Sermon Tone Analysis

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This automated analysis scores the text on the likely presence of emotional, language, and social tones. There are no right or wrong scores; this is just an indication of tones readers or listeners may pick up from the text.
A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
Emotion Tone
Language Tone
Social Tone
Emotional Range

Tone of specific sentences

Social Tendencies
Emotional Range
< .5
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> .9
Before you begin your Bible study, as a believer in the Lord Jesus Christ, be sure you have named your sins privately to God the Father.
If we confess our sins, He is faithful and righteous to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.
(Known, Unknown and Forgotten sins) (1Jn 1:9)
You will then be in fellowship with God, Filled with the Holy Spirit and ready to learn Truth from the Word of God.
"God is spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in Spirit and Truth," (John 4:24)
Emotional Revolt of the Soul
/       "The heart is more deceitful than all else And is desperately sick; Who can understand it?
"I, the LORD, search the heart, I test the mind, Even to give to each man according to his ways, (Thoughts) According to the results of his deeds.
(Actions) /(Jer 17:9-10)
       The emotional revolt of the soul centers around two words found in this passage, the “heart’” and the “mind.”
Although they are literal organs in the body, they generally do not refer to the physical organs when they are used in the Bible.
Since there is no vocabulary word in either the Hebrew or the Koine Greek for certain functions of the soul, such as the “emotions,” words of anatomy which have parallel functions in the soul have been substituted.
The words translated “belly,” “bowels” and “reins” refer to the emotions, thoughts and or mind of the soul, “Heart” is usually the designation for the "right lobe'' of the mentality and or human spirit of the soul.
Let’s take a look, then, at the soul.
The soul has essence, which is composed of six characteristics.
First of all, it has self-consciousness, (The element that makes you aware of your own existence) faith, mentality, volition, emotion and conscience.
The soul also has mentality contained in two frontal lobes.
The left lobe, translated “mind” from the Greek word “nous” is the perceptive lobe.
This is a staging area from which, for believers --- God's Thinking is transferred to the human spirit and then to the right lobe.
The right lobe is the dominant lobe and is designated’ by two different words in the Greek: “kardia’’ (Heart) and “noema” (Understanding and or Thought).
It is the area referred to in, (Prov 23:7) which says, “For as he (A person) thinks in his heart, (Right lobe) so is he.” “Heart” in the Hebrew refers to the Divinely designated authority of the soul --- the heart or right lobe of the mentality of the soul.
(The sin nature controls the soul or the Holy Spirit through our human spirit)
       The right lobe, (Spiritual brain for believers) has seven areas: a frame of reference, memory center, vocabulary storage, categorical storage, conscience, momentum, and wisdom.
Our soul has a viewpoint --- human or God's; and or a mix of both --- this is also where you keep memories about people — all kinds of people.
It is the place where you store your attitude toward country, toward life, toward your job, etc.
When you began to think, you began to develop norms and standards.
You have norms and standards about what is right and wrong, what things are proper, and so on.
Some of your norms and standards may be compatible with God’s and some may not.
Truth provides us with information whereby you can develop God's norms and standards.
The viewpoint is a combination of what you have in your frame of reference plus your norms and standards.
(Conscience) You have a viewpoint about everything in life art, music, sports, country, God, church, to name a few.
Your viewpoint determines your attitude toward life and your capacity for life.
The believer’s Divine Viewpoint must have Truth to launch into the soul and into experiences in life.
Finally, technical, Theological categories are identified by means of the vocabulary.
Another characteristic of the soul is volition.
This means that you are capable of making decisions, and you are responsible for these.
The soul also has emotions.
We will be examining the emotions in our study of the “mind and or reins.”
Every soul, since the fall of Adam, has an old sin nature, or Adamic nature, designated in Scripture by the terms "flesh'' in, (Rom 8:3-4) and “old self’ in, (Eph 4:22) The sin nature has an area of weakness which produces personal sins, an area of strength which produces human morality and sentiment, a lust pattern, and trends toward asceticism and lasciviousness.
It is the distorter of the soul.
       Our study begins with that part of the soul called the “heart” or right lobe.
In, (Jer 17:9) we are introduced to the “deceitful heart’’ “The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?”
Since the word “deceitful” is an adjective, the first phrase should have been translated “the deceitful heart.”
