Because of God
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1 John 5:18-21 “We know that no one who is born of God sins; but He who was born of God keeps him, and the evil one does not touch him. We know that we are of God, and that the whole world lies in the power of the evil one. And we know that the Son of God has come, and has given us understanding so that we may know Him who is true; and we are in Him who is true, in His Son Jesus Christ. This is the true God and eternal life. Little children, guard yourselves from idols.”
성경전서 개역개정판 5장
하나님께로부터 난 자는 다 범죄하지 아니하는 줄을 우리가 아노라 하나님께로부터 1)나신 자가 그를 지키시매 악한 자가 그를 만지지도 못하느니라
19 또 아는 것은 우리는 하나님께 속하고 온 세상은 악한 자 안에 처한 것이며
20 또 아는 것은 하나님의 아들이 이르러 우리에게 지각을 주사 우리로 참된 자를 알게 하신 것과 또한 우리가 참된 자 곧 그의 아들 예수 그리스도 안에 있는 것이니 그는 참 하나님이시요 영생이시라
21 자녀들아 너희 자신을 지켜 우상에게서 멀리하라
a. Because of God, we are cleansed from our sins (5:18)
a. Because of God, we are cleansed from our sins (5:18)
i. John highlights the 3 blessings we have in Christ.
ii. John starts his statements in verse 18 by speaking about the things we know. In the prior section, John spoke about our confidence in asking God and His willingness to listen to our prayers. What John says in verse 15 is that if we ask, we know that He will listen, and because He will listen, if we see a brother sinning, we shall ask God for him and God will give life to this person.
iii. Remember the context will help us understand what John is saying here. John is saying that if we see a brother sinning, then pray for him. When we pray for them, God will hear our prayer and keep them. This is why nobody born of God sins, in the sense that they commit the sin of apostasy. Nobody who is truly saved will fall away.
iv. John is saying that we know this is true. We know that God will do these things. Therefore, again, John starts the next 3 verses by saying this is what we know. What is the first of the three statements?
v. We know that because of God, all those who are born of Him, we are cleansed from our sins. John starts with a difficult phrase by stating a similar statement to 1 John 3:9. In 1 John 3:9, John writes that the one born of Him cannot sin because of His seed. John was focusing on the position of the believer there rather than immunity to long term habitual sinning.
vi. I think it’s important that we recognize what John is saying and what we believe to be true in our lives. If we are honest, we all know that this is not saying nobody who is born of God, that person cannot sin. Every true believer in Christ sins and sins everyday. So what John is saying here is that we are cleansed by the death of Christ. Through His death, even when we sin every day, we are forgiven. That does not mean we don’t repent for our sins. We must repent for our sins. Why? Because repentance is recognizing our wrongful actions before God. It is to understand that because of Him, we are forgiven. If we don’t repent, we are denying the gift of grace we have received in Christ. By not repenting, we are taking the grace of God for granted. Instead of thinking that grace is a gift, by not repenting, we believe that it is our right to receive His grace.
vii. So what is John saying when he says that nobody born of God sins? Many people believe that people are all sinners and nobody is perfect. While this is true, John is saying there is a true Christian. John is saying that a true Christian is not characterized by sin. A Christian that is not characterized by sin doesn’t mean that he doesn’t sin. John said earlier in 1 John 1:8-10 that if we say we are without sin, we are liars and the truth is not in us. So we know that even Christians sin. But what it means when we say a Christian is not characterized by sin means that a true believer doesn’t look for ways to sin. A true believer will never give an excuse to sin and be content with their sin. A true believer will acknowledge their sinfulness and instead of finding contentment in their sin, will realize that all sin is unrighteousness and turn from their sin.
viii. This does not mean this is an easy process. This is why the book of 1 John is replete with this what it means to be a true Christian. It seems impossible because it is impossible by the strength of men. But by the power of God, we are able to overcome our sin. But every true believer knows that their lives are new because of the grace of God. In an age of easy believism, John is reminding us that there is a true Christian. A true Christian will never condone sin in their life. A true Christian will never live in sin and be content in it. A true Christian will never make excuses for their sin.
ix. So John reminds us again before he completes this book, that a true believer knows that he should not live in sin because his confidence is not in himself, but rather on God. This is why John writes, that he who is born of God keeps him. Notice that God is the one who keeps us from sinning. So if we live in continual sin, our lives are characterized by sin, what it reveals to us is that we are not saved to begin with.
x. I want to make this clear because people might not understand this. But if you are a true Christian, you will not be content with your sin. There is sin in everyone’s life. But a true Christian will never say this sin is who I am. A true Christian will never make an excuse for his lifestyle. Rather, a true Christian will acknowledge their sin and turn from it. This doesn’t mean you will fix it right away. But sometimes, it does mean you will fix it right away. But the promise is, that God will finish the good work that He started in you.
xi. Although you might not change right away morally or ethically, what will happen is that your mind will change. You will realize things that are wrong in your life and your disposition or thoughts toward them will change. A true Christian will never look at their sinful lifestyle and approve of them. Although it is hard to change, a true Christian knows what is wrong and right and we know that through the work of the Spirit in your life, God will change those things in your life.
