Treasured Part 1

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What Does God Treasure?

Luke 15
Main Idea: God treasures you.
Like Drew said my name is Zach
I am a fellow youth pastor in Galesburg, IL
At Bethel Baptist Baptist Church—
Which is the name here.
It’s kinda like a weird twilight episode.
I am so honored to speak this weekend.
I love your youth pastor Drew.
He is awesome and he has such incredible insight and wisdom.
Even if he is a Ram’s fan— He is just amazing and I really love this guy!
I mean what really solidified Drew’s awesomeness is when he shot a bottle rocket out of his butt!
It was incredible.
Can I tell that story?
Is that okay Drew.
No— I shouldn’t have.
Okay just pretend I didn’t tell that story.
Oh man you kinda ruined some good material there.
Well anyway— like I said my name is Zach and I am a youth pastor.
I have been at my Bethel for about 5 years.
I am married to my best friend Brittni and we will celebrate our 12th year of marriage in July.
You know how in video games you level up or you may get upgraded, or you play above your skill level.
My wife did that— for me— Totally kidding I was the one who married up— way up and out of my league.
For some reason she fell for me and as soon as she showed a slight interest— I told her I loved her and I wanted to grow old with her.
And it worked— You can see me afterwards for dating advice.
But we have three kids
Evelynn Marie who is 9 (Picture)
Rosalee Kay who is 7 (Picture)
And Corona V- I’m kidding This is Theodor Alan (Picture) He is 15 months old but we did have a Covid Baby and we also got a pandemic puppy named Albus Thor. (Picture)
Combining some of our favorite things Harry Potter and Marvel movies (Thor)
Something I really love to do: Over the last nine months my wife and I started Crossfit— It is just a lot of us just trying to lift weights as fast as possible, waking up really sore, and having weird pains that I know I never had before joining.
But honestly it has been really fun and it is something my wife and I get to do together which is fun.
That is a little bit about me and I would love to get to you know each one of over the next like 48 hours!
So come up and introduce yourself to me!
As we begin tonight I have some very important questions to ask you tonight.
Number 1 are you ready?
That wasn’t the question— easy now.
Question number 1--
Taylor Swift or Beyoncé?
We know that answer is Beyoncé
Have you heard of the Taylor Swift issue?
Okay so Taylor has bad relationships right?
I mean she writes about a ton of them.
Do you know what is the common factor is? It is Taylor Swift.
I think she is the issue for her failed relationships.
Okay moving on.
Question number 2?
Pepsi or Coke
It is Pepsi unless it is Coke Zero that stuff is good.
Question #3
Apple or Android?
It is only Apple—
Question #4
Culvers or Chick-fil-a
We know it is chick-fil-a
Last question #5
Pancakes or Waffles?
Waffles all day!
Alright that gives me a good idea of what I am dealing with this weekend.
Lucky you kinda of past so I guess I can stay.
Like I said before, I am super pumped to be with you guys this weekend.
I am so excited for what we are going to be talking about.
And as Drew and I were talking and thinking about what this weekend could mean, I asked him what do you want your students to walk away from this weekend with?
And a word or phrase that kept coming up was I just want them to treasure their relationship with Jesus.
As in what are we in pursuit of in life?
What do you pursue?
Because what we pursue comes down to what we value.
Know what I value compared to what my kids value is vastly different.
Like this last week my wife and I were going through their room and we made a huge pile of stuffed animals that they needed to get rid of.
And we told them hey were are going to get rid of these stuff animals.
And my oldest Evey— she is so sweet and cares so deeply about things— she grabbed each stuffed animal and told me and Brittni about why they needed to keep said stuffed animal.
From this is the stuffed animal that I got because we moved it is special to me.
Or I got this stuffed animal on my third birthday and when I skinned my knee and we had to put peroxide on— this stuffed animal got me through it.
How do you argue with that.
Needless to say they still have a ton of stuffed animals but what they value and what I value is very different.
But we all have this to an extent.
We all have different perspectives on what is valuable.
What are somethings that you value?
Ask Students
We all have different things that we put value in.
And we can do a lot ton of verbal gymnastics to argue why those things are valuable.
We can make a case for anything we deem valuable.
And those things that we put value in it is because it means something to us.
Or it is an activity that we dedicate a ton of time and energy into.
It is our beauty that we take extra care of.
It could be an instrument, a friendship, a relationship, school, or even things.
