2022 Mar 6 Sunday Morning Service
Then I guess I'll talk to the kids.
There is a kid.
All right, you know what? These are?
Yes, and no shoes. What do you call?
That was calling, go ahead. Go ahead.
I can imagine.
Is your class at school? Is everybody at school or these? Do you think?
And wash.
Talk to you later.
What about what about the president of the United States? When he gets his dinner?
Washing everybody did Jesus day?
John Walsh, everybody.
Other people.
Then your presence is more important than the president.
We don't really want to do.
Calendar blind.
Father, I pray this.
This morning. We're going to continue our study of Revelations, chapter 2. We're going to look at verses 12 through 17. This is the letter to the Church of pergamum. In chapters, 2, & 3 of The Book of Revelation, letters, written by Jesus. To 7:30. They're trickiest that really did exist. These messages were directly given to those churches has a very specific issues at hand. Harvey's letters as are all the letters of the New Testament with her physically, written to churches or individuals. They were applicable to everyone for all time. These letters likewise describe, not only a single Church in history, but it kind of church that exists throughout all of history. And so they're destructive for us cuz we looked at this third letter to the Church of pergamum. We needed to church and Gage the compromise. The first letter was written to Ephesus the church that left its first love. The second letter was written to Smyrna. The persecuted Church. And this letter is written to a compromising Church. The church is beginning to be linked, insufferably to the world. And this church is described that it can maintain some kind of Christian credibility and also associated with the sense of the past. Trichomonas, a picture of agent search, the courts the world in any form or any believer, who webs the world as we go through these letters. We know that all have pretty much the same components. First is the correspondent for the one who writes. First 12 says, and to the angel of the Church of pergamum, right? The one who has sharp two-edged sword says this, Did the angel or the messenger? You're the one who will take the sweater back to the church verdigre, right in that is she says, right since the one who has the sharp two-edged sword says this. Every time these letters, begin with the reference to the author, this is typical of ancient correspondence. And this officer is identified as the one who has a sharp two-edged sword. We know who that is from chapter 1, Jesus is described. The first 16 is having his right hand Seven Stars, which of the seven live in and out of his mouth, came a sharp two-edged sword. So the Lord's described as holding the leadership of the church in his hand and out of his mouth coming, a sharp two-edged sword. Now, when you go over to 2:12, one who has the chart to Legend storage says, this. Jesus them is the author. And this case, you will notice that the description of Jesus that is selected. Is that which articulates is judicial Authority. It sees him as a judge. What is the sword coming out of his mouth? Perhaps Hebrews 4:12 says it as well, as them for the word of God is living and active and sharper than any two-edged sword. It is the word of God coming out of his mouth. Sword. It is an instrument of judgment falling on those who are deserving of, that judge me. In Revelations chapter 19. We see the same imagery. Jesus Christ is in his return as described here. He comes in judgment and making War. His eyes are like a flame of fire and inverse 15 from his mouth. Comes a sharp sword. So that with it. He may strike down the nation's. It is a sword of judgment action. To Jesus them in this letter is not a happy one. It is not a promising, one is a threat. When he introduced himself to the church, Smyrna in Versailles and said the first and the last who is dead and is come to life. That's encouraging because some of them was dying for the statement Christ and he was writing them as one who was resurrected himself in the letter to the church in Ephesus. He introduces himself simply as the one who holds the seven leaders in his hand and moves among the churches, which are represented by the golden lampstand not threatening at all. Speaking about his control and his care and concern as he moves through his church and his protection over its leaders. There was the first negative introduction because this is a church that is facing. The judgement of Christ, is the right manner. Dakshin for the Church of pergamum. The Church of pergamum was in serious, danger. Danger was going to come from Jesus. Some Sade. The one I'm real Mosasaur in this particular sword is a sort of judgment that is used to cut down those who disobey the Lord Jesus Christ from the very letter which he will study today. As we go through it. The pergamon was compromised. Pergamum was a church made up of Gentiles primarily but times have changed and they have now gone back and picked up some of the tablets. They have been married for the world as it were and are in danger of the Judgment of the lord of the church. If you look back at what happened in the history of the church, you can understand this type of thing. If you look at the sweeping history of Christianity, in the Western World, you will see the churches that became world with and what happened to them. For example, of a time. Under the Roman Empire, the church married, the world, even priests became Christian. Priests even temples became Christian Church. Even days of feasting and drunkenness became Christian days. And Christianity got lost it all. We are at the such time again. Today. The Church of course has become a room only. The liberal with Dentures, those who have departed to the truth faith and embrace the world, all around those churches have for the most part, A of spiritual life, and live on Olean name. The church is in fewer. The church has sold out the sacred. It has web world and has long since been judged by Christ. It's stripped of any power, free, spiritual influence was, and that's why Jesus identifies himself as the one with the sword. Now, secondly, we looked from the corresponding to the city itself, but was this city life? It's about 20 miles Inland from the Aegean Sea. How many ancients I've heard of them? There's a village today. It's called Bergamot. It is a Turkish Corruption of the word. Peugeot. There is still a stand-up smoker.
