April 3rd | Genesis 2:18-25 (The First Marriage)

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Designing a way for Sinners to be made, right with you. Would you would you help our hearts to see the that the magnitude of these truths? We sing? Would you capture a heart? As we look into your word and see what a wonderful gracious, father savior, Holy Spirit and soon come in. Can you are we pray these things in Jesus name? Amen? Hey, man, I don't know about you, but I need to sing these truths to myself over and over again.

So good to sing words. We know are true and and bring bring out the word of God. The truth of God's word to our hearts each and every day. So we are a few weeks and making our way through the Book of Genesis. One of the things that we hope to see about our church, as we love to preach the word of God. And most of the time you'll come in, you'll find us moving through books of the Bible, and, and that includes Jen. And so, sometimes we, we miss take the Old Testament as books of the Bible where we see God's anger towards sin. And that certainly there. But we also see it in the New Testament to the Cross of Christ. Much throughout Genesis. We see a god of, of, of loving-kindness. A God who is incredibly patient with his people. And we see grace on every page of the, of the Old Testament as we learn about the Lord. And so, let's not even a sort of dichotomized this as Old, Testament is God's law and Raph and the New Testament where we see God's love and mercy, right? So we see different features, of course, but the Old Testament is filled with God's love. So Genesis 2:18 through 25. If you have a Bible app, go ahead and put the air or right there. There's a Bible in a seat back in front of you and we're in Genesis, very beginning of the Bible, Genesis means beginnings. And and at the very beginning, probably pages to page two or three. Got to check this morning, how far we made it but Genesis 2:18 through 25, then the Lord God said it is not good that the man should be alone. I will make a helper. Super Bowl or a companion fit4 or suitable to him. Now, out of the ground, the Lord God had formed every beast of the field and every bird of the heavens and brought them to the man, to see what he would call them. And whatever the man called every living creature. That was its name. The man gave names to all the livestock into the birds of the heaven to the every beast of the field, but for Adam, there was not found a helper fit for him. And so the Lord God called the deep cause a deep sleep to fall in the man and while he slept, he took one of his ribs and he close it up at it with its flesh, closed up, its place with flesh and the rib that the Lord God had taken from the man he made into a woman and brought her to the man. The man said this at last is both of my bones and Flesh of My Flesh. She shall be called woman for. She was taken out of man, there for a man, shall leave his father and his mother and hold fast to his wife and they should the two shall become one flesh.

And the man and his wife were both naked and we're not ashamed. Friends, we're going to see you this morning. That God designed marriage for Mutual companionship and to better reflect God's character to the world. In other words, when we're joined together. We better reflect God's character to the world. That's what first God's design for Mutual companionship. Right at the outset. If you remember from last week, God created Adam and he placed him in the garden and he, and he gave adam, a command. There are two trees are many trees. In fact, but do not eat of this one tree, right? Of the tree of the knowledge of Good and Evil, you shall not eat for in the day that you eat of it. You shall die. So let's remember who's here at this point Walking with God and talking with God. Adam. Adams just going to give it a command man. It's important for us to see that Adam has just been given a command.

He likely not there to hear that command. God gave adam a charge. And now God is seeing that Adam is it's not good. That Adam be alone. He wants to make her a helper or a help me or a companion. Suitably fitted for him complimentary to him that you may remember recently read in Genesis. 1 26 and 27. God created man in his own image, in the image of God. He created him male and female, he created them. Verse 28, and God bless them and said be fruitful. And multiply, and fill the Earth and subdue it, and have dominion over the fish of the sea over. The birds of the air over every living thing that moves on the Earth. And God continues with what we call the creation mandate, what we're reading now about the creation of Adam, and Eve is not another creation, but it's a creation account that we read that is embedded within some of the summary creation that we read in. Genesis. 1:18. The Lord said, it's not a helper fit for him. So if you've been paying attention in Genesis, if not will let it slip by, but if you've been paying attention to Genesis, this statement should sort of, you know, it should be a little bit jarring for you because all the way through Genesis each and every day. It is good. It is good. It is good is good. Gets it to the end of day day 6. It is very good and now we read, It's not good. So what's going on here? Did God make a mistake? Well know, God doesn't make mistakes. Never sends. Always accomplishes, everything that he sets out to accomplish but embedded within this day, 6, creation story is a longer explanation or clarification of how God made Adam and Eve. And, in that creation. God says, it's not good, that man, be alone. But at the end of that day, God says, it's very good. So that's happened with him to stay. And it's important to remember that what God is revealing to us. Here is for our good, God is revealing these things and as well, see with Adam got his revealing, these things to Moses for, for the people of Israel as they're getting ready to go into the promised land, right? The first five books of the Bible or are largely for that purpose. And everything that God is telling us here is for our good to understand him. In other words. How long did it take God to accomplish certain things on specific days? What we know what was happening within one 24-hour. We don't know how it unfolded in that day. But God could have said Universe and everything in the universe in the world and Adam and Eve and everything else just be and it would have been. But what God does is, he has created and he has his giving us insight into his purposes for creation. Not every detail about creation is is shown to us. But what God does as he has he revealed some things about creation for us and as you'll see in the coming weeks and months as he reveals certain things about a certain Family Lines lineages in the Old Testament. But he reveals what he wants is to know in order to understand them better so that we would stand in all of him and worship him and ultimately so that we would submit to him and give our lives to him. So this is not goodbye, take you in the back and that would be okay if I did and I thought everything was good, but everything is good, but God says.

