Mark 11:12-25 A Fruity Object Lesson on Prayer
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I am going to make you a sandwich today. Actually Mark through the inspiration of the Holy Spirit made us an sandwich.
On ether side of the story of Jesus cleansing the temple is the story of Jesus and a fig tree.
and what does Jesus do to the fig tree? Lets look and see.
The Bible Knowledge Commentary (11:12–13)
The time of year was Passover (cf. 14:1), the middle of the month of Nisan (April). In Palestine fig trees produced crops of small edible buds in March followed by the appearance of large green leaves in early April. This early green “fruit” (buds) was common food for local peasants. (An absence of these buds despite the tree’s green foliage promising their presence indicated it would bear no fruit that year.) Eventually these buds dropped off when the normal crop of figs formed and ripened in late May and June, the fig season. Thus it was reasonable for Jesus shortly before Passover (mid-April) to expect to find something edible on that fig tree even though it was not the season for figs.
From the distance the tree appeared to be more advanced than the others, and made it seem at a distance to offer something substantial, but in actuality offered nothing but leaves. This tree had the appearance of substance, but in actuality was fruitless.
Mark makes it a point that it was not the season for figs, but the tree gave the appearance that it was the season. The point for us is that we need to be careful we don’t give those around us an appearance of fruitfulness, when in actuality we are no different than the culture in which we live. Underneath the fancy cloths and beautiful smiles is a barren life.
The Bible Knowledge Commentary (B. Jesus’ Prophetic Signs of God’s Judgment on Israel (11:12–26))
Like the fig tree, Israel flourished with the “leaves” of ritual religion but lacked the “fruit” of righteousness God demanded.
So in application, the worship in the temple gave the impression of rich spirituality, when in actuality it was ceremonial empty. As Isaiah the prophet said in Isaiah 29:13
The Lord said: These people approach me with their speeches to honor me with lip-service, yet their hearts are far from me, and human rules direct their worship of me.
This is that thing Jesus was not cleansing the temple. I hope you see now that just as Jesus cursed the fig tree. Jesus was cursing the Temple. The fig tree is a fruity object lesson for the judgement He will bring on the temple.
You see at that time many of the teachers in Isreal believed that prayers offered in the temple were better or more likely to be heard by God. According to the prevailing thought Jews had God’s ear more than Gentiles when they prayed.
Jesus has come to correct this nationalistic and selfish view of prayer
True prayer reveals to us an others what is on the inside.
Inside their hearts was selfishness… What is in our hearts?
3 Truths of True Prayer
3 Truths of True Prayer
1. Prayer draws our will closer to God (Verse 22).
1. Prayer draws our will closer to God (Verse 22).
(verse 22) Peter is astounded by the withered up fig tree. Jesus’ answered Peter . . . if you want to live, really live, you have to have faith in God!! Reading Jesus’ response caused me to reflect for a moment on Hebrews 11:6
Now without faith it is impossible to please God, since the one who draws near to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who seek him.
Faith is rooted in our belief that God exists. If we don’t have total trust in His existence, we don’t have faith. It is impossible to please God without having faith that He exists and will reward those who seek Him. As Bruce Barton reminds us in his commentary, real faith begins in the heart. To have a strong, vibrant, living faith requires a personal relationship with the risen Christ. Jesus is Lord; we are his disciples. We are being called to move beyond the veneer and trappings of Christianity to genuine faith in Christ. Faith puts fruit on our trees; it fills life’s shell with love forever.
Prayer increases our faith and faith draws us to God.
The Bible Knowledge Commentary (11:22–24)
Jesus is exhorting His disciples to have faith in God. Faith that rests in God is unwavering trust in His omnipotent power and unfailing goodness.
Transition: This is exactly why it can be done in confidence.
2. Prayer should be done in confidence (Verses 22 - 24).
2. Prayer should be done in confidence (Verses 22 - 24).
Peter seemed surprised that the fig tree really did wither even though Jesus said that it would. Are you still surprised when Jesus does what He says He will do?
And so it will be when Jesus returns. People will be surprised and yet Jesus will be like I told you all along.
Look at what Jesus says in verse 22. “Have faith in God” Why because God does what He says He will do.
What mountain are they talking about here? The mountain the are looking at! Mount Zion, The temple mount. Jesus has cleansed it… No Jesus has cursed it and it will be thrown into the sea. Btw the dead sea was also visible from the mount of Olives. Jesus death and resurrection will make it obsolete. The temple with its dead worship and ceremony is crumbling and Jesus is the wreaking ball.
So he gave them permission, and the unclean spirits came out and entered the pigs. The herd of about two thousand rushed down the steep bank into the sea and drowned there.
“But whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in me to fall away—it would be better for him if a heavy millstone were hung around his neck and he were thrown into the sea.
Jesus means business when He says this mountain will be thrown into the sea.
The Bible Knowledge Commentary (11:14)
This was a dramatic prophetic sign of God’s impending judgment on Israel, not an angry reaction because Jesus was hungry and found no food.
God can no more be confined to the temple than Jesus can be confined to the tomb. God’s people can function without a holy place where God’s people are assembled is the holy place. The temple would no longer be the focal point of God’s presents among God’s people. Where the gospel is preached and the people of God gather is the focal point.
verse 23 does not doubt in his heart 24 believe that you have received it. - When you pray remember who you are talking to. The God of miracles, sovereign and supernatural.
The Bible Knowledge Commentary 11:22–24
because believing prayer taps God’s power to accomplish the humanly impossible (cf. 10:27), Jesus exhorted His disciples to believe that they have already received whatever they request in prayer. Faith accepts it as good as done even though the actual answer is still future.
The Bible Knowledge Commentary (11:22–24)
Jesus made this promise on the recognized premise that petitions must be in harmony with God’s will. This enables faith to receive the answers God gives. God is always ready to respond to obedient believers’ prayers, and they can petition Him knowing that no situation or difficulty is impossible for Him.
This is the confidence we have before him: If we ask anything according to his will, he hears us.
Transition: Prayer is done is confidence and one of the things we can be most confident about is that Jesus forgives us for all our sins. in fact prayer should dwell on forgiveness.
3. Prayer should dwell on forgiveness (Verse 25).
3. Prayer should dwell on forgiveness (Verse 25).
How does the Lord’s prayer end? Thine is the Kingdom and the power and the glory ....WRONG!
Look at Matthew 6
And forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors.
“For if you forgive others their offenses, your heavenly Father will forgive you as well.
But if you don’t forgive others, your Father will not forgive your offenses.
The funny thing about forgiveness is that it make us more confident in our relationship with God. Because we understand better the reality that He can and does forgive us.
We pray to a God who does exactly what He says He is going to do. Prayer should be done in confidence. Because we are talking to God. The God who does what He says He will do.
and He says He will draw us to Him and forgive us and others so we dwell on forgiveness.
Do you know God? Have you dwelt in His forgiveness
People who have drawn close to God and dwelt on forgiveness pray with confidence.