Legend says the pergamum was built by some of Hercules, by the time, John, Candace letter that have been the capital of the Roman province of Asia, Minor somewhere between 250 and 300 years. The word pergamum literally means parchment and apparently, it was the first developed in this area and has the city of pordenone on which took its name from. That was an important religious Center and where the Pagan Cults worshipping Athena and Zeus and Bacchus the god of drunkenness and debauchery. The worship of the Roman Emperor was very big. In fact, this was the first city in ancient Rome to build a temple to The emperor should have reached a point of coping for he was no longer seen as a political or military leader, but he was seen as a God and in this city, they built the first temple, Caesar it became the capital of Caesar worship. They have developed along the season worship. Of course, all of these other Pagan forms of worship. And as long as you weren't in Caesar, you could worship somebody else. What made it tough for Christians? Was it? They didn't worship, Caesar it all the worship price and Loan. Used on the one day a year, when you had to burn incense to Caesar to do it and therefore lost their citizens rewrites and lost their lives in some cases. That would have been intensified comfortable and that's what precipitates. The fatality that occurs in this city, to one of the members of the church in the city of pergamum. Also was a large University in a library. In this is quite remarkable. An ancient PINES library two hundred thousand volumes. You can realize that you're talking about volumes to Woodforest and written because there's no freaking And they were happy to the copy. Those by hand to understand for the library, volume two hundred, thousands of tremendous significance. In fact, it was such a significant library that it was later sent to Egypt as a Kia from Anthony to Cleopatra. So, the city had some fun. And some significance. And what about the church? We moved from the city to the church. How did it start? The best understanding would come from Acts 19, 10 in the city of offices, and it was so powerful. And so far-reaching, the first 10 says that all who lived in Asia. Burn the word of the Lord both Jews and Greeks. So at some point during the three years of ministry that has the word was bouncing out. People were traveling and moving Christians were going up north through these various cities and taking the gospel and it was echoing throughout all of Asia Minor during that period of time. No doubt. The Church of pergamum was found it, but it was in a take a nap. Play Creeper versus Christian testimony in the middle of that is situated. This little church to which Christ address. In fact, the first 13 you will note that he says I know where you dwell, where Satan's Throne is. Satan's got his operations all over the world. But he's got is thrown up there. That's quite an amazing State make. No mistake. His throne is not until it is in this world.
That was the place of his incarceration. This is the place of his operation. His power was Unleashed from this city. Some in the freedom of church has fallen victim to Satan become thoroughly, and golf and even married. Frankly, not persecution, but this kind of compromise is the fastest way to straight Church's life and testimony. And once with a little closer at the letter and see the Commendation, there's some good things to say. He says, 11 verse 13. I know where you can. Well, we're safe and throw big sister at the headquarters of satanic opposition, and obviously, establish the center of its operation there. I don't know why, but he had it was the headquarters for his authority. You must know. Kenny says here, where did well was 6 is thrown is a mark of permanent residents, satanic Powers manifest right out of that City. They have it, synagogue of Satan. He noted that back of her smile, but here is the very promising. Synagogue of Satan was perverted Judaism. The Throne of Satan was as Gentile based false religions. That's so sweet and innocent of his Enterprises there. And this little church was feeling the heat of it and it was in some ways coming to Earlier, we know that this church was without any particular Apostolic Ministry. We don't have any record that they've been exposed any powerful leadership that they have them exposed in solid teaching. But I have since I've said before. True faith is Not Fragile. Only fault false statements, and they were standing against some of them. However, that's from cells to the church for being sucked in the world. They were having to meet the enemy on his own ground.
