The False Coronation of the True King.
The people of Isreal were always longing for a king.
Jesus carries Himself like a King.
There are 3 ways here that Jesus proves his Kingship.
Hosanna, a transliteration of the Greek word which is itself a transliteration of the Hebrew hôšî ‘âh nâ’, originally was a prayer addressed to God, meaning “O save us now” (cf. Ps. 118:25a). Later it came to be used as a shout of praise (like “Hallelujah!”) and then as an enthusiastic welcome to pilgrims or to a famous Rabbi. Hosanna in the highest, in highest places, likely means “Save us, O God, who lives in heaven.” Its use here probably reflects a mixture of all these elements due to the nature of the crowd.
But their enthusiasm was for a ruling Messiah and a political kingdom, not realizing and not accepting the fact that the One peaceably riding on the colt was their Messiah
For most people, then, this moment of jubilation was simply part of the traditional Passover celebration—it did not alarm the Roman authorities or initiate a call for Jesus’ arrest by the Jewish rulers.