Sermon Tone Analysis

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This automated analysis scores the text on the likely presence of emotional, language, and social tones. There are no right or wrong scores; this is just an indication of tones readers or listeners may pick up from the text.
A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
Emotion Tone
Language Tone
Social Tone
Emotional Range

Tone of specific sentences

Social Tendencies
Emotional Range
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9
Intro: This passage falls in the middle of a section of Scripture devoted to the Tabernacle.
The Tabernacle was a portable tent designed for the worship of Jehovah.
Every piece of cloth, every board, every piece of furniture, every item in the Tabernacle was commissioned, developed, and designed for use in the worship of Almighty God.
Everything which was part of the Tabernacle pointed to Jesus Christ in some way.
The tabernacle was called “the tent of meeting”.
It was here that Israel met with God.
It was here that sacrifices were to be offered.
It was here that the worship of Jehovah God was conducted on a daily basis.
It was here that atonement was made for the sins of the people.
When Israel camped in the wilderness, they were to camp around the Tabernacle.
The Tabernacle was in the center of the camp.
This reminded them that the worship of God was to be at the center of their lives.
The Tabernacle was the most important place in Jewish social and religious life.
The Tabernacle was a place devoted to God.
It was designed by God to declare God.
The Tabernacle is a place worthy study.
The passage we are considering today deals with the incense they burned in the Tabernacle.
The incense also speaks of Jesus Christ and His worship.
When the incense was burned, the smoke ascended up toward Heaven.
Its scent came up before God and God was pleased.
When the incense was burned, its fragrance filled the Tabernacle, and everyone knew that worship was taking place.
You might remember when Mary broke the alabaster box of ointment and anointed the head of Jesus, we are told that “the house was filled with the odor of the ointment,” John 12:3.
Real worship has a way of making its presence known.
When real worship takes place, it leaves its scent behind.
I want to take these verses, which give the instructions related to the incense, and preach on The Scent Of Biblical Worship.
These verses teach us some very vital truths about genuine biblical worship.
I want you to see 1.The Materials In The Incense; 2.The Mixing Of The Incense; and 3.The Ministry Of The Incense.
God was very specific when He gave Moses the ingredients that were to be used in the Incense.
I want us to consider these ingredients, because they teach us about Jesus.
These four ingredients remind us why the Lord is worthy of our worship.
A. Stacte—Speaks Of His Proclamations—Stacte is an aromatic gum that comes from a certain shrub.
The word means “to drop”.
Stacte was collected a drop at a time from the plant.
This substance speaks to us about the Words of our Lord.
Like the stacte dropped from the plant, the precious Word of God dropped from the lips of our Saviour!
Jesus is the living Word, John 1:1, 14.
He has also given us the written Word.
Thank God for His Word! Listen to what the biblical writers said about this book:
• Psa.
30:5, “Every word of God is pure …”
• Psa.
19:8, “The statutes of the LORD are right, rejoicing the heart: the commandment of the LORD is pure, enlightening the eyes.”
• James 3:17, “But the wisdom that is from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, and easy to be intreated, full of mercy and good fruits, without partiality, and without hypocrisy.”
• 2 Tim.
3:16–17, “All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: That the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works.”
Thank God for His Word!
In this book, God condescends to speak to fallen man.
In this book God reveals Himself to man.
In the Bible God gives us His Gospel, the only plan for man’s salvation.
This book is health for the soul; food for the journey; strength for the battle; light for the darkness and hope for your every tomorrow.
We ought to thank Him for His Word.
We ought to worship Him for giving us His Word.
B. Onycha—Speaks Of His Person—This ingredient was found in certain species of shellfish that only lives in the Red Sea.
The word “onycha” comes from the Hebrew root word for “Lion”.
This substance speaks to us about His person.
It reminds us that He is a King Who is to be revered, honored, served, loved, obeyed and worshiped.
I would remind you that Jesus Christ is not a long-haired, effeminate, hippy, do-gooder.
• He is “the King of Kings and He is the Lord of Lords”, Rev. 19:16.
• He is “the Lion of the Tribe of Judah”, Rev. 5:5.
• He is the One the Old Testament prophesied would come, Jer.
23:5; Gen. 49:10.
• He is the One Who came to this world, was born of a virgin, lived a sinless life, died on the cross, rose again from the dead and ascended back to Heaven.
• He is the One Who is coming again for His church, 1 Thes.
• He is the One we will face at “the Judgment Seat of Christ”, 2 Cor.
5:10; 1 Cor.
• He is the One Who is coming again in power and glory to rule and reign, Rev. 19:11–16.
• He is the One Who will rule the world during the Millennium.
• He is the One Who will occupy “the Great White Throne” of judgment, Rev. 20:11–15.
• He is the One Who will be worshiped in Heaven for all eternity!
• Can I go a step farther?
He is my Saviour!
He is my Lord!
He is my Friend!
He is the delight of my soul.
He is worthy of my praise and worship right now.
Glory to God, we need to praise Him, love Him and worship Him right now!
C. Galbanum—Speaks Of His Pain—The word “galbanum” means “cutting” this is because this resin was obtained from a certain plant by cutting that plant open so that the resin could run out and be collected.
This substance speaks of the Lord’s pain and suffering.
It reminds us of His death on the cross.
It reminds us that he gave His life to redeem His Bride from her sins.
Let me remind you of some of the things He suffered for us.
1. Beating—Luke 22:63–64; Psa.
2. Scourging—The horror of this punishment Matt.
3. Spitting—Matt.
4. Mockery—Matt.
5. Beard Plucked From Face—Isa.
6. Stripped—Matt.
27:35—(They gambled for His garments.)
7. Nailed To The Cross—Matt. 27:38; John 20:25
8. Crucifixion Itself—The cross is the most horrible form of execution known to mankind!
We derive our word “excruciating” from it.
“Excruciating” means “out of the cross”.
He Suffered Pain At The Hand Of Sovereign God—Jesus actually became sin on that cross, 2 Cor.
God judged Jesus in the place of sinners.
God literally poured out His wrath into the body of His Son and Jesus suffered the undiluted, unfiltered wrath of Almighty God.
He is to be worshiped for His sufferings.
He is to be worshiped for His sacrifice.
He is to be worshiped for all that He did to guarantee our salvation!
D. Frankincense—Speaks Of His Purity—Frankincense is another resin taken from a tree.
< .5
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