Man was never attend to be alone. Adam had perfect fellowship with God in the garden. This isn't a statement that the God's Not Enough For Adam.

But no matter how mature the man marriage has a sort of a, a civilizing effect on a man, if he has any wits about him. Marriage is helpful to men. Marriage is also helpful to ladies. no matter how mature he is, or no matter how immature he is, marriage ought to be maturing for a man as he grows to love his wife that God created, as A suitable companion for him. One fit. Just right for him.

It's not because we're we're to marry a woman who will take care of us, so we can be lazy. It's not because we should marry a woman because she knows the Lord and she knows the Bible to help me stay on the right path. In fact, you read what I said at the beginning, God gave adam. A command. Man. He gave adam. A command to follow. So he says I'll make it help her or come in and suitable to him or complementary to him. God blueprint for this companion, for Adam, was to make this helper. We know, of course, as Eve. Comfortable to him, right? Different translations. Say this different ways, right? A bit bit more old-fashioned than a Amplified version uses the phrase, a helper me one that's suitable, adaptador completing they in the KJV. It says a helpmeet for him. That's, we don't use that expression anymore. Sort of old-fashioned term. The Septuagint was a Greek translation of the Old Testament. Says, a helper correspondent to himself of the living Bible, says, a companion. A helper suited to his needs the ESV, which we just heard in the csb, say helper fit for very similarly, the NIV and nasb say a helper suitable for The new English translation, read the companion, for him, who corresponds to him, helpful to see how different translations have a have interpreted, or brought Clarity to this word, right? This Hebrew words. It doesn't suggest. It doesn't suggest a subordinate role in her personhood, or in her value or in whose house. She is esteemed by God, or how she is to be esteemed by her husband. It's not subordinate in value purpose or image member. God said, let us make man, which is referring to Mankind in our image. Eve is just made in God's image. As Adam is made in God's image rights of the Bible. Frequently described the helper, the one who does for us, what we cannot do for ourselves and the one who meets our needs. It's like saying I'm going to make an indispensable companion for you, right? So in other words, it would carry the idea that what man was lacking. By God's design. What man was lacking?

The women comes and fills or completes that in their relationship. Right now, logically follows that. Then the man would also do that for his wife. There's that there's a there's a jigsaw puzzle in God's creation that he is revealing to us here, right? That's it. With regard to the marriage relationship since God created woman to be a perfectly suitable. Helper to the man. God gave the plan in the agenda. Is I've already sent it to Adam and and, and her, and then he and the woman were to work together to fulfill it. God gives Men.

His purpose is designed for their life and ladies going to come alongside and help him pursue the Lord, in that.

Know, where do we? Where we see the disconnect? Well, let me just be honest. We men don't always do such a great job of that.

Sometimes we leave our wives holding the bag.

You guys are like today?

Man, it is it is Godly to go wholehearted after the Lord. Jesus Christ with your life. It is manly to sing. It is manly to cry. When you think about the depravity that God has saved you from if he has saved you from it. He hasn't your hearing my words and they're not connecting with you.

