ETB 1Thess 2:13-20
Understand the Context
Explore the Text
I do not know when I ever felt more gratified than on one occasion, when sitting at a Church meeting, having to report the death of a young brother who was in the service of an eminent employer, a little note came from him to say, “My servant, Edward——is dead. I send you word at once, that you may send me another young man; for if your members are such as he was, I never wish to have better servants around me.” I read the letter at the Church meeting, and another was soon found. It is a cheering thing for the Christian minister to know that his converts are held in repute. Of another member of my Church an ungodly employer said, “I do not think anything of him; he is of no use to anybody; he cannot tell a lie!” (C. H. Spurgeon.)
Apply the Text
A lady who was present at the dispensation of the Lord’s Supper, where the Rev. Ebenezer Erskine was assisting, was much impressed by his discourse. Having been informed who he was, she went next Sabbath to his own place of worship rehear him. But she felt none of those strong impressions she experienced on the former occasion. Wondering at this, she called on Mr. E., and stating the case, asked what might be the reason of such a difference in her feelings. He replied, Madam, the reason is this, last Sabbath, you went to hear Jesus Christ, but to-day you have come to hear Ebenezer Erskine.
The Reverend H. W. Webb-Peploe once said, “You must take possession of Christ for salvation, but to win a crown Christ must take possession of you.”