John 6:1-15, The Starving 5000
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-Children’s Church
-My dad’s progress
Read John 6:1-15
Opener - One of the signs of a spoiled child is that they want the gift that you give them, but they don’t want you.
They want what you have to give to them, but they have no desire for you.
-They love the gift, and they tolerate the giver.
-The question for you today is this, Do I seek Jesus for what He gives me or do I seek Jesus - to know and gain more of Jesus?
-Do I treasure the giver more or less than I treasure the gift.
-There is a fundamental difference.
-This question lays bare the intentions of our heart.
As a Christ Follower, It is ok to love the gift, but it is never ok to treasure the gift more than the giver.
-To love the gift more than the giver is no different than a child who loves their Christmas bicycle more than they love their parents.
Transition - What is happening in our passage today?
The Context
Context/Story Tell
Our story finds Jesus today in northern Israel on the eastern side of the Sea of Galilee (also known as Tiberius)
Jesus Meets Physical Needs
Vs. 1-2, A lot of people were following Jesus because he was healing the sick.
Matthew 14:14, Jesus had compassion and healed the sick.
The People, the crowd is following Jesus because they’ve never encountered someone who could work miracles and heal the sick.
In Bible times
-No modern medicine.
-No correct diagnosis to problems.
-No understanding of how pathology took place. The body was not understood at all.
-People were desperate for healing.
-This was a day when an infected cut or a bad cold turned to pneumonia would slowly kill you.
-It was a sad and desperate time. People were cursed with illnesses that are so easily treated today.
-An individual who could actually deal with disease & heal - heal instantly - would be a headliner.
-Many thousands were following Jesus.
-Due to Jesus’ popularity he was no longer able to hide.
-He had been discovered.
We see something interesting in the Gospels.
-There were days that Jesus healed no one.
-Days he just healed one.
-Days he healed hundreds.
-Today in our passage is one of those days he is healing many. Hundreds, maybe a thousand or more.
-Relieving them of medical curses that would cripple, handicap, and kill.
-Jesus was healing because of his great compassion.
-There is something important I want you to see about Jesus miracles.
-Notice in the scriptures that no one - not even the religious leaders who hated him claimed that the miracles did not take place.
-Those trying to discredit Jesus and kill him DID NOT deny the miracles happened. (x 2).
-Why? Pause.
-The answer, There were far too many miracles. Too many people who witnessed the miracles. Too many people who’s lives had been personally changed by a miracle.
-There was no denying Jesus miracles.
-Limbs grew back, the dead were raised, those blind from birth could see, the paralyzed who laid on the street corner for years could walk.
-There were 2 responses from the religious leaders, when it came to the miracles.
Nicodemus in John 3 said, We know you are from God because no one can do the things you are doing.
-They secretly admitted Jesus was from God because they saw the miracles.
-The 2nd response was to publically claim that Jesus casts out demons and healed by the power of Satan. To say His power was Satanic.
-The point is this - Even Jesus most strident enemies admitted that the healing Jesus were very real.
Why did Jesus heal in our passage today?
2 reasons
A. There is a special compassion that Jesus had for this crowd.
Mark 6:33, Tells us that Jesus had compassion on them because they were “Like sheep without a shepherd.” & that he began teaching them many things.
B. John 20:30-31
30 Now Jesus did many other signs in the presence of the disciples, which are not written in this book; 31 but these are written so that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in his name.
-Jesus did miracles, and had the miracles recorded so that you may put your faith in Jesus as the Savior, have your sins forgiven, have your earthly life transformed by him , AND be transformed into eternity with God forever in heaven.
-More than the physical healing, Jesus wanted people to be spiritually and eternally healed from the curse of sin.
-This is what He wants for you.
-You can have this today if you will give your life to Him.
Mention that Jesus not only meets physical needs, but also takes advantage of the situation to meet Spiritual Needs by teaching the crowd?
Jesus saw they had no Spiritual Guidance - He met their need of teaching.
Jesus meets Spiritual Needs
Mark and Luke tell us that not only did Jesus heal, but He taught them.
-Jesus did not just minister to the physical, but He ministered to the soul as well. He taught them about God’s Kingdom & Himself.
-When you love someone and minister to their physical needs, bring them a meal, fix their lawn mower, visit with them and talk … you’ve opened a door to also pray with them, share the Gospel, talk about spiritual things.
-When you minister to physical needs, take advantage and minister to spiritual needs.
Transition - In our story today … It is getting late in the day and Jesus says to Philip ...
vs. 5-6, Testing Philip - How are we going to feed all these people?
-They were on a grassy hillside side near the Sea of Galilee. It was a desolate place - no towns immediately near by. No grocery store, no restaurants, to Sprint Foods.
-There were thousands (Probably 20,000 plus), 5,000 men plus women and children.
(A football field with about as many metal folding chairs as you could fit would sit approximately 20,000 people worth).
Storytell - Mark tells us that Jesus tells the disciples to “go and see how much bread was in the crowd” after going through a crowd of over 20,000 people they find a boy with 5 barely crackers and 2 pickle fish.
-The word for loaves really better fits our description of crackers. Fried bread.
vs. 10-13, The Creative Miracle
-Jesus takes the loaves & Prays giving thanks.
vs. 11 is the most understated verse.
