“God will not kill His children in the tribulations”
One of the arguments for a pre-tribulation rapture is that God will not put His children through the pain and suffering that He will put the wicked through. One of the chief pains being numbered among the death toll of the disasters that occur during the tribulation.
If you look at the major events that are going to be happening (The fallout of the wormwood, the celestial body striking the sea and the fallout thereof, and the disease that will insew
The White Horse. Conquering rider with a bow, but no arrows. Peace and unity without war.
The Red Horse. The rider brought chaos and death to the world that the White Horse created.
The Black Horse. This rider brought a great famine to the world. Likely a result of what the Red Horse has produced among mankind. It made for a very difficult time buying the essential
The Pale Horse. They destroy a fourth of the population of the earth with sword (violence and war), with famine, with pestilence (disease and infections) and by wild beasts (ex: bubonic plague.)