area of of Honor, honoring those around you that God will begin to see someone. He can, he can Bless. But let me tell you this much as it did in your life that are just positioning you for greater blessing. One of the things we have to do here at Heartland before we get to that is it we have to get our mortgage paid off. And so what we're going to be doing is introducing we've been to actually introduces a year ago heart for the house. We paid off $22,000 on our mortgage is last year, which is amazing. We've got them in and we're scheduled to do that again this year. We're right now at this point 120, $1,000, that we have to get it paid off and so you wouldn't listen. I got There was an awareness that what we were coming into with something that we did not build. Somebody had paid for the seat that we were sitting in. Somebody had paid for the office that I get to minister from and and that was a real thing to me and I begin to realize even going back to the other churches that I've been to in the past that in order for for the church to actually move in the direction of the vision that there has to be provision for it. It's a one of the things that we're doing before we can ever build on build your build out. We have to get our mortgage taken care of and so we are Believing by faith. November 6th. You can put on your calendar most of our leading with us. We're setting aside one paycheck to go against the mortgage on this facility on this property. Where 121,000 we're Believing by faith that we're going to get to 80,000 this year. And so it it honestly is its, you know, like if they were going to lead in that one paycheck if everybody between now and November 6th saved up, you know, it and there's some areas of our life where we was just like, I didn't know, I just had that sitting around but one paycheck would more that get us Beyond. $40,000. And so I just want invite you to church as we do that. I want to plant that seed today if if what you've seen today and what you've heard is worth your time. We're showing up on Sundays. We've got some money at it as well and I are not dismissed from that. We're not lie in our pockets with it. So we're glad to be able to do that. We got her income tax return back in and so we're like, hey do we go? Let's, let's do some Kingdom work here. And so that's us. That's where we're at right now. And here's the thing to is it who knows what else? The Lord, my ad between now and then but we have that much that we can give. Who knows what we might be able to get by November 6th as well. And so I would say, if you have it in your, in your ability to give now, give her lie or give Austin on route to November 6th, but between now and then, you can set up recurring, giving on a schedule that will get you there. Their number ways. You can make that happen, but I would encourage you to church. The Best Is Yet To Come. You and I have the Really just sitting on the front seat of of something really remarkable that I believe God wants to do in this last time. If somebody wants said, are we are? These are these the last days and all that I know is this is this somebody's last day today. And we only have so much time, so much money, so much energy, so much talent. It would be a reasonable sacrifice to aim that at the value and worth of the Kingdom for Jesus, is already done. All I have to say Jesus, you, you made a way for me to help me make a way for someone else? Is that? Where is giving to that worth believing for? I want invite a worship, team to go ahead and come on up. And as we think about these things I hope it's freaked you out. Hope it's it's been something that's kind of like a man. How are we going to do Kingdom Builders and that I don't know. It's not really my job to get it figured out. It's not your job to get. It figured out. It's our job to believe. It's our job to 2, to take it to prayer. It's our job to say, you know what? Got all I have are these Five Loaves, and two fishes. Hear. There are three thousand people to feed. Are you, serious? You don't have to Feed everyone but feed one person and in doing that you never know what God is going to break open and make happen just by your simple. Obedience and faithfulness, moving in the direction of his will renewing the vision. Embracing who you are. Let's go ahead and stand and what we're going to be dismissed after the song. I really want to come with us to make our be our declaration. They worked hard in the song and this is Melissa's idea. I never heard the song that I thought. Yeah, that's we need that provision Sunday. And so we're going to sing this, the words will be out there. But if you want to raise your hands during this time to go for that, but let's Worship the Lord and declare this over. The addition of the church. Let's go ahead and have the lights brought down a little bit, and, and this song is just called believe for it. And amen. That's what we are called to do is to believe our faith to heaven and see Heaven, come to Earth. So please, sing along with us this morning.

Do you see this?

Do you say these?

They don't know.

We've heard that there is no way.

We've heard that.

They haven't seen what you can do.

There is power.

So much power.

We know that do business.

God weaving.

Breaker breaker.



I do have the funny.

Where does the name Timothy?

Two-player games.

Utah, weather.

Movie Unbreakable.

Mom and dad.

Hallelujah. Thank you. Jesus. May God bless you and be with you. Make his face shine upon you, and be gracious to you. Keep you and pass a piece going. Peace church to love and serve the Lord. And one another have an awesome week, right? And thank you. Aaron for loaning, your guess. I was amazing. Shopkins. Have an awesome week.

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