I thought we were supposed to be the spiritual ones. They kind of helped keep us on the right path. Keep us from getting into too much trouble as we say, no. What would help each other with that, but God gave a command to Adam? And God created Eve to follow him in that to be the perfect complement in that God has an ordained women to be helpers, two men, and a Thor t all around in life, but primarily in marriage and in the church, right? 2nd, Timothy or 1st. Timothy 2:12. I'm sorry. 1st Timothy 2, 12 and 13. He says, I do not permit a woman to teach or to exercise authority over a man. Rather. She's to remain quiet where Adam was born. First then, Eve, notice when Paul is talking to Timothy's training up for young, Pastor. He goes all the way back to Creation. Sometimes you will hear arguments about. Well, it's just a cultural thing that men let in the early church. It wasn't their cultural implications, but it was not a cultural thing. God created men to lead in the church and in the home. Now, I want to clarify, this doesn't mean if you work a job. Can you work for a woman? Of course you can. Has nothing to do with who your boss is at work. It has to do with how God created men and women to function in the marriage which fills itself out in the life of a local church. It doesn't mean that women can't speak in the church. I know it says here. They must be silent when you do get into some cultural understanding about how what Paul was communicating here.

But let's not get lost on those tracks. In the main point is that within the home in the church. God is called and created men to lead.

Man, that means you pick up your Bible and you get in it yourself.

You need your wife to help you with understanding certain things. No problem. We're wired differently were gifted differently.

But you lead by setting an example, you lead by moving out first and desire.

So you open your Bible, you read this? I don't understand what this means. I need to understand this better.

She might say I have no idea what he's getting at. Is this.

Brothers, I want to say that's perfectly acceptable, but you want to keep moving for you. When I keep growing in submission to the Lord, as you are growing in and surrendering to Christ. So the idea of this being a helpmate or a, a companion, fit for one, who's called along to to, to be a helper. Is really an incredibly God glorifying picture.

We just think through it in a convoluted way. Cuz we we think like the world with it, Matthew 20, 25 to 28. Jesus called to the sons of Zebedee and he said, you know, that the rulers of the Gentiles Lord it over them talking about Authority, power and position. An Ender gray, one's exercise authority over them. Jesus said, it should not be so among you, but whoever would be great among you must be your servant. And whoever would be first among you must be your slave. Even the son of man came not to be served but to serve and to give his life as a ransom for many.

Men were called to lovingly serve our wives and we leave through servant leadership. When we speak about our, our deacons in our, in our elders here at the church. What can I use the expression that there are Elders, are servant leaders and our deacons are lead servants. Right is a man who, who, who honestly most of the time they're behind the scene. They don't want to make a name for themselves. They just are serving in their building, unity in the church. And and we say, you're at your lead serving your life gives testimony that you're leading in the home. However, imperfectly of course, but in and they serve the church family in wonderful ways. God has called Elders pastors Elders to be servant leaders. All right. We don't lie. Say I'm an elder. I'm a pastor. You need to do what I say.

We hope to lead in a way that's loving, in a way that leads by the word of God, holding it out for one another as we as we leave together, but being a helper is a wonderful thing. Back. The holy spirit is called our helper. If God can call the Holy Spirit Helper and it be okay. Got on to be able to call women a Helper and it be just fine. You see what's happening here. God created you to fill a void in our lives, in our character, in our gifting in our personalities. This is a wonderful thing. You got a gift to us. We just sometimes make the mistake of not. I'm not treating you like that.

That's on us. Man, that's on you if that's you. God gave us a command. He gave us. Why is to help us fulfill the vision that God has called us to walk? According to? They're comfortable to us. They are to be honored in such a way as they are comprable to us. And I will say not not because Society is currently recognizing. Some fault email leadership is it has nothing to do with Society. In fact, that ought to be exemplary for society. The way we follow the Lord, with all our heart. Anyway, we love and honor and respect and treat our wives. 1st Peter 3:7 says it is we likewise husband's live with your wives in an understanding way showing on or to the woman as the weaker vessel, since they are Heirs of the grace of life. So that your prayers may not be hindered. Did you catch that?

You don't of your wife, your prayers, at the feeling?

