Isaiah 55 - Life, more abundantly
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who here likes to see a table, after a meal has been prepared and served, still have food that has been untouched?
now i'm not saying you like it because you can eat it
take home leftovers..
but really... who here likes to prepare all throughout the morning, the night before, and spend time preparing the table, setting the plates, giving all that you can so that everyone can be satisfied, just to have a table left over that has bowls and dishes left untouched?
you know where in oklahoma... we have some cows. most of our farm land is like mixed use, but we do have some big herds of cattle and what not here and there. and if you're out there tending to the farm, you have to be called in to eat right? or if you have to feed the cattle, you have to call them in; sometimes you can train them to hear the sound of your vehicle
god has done the same thing with us... he's created us, just like he created everything else... and he has made us where we can recognize certain things.
you see he starts off with come! it's not an option... its a command.
where are we going?
where are YOU going?
that's the people he's talking to... who do you think he's talking to?
do you hunger for life? do you hunger for love? do you hunger for peace?
guess who has it?
Come, buy and eat!
Com, buy wine and milk!
How much does it cost to buy you happiness?
Think about it now; what makes you happy these days?
playing on your phone? games apps?
what about going to play golf? watching sports? watching OU win? how much does that cost you?
God has a couple of questions for you... why do you spend your money for that which is not bread?
And your labor for that which does not satisfy?
I've been a few trips in my life. Now I'm not saying that you can't enjoy yourself. That's not what God is asking you... he's asking what are you working towards. Again remember the question earlier, where are you going? Are you spending your money on stuff that you think is going to make you happier? Give you life? Is it truly going to satisfy your soul's desire?
God created your soul, and he created it for one purpose... to experience life. And we don't get it by buying things. Money... money is crazy. We've created this thing in this physical realm... money isn't even money... now stay with me here. When I work, I labor,
ok, so not "labor", but i do something... usually on a keyboard... but lets get past that. when someone works, they usually are paid "money". now the value of that labor is now quantified in exchange for something else of value. so if you work and are given $100, you can exchange that $100 for something else. now most, if not all of us, will take that $100 and buy us something that we enjoy... we could go on a trip... we could buy something that looks cool on our shelf... we could use it to repair something that is broken or old... like bologna skin tires... or whatever...
I still go on trips, mostly business trips, to attend training. and they are enjoyable; but only to my earthly being. Honestly, I like flying, and if I had the means, I would try to fly everywhere I could. But that doesn't restore my soul. That doesn't feed my spiritual being. And it definitely doesn't quench my thirst. In fact, like most of you, I am probably more empty after those things. Because if I've bought something, I spent that hard earned money that I labored for; right? Now I have this feeling like I need to replinish those reserves... and I haven't done anything for my soul... my spiritual needs... what my life requires...
and this is where us humans can get caught up in endless cycle of addicition, of waywardness, of "bad behavior". we see something we thing brings enjoyment... and it does nothing but deprive us of true living. you see, that's where the enemy has come in, with his deceitfulness, and allowed us to destroy ourselves, by blinding us to see what is really good for us and instead showed us a way to provide a anethestic to the pain, the hurt, the grief, the guilt, and the death that is coming.
you know why the rich man turned away? he understood that if he turned his back on his possessions, he wouldn't be able to live. the same is with you and i. we think we need the things in this world to be happy. to sustain life. but right here in front of us is a different perspective. offered to us so delicately, so passionately, so simple... "listen diligently to me, and eat what is good, and delight yourselves in rich food."
listen, with intent. we have to shake off those things which tug at us.
physical hunger, physical thirst, physical desire, physical needs. instead, reorient ourselves to that which is supplied spiritually
"incline your ear, and come to me, hear, that your soul may live,"
now why does he say without exchange?
because salvation is free
your salvation is free
your salvation costs you nothing
your salvation is literally waiting for you
how is this?
I will make with you an everlasting covenant, my steadfast sure love for David
just as sure as God made his convenant with David, he has made a convenant with you, a promise, that one day, there would be savior sent; and in just a few short weeks, we will come across those days in the calendar we recognize, where Jesus, the perfect sacrifice, the conqueror of death, and the ressurrected son of God, will be remembered, that he is truthful, just, and a mericful loving God.
because he knows you need to live, you need salvation, he is not going to hold it from you.