Confirmation for a King
1 Samuel 10
How do we know the will of God?
In the Old Testament anointing with oil symbolized the setting apart of a person or even an object for divine service (Ex. 30:23–33). It was also accompanied by the presence and power of the Holy Spirit (1 Sam. 10:6, 10; 16:13). When Samuel poured oil on Saul’s head, that act represented God’s approval of Saul as leader of His people.
Company of prophets. This is the first mention of a prophetic guild in the OT. The main interest of these prophets was to uphold the pure religion of the Lord against any syncretism with the fertility cult of Canaan. Some scholars have felt that Samuel was responsible for introducing the prophetic guilds
God Gives Clarity to Our Calling Too.
Problems: Solved. 2
Needs: Supplied. 3-4
Weakness: Spirit Empowered. 5-6
God enabled him and he would be changed into a different person. This is frequently taken to mean that Saul was converted or spiritually regenerated. However, such language for spiritual renewal is foreign to the Old Testament, and Saul’s subsequent attitudes and behavior do not bear out that this was his experience (16:14; 18:12; 28:15–16). Actually the Spirit made the inexperienced and unlettered Saul able to assume kingly responsibilities in much the same way as the judges before him were blessed (Jud. 6:34; 11:29; 13:25; 14:6, 19; 15:14).
God Gives Clarity to Our Calling Too.
God Gives Clarity to Our Calling Too.
However, in the eyes of the Lord, Saul was disqualified. The prophetic word of Jacob was that the scepter (of kingship) would not depart from Judah (Gen. 49:10). The promised dynasty of kings which would eventually produce the Messiah must originate in Judah. Saul as a Benjamite could not, then, meet the basic prerequisite of lineage. Nonetheless the people had made their demand, and the LORD had acquiesced. All that Samuel could do was invest Saul with his authority and responsibility as outlined in a scroll prepared for this occasion of coronation (1 Sam. 10:25). Undoubtedly the scroll included the Mosaic regulations for kingship found in Deuteronomy 17:14–17.