Second point is no complementary or companion or helper was found for Adam Wright. And I'm going to move to this point pretty quickly here, the next couple points, but remember everything that God is doing in creation. Everything, God, is doing that. The beasts of the field that he's forming the birds of the heavens. All of these are created as part of God's, good and beautiful and glorious design. He bring them all before Adam and Adam names them all, and whatever Adam named, and that's what they were called, right? Remember God. God is doing all of this to teach us as we read his word and brothers and sisters. He's doing all of this for Adam to teach Adam. As much as naming, all the animals, got it said to have dominion over the all over the Earth. And, and to say it's really over every living thing over all the animals, take care of the world that I put you in. Don't worship. It would take care of it. And so God is bringing his animals. Before Adam and Eve naming them. He begins to notice.

Not one of these.

Is complimentary for me? Maybe they came before him. A any realize I don't have a

But he knew something was different. There was no complimentary companion found for Adam number three in keeping with God's word and that's important got that. I'm going to make a helper fit for him. And I was not living like this, you know, it's not good for man to be alone.

Never. God had a plan from before the foundation of the world and he's working it out and part of that working it out is bring it all of the animals and bring them bring them before Adam.

so, In keeping with his word because that's where we start a new first 18. I will make a helper fit for him. God created woman from, and for Adam, verse 21 to 23. God, caused a deep sleep, the best anesthetic to fall upon the man. And while he slept, he took one of his rib, do they close up? Its place with flash and the ribbon. The Lord God had taken from the man he made into a woman and brought her to the man. And the man said this at last is bone of my bones and Flesh of My Flesh. She shall be called woman because she was taken out of, man, his own body to create event and really, to Forever remind them of their of their essential Oneness. Eve was taken from Adam.

And they will see in a lot of ways that they're very different, but they will also see how they are very uniquely woven together. Their many likenesses between the two of them. And we see also, as we look into the New Testament, write the body of Christ comes, if you will from a wound that was made in Jesus's side. Is we think a lot of now about the death burial and resurrection of Jesus.

Number for God, design marriage. And as an illustration of our relationship with him. Where's 24 there for a man? Shall leave his father and mother and hold fast to his wife and they will become one flesh. God created marriage for a purpose that's bigger than itself is not just about marriage. This is not just about finding happiness, or or companionship, or a friend to do life with From the very beginning, it was intended. That marriage is a picture of a believer's relationship with God. And as husband and wife, a picture of Christ relationship to the church and the church is relationship to the Christ to Christ. Paul says this again, going all the way back to Creation. He says, by the way, let me just say this. We think about the book of Ephesians. We often go to the book of Ephesians. When people begin talking about struggles in their marriage, right? Sometimes we get to chapter 52 quickly, you know, we want, we want to get the husband to, to to, to act first and obeying, the Lord, and loving his wife, and things like that to the right, two chapter five, you know, what else happens? In the rest of Ephesians, the Lord draws out the reality that we are one in Christ. And so if we have to believe her sitting in front of us, there's a lot that happens in growing in Christ before we get to Ephesians chapter 5 in the middle of the twenties or thirties. There's a lot that happened prior to that. So without just rushing there. We look at the whole book of Ephesians that we say. What is God doing in us? How does God intend that we live? First and foremost is Christians.

Christian man. Your Christian wife is your sister in Christ. Before she's your wife, marriage is for our time here on Earth when we were in glory. Those marriage relationships are not the priority.

I mean, I don't think we're going to forget our spouse who was it again.

What is logical reasoning for that? Come through my college, pastor. I just don't think we're going to be dumber when we're in heaven.

I'll hit you in a minute. Or it's just bad joke telling on my calling pastor.

This applies to the whole family mom's and Dad, if you're a Christian. You think about your children and raising them? Our goal not just to make good productive boys and girls for society.

It's to evangelize them with the truth of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, that every day shows they need. It's to help you realize how much you need to depend on the holy spirit in your parenting. Would you need? And it's to train them up for the cause of Jesus Christ in this community, and around the world. You are training up. If they're Believers, you are training up your brother or sister in Christ. That happens to be 20 or 30 years younger than you. We must always prioritize our relationship to God and our role in relation to the Lord above our familial relationships. And husbands wives. That's true view in your marriage. You're married to your brother or sister in Christ. And all the kids will like

And that's, that's good that you to that. What are the you're married to your brother or sister via that? You think about the grand design that God has and weaving this all together.

Marriage is an Earthly picture of the relationship that exists between Christ the bridegroom to church and his bride Seasons. 532 says this mystery is profound and I'm saying that it marriage refers to Christ and the church. 1st Corinthians, 6, as a husband, and wife are one flesh with one spirit in the Lord. The verse actually says there's a paraphrasing here, but he who joins is joined to. The Lord becomes one spirit with him. Cuz we're doing to the Lord similarly. And yet with distinction, the Lord joins us to one another.