You see what you are passionate about is what you will value.
And we can call those valuables treasures.
And the Bible says a lot about what we treasure and what is a treasure.
And we will dive more into our theme verse tomorrow but I still want to read it to you.
Matthew 6:21 ESV
For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.
But now let me ask you a question?
What are your passionate about— what is your treasure?
I noticed that nobody themselves.
As in you may not see yourself as a treasure.
However that is exactly how God sees you.
God sees you and sees value— You are valuable.
And What Drew and myself want you to walk away from this weekend with is that Christ is your greatest treasure.
But in order to do that I think we need to know why we should treasure Him.
And I believe that starts with knowing that we are treasured by him.
So our main point tonight is that God treasures you.
So tonight I want to look at God’s heart and what He has to say about us.
We are going to be in Luke 15 tonight.
If you have your Bibles go ahead and flip there.
So our first point tonight is that:
God Treasures the Lost (15:1-7)
Which is a good thing because this is the state that we live in.
We are lost—
For we are sinners.
Sorry if this is new to you, but you are not a perfect angel.
And honestly we all need to understand this.
Because you have to understand that you are lost and need of being rescued.
So when Jesus is approached by the pharisees he tells a story about being lost/repentant/ and alive
Let’s read in Luke 15::1-7
Luke 15:1–7 ESV
Now the tax collectors and sinners were all drawing near to hear him. And the Pharisees and the scribes grumbled, saying, “This man receives sinners and eats with them.” So he told them this parable: “What man of you, having a hundred sheep, if he has lost one of them, does not leave the ninety-nine in the open country, and go after the one that is lost, until he finds it? And when he has found it, he lays it on his shoulders, rejoicing. And when he comes home, he calls together his friends and his neighbors, saying to them, ‘Rejoice with me, for I have found my sheep that was lost.’ Just so, I tell you, there will be more joy in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine righteous persons who need no repentance.
You see this parable tells us that God values the lost.
A huge number of people came to him and they were throwing shade at Him.
They were mad and angry because God was eating with sinners, and those who were beneath everyone else.
So Jesus hearing this and know what they were saying, is like listen, let me make it simple for you.
A man has a hundred sheep and if he loses one does he not leave the 99 and go after the one sheep.
Those 99 are living it up.
They aren’t in danger.
They have plenty of food and water, the Shepard provided for those sheep.
And once those sheep are all set up he goes after the missing one.
It means that Shepard noticed when one was gone.
He knew that one was missing.
And some of us tonight just want to know that someone notices us.
He wasn’t some absent Shepard— he was involved and invested in his sheep.
You may be thinking its one sheep you got 99 more— is it worth the effort.
If you asked that ask or you thought that question you are ignoring the value of the individual.
You see God doesn’t do that.
No He sees you and He values you
And not only that but he values those who are lost.
Those who have lost their way.
And when the Shepard finds the sheep what does he do?
He picks it up lays it on his shoulder and rejoices.
He celebrates with everyone, he calls the neighbor and is like “YO Josiah you know that sheep, Nick, that I was missing, well guess what it is home now.
Why don’t you grab that honey of your and come over and celebrate with us!”
That is excitement!
That is someone who cares about something or someone who was lost and is over joyed when they are found.
While Jesus is focusing on the shepherd I think we would miss the point if we also didn’t talk about the missing sheep.
That sheep most likely was distracted by something.
You all got stuff that distracts you in life.
And when we hear a lot of noise it is hard sometimes to pick up on the voices that we should be listening to right?
With a million voices yelling in our direction trying to distract us we sometimes can just feel lost.
I remember this one time at Wal-Mart I was about 8 or 10 years old.
And it was around Christmas time and I was with my aunt and grandma.
I love shopping with my grandma.
She would always get me something in the store.
Could be a toy— like a power ranger!
Or candy!
That is really all a ten year old is after anyways.
On this day, I pointed out that I really liked this toy but today was not the day for a toy.
I’m not proud of this but I sulked— but I was 8 leave me alone!
Anybody ever get told no you can’t get that toy growing up?
RIGHT? How did you feel about that!?
I mean I am sure that there are a thousand other issues that matter but this day, that toy it mattered to me.
So what happens when we get told no, we pout.
Actually like side note— growing up I had a little drama in me.
If this happened— which it did all the time with my folks.
I would trail behind the kart or something and I would listen to the song playing the store and I would let that be my melody to heal my broken heart.