What is a deceitful heart?
Deceitful” here denotes some kind of phony, pseudo-thinking — an action that is antagonistic toward God.
To understand the deceitful heart, we need to understand that technically all the facets of the soul are linked and interrelated by a very intricate “wiring” system.
There is wiring that goes from the human spirit to the right lobe, which takes care of Spiritual Thinking; wiring also extends from the old sin nature to the right lobe.
When the old sin nature thinks sin and or sins --- it goes from the sin nature through the wiring into the right lobe.
If you are thinking about a person or a situation from your frame of reference when these mental attitude sins come in, you will immediately regard that person with mental attitude sins.
A “deceitful heart’’ is the right lobe of the mentality filled up with mental attitude sins from the old sin nature.
The mental attitude sins travel in the soul — from the sin nature to the right lobe.
The deceitful factor is that mental attitude sins completely deceive you in your relationship with God.
You are kidding yourself if you think that you have fellowship with God when you are involved in mental attitude sins.
(Isa 55:7) The worst sinning in the world never gets outside the soul, though obviously the repercussions do.
You can be jealous and bitter and go in for revenge.
Revenge becomes overt when you malign or gossip or try to hurt; but the mental attitude sin itself doesn’t leave the soul — apart from rebound, of course.
The heart is said to be "more deceitful than ANYTHING else!
In other words, the sin nature full of mental attitude sins is more desperately sick and deceitful than anything else in our life!
(Jer 17:9) So, when the old sin nature cycles mental attitude sins into your right lobe, if there is no Truth there to meet the situation, you couldn’t be worse off Spiritually: we are dangerously sick in our soul!
Now, “who can know (Understand) it?”
Anyone who is functioning under Operation Z, and who has a frame of reference filled with God's Thinking --- is in fellowship, and filled with God the Holy Spirit can Spiritually Understand it.
(1Co 2:15-16) But the next verse is going to give some amplification.
       “I, the LORD, search the heart, I test the mind...” (Jer 17:10) These two verbs, “search’” and “test” are actually participles in the Hebrew text, and denote continuous action.
In this case, there is never a time when God isn’t constantly searching the thinking --- if it is human false reality; or God's Reality; Thinking as He Thinks --- in order to provide maximum companionship and blessing.
(Job 7:17-18) The primary meaning of “search’’ means “to explore.’’
God is an Explorer.
In eternity past God explored every right lobe; therefore, He knew how each one would operate.
Because He is the Explorer of your soul.
He provided salvation for your soul through the work of Jesus Christ on the cross!
(2Th 2:13)
        Note that the exploration site is said to be the “heart.”
This means that God is exploring the Thinking of your right lobe in three areas: first, the frame of reference with its memory center; is being explored to see whether you have God's frame of reference.
Second, God explores your conscience to determine whether your norms and standards are compatible with His absolute norms and standards.
Third, your viewpoint is searched.
Does your right lobe contain the necessary Divine Thinking that will give you a Divine Viewpoint about EVERYTHING in life?
(John 16:13)
       How do you fill your right lobe with God's Thinking and Reality?
That is the whole subject of Operation Z.
But briefly, Truth is communicated by a pastor-teacher through, isagogical, categorical, exegetical teaching, (ICE) it then enters the left (Perceptive) lobe as a staging area.
From there it must be transferred BY FAITH to the human spirit.
It is then cycled into the seven areas of the right lobe.
With a Maximum amount of  "tested" Truth and time filled with God the Holy Spirit --- your heart is not only non-deceitful, but it WILL BE BLAMELESS.
(Acts 24:16; Eph 1:4; Php 2:15; (2Pe 3:14)
      Paul had to learn Truth and build an edification complex, (ECS; Temple) in his soul before he could communicate Truth.
The more Truth he knew, the more he was able to teach.
Thus his right lobe was enlarged or increased with knowledge of Truth.
Our right lobes are increased in the same way, and the result is Spiritual maturity through an ECS!
       God blesses on the basis of grace, and MAXIMUM grace blessing comes to the believer with MAXIMUM Spiritual Thinking in the right lobe.
So the Lord is continually exploring the content of your right lobe to see how much grace blessing He can give you.
(Isa 30:18) In addition, Truth in the right lobe gives both capacity for temporal life as well as for Spiritual life; capacity to enjoy pleasurable things and social activities, capacity to cope with danger, temptation, pressures, prosperity and adversity in fact, capacity for EVERYTHING in life!
       “Test the mind.
“The word “test” here means “to test for function.”
The Lord is constantly testing the “reins = thoughts.”
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