Sermon Tone Analysis

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This automated analysis scores the text on the likely presence of emotional, language, and social tones. There are no right or wrong scores; this is just an indication of tones readers or listeners may pick up from the text.
A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
Emotion Tone
Language Tone
Social Tone
Emotional Range

Tone of specific sentences

Social Tendencies
Emotional Range
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> .9
A Study on Islam
Qur’an- Islam’s holy book.
Only can truly be written in Arabic.
Muhammed got his first revelation in 610.
His revelations supposedly came from Gabriel.
He thought he was demon possessed but his wife convinced him he was not.
Muhammed died in 632 which is when they began to write it.
Finished writing in 650.
Surah- Are the “books of the Qur’an”
Hadith- are the oral traditions pertaining to the teachings and actions of Muhammed.
They are also used to clear up “obscure” Qur’an passages.
Are held equal to the Qur’an.
You get different denominations of Islam based off of which groups accept what as hadith.
Wrote over the first 300 years of Islam.
Birth of Islam
Genesis 21:17-18 we see many descendants were promised to Ishmael because he was a descendent of Abraham.
What is the attitude he would have against others according to Genesis 16:12?
Islam did not come about this time.
This happened about 2000-2500 years before time.
But this is a good indication where tension started.
Also the sons of Abraham’s concubine Keturah settled the Arab area.
Also some of Esau’s descendants did also.
So if we look at history in the Bible we can see this tension has been building a while before Islam comes along.
Steadily a lack of faith has caused tension to happen.
Founded Islam.
He would come in contact with Christians and Jews while working the trade routes, which would also be used later to spread the new religion he created.
First revelation in 610.
Thought he was demon possessed (and ready to commit suicide), but his wife convinced him he wasn’t (and he claimed women were half as smart as men and that most of the people in hell would be women).
Claimed Gabriel came to him.
Muhammed is held very highly in Islam.
All Muslims regularly say ,” “there is no god but Allah, and Muhammad is the messenger of Allah”
Until his death the Qur’an was just oral.
Started writing it in 632, finished in 650.
Islam became an official religion in 622, which is also when their calendar (Hijri) begins.
So today according to their calendar would be, Jumada Al-Akhirah 6, 1443.
Show video of spread of Islam
Views on Christians and the Bible:
Many people are surprised that the Qur’an mentions the Bible and Christians.
Surah 2:75 /5:13-16
This is a reference to Christians and Jews.
Muslims claim the Bible was pure at one time, but that we distorted it.
Is there evidence for this?
400 B.C. to the 1400 A.D. is the time period we have copies of the Old Testament.
Have they found major differences?
No, periods, commas, etc. have been the differences.
Not complete retelling of Bible stories as the Qur’an shows.
There is no proof of tampering.
Surah 3:3-4
The Qur’an mentions the gospel, but claims we distorted it.
We have copies of the New Testament dating to the 100s.
Again no significant changes.
Is it self-contradictory?
/ Do the Facts Add Up?
So this flows well into our next point.
We are already seeing the facts don’t add up for Islam, but do for the Bible.
Also within the Qur’an itself there is contradictions:
Surah 7:149-153 and Surah 20:91-92give two different golden calf stories.
There are also some historical inaccuracies:
Surah 34:10-11 mentions David using iron coats of chain mail.
David lived around 1000 B.C. We don’t see chain mail until round 300 B.C
Hadiths, commentary, and translations have a tendency to confuse in trying to address the issues.
Can it be lived out?
It has a system that can be lived out for the most part.
So in one sense yes.
But on the other hand no.
Salvation has no “goals.”
The system encourages you to live as good as possible with hope it is enough to please Allah.
Their is only one way for guaranteed salvation, jihad (Surah 4:74-75 & 9:111).
Jihad can only be carried out by men.
Where does the universe and human beings come from?
Surah 7:54 teaches in 6 days the earth was created (some Qur’an passages make it out to be longer).
Surah 4:1 is an allusion to Adam and Eve.
Surahs here and there reference Adam.
What is the meaning or purpose of life?
Surah 51:56-60 shows the Muslim’s whole purpose is to live a life pleasing to Allah
How do they know what is right and what wrong?
Fiqh is the law branch of Islam.
Islam encompasses every area of Muslim life.
Some Muslim denominations consider it infallible, and others say it is possible for error.
On a side note, when a religion allows an open religious text to be added to, that is a red flag.
That allows them to manipulate and change to the times.
Shariah law that controls every aspect of Muslim life and is not possible of having mistakes.
It also lists consequences.
Most Muslims now take an allegorical interpretation of it.
The radical Muslims are the ones who take it literal.
Wahhabism typically produce the radical Muslims.
Surah 62:9
The sabbath is Friday
Surah 2:65
Teaches Jews were turned to apes for not keeping the sabbath.
Classic commentators take it literal.
Modern say it is figurative referring to the state of mind of the Jews.
Who is God?
One interesting aspect they teach on Allah is He only speaks Arabic
He has 100 names and only the camel knows the hundredth.
Every Surah starts off with “In the name of God, the compassionate, the merciful”
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