All by my self— singing in the middle isle sapping, emotional, and just very simply expressive.
I am not proud of that either— but like I would dance and walk really slowly and choreograph my moves which would be slow and very dramatic.
I am so thankful that my mom did not have a smartphone as they were not even created yet!
Anyway— back to Wal-Mart
I was told no— I was upset.
And when I got upset, I got distracted.
I stopped and started to look at something and it was probably only for like 3 or 4 min.
And when I put the toy down, I looked up and my aunt and grandma were no where to be seen.
Instantly panic sets in.
I did not see where they went.
I could not hear them.
It was around Christmas time it was busy there were so many people and I was scared.
I felt lost mostly because at this point I was lost.
It felt like an eternity was going by.
And I kept hearing all of these voices around me, none of which I could make out.
I was searching but I could not find my family.
It was in this moment that I began to hear a quite yell of Zach.
Zach… Zach… Where are you...
It was my aunt’s voice and I still couldn’t see them and I had to really focus on her voice to hear her and try to follow it.
But Wal-Mart is not a quite place before Christmas!
And finally I saw my aunt and I took off running for her and I remember that I leaped into her arms and I felt so secure and welcomed and peaceful.
I was lost but then I was found and I am sure the whole thing lasted for about 5 min or even 5 seconds but it felt like an eternity.
I mean I did end up getting the toy but that is neither here nor there.
But you see I was distracted from following my family and I was lost until I heard their voice.
What I find interesting about that day is that in the middle of Wal-Mart the most familiar voice that was the loudest.
And we don’t get a window into what that shepherd and sheep said to each other but I can image that sheep heard the voice of the shepherd and come running.
And when he heard the voice— he knew that someone cared enough to come looking for him.
And that shepherd didn’t scull the sheep for getting lost, no he threw it on his shoulders and rejoiced.
I want every eye up here.
God love you and he cares enough about you to come after you.
He leave the 99 and he comes after you.
Everyone liked to feel pursued.
God treasures you so much that he saw that you were lost and the world was hurting and he said Jesus I need you to save them.
We need to save them.
At Walmart all those year ago— i heard that voice that I could run too.
It was that voice that was connected to someone who loved me and cared enough for me to call to me and come and get me.
I believe that we all have voices that we listen to daily.
Some are great and others are not.
Every voice that we listen too is going to distract us from some other voice.
It is going to tell you that you aren’t good enough.
You aren’t lovable.
Nobody cares.
But I would beg you to not listen to those voices.
They are lairs.
They want you lost but you could be found if you just listen to the voice of the Lord.
Again not all voices are bad, but we need to determine which ones we are always going to listen too.
But not only does God treasure the lost but he also treasures repentance.
God Treasures Repentance (15:8-10)
Luke 15:8–10 ESV
“Or what woman, having ten silver coins, if she loses one coin, does not light a lamp and sweep the house and seek diligently until she finds it? And when she has found it, she calls together her friends and neighbors, saying, ‘Rejoice with me, for I have found the coin that I had lost.’ Just so, I tell you, there is joy before the angels of God over one sinner who repents.”
So Jesus is continuing this parable because what is better then one parable how about two?
Tonight if you find yourself lost without a shepherd you can identify with the sheep.
If you have been found but you haven’t repented of stuff that you have done the woman with ten coins is where you may live at.
So this lady has ten coins and she lost one coin again.
And she turns her house upside down to find it.
I have lost money before and let me tell you what I storm the house looking for it!
I look everywhere!
The couch, my girls room, the laundry, my wife’s purse.
I check everywhere.
And you again my be thinking— what’s one coin.
And if you have never been in a place where you lose $20 and you don’t feel that lost then I pray that you never do— but there has been times where we are literally single dollars away from not having enough to buy bread.
And when that money comes up missing you tear everything apart.
Now the coin can’t repent of what sin it has caused its a coin.
And the woman was seeking after the coin to find it.
She was searching everywhere.
And what I find interesting is that verse 10 here echos verse 7 from before.
Luke 15:10 ESV
Just so, I tell you, there is joy before the angels of God over one sinner who repents.”
Notice that there is this call to repent both times.
You see God will seek you but you have to be willing to submit to Him.
You have to be willing to not runaway anymore.
To not be lost anymore.
To follow after what the Lord commands.
And he calls all of us to repent daily.