The bigwigs succeed. Because you remember the words of Jesus. I will build my church and the Gates of Hell shall not Prevail against it. There was a true church here. There was a growing trees here. There was a real church here. The same church waiting and uncompromising War. Right? Up, Throne of Satan. They were doing well enough. I know where you sleep. Well with Satan's Throne is and you hold firmly to my name, that did not deny. I think they were true. I say it again. True faith is Not Fragile. It is indestructible. It. Survives everything. Even the onslaught. Not just, what is Satan's Throne? What are we talkin about here? There's the worship of the season, the first city to build the temple, Caesar. There's the all kind of Zeus. Zeus was sort of the head of the pantheon.
There was a very strange worship of asklepios. Asklepios was the god of healing, a very famous individual can't remember. His name was Galen and Galen was the second most famous medical person in the ancient world. The most famous people. Every doctor takes what is known as the Democratic over, which is the ethical statement, made by Hippocrates. There should be standard by which any medical practitioner applies. The next to Hippocrates Galen was the Second Great signing medical line in the city of pergamum, was a medical stool, mingled into the medicine. Horse was a lot of super Emblem for the idol of a square POS was a snake. If you have ever seen the medical symbol, you will notice that in the middle of the medical symbol of winding its way around the snake. That is the ancient. God has swept them, your daughter feeling. When you went to the Temple of a stuffy nose, you went there to feel in the temple, harmless snake, slithered all over the temple floor. And in order to be healed, you had to go in there and lie down and stay there. You slept on the temple floor, while you slept the snakes, crawl over your body and Infused you with healing power. Yes. Right from the old Serpent and stuff. So, when you hear that ask luckiest was there the serpent God that sounds so you can when you know that Zeus was there, you know, the sickness there and when you know, they were worshipping the Caesars. No, it's Satan was there and when you put it all together, certainly, this is Satan's throne in the middle of all that. In the middle of the car was in church. And I love you says and you hold firmly to my name and did not deny my faith. That's the Commendation you horribly to my name. In other words. You have been faithful to me. He's talking about personal faithfulness to him. And then he says, you do not deny my thing. You did not deny my proof, my gospel, the message of Salvation by thing. You didn't deny it. You never denied who I was never denied your face in my gospel. Will never be be a turd in this y'all that she and you never deviated in your Fidelity. You believe the truth and used to stay in that belief. They can you stay true. You didn't compromise the courage that are famous Evan. They stood boldly for Christ. They weren't ashamed of his testimony even in the place who sings romance. It wasn't easy. Back to Bruce 13, you hold firmly in my name. You hold it right now present since you did not deny my thing. You don't deny it. Now, even if the day's events keep us by witness, my faithful love who was killed among you were safe and Wells and keep us. We don't know who he was, probably one of their, one of their leaders. Because of my witness faithful. One noticed the mines, would you? My name, my state, my witness, my face for my name. You didn't deny my faith. That's your commitment to me. And then, there is my witness. Thanks for, that's my clippers. I belong to you and you don't deny it. You belong to me and I don't deny it either. I'm Yours, nor mine. He identifies him only as my witness. The Fateful you never denied my name, for my face, even in the days of antifas. My witness. My faithful one. Who is kill you? Watched my faithful one. You watched my witness become my martyr. Never deviated from the thing. Never denied my day. The faithfulness that little church should be a challenge, all of us today and keep us paid the Supreme price for not compromising. Some of us aren't even willing to sacrifice our popularity were wrong desires for the safest state. Separated from the world. You have to ask what in the world for some sibelius. Here's a man who would rather die.
