Praying in Tongues
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recap from last Sunday
recap from last Sunday
The outpouring of the Holy Ghost at Pentecost.Acts 2:1-4 “They were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues as the Spirit gave them the utterance”Jesus made a promise to His disciples – promise of the Holy Spirit, promise of power.Baptism of the Holy Spirit – entrance experience to realm of the spirit.Example: visit to India – everything different – culture, language, streets, traffic. Needed an interpreter – someone familiar with the language and culture of India.Holy Spirit is familiar with the culture and language and ways of the Father, of the Kingdom.First experience – speak (whatever has your tongue has your life – Jam.3:4).
PROP- “Speaking in tongues” is learning an entirely new spiritual language through which we connect & communicate with God—our spirit to His.
Speaking in tongues is a sign that you're praying with all your heart and soul. It means communication has opened up between yourself, God - the Holy Spirit!
Functions and Purpose of Speaking in Tongues
1. Speaking in Tongues: Energises your spirit man
Eph. 3:20 “..the power that works in us …”Power = dunamus = supernatural power of God. The Holy Spirit.Works = energeo = to energise, to fill with energy and life.Words we speak can carry energy and life.Praying in tongues strongly – your spirit man becomes energised.This flow of the life of the Holy Spirit also energises your body and soul.
Body becomes quickened with energy and life.
Soul – your mind clears and you become sinsitised to voice of the Holy Spirit. (Prov. 20:27)
Speaking in tongues is a spiritual gift that allows you to connect with God and understand His voice more clearly. When we speak, it creates an open flow of communication between ourselves as well as the Holy Spirit who speaks through us
• 1 Cor. 14:14- “If I pray in a tongue, my spirit prays, but my mind is unfruitful.”
• 1 Cor. 14:2- “For anyone who speaks in a tongue does not speak to men but to God. Indeed, no one understands him; he utters mysteries with his spirit.”
• Takes us above our thoughts and logic!
o Causes us to live “spirit first” not “head first.”
o Eph. 4:20-24 There you “learn Christ”—becoming “renewed
in the attitude of your mind”!
o Brings you into a place of increased revelation & enhanced perception!
o Your soul is refreshed, your mind is renewed, and your faith is increased!
o NOTE: Gifts flow in clusters (Tongues is usually accompanied by wisdom, words of knowledge, & prophecy! Atmosphere of revelation!)
Pray for God to give you an increased desire to talk with Him. Confess whatever may be a hindrance to your prayer life today.
3. Speaking in Tongues: Brings forth the purposes of God
1 Cor.14:2 “ the spirit he speaks mysteries.”Mystery = something concealed, covered, unknown, not understood.The mysteries are not for God’s benefit but for ours.You are the one who doesn’t understand but needs revelation.Mystery = revelation of God’s Kingdom purpose for you life.
e.g. Mt. 13:11 Mysteries of the Kingdom of God.
e.g. 1Cor. 4:1 Stewards of the mysteries of God.
V2 “speak to God’ = this is a prayer to be answered.V28 “speak to self” = teach yourself – impart revelation into spirit as you speak.As you speak in tongues you are also teaching and imparting to your own spirit.
e.g. 1 Cor.14:19 Teach others also = also teach self.
Paul prayed in tongues continually – also received great revelation.
4. Speaking in Tongues: Initiates flows of revelation
God releases revelation knowledge to transform believers and invite them into the heavenly realms .
1 Cor. 2:11-12 Received – the Spirit that is from God that might know the things that have been freely given to us by God.Revelation flows into our mind the same way the language of tongues does.Language of the heart/spirit is not reasoning and logic.
- Flows – spontaneous, flow of thoughts and ideas
- Pictures, visions
- Thoughts
- Inner knowings
What is Revelation?
- Ideas and inspiration - Insights to Word of God
- Insights to own life - Gifts of the Spirit
- Warnings. cautions
Took : praying in the spirit brings a believer to a whole other dynamic in the heavenly realm it's time for each believer to step into the heavenly realm by releasing the language of the spirit. Want each believer praise in the spirit it releases a sweet fragranch to the Lord.