Sermon Tone Analysis

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This automated analysis scores the text on the likely presence of emotional, language, and social tones. There are no right or wrong scores; this is just an indication of tones readers or listeners may pick up from the text.
A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
Emotion Tone
Language Tone
Social Tone
Emotional Range

Tone of specific sentences

Social Tendencies
Emotional Range
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9
What Do You Treasure
What do you treasure?
Matthew 6:19-24
Main Idea: What we are about is shown by what we treasure
Axe Throwing
What time you all go to sleep
What did you guys have for breakfast?
Me: What I treasure it what I give attention to:
I have many passions in my life.
Ministry is of course one of them— but what I have noticed over the years is that when I start something I go all in.
Like in college I played disc golf and I swore that I was going to tournament and would be going pro soon!
Or over the last couple of years— I took a slight interest into wood working and just being more of a man!
You know saw dust and tools!
Very manly!
I thought that I would make tables and sell them and what have you.
Never has happened but I have bought plenty of tools in that time.
Now something I have become passionate about is Crossfit.
I have really enjoyed getting into the gym and getting strong and rubbing shoulders with people who are not like me.
I want to be good at it and I may be passionate about it but in order to be the best you have sell out for it.
You have to eat sleep and breath CrossFit and honestly I just don’t have the time.
But I had to learn this lesson.
So we just got done with our CrossFit open right.
It happens for three weeks and then at the end of it Crossfit takes the top 10% and they move on the next round.
Which sounds great!
You do the workout and then you see how you rank against everyone in the world.
Pretty sweet!
So in the world for mens RX— and RX means I did the workout and weights as prescribed.
So out of the whole world here is where I ranked:
out of 154,815 people I was 83,458 place— i was shooting for the 90th% I ended up at 46%
In North America out of 70,618 I ended up 38,055th place— again 46%
In the USA out of 61,927 people I ended up 33,161st place— 46%.
At least least I was consistent.
But I treasure Jesus/my family/ ministry and CrossFit.
And you see what I am passionate about I give my time and energy too.
What I treasure that is what is consistency on my brain.
And I have had to wrestle with this because while I say this is the order of Jesus/my family/ ministry and CrossFit.
at times it can look like CrossFit/family/ Ministry and then Jesus.
Or sometimes it looks like this:
It is my family/ministry/CrossFit/Jesus
It could be Ministry and you would like Jesus would go hand and hand with that but not is typically not the case.
Ministry/CrossFit/Family and then Jesus.
I can tell where these things end up on my list depending on what my time is dedicated too.
And I’m not saying hobbies are bad or even loving your family or your job is bad— But when those things begin to be placed above Jesus we have a problem.
I mean it is a major issue.
But we all do this:
What are different things we treasure?
Sports/relationships/social media/band/activities
It is not a stretch to say that these things are what we treasure.
While those are the stuff we give our attention and dare I say devotion too we also put stock in the material as well.
And I would do as far to say the way we spend money is also a way we show what we value and treasure.
So how do we find a balance.
Because we do have freedom to be passionate about things and to spend money on things we like.
But were is that balance.
And as we look at our passage today it leaves us with this statement of can you love two things.
Or the idea that you can’t serve two masters.
That your heart is designed to be only ruled by one master.
We may not know what we treasure yet but maybe it’s time for us to come to an understanding about ourselves.
We can never fix the problem if we never give the problem a name.
We can’t overcome sin if we don’t call sin what it is.
For some of us we are pursuing the wrong things.
And we are putting other things before God.
So let’s see what God has to say about this.
We are going to be in Matthew 6:19-24
Go ahead and turn there.
And while you turn there I want you to start wrestling with this idea that.
The treasures here are momentary—Your relationship with God is forever.
The stuff that we put so much time and energy into here will not matter once we get to heaven.
And I think that is really easy to say but it is a really hard thing to believe.
Because that means for some of us we are dedicating so much time and energy to something that may not mean anything in a years time.
But before we begin to tackle those things.
Here is where I want to start--
And actually I want to start with a question before we roll into the passage.
Where is your heart currently?
Where is your heart.
We spoke last night about be distracted.
Are there things that are causing you to be distracted?
Or things that are holding a more important place in your life then they should?
Lets read Matthew 6:19.
As Jesus is talking to the people here it is at the tale end of the sermon on the mount.
Tons of people are gathered to Jesus and he is just laying truth bomb after truth bomb and he get to chapter 6 and he is still doing this but now the attention shifts on what you value.
And this first section is talking about storing up treasures as material items.
Do you all think you are materialistic?
Like you want to have dope shoes, you care what you look like, you have the newest of everything?
Maybe you are not but Jesus was pointing to these people who put a huge effort into stuff.
Material items.
And the materials that cost the most back then was metals and clothes.
And Jesus is telling the people look none of that is going with you.
And moths they are drawn to clothes to consume them and those precious metals will eventually rust.
Or those things are also easily stolen.
You guys ever have something stolen from you?
Mr. Beast
He had a ton of material stuff and then his house got broken into and everything was stolen and he realized that he didn’t need all the stuff anymore.
If you have something somebody wants there is always a risk of someone stealing it.
You know this is true because if you have ever left something behind and you couldn’t find it later the easiest and quickest conclusion is someone stole it.
At our gym the other day— someone posted that they lost A Mario Kart 8 cartage for the switch.
And we knew this person so my wife messaged them and was like dang that stinks— where were they playing with it we can look when we head to class.
And she told us where to look— we couldn’t find and Brittni told he it wasn’t there and her response was someone must have stolen it.
< .5
.5 - .6
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.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9