We would rather compromise rather than change the simplest patterns for sausage lives. So pergamum for the most part, I was faithful. Then just lie, Thomas the condemnation. Verse 14. But I have a few things against you because you have someone there who hold the teaching of Balaam. You kept teaching, they like to put a stumbling block before the sons of Israel. Say was sacrificed to idols and commit, sexual immorality. So, you two have some who in the same way full to the chief. Public relations. Have a few things against so much good. So many things. Campus gas. Because you have someone there to hold the teaching of Balaam. What's he saying? This is what I have against your company's people there who believe he's false things and you are allowing. You're not dealing with it. Allowing them to feel comfortable have a few things against you because you have there are some who hold the teaching the bail. You have them. It's your responsibility. You're not putting them out of the church. You're not dealing with. It wasn't a question of. They're denying. The Lord's thing. They wouldn't do that. It wasn't a question of denying their faith. They wouldn't do that. It was a question of being so intolerant, the care. Her there are some in their Church who have led the world in your allowing them to feel comfortable and he directs himself to paris's one identified with an Old Testament character, the other identified with a new testament character. He says you have some with all the teaching of Balaam. We don't have the time to go back, but you can umbers chapter 22 through 25 and you'll still in the full story of this fascinating character, by the name of Kayla. And if you read that the letters together.
Revelations 214. Baylor, put a stumbling block me. Repeat things. I will commit sexual immorality. Balaam was a prophet For Hire. They liked the king of Moab. Wanted to get rid of his real, the moabites and Israelites were always after eating. So he went to Balaam to curse Israel. He felt with purse Israel. He had such a prophetic power. That Israel would be under the curb. Three times bail and try to do it every time we try to do it. He's failed. So you got another plan. If he couldn't curse them either his money, another way he can corrupt them and he devised a plot. The moabite, women will move in among the Israelite man, and the mobike women sexually. Seduce the Israelite, man and throw them into the marriage and once they're intermarried. It'll pull them into the idolatry like The wife of all out to be reduced to a simple States debauchery and prostitution. And so is really married, and then you can bring this into a Blasphemous Union, the Satan and idols, and fornication and that would be basis real, that would destroy the power Network. There were some people in. This is sure to saying, it's okay to get America intermingle with the Pagan system. We are not to be separate. We are not to be aliens were to intermarry with unbelievers where to get involved in life. Around this mixing. The old patterns, no moral or lack of the idolatry, the new Christian. Of course, Jesus did call for clean. Break would always there are the seducers? Always, there are those who come in and want to get Scott's people to break from separation and ligaments.
Got absolutely condemn. Such Union in Israel and hear the word. Jesus Christ. Condemns such a union. We're reminded 2nd Corinthians 6:14. Through 16. Do not be Miss match with unbelievers for what is righteousness and lawlessness share together for what does light have in common with Darkness? What Harmony is price Tabatha Leal or what is a Believer share with an unbeliever or what agreement is the temple of God? Have the titles for we are the ten of the Living God, but here, there are some people in the church saying you can be a Christian worship idols, commit fornication. You can go to work and still come here and pay homage Jesus. They were teaching that. What was worse? The saints were doing nothing about it, but you have some, they're advocating it. And you're not stopping. And so people are eating things sacrificed to idols and committing acts of immorality. When there's another thing he has against them, the verse 15. So, you two have some who in the same way. She from the informations that will phrase important, because the teaching of the Nicolaitans led to the same major Nicolaitans were comparable to those who were Paul nehlen ism. It advocated an extreme indulgences and Sid uncleanness. Origin based on the perverted understanding of God's grace. You have people like that today whose think they're free of price to behave themselves. Anyway, they want, they have always been the niggalations who in the name of converting rates and ascended knowledge. Think they can live above. Standing. There are always those available who want to seduce God's people in Twilight Dollar Tree and immorality paganism and tell them it's okay. The point here. Is this what was wrong on the church. The corner of Christian people holding fast to the name of the Lord, that is to his person, not wavering on who he was and what it did not deny anything. Firm of the gospel, and believing. It was saw in dealing with serious Manor, 16.
