7 Word Pictures of God’s Gift of Salvation
TO OVEREMPHASIZE THE IMPORTANCE of this doctrine is impossible, because regeneration or the new birth is the dividing line between heaven and hell. From God’s perspective every individual is either spiritually dead and destined for eternal perdition, or spiritually alive because of His regenerating power and destined for eternal glory
SINCE THE WRATH OF GOD is an integral aspect of His nature, His holy and righteous character must be upheld and His wrath averted if a sinner is to experience salvation and the forgiveness of sins. The biblical meaning of propitiation is that God’s wrath has been turned away from the sinner because of the supreme sacrifice of the Lord Jesus Christ on the cross. The doctrine of propitiation does as much to enhance the concept of the grace of God as any other truth.
SANCTIFICATION REFERS to either the process or the result of being set apart for a specific person or purpose
In the vocabulary of the Christian no word can be considered more precious or treasured than “Redeemer,” because it reminds us that our salvation, while free, was paid for by the One who gave Himself for our sins. Fanny J. Crosby expressed this truth beautifully in one of her many hymns. —DKC
Redeemed—How I love to proclaim it!
Redeemed by the blood of the Lamb;
Redeemed by His infinite mercy,
His child, and forever, I am
JUSTIFICATION IS THE ACT OF GOD by which a sinner who believes in Christ is declared righteous on the basis of what Christ has done for him or her on the cross. While the death of Christ was sufficient to justify all men, it becomes a reality in an individual’s life only when he trusts in Christ as his Savior. Romans 3:28, Galatians 2:16, and 3:24 speak of being “justified by faith,” and Romans 3:24 and Titus 3:7 state that we are justified “by his grace.”