Someone described marriage is God's doing with one, man. And one woman that which he is always trying to do within the world as a whole. To unite everything to join everything together in him. And that in fact is the message of Ephesians, as we learned last year. So if you're struggling in your marriage. And if you're human, you're struggling in your marriage.

Don't just go to Ephesians 5:32. Go to Ephesians 1 and see what God's purpose in the world is go to Ephesians, to begin to praise the prayers of Ephesians for one another with one another.

Put off the old self, be renewed in the spirit of your mind and put on the new self.

This is all before you get to Ephesians 5 and start talking about marriage.

Get right with the Lord as a Believer first. Follow him with your whole heart and love and honor your spouse.

I think it's also important to remember that your Christian relationship does not have to be separate and an exclusive doesn't mean you have to. You have to have a really silly about me. Just one for today.

I was so excited to get married. and, What to Cheryl and not just in general. Like I can't wait to get married to bring whoever along.

We fell in love quickly. And had to get from Canada to here. Wailord it and a lot of time in our in our dating relationship and I remember one time being so excited to have quiet times with my wife. If you know guys are sometimes I just don't think through what they say, but that I was just so excited about you and I was like, we're going to have your Bible at open on the desk and we're going to reach across the table and we're going to hold hands, and we're going to pray with a read the Bible together. We're going to do. Put them in the same room held hands across the desk and read and pray the word with each other.

Guess I was a house. We could put two deaths in the same room.

I have my time with the Lord. Chamberlain has her time with the Lord. We pray together. We encourage each other. We challenge each other. We're going after Jesus, all by God's grace, and we're striving to help one another along the way.

We would help fulfill the great commandment. The Great Commission by training up two boys who will love Jesus with all of their heart and soul and mind and strength, and grow up to love the Lord. Love his word and love people as a result of that. We can't change their hearts, were depending on the spirit for it all and that's the same about for your spouse. You're dependent on on the Lord to change your spouse's heart. What what we need to do as individuals as go hard after the Lord. Looking into our own soul, asking the Lord to make us mature in him. You don't desire Christ like you need to ask him to give it to you. The father is to get rid of every good and good and perfect gift.

Saddle up something he says.

She's a knockout.

She's made for me.

She's like me, but different.

And for this reason, verse 24 says, a man shall leave his father and mother and hold fast to his wife and they shall become. One Flash.

They shall become one flesh.

We're wired differently, men and women. I typically women or

What are wired differently? I'm not finished.

That was the laugh of like, oh, no, he's stuck in a hole and he can't get out of it.

They're wired for intimacy differently.

The word for friendship differently.

They're wired.

Definitely with how many words they have per day. You like preach.

And then your wired differently.

But here's what's interesting about that is, we heard about how the men are wired differently and how the women are wired differently, the men, you know, are going like, they're either going. I need help, figuring this out. Or ladies, when you hear me say that you're wired differently or saying yes. Yes. I wish he would get that.

And then you're thinking something similar. Yep.

Man, we should never try to make our wise be us. We should never try to make our wives. Have our same personality. We should never expect our wise to have the same perspective. We should never expect our wives to be. Yes women, who just tell us everything that we do is wonderful, and we're so handsome. And we're so smart and all of our perspectives are right. And just Swoon every time we walk by because we're so wonderful. That's a very self-centered selfish perspective.

We follow the lord. We become more and more accustomed to the character of God. And we love to serve her to love her. To listen to her. But when she going to get to the point, it doesn't actually matter.

Why is he may get to the point before you even ready for the conversation?

We're different and you were created in God's image and God is woven us together. This is what we see in the marriage picture. Man leaves his father and mother and he holds fast, he clings to his wife and they shall become one flesh. That's the consummation of the marriage relationship. And now, look at this, beautiful picture in an untarnished Garden.

And the man and the woman. The man and his wife. We're both naked and they were not ashamed.