b. Because of God, we are children of God (5:19)
b. Because of God, we are children of God (5:19)
i. John starts verse 19 by reminding his listeners that they are children of God. John focus as he closes his letter is to remind his children in the faith that we have nothing to fear. We know we are from God because we belong to Him. It is not because of our goodness or our ability but rather because of what He has done.
ii. By this statement, John is also reminding his listeners that there are only two kinds of people in the world. There are children of God and there are children of the devil. There is nothing in between. In a world where we don’t want to offend others, the reality is, there are only two families in the world. Either you are children of God, or you are a child of the Devil.
iii. But here’s the scary part of this statement. John says we know we are children of God. This means that those who are children of the evil one, they also know they are his children. John is reminding his listeners that there are only two possibilities. You must decide whether you are a child of God or you are a child of the evil one. There is no neutrality.
iv. Thus the child of God can know with full confidence that they belong to God. How? We must know that we belong to God and choose to live in obedience to Him. John is making the point clearly here. You know that you are children of God. But you must choose to obey God if you truly are a child of God.
v. The hint here is that the whole world lies in the power of the evil one. What is the hint? Because they lie in the power of the evil one, they choose to do evil. Because they are in the family of the evil one, they choose to live in unrighteousness.
vi. The contrast is true for the believer. Because we live in the family of God, we must choose to live in righteousness. This is not to say that because we choose to live in righteousness that we are righteous, but rather, we choose to live in righteousness because that is the fruit of our salvation.
vii. There is much confusion in the world and even in the church regarding how we are saved. Many people think that they are saved because of how they live. They think because they live righteously that they are saved and the opposite as well. Because they don’t live righteously, they are not saved. But the problem with this dilemma is that we are focusing our salvation on our own actions. Living a righteous life doesn’t mean we are saved. Trusting in Christ as our Lord and Savior is how we are saved. And true biblical Christianity tells us that if we believe that Jesus is Lord and Savior, then I will respond with good works. You see, good works is not the ground for my salvation, but rather the fruit of it. I am not saved because I do good works. But because I am saved, I do good works. I don’t put trust in my good works, but I do good works because I trust in Christ.
viii. Now for those of us who know this, we must not just focus on what Christ has done. The Bible never stops there. The Bible never just tells us what Christ has done. No, it tells us if you know this is true about who Christ is and what He has done for you, You must live righteously. Simply, the Bible calls us to respond to the Gospel message. This is why we are called to good works because it is the response to the Gospel.
ix. John is reminding us this is the true Christian. The true Christian not only knows the truth, but chooses to live according to the truth.
c. Because of God, we have eternal life (5:20-21)
c. Because of God, we have eternal life (5:20-21)
i. John finalizes the section with the last “we know” by stating that God has come and has given us understanding so we may know the truth and we who are in His son Jesus Christ, we are ones who have received eternal life.
ii. This third closing comment reaffirms John’s teaching on the deity and work of Christ. John tells us that the son of God has come. The reason? Jesus came to give us understanding so that we may know Him. Notice the reason why Jesus came. Jesus came so that we can have a relationship with Him.
iii. What’s amazing about this statement is that Jesus doesn’t want us to just know things about Him. Notice John’s statement. He says we know that the Son of God has come. You see we know these things, but He came so that we can know Him personally. The verb here know indicates knowledge by experience. This indicates not knowledge by instruction or intuition, but a personal, relational, knowledge of God who is truth itself. It tells us that Jesus came not to just give us truth, but a fellowship with the true one.
iv. But what’s astounding about John’s next statement is probably the clearest statement about the Christ. Up to now, John has started that Jesus is the Christ or that Jesus is the Son of God, but John concludes the letter by making a simple yet profound statement. John says, that God is the true one, and all those who are in Him, are the true ones. Those who are in Him, Him being Jesus Christ, This Jesus is the true God and eternal life.
v. Everything in this book comes to a close with this statement. John reminds his listeners that there is only one truth and one way to the Father. It is through the person and work of the Lord Jesus Christ. There is no other way. Only those who put their confidence in Christ, those people will receive eternal life.
vi. Now if the letter ended here, we’d say Amen Hallelujah Praise the Lord, but verse 21 is there for us. John writes, Little Children, guard yourselves from idols. This last verse has caused some people to think that John’s letter is not complete. Why would John write this?
vii. Having emphasized that Jesus is the true God, John warns against being misled into the worship of any other alleged manifestation or representation of God. John closes the letter by saying, if you know that Jesus is the way the truth and the life, then don’t look to anything or anybody else. Be aware of false gods and idols.
viii. We see clearly from this closing the pastoral aspect of John. John is reminding his children to not stray from the truth. If you truly believe in Christ, complete the race. Don’t run the race to give up at the end. Run the race with endurance. This verse reminds us of the utmost urgency of the power of the evil one. The evil one is always out to cause us to stray from God. Just as this was true in the time of John, it is true today. There are so many distractions and trials in this life that can cause us to drift. But even through those things, John tells us, we know God. We know who He is and what He has done. Cling to Him. May we all be found faithful.