Sermon Tone Analysis
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> .9
I Cor 15: 51 – 57 I Thess.
4: 13 – 17 The Lord’s Prophetic Calendar 3/27/2022
Today we begin a new series of sermons on the end times.
After spending a couple of months on the family it is time to move on and I cannot think of a more important subject then understanding the end times.
These verses before us give us insight into what we call the “rapture of the Church”.
Many would argue and say that the word “rapture” is not found in the bible, that would be true.
Therefore, because the word is not found in the bible it must not be true.
Well, the word Sunday School isn’t in the bible but we have Sunday school anyway.
The King James bible uses the word “harpazo” which means in the English to be “caught up”.
The rapture is a future event where Christ will descend from heaven in the clouds, the dead in Christ will rise then we which are alive will be “caught up” into heaven.
The bible refers to this rapture as the “blessed hope”.
Titus 2:13
The is the future event that we want to focus in on today.
While the return of Christ is mentioned all throughout the bible there are three passages dealing with the rapture in the New Testament.
We just read the first two, the last is in Rev. 4: 1 – 2 The common word found in all 3 passages is the word “trump”.
In our day we are not familiar with trumpets sounding but in John’s day, in Paul’s day, in the Israelites day they were very familiar with trumpets sounding.
Trumpets were used for
1. Sounding a victory
2. Calling an assembly
3. Announcing a warning
4. Calling troops to battle
It is clear to see how the trumpets fit with the idea of the Rapture.
All four of these events will take place when the Rapture comes about.
1. Victory over the world will be announced by the church.
2. The saints will be called to assemble themselves in the presence of the Lord.
3. The trumpets will announce a warning of judgment to the world.
4. The angelic troops will be summoned to battle.
Even in the militaries of the world they used trumpets.
The first trump would be to break camp and prepare to make ready to leave.
The second camp would to be fall in line and the third trumpet would be to move out.
I Cor.
15: 52
I. Our Lord will have returned I Thess.
This is a fulfillment of Jesus promise in John 14: 1 -3 read.
Rev. 22:20 read.
In Fulfillment of His purpose.
5: 25 – 27 read.
All departed saints will have been resurrected
The saints who have been departed are referred to as “sleeping”.
Many refer to this as “soul sleep” but that is not what the bible is referring to, amen.
II Cor.
1: 23 read
Their Promised Completion—1 Cor.
15:52b tells us that the departed saints will be raised “incorruptible”.
That is, they will be changed!
When they left their body, it was destined for the ground from which it came.
However, when the Lord Jesus returns, He will bring their spirits back with Him, He will raise their bodies and glorify them.
He will then place the spirits back into those newly glorified bodies!
He shouted in Bethany and Lazarus lived!—John 11:43–44
He shouted at Calvary and some lived!—Matt.
He will shout from the clouds and all the departed saints will live—1 Thes.
All saints will have been raptured.
The church will leave this earth instantaneously.
Notice the word moment, it means twinkling.
Twinkle your eye, it takes less the 1/30 of a second.
This event in the Lord’s calendar happens without warning.
No announcements of television no more warnings from the preacher at the local church.
All the scoffers, all the mockers will be stunned and dreading their future on this earth.
Can you imagine the chaos that will ensue when this event takes place?
All babies missing!
Most children gone!
Some husbands and wives missing.
Many Cars, planes, trains, etc without drivers.
Television personalities taken right off the air.
It will be a time of great hysteria and mayhem.
Some of you had better prepare for it, because you may experience it firsthand!
Why not come to Jesus before that happens?
The Church Will Leave Intact—In 1 Cor.
15:51, Paul tells us that “all” will be changed.
The Rapture will not be an event enjoyed by a select few.
But, every born again believer will have a part in the Rapture of the church!
The body of Christ will not be fragmented!
Part will not be taken and part left behind to endure the Tribulation.
When the Rapture comes ALL the saints will go together!
Let me just say that because the lives that so many have lived, some will not deserve to go, nevertheless they are going.
Thanks be to God that there are no second class citizens in heaven…
All saints will have been reconstructed
Changed physically
Our mortal flesh shall put on immortality.
Bodies that were destine for the grave shall be changed into the image of Christ.
Changed perfectly
When this change comes we will be like Christ.
I John 3:2
Changed permanently
All saints will enjoy a great reunion
With our loves ones together forever in heaven.
The longer you live the more loved ones go home to be with the Lord.
What a great reunion that will be…
With our Lord.
Although being with our loves ones will be wonderful it will be eclipsed by being with our Lord.
One day very soon we will see the one we have been studying about.
Our faith will become sight.
In Closing I want you to ask yourself this morning.
If this even were to happen today within the next few moments, would you be going?
Or would you be left behind?
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