Parents don't don't cover your children's ears when it comes to God's description of of intimacy in the Bible. Help them see that? It's not bad. It's good. It's God's glorious design. Here. There there, there, there there, unclose there, there naked. And you're not thinking, how do I look? They're fellowshipping with God in the garden. There one in their Union. God designed marriage for Mutual companionship and to better reflect his character to the world to believing husbands and believing wives. I want to talk to singles for a minute. Here in high school or college in? Well, you're beyond that age, and, and you're single for any number of reasons. I can't get into the Weeds on it today, but When we say that, that men and women husbands and wives complement one another, this does not mean that you have to get married to be purpose filled for building. God's kingdom impact the Apostle. Paul says, quite the opposite. I said, if you can be free from it, like me, so I can't be totally focused on the kingdom of God, and I don't have to worry about and that's not a, that's not a negative way to say that. I'm not distracted by the things of Earth are tending to my wife's need. I just go out to the Lord and fulfilling his call in my life. So you don't have to be married to be fulfilled in your purpose on this Earth.

But let me ask this. If you're married, God's word to you is, are you growing in deeper companionship with the Lord?

So that you can grow in deeper companionship with your wife. Or with your husband.

Is your marriage growing in the way that it, that it reflects? Christ's sacrificial. Love to the church into the world.

Or are you vying for pole position in your relationship? You're vying for Authority. You're vying for who's going to make this decision or who's going to serve each other the most? This is where it's good. Not just to look for marriage verses in the Bible. But as Paul tells Believers out, do one another your competition. That's the competition outdo one, another and showing honor.

Compete for that. Who can serve the best. Looking to love the most seriously, seriously, seriously. Fiercely in a Godly way. Marriage, there's no autopilot in marriage marriage requires commitment. It requires attention to detail and it says it requires work.

Now a word to the men for a moment.

Man, we love our Sports.

We love our Hobbies.

If you read a an instruction manual for anything or if you're getting a no guns or getting to know hunting or the laws, you'll find the material. You'll read it. You'll learn it. You'll commit to it. Don't say. I don't read. I can't learn how to love my wife in the right way.

I don't know where to find the information. See if it's something that you want. You'll find it and that seen in many areas in our lives. I want, encourage you get in the word, love the Lord, Jesus, with all your heart, trust his grace, to grow you a little at a time. And he will because he's promised and he's faithful. Ladies. It is not your call. It is not your responsibility to make him love the Lord. Cuz I will tell you this as the Lord begins to get a hold of his heart. You may find that he leads you in ways that are different than what you want. But the very desire that you want it for him to love Jesus. Get engaged in your relationship, get engaged and leading your family get engaged in following the Lord may require him to lead in a way that catches you off-guard. It's the same. God who calls him to lead. The same one, who calls you. To honor him. To willfully submit to him, to surrender yourself, to him as he leads and really at the end of the day, the beautiful picture is we want to help one another. Do it together.

Christ is one with the father. He's one with the spirit. We are to be one with one another. And one in the Lord.

As we get ready to take communion. I want to invite you to

We usually stay like come on up whenever you want. Today, I'm going to do something a little different. I just want to invite you to Just remain in your seats. You can decide how long is and don't be afraid to be the first one to stand up. Consider your marriage. Consider your relationship with the Lord. Think more about yourself. Then your spouse unless you're contemplating, how you can serve them. Love them. Take some time to pray. We have to communion stations up front. We have gluten-free communion over here. We have two stations and the back. And if you would like to remain in your seat for any reason, just lift your hand up and some will come serve, you may be glad to do. So, will sing our closing worship songs together? As we take communion again, pray, as long as you'd like his long as you need to and then feel free to go to any any station to be served communion, or do you want to say? This communion is a, is a gift that God gave Believers to remember the sacrifice that Jesus Paid for us at Calvary. So that we could be saved without Jesus. There is no salvation. And if you know this and you know that you've surrendered your heart to the Lord, you've turned from yourself and repentance and in faith, you believe that, if Jesus plus nothing and every good work that follows is, What flows from faith? We invite you to come in and, and celebrate the Lord's supper with us as a worshipful time is a worshipful experience. If you're not sure about your relationship with the Lord, that's nothing to be ashamed that we just want to invite you to abstain, from taking communion because it's for Christians, but use this time to allow the Lord to help you understand your relationship with him. Pray grab someone near you and ask them about what it means to have a personal relationship with Christ with no desire to post anybody's arm for anything. We just love to talk with people. You just love to share about the difference. Jesus has made in our lives. Okay, that's coming together. Father. We thank you for your wisdom and creating husband and wife. We thank you for the love that you have shown us and we thank you that you are so

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