The Benefits of Kingdom People

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The Benefits of Kingdom People

If it had not been for the Lord on our side we would have been swallowed by our enemies. These are the words of David in Psalm 124. The are true for the believer today and should ever be a reminder of the security we find in God.
This passage today as we continue in Colossians is a great reminder for the believer of how God is ever working on our behalf.
This passage as we recall is portion of a prayer Paul and Timothy prays for the church in Colossae.
Paul and Timothy pray that Colossae will know and function in the will of God. Paul prays that they will appreciate and celebrate the redemption they share because of the work of Christ.
As we read and study this passage we learn this great truth. When we choose a life with God we receive/gain certain benefits that we will not obtain anywhere else.
DT: When we choose a life with God we receive certain benefits that we cannot obtain anywhere else.
AIM: We will be grateful for the benefits God grants us in His Kingdom
Transition: There are four benefits in we find in this text we have as believers. The first one we find in vv. 9-10
God Fills Us (vv.9-10)
“9 And so, from the day we heard, we have not ceased to pray for you, asking that you may be filled with the knowledge of his will in all spiritual wisdom and understanding, 10 so as to walk in a manner worthy of the Lord, fully pleasing to him: bearing fruit in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of God;”
Paul prays that these people will know God’s will and grasp it in a way so that it is evident in their lives. Paul’s prayer is indicative of how this is possible for the believer. Paul say’s “we ask that you be filled”:
God fills us with Spiritual Insight to know His Will (9b)
God fills us with the capacity to bring Him pleasure (10a)
God fills us with the ability to mature
Illustration: When I joined the military they assigned me a specific job. They taught me how to do the job. They did not set me up to fail.
Transition: God does not leave us hanging. He has given us access to His will through His Word and the preaching and teaching of the gospel.
Application: I know you know a lot of things. I realize you are the smartest in your group and on your job. You got it. But that knowledge is not the knowledge that will get you where God wants you. You need to be filled with spiritual insight. You need what God wants to fill you with. Don’t make God’s Word secondary in your life. Make time for studying and hearing the word of God.
Transition: The text also informs us that secondly . . .
God Strengthens Us (v.11)
“11 being strengthened with all power, according to his glorious might, for all endurance and patience with joy;”
Paul writes that when he and Timothy pray for this church they pray that the church of Colossae will be strengthened by the Lord. Notice Paul places emphasis on the the Lord’s strength by saying, “according to his glorious might” it is the Lord’s strength not their own that they are empowered.
God strengthens us to endure
Two words are here to indicate patience in two ways.
hupamonain- means patience of every kind
makrothumian- means to wait
God strengthens us to be joyful
Application: You need the Lord to help you through. You cannot do it on your own. Be patient with the moves of God. He is strengthening you for the this moment and this time! You can do it. You can make it through God is strengthening you!
The Scripture reminds us that the joy of the Lord is my strength! You got this. Let me say it better. God’s given this to you!!
God Qualifies Us (v.12)
“12 giving thanks to the Father, who has qualified you to share in the inheritance of the saints in light.”
Paul says, He is thankful for this Church because they have experienced the gracious work of God and are now part of the Family of Christ.
Explain Israel’s inheritance
Paul says that the church at Colossae too were now qualified for the inheritance. They did not have to be jewish to be qualified. They were qualified through the blood of Jesus.
God Saves Us (vv.13-14)
“13 He has delivered us from the domain of darkness and transferred us to the kingdom of his beloved Son, 14 in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins.”
He saves us from the grips of darkness
Christ is our Lord
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