The Traditions of Men(unwashed hands)
I. A Question of Tradition
II. A Response to Hypocrisy
A Lesson from Whales
Recently in a television newscast I saw a picture of small whales stranded in shallow water on a beach. To remain there meant death. People stood about them splashing water on their exposed bodies to prevent their being burned by the sun.
Gradually they turned them seaward and helped them into deeper water where they could swim. However, the commentator said that some of them turned and rushed back to the beach. Why they do this is a mystery.
But it is no greater mystery than the conduct of some Christians who have been redeemed from legalism and sin. Before long, they become entangled once again in them.
Whales were made to live in the vastness and freedom of the ocean. Christians are made to live in the freedom that is in Christ and should accept the responsibilities of their new relationship to God.
Perhaps whales act as they sometimes do because of some unknown element in their nature. But Christians should live according to the nature and will of God.