1 John 1:9 ESV
If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.
So what is some stuff that you need to give over to God this weekend?
It is a short weekend but it can be impactful and that is all up to you.
Are you willing to give up the stuff that you know God wants you to repent of?
God treasures the lost and God treasures repentance
and lastly
God Treasures those Alive (15:11-32)
A man had two sons and one son came to the dead and said look give me my inheritance— saying I wish you had died already can you just give me what I have coming to me.
And the father— who is a good father— says sure here you go.
And this younger brother goes out and throws it all away.
He hits up those parties— he is dropping money on everything.
He was 100% embracing the culture of the day and it was poor timing on his part because all the food had dried up!
No food left.
And this guy who is a jewish man begins to work with pigs— which is against God to do.
They were to have nothing to do with pigs they were viewed as unclean.
But in this moment when this younger brother was down and out and the pig food was looking tasty— he has a thought.
And saying— I’m going to go back to my father and be one of his servants.
So he begins to walk home.
And before the younger brother could make it to the house.
The father was looking in the distance and he takes off for his son.
And before the son who had prepared a huge monologue, where he is going to apologize for what he did.
You ever do that— where you are like— I am going to say this and then this!
You have it all planned out and then then it goes nothing like you rehearsed it in your mind.
And his dad is like bring the best robe, here is the family ring— get the fattened calf— call everyone we know for we are having a party tonight!
For my son who was dead is now alive.
And the older brother shows up and he just doesn’t get it right.
He is mad at his dad for letting his younger, good for nothing brother back into the family.
But here is verse 32 here is what it says.
Luke 15:32 ESV
It was fitting to celebrate and be glad, for this your brother was dead, and is alive; he was lost, and is found.’ ”
He went from begin dead to begin alive— he was lost but now he is found— He was sinful but know he is forgiven.
This younger brother had to have known the kind of man his father was because if I had said that to my dad I don’t know if I would have gone back home.
This father knew that his son was going to mess up and he was not going to find joy and fulfillment in the world— so he let him go but he never stopped looking for him.
Luke 15:20 ESV
And he arose and came to his father. But while he was still a long way off, his father saw him and felt compassion, and ran and embraced him and kissed him.
The father was waiting for the son to come back.
Maybe that is where a couple of you are tonight.
You thought you know what— I want to chase the world.
I want the world to fill me up.
Let me tell you something— you will not find true joy or happiness in sex, at the bottle of bottles, or at the end of joints.
All that stuff will leave you feeling good for a moment but when that wears off you will still be empty and alone.
This younger brother tasted that and he came back.
You need to see yourselves as lost/repent/and alive why?
Because that is what God treasures.
And this was everyone single one of us— don’t pretend like you are not one of these three— because that is what the older brother thought.
He was so mad at his dad for letting his good for nothing brother come back.
It can be easy to get that way— you don’t get why people just don’t turn to God sooner— why it takes this so long to give their life to Jesus.
This is a really common thought for those who grew up in the church.
Because you don’t recall the journey to repentance you had to take.
God want you.
And if God wants you the creator of the whole world— why wouldn’t we say yes.
He has provided for you, he cares for you, he loves you, he chases you, he seeks you out, he turns over the house and he runs to you when you finally wake up and say—
This life isn’t for me.
I’m dead and I need Jesus.
And I hope in those moments you repent and you seek God.
If we all did this— it would change how we saw people.
If we see others as valuable and treasured it will drive us to action.
Because as much as God pursues us— how often to we reach out to others and share the Gospel with them?
The gospel of John 3:16
John 3:16 ESV
“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.
God love you// He died for you// and he gave you a gift of salvation and all you have to do is believe and you will be saved.
God values you— He sees you
God treasures the lost
God Treasures repentance
God Treasures those who are alive.
So tonight— maybe you got some stuff to figure out.
And There are a tons of leaders here who would love to help you.
Maybe you just feel lost.
Maybe you got some baggage that you need to repent off.
Maybe you just to turn back and run back to the father.
He is waiting for you— because he sees you and he loves you.
So don’t wait go to him— embrace him and move from being dead to being alive.
Let’s pray5
1. What was your big take away from tonight?
2. What is your expectations for the weekend?
3. Who makes you feel treasured/valued the most? Why is that?
4. Who are some people that you treasure/value?
5. What are some ways that you show that you treasure/value someone?
6. What are some burdens that you have currently that you would like to share?
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