Therefore you can't browse. I'm coming to you quickly and I will wait war against them, sort of mine. This. He's not saying to them. You're just too loving. You says, this is a cynic and if you don't repent and do something about it, I am coming in The Sly Stallone. You can't tolerate evil in any form. You can't allow it. First, Corinthians 5. Paul says, A little leaven leavens, the whole love. You allow that festers and it grows The Church. Must Be a constant judgement on teaching. There's no room for compromise. If we stay home to exclude unbelievers from The Fellowship of the body. We are in error. The church isn't designed for unbelievers to come and stay. It is designed for Saints to a hold the truth, and unbelievers to come and hear the truth in. It. Be saved. And when you allow unbelievers. Take part and participate in the church. You're going to have people who live Balaam and Nick Elation Lifestyles, and they'll mingled in the church with their idolatry. In the Lord says I'll come with a sword in my mouth and I'll slice them up. The church is never to be a place of the mingling of those things. It's never going to be a place where I believe we're still safe and secure is to be a place where unbelievers still frighten the love of fearful. The welcome and where they can cure the truth and say, you can never suppressed air by compromise. We want to reach out and love. We want to bring in one Believers to hear the truth of Christ and experience, our love and experience our kindness and our graciousness, but never give them a false security that they belong until they know, Jesus Christ, which knowing is made manifest in their life compromise. So serious, Price says, if you don't stop on way toward gets done with the sword of my mouth. That in itself could be a reference back to Baylor back in numbers. 2231 and says, then the Lord open, balaam's eyes, and he saw the angel of the Lord standing in the way with his sword drawn in the sand. Noah, smart guy. He fell all the way to the ground. Mortal sword on Balaam in the Lord, will help with the sword against the compromising Church. You have to judge, are you can have to keep the truth. Then finally, the council in verse 17. The one who has an ear. Let him hear what the spirit says. Which is a long way of saying don't listen to hear this message. To the one who overcomes, I will give some of the Hidden Manna, and I will give him a white stone. And a new name written on the stone, which no one knows, except one to receive. Who is the Overcomer the one who believes? What is it that they overcome? Our state's ability to be true. Christians, who says, who is a promise. What's the hidden manna manna was some kind of funny the bread. I don't have it when the children of Israel were wandering in the wilderness. Is delivering this heavenly bread. He says, he'll give you the check in the mail. Why does he stay fit? According to acts to the 1633, when they travel, they took the Ark of the Covenant and inside the article that gets the manor. And what did that represent represented the bread of life, Jesus Christ, just as Israel, received Manna From Heaven, as its food for the true belief. He says, I'll give you Jesus Christ. Give you the trooper of the spiritual bread from Heaven, which is the world doesn't see. I'll give you that bread which will sustain you. You're an overcomer and I'll give you all, you need to sustain your life. Forever thing says, I'll give him a white snow. What does that mean? There's a lot of theories? Some say it's the Whitestone that's similar to the one on the breastplate of the high priest called the ER room and the Thurman by which the high priest to determine the will of God. And so what it means is, I'll give you a stone by which you can, determine my will some saying, your represents simply a diamonds, and I'll give you something that is very precious. That would only be given to one who is deeply loved. And since I love you, so greatly, like a man giving a woman and engagement. I'll give you a diamond to show you my love. But there's also a historical know what a victor one of the game's whatever games it would be until it was not uncommon To the victor beginning of Whitestone in the Whitestone was his admission passed in the festival. That was being held following the games, for all the victors. Could it be that the Overcomer will receive the ticket to the Eternal Victory and Heaven. Mommy says a new name written on the stone, which no one knows except the one who receives. They wouldn't give the Victor like a trophy. A stone with his name. He could use it as a dress, this pass. But it is to me is some kind of a personal message from Christ to the one which is given as an admission pass into eternal glory. I'll know mine and you'll know yours and we'll know the Lord. We don't want them and so we can. Deal with issues bless the Lord come against us and smite us with a sword out of his mouth. We want her face real. He want to hold fast to the name. We don't want to deny what we know to be true. We want to deal with error in our fellowship. Do you want to be the true church? The True Believers. The Overcomers to Sunday will be given Jesus Christ. In all has fullest as befitting manner. Who someday will be given the Whitestone to give us an admission into the Eternal Feast of heaven. And on that white stone will be renting. A special message private. The living Christ for those, he loves if you don't know, Jesus Christ.
Whitestone is not yours. And all you have is a sort of his judgment. I thought I was ready to loser. I know there are people in this church in that category. You're living out the pot for the daylight. You're living out the teaching of the Nicolaitans you weren't here and perhaps, as far as everyone around you knows you are worshiping Christ and you go from this place into idolatry and immorality. Oracle, make war with you sooner or later unless you repent. What spray?
Father. Thank you again for the word. Power and complexion. Thank you for the Striking. Us. We give you praise.
Thank you. You are dismissed.
I went to him at the little ones.
Like ice cream.