When Revival Comes

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TEXT: Psalm 85:1-6, NKJV
TOPIC: When Revival Comes
Pastor Bobby Earls, First Baptist Church, Center Point, May 21, 2006
Revival with Hilldale Baptist Church
Psalm 85 is a prayer for revival. David, in this lovely psalm, took a backward glance and recalled what God had already accomplished for His people.
1 Lord, You have been favorable to Your land;
You have brought back the captivity of Jacob.
2 You have forgiven the iniquity of Your people;
You have covered all their sin. Selah
3 You have taken away all Your wrath;
You have turned from the fierceness of Your anger.
Next, the psalmist takes a forward glance into the future and expresses the hope of all God’s people—Revival!
4 Restore us, O God of our salvation,
And cause Your anger toward us to cease.
5 Will You be angry with us forever?
Will You prolong Your anger to all generations?
6 Will You not revive us again,
That Your people may rejoice in You?
Thinking men and women the world over are saying that something extremely important is about to happen in our world. We don’t know what it is, but we seem to be at the very edge of some type of cataclysmic and historical event.
As Christians, we believe one of three things could be about to take place:


The Bible teaches that the wicked and those who forget God shall be turned into hell-fire. Seneca, the Roman historian, sought to warn Rome of its impending doom.
There are several frightening parallels to ancient Rome and America today.
· Religious Apostasy: People turn away from their faith in God. We live in a pluralistic society where one man’s religion is as good as another. If you don’t like one try another or just make one up.
· Moral Degradation: People neglect God’s moral laws. God does have a moral law code He intends for us to obey. But our world is one of situation ethics where there are no absolutes. Today’s mottos have long been, “If it feels good, do it.” “Life’s a beach live it up.” “You only go around once.”
· Political Anarchy: No true governmental leadership. One well-known politician was quoted as saying that we have the most immoral governmental leaders today than at any time in American history.

2. The second possibility might be THE RETURN OF THE LORD JESUS CHRIST FOR HIS PEOPLE!

Even so come Lord Jesus!

3. The third possibility may be that REVIVAL IS ABOUT TO COME.

George Gallop of the well-known Gallop Polling System said after 10 years of study of Religious Activity in America, “In all the years of polls, I’ve never seen a time more ripe for revival.”
Bill Bright, the Founder and former President of Campus Crusade for Christ spent the last quarter of a century of his life praying and fasting for national revival. He was convinced he would see revival in America before he died. That did not happen.
I have personally prayed for revival for years. Many today tell me that America has gone too far as a nation to see revival, but I don’t believe it! I am optimistic that America will once again experience the mighty hand of God move in revival!
One thing is certain. Our churches need revival. Illustration: I heard about a church that placed a sign in the church’s front yard that read, “Either this church will have revival or a funeral!”
It’s a sad commentary on American churches when we hear that 70% are either plateaued or declining. (49.5 % plateaued, 20.2% declining)
The greatest need in our churches today is not financial. It is not for new buildings, or a new location or more workers. The greatest need we have in our churches today is for an old-fashioned, sin-killing, heaven-sent, Christ-honoring, Holy Spirit filled revival!
So very quickly, look with me at Psalm 85:6 and the topic, “When Revival Comes.”

I. REVIVAL BEGINS WITH GOD, v. 6 “Will You not revive us again?”

Revival, if it is to be revival, is something God must do. We are responsible for some things; for prayer, for obedience. We can advertise, publicize and agonize. But we are cast upon the Sovereign mercy of God for revival.
In verse 7 the psalmist prayed, “Show us your mercy Lord, and grant us your salvation.”
Revival begins with God.


Though God must send revival, each of us has a responsibility to meet the conditions for revival.
A. God’s people are the Subjects of Revival.
B. God’s people must follow the Steps for Revival.
Charles G. Finney in his well-known book “How to Experience Revival” says, “A revival can be expected when Christians are willing to make the sacrifices necessary to carry it on. They must be willing to sacrifice their feelings, businesses, and time to help the work of revival.”
And what steps must we take to experience revival?
2 Chronicles 7:14, “if My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land.
Illustration: Author John Ruskin was having so many interruptions trying to complete a new novel that he published an ad in the local newspaper. The notice read: “John Ruskin is totally engaged in completing a book and cannot respond to calls or correspondence. Consider John Ruskin dead for the next three months!”
Would to God that we would develop such an attitude of commitment to God as we yearn for revival in our day.

III. REVIVAL CONCLUDES IN CHANGED LIVES, v. 6, “that your people may rejoice in You.”

1. Confession of Sin

Again Finney said, “A revival is near when Christians begin to confess their sins to one another. Usually they confess in a general half-hearted manner. They may do it in eloquent language, but it means nothing. But when there is honest breaking down and pouring out of the heart in confession of sin, the floodgates will soon burst open, and salvation will flow everywhere.”
Share account of the revival that began 10 years ago on the campus of Howard-Payne University.

2. Restoration of Broken Relationships

3. The salvation of the Lost

4. Renewed Vision among God’s people

5. Renewed Interests in the worship and work of God

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