A Dark Betrayal

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A Dark Betrayal

Lessons From Judas’ Final Moments

Text: Matthew 26:14-25, 47-56; 27:1-10


What a privilege it was to be a part of Jesus’ inner circle. Being within ear shot of all Jesus’ teaching. Especially how He was sent to grant forgiveness and eternal life through the atonement to all those who would believe. Hearing truths about how Jesus was the bread of life, the living water, grace and mercy found only in Himself and many others. Jesus had made clearly known (especially Judas) how his soul could be delivered if only he would humble himself, repent from loving his sin, and declare a genuine trusting faith in Him.
As Judas was taught the truth about himself (I.e. his sinfulness and the judgement that would soon follow) from Christ, the Holy Spirit will teach all humanity of their sin of unbelief, their lack of perfect righteousness, and their soon coming judgement. However, we all know that not all turn to Christ and forsake all! Some choose to sell the greater prize for something much less. That is exactly what we find Judas doing with this life. There very few darker moments in Biblical history than that of Judas’ conduct.
Let us learn some life altering truths from Judas’ life decisions…

1) Judas Proves Jesus’ Innocence

If anyone knew of there being sufficient guilt to be laid against Jesus, it was Judas.
Judas would be considered the start witness to Jesus’ trial.
It was his interest for his own character‘s sake, to prove Jesus guilty.
Proving Jesus’ guilt would excuse his own conduct.
So, here is an honest question: Why didn’t Judas come forward and present Jesus as an guilty imposter?
Simply because his conscience would not permit him.
As bad has he wanted too, he knew he could not bring any charge
His Master was holy, harmless, innocent, blameless, and true.
Judas’ absence from Jesus’ trial, proofs that Jesus was truly without sin or blemish!

2) Repentance Must Be genuine

Nothing about Judas’ ministry was genuine. None of the eleven men caught on to him.
When Jesus said, ‘One of you shall betray me’, not one person said, ‘It is Judas.’
Let us never be content with anything less than FULL HEART CONVERSION.
Notice what the scripture says VERSE 4.
What appears to have happened was Judas admitted both inwardly and outwardly what he had done and returned the money.
In one sense, that is confession and repentance.
However, Judas DID NOT repent unto salvation!!!
Some choose to coast on in their fake religion based on this supposed valid truth that, ‘it is never too late to repent.’
Yes, in one sense that is true only if the repentance is GENUINE.
Let’s be honest, what we see unfold in Judas’ life is a repentance that was anything but GENUINE.
It is possible for any man to FEEL SORRY for something he has done when the evidence shines a light on the reality of their sin. (Strong conviction of guilt, express deep remorse, display mental distress, etc.)
However, a person can experience all of that, and never have GENUINE REPENTANCE OF THE HEART.
Here is the difference between HUMANISTIC and SOUL repentance:
There are several things that can account for why one is experiencing regret and remorse (I.e. present danger, fear of death, consequences, etc.)
These can be real while at the same time the HOLY SPIRIT is not doing a work on the soul.
When you simply look at the final outcome of Judas’ life, you can see that it wasn’t a repentance toward God that was guiding him; HE HUNG HIMSELF.
HOLY SPIRIT reprovement to soul repentance unto salvation is not the shallow guilt of a bad deed you have done, but rather revealing you are standing in the position to face the WRATH OF GOD due to your UNBELIEF.
The HOLY SPIRIT does not illuminate the DEEDS of your life, but rather why such deeds are a reality in your life; YOU ARE BORN A SINNER.
For those who are yet to yield to Jesus SOUL REPENTANCE & FAITH, you are in danger of ending up just like Judas.
You must see the danger of trusting in a LATE REPENTANCE.
Who is to say that the condition of your heart will even embrace genuine repentance unto salvation?
Your unbelieving heart has the potential to continue to evolve into deeper coldness and hardness.
Yes, Jesus will give eternal life to people who are like the repented thief, PTL!!!
CAUTION — Put off nothing that concerns your soul, especially repentance (unbeliever and believer)
Repentance is not something that is simply in your own power to exercise.
If the Lord does not lead you to repentance, you will not seek repentance!!! He may be still leading you TODAY, but He as all sovereign right to CUT OFF that grace from you.
Proverbs 1:28 “Then shall they call upon me, but I will not answer; They shall seek me early, but they shall not find me:”

3) Comfort Is Not A Better Prize

Observe Matthew 26:14-16 “Then one of the twelve, called Judas Iscariot, went unto the chief priests, And said unto them, What will ye give me, and I will deliver him unto you? And they covenanted with him for thirty pieces of silver. And from that time he sought opportunity to betray him.”
Notice what motivated Judas to seek for a time to deliver Jesus over to the religious leaders; MONEY.
Notice what was forfeited once guilt set in; MONEY.
Ungodliness will never grow comfort for your soul even if you fertilize it with money!!!
So, why did Judas walk away from his wealth with bitterness?
The 30 pieces of silver was DEARLY EARNED.
It brought him NO PLEASURE.
1 Timothy 6:10 “For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows.”
Proverbs 10:2 “Treasures of wickedness profit nothing: But righteousness delivereth from death.”
Quote: “Sin is, in truth, the hardest of all masters. In its service there are plenty of faith promises, but an utter dearth of performance. It’s pleasures are but for a season: its wages are sorrow, remorse, self-accusation, and too often death. They that sow to the flesh, do indeed reap corruption.” — J.C. Ryle
Quote: We are all liable to the infection, from the least to the greatest. We may love money without having it, just as we may have money without loving it: it is an evil that works very deceitfully: it carries us captives before we are aware of our chains.” — J.C. Ryle
Let it be believed to be true, in this life or in the life to come, sooner or later, sin and sinner will meet face to face. That will be the most unprofitable moment of your life!
Illustration: One leak will eventually sink a ship
Examples: Judas, Achan, Ananias and Sapphira…
Romans 6:21 “What fruit had ye then in those things whereof ye are now ashamed? for the end of those things is death.”

4) Life Can End With Heavy Regret

Great sorrow will come when great were the privileges but rejection was the response to them.
There is no doubt that a very UNHAPPY man went out and hung himself.
Think about Judas’ privileges:
Apostle, preacher of the gospel, near Jesus’ teaching at all times, companionship, etc…
This was the man who committed suicide.
He then is rushed into God’s presence unprepared and unforgiven.
This is an awful way to die!!!
Nothing provokes God to exercise His wrath more than rebellion against LIGHT & TRUTH!
Many today declare a morbid charity that leads to exaggerate God’s mercy and therefore blind them from God’s justice.
This will remove you more quickly from this world than anything else.
Examples: Lot’s wife, Pharaoh, Saul (king of Israel)
Quote: “None fall so deep into the pit, as those who fall backward.” — John Bunyan
Proverbs 29:1 “He, that being often reproved hardeneth his neck, Shall suddenly be destroyed, and that without remedy.”
The Bible speaks of what is called ‘sin against the Holy Spirit.’
As J.C. Ryle describes it, “clear knowledge of truth in the head, combined with deliberate love of sin in the heart, go a long way towards it.”
QUESTION: Why does any ship end up shipwrecked on shore? They recognize the warning, but never changed course!
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