Sermon Tone Analysis
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This automated analysis scores the text on the likely presence of emotional, language, and social tones. There are no right or wrong scores; this is just an indication of tones readers or listeners may pick up from the text.
A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
Emotion Tone
Language Tone
Social Tone
Emotional Range
Tone of specific sentences
Social Tendencies
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9
Opening prayer, dedication
Symbol of Lent - Crown of Thorns [Liturgist]
Music ministry
498 Peace Like A River
295 Revive Us Again (1,2,4)
Lord, I Need You
In the Hands of Christ My King (Chorus only)
Word of God - Hebrews 5:7-10
Message: “Don’t Suffer Alone”
On this fifth Sunday of Lent
We continue our preparation for the empty tomb and all the empty tomb represents
Specifically, we think of the “Crown of Thorns” and the suffering Jesus endured for us
There is so much for us to learn
We continue to study and learn how to apply God’s Word
So that we face each challenge of life in a manner that is pleasing to God
Most pointedly, this entire season of resurrection is focusing on how God calls us to be TOGETHER in all things
Thus, the title of the message today is “Don’t Suffer Alone”
The shortest verse in the bible is John 11:35 “Jesus wept”
That’s what Jesus did when his friend Lazarus died
Jesus wept, not because Lazarus died
Not even because Jesus was not with Lazarus when he died
No, Jesus wept because of the pain that Martha and Mary experienced at the death of Lazarus
They believed that Jesus could have saved Lazarus if Jesus got there sooner
They felt like Jesus had left Lazarus alone, abandoned
In truth, Jesus had not abandoned Lazarus
Jesus knew that he had “fallen asleep”
Jesus had told his disciples of Lazarus’ death before they went to see Lazarus
And Jesus told them that they must go so Jesus could “Awaken him”
Jesus told them why in John 11:14-15
In this short story, which comes from John 1, we see the truth that we will suffer and have pain
and whether we see Jesus there with us at that moment or not
Jesus knows our pain
Jesus feels our pain
and Jesus want to lift that pain
Praise God for His grace and mercy
This story is just one example Jesus taught us that could only be demonstrated by Jesus coming to walk alongside us
This is the time in history being described in Hebrews 5:7
“the days of His flesh” are the days that Jesus walked the earth in human form
What did Jesus do more than anything else while walking with us?
Jesus prayed
Jesus prayed to the point of pleading-which is supplication
When you see me get tearful and cry, all I’m doing is what Jesus did
Jesus wept - He wept LOUDLY
Talk about counter-cultural
The King of Kings cried loudly
Since Jesus came to save us and set an example for us, it tells us a couple of things
First, Jesus let His emotions show
Jesus’ Example
Jesus Showed Emotion
Jesus was not afraid to let people know how He felt
Yet, Jesus didn’t fake it or put on a show for others
Jesus was and it authentic and real
Second, Jesus knew to take His prayers to God the Father
Jesus’ Example
Jesus showed emotion
Jesus Prayed to God
I’d bet most of us have been there, for some it has been recently
We may feel like God has forsaken us or forgotten us or not listened
In truth, by knowing to go to God in prayer, we are not alone
We talk to God because we know He is with us
We go to God in prayer because we know that God is capable of saving us
Third point, Especially in times of trial, we need supporters near us
Jesus’ Example
Jesus showed Emotion
Jesus Prayed to God
Jesus Was Not Alone
As His crucifixion drew near, Jesus gave us this example in Matthew 26:36-39
Jesus demonstrated several things in this
Even though Jesus needed to go talk with God in prayer
Jesus did NOT send his friends “away”
No, Jesus told them to stay nearby
Jesus took the few He was closest to, Peter and the sons of Zebedee away from the others and confided in them
Jesus told them why He was so burdened
Then Jesus asked them to “watch” - some versions say “stay awake” while Jesus talked with God
Notice that these three in whom Jesus confided did NOT tell Jesus what to do
They did nothing but be present, so Jesus could be alone with God
Of course, if we continue to read the passage, those three didn’t manage to stay awake, but that’s another sermon
The point is that Jesus asked some people to stay with Him as He suffered
Even knowing that God could remove the impending suffering
Jesus did not need the physical strength of those friends
Jesus wanted them there for support AND to show them how WE should relate to God in the midst of trial
Then, Jesus taught us that God hears us even if God doesn’t do what WE want
How many times have you heard someone say, “THEY never listen”
When what they should say is “They didn’t do what I wanted”?
I heard that all the time when I was in politics
I heard it in business
and I have heard it as a pastor
The truth is, that sometimes we just disagree wit each other
And sometimes there is more at work than someone realizes
When a child plead their case to stay up past bedtime, don’t parents sometimes have to say ‘no’ for reasons the child does not understand?
Of course, and the same thing happens to adults
I have prayed that God remove a medical problem or illness
Yet the illness did not go away
I know God heard me, and I know that the answer was either ‘no’ or ‘not yet’
So, my job is to be obedient to what God says to do NOW
Even Jesus had to demonstrate that He learned obedience by going to the cross for our sins
That’s what Hebrews 5:8 tells us
Can you imagine knowing that your entire life purpose is to suffer so others can see obedience in suffering?
That was only part of the purpose of Jesus’ life
But it is a part of OUR lives too
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9