“...when he had given thanks, he distributed them to those who were seated. So also the fish, as much as they wanted.” This is the miracle verse.
-In that one verse Jesus kept breaking the bread and fish and causing more and more to appear in his hands.
-There were 5,000 men plus women and children (Conservatively 20,000 people).
-A lot of food went through Jesus hands.
-Maybe a 5 thousand pounds of bread.
-Plus 5 thousand pounds of fish.
-He broke and broke and broke
....and it kept appearing.
.... The disciples and the people in the front would have seen this quick work taking place.
..... Breaking and dropping probably into a basket for distribution.
..... Hundreds of times breaking, dropping, more appearing in his hand, over and over again.
....... breaking, dropping, creating more, breaking dropping, creating more....
-This was a creative miracle.
-There were atoms & molecules created out of nothing in to bread and fish.
-I’m going to go out on a limb and say that this was the best bread and fish anyone has ever had, because it came from the miraculous hands of Jesus. much until 20,0000 Plus people “had their fill”.
-And people didn’t just conserve and have a little piece.
-Everyone had their fill.
-Many of these people had not eaten all day.
-They made up for the meals they missed. They got full.
-So full they were stuffed and had food left over.
I’ve seen some of you eat when you are hungry. You eat a lot.
-Mr. Bill Toulsen when he was still with us was the first one downstairs in line at the covered dish dinner. He’d beet all the kids down to be first in line. Like his pastor, he enjoyed eating.
I’ve seen a few of our deacons eat when they are really hungry.
There’s one or two, it’s an embarrassment how much you eat in one sitting. Your wives know who you are.
And these 20,000 people with Jesus were filled.
-Jesus created a feast for 20,000 people out of a pack of crackers and a slim jim.
This was a miracle of epic proportion.
-If someone said to you, Here is a football field full of people. You have 2 hours to feed all of them.
-The only supplies I’m going to give you is 5 crackers and 2 pickled sardines.
-There are no grocery stores around, no industrial kitchen or even a backyard grill.
-How would you respond?
-You have 2 hours to feed them.
-Ready, Set, Go. Make it happen.
I would
1)either just stand their looking at the overwhelming impossibility.
2) or I would walk away in defeat and failure, and not even try.
Any one person who attempted to feed 20,000 would fail.
No fire, no running water, no supplies ...
It’s an impossibility, unless you are a miracles worker. Unless you are the Son of God.
Jesus did it.
This miracle immediately impacted more people than any other miracle Jesus did while he was on this earth.
-The religious leaders couldn’t dispute it happened.
-20,000 eye witnesses.
-It happened because is The Son of God.
Jesus cared. He cared about their physical needs.
He loved them.
Jesus cared. He cared about their spiritual needs. He taught them.
He also proved He was God.
He did this so you would believe that Jesus is the Son of God.
Let me ask you.
Have you trusted Him?
-Jesus effortlessly handled creating food for 20,000 people.
-He created the world by speaking it into existence - John 1
His ability to handle your problems, especially your sin problem … is no problem for Jesus.
-The purpose of Jesus miracles - Close with this?
-Compassion and love toward those He healed.
-Meet needs - in this case to feed hungry people.
-Most importantly,
John 20:30-31 reveals the fundamental purpose of Jesu’ miracles
John 20:30-31 “30 Now Jesus did many other signs in the presence of the disciples, which are not written in this book; 31 but these are written so that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in his name.”
That you may believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God & that you may have salvation.
You will know what Jesus says is true, because you know He is God.
You can trust that His teaching is from God, because Jesus has proven Himself God.
Transition - After Jesus had spent the day healing hundreds of sick people, teaching the people about the Kingdom of God, and hosting them to a miracle meal of supernaturally made food the people responded.
The 5 loaves and 2 fish
What is the purpose of the boy and his lunch?
-This tiny amount of food serves 2 purposes in this story.
1) It’s a point of ridiculousness. It’s humor in the story.
-It’s like inviting friends over for dinner and out comes one plate and on it is a crumb. It’s silly. It’s humor.
Did Jesus need the little boys lunch feed 20,000 plus people?
Did Jesus who spoke all the world and universe into existence need this food? NO
The fish & bread did Jesus little good.
Here is the beauty of the boys lunch.
This is the 2nd reason and most important reason the boy and his lunch is included in the story.
-The boys willingness to give, to share, opened the door for the boy to be included/invited into Jesus supernatural ministry.
-The boy made himself available and got to be a participant in a supernatural event.
-He was FAT, Faithful, Available, & Teachable.
-Jesus took an average, everyday child, and marked his life forever.
- In God’s mercy and grace , He uses the common and ordinary to work supernatural wonders through.
-God doesn’t need you to change the hearts and lives of others - but He invites you into ministry with Him.
-If you are willing, Jesus will do supernatural things with your life.
-Jesus will mark your life forever - If you will hold your life with an open hand and allow Him to have it.
Transition - After all the healings, after Jesus taught the people and after this great feeding miracle, what was the response?
There had to be a revival right?
This story is not a comedy, not a romance, but a tragedy.
Response 1 - They supposed this was a prophet like Moses.
vs. 14, The Prophet - Their is a prophecy that one will come and lead them like Moses.
Maybe all the bread they ate reminded them of the Manna of Moses day.
But after all the miracles the people didn’t see that Jesus was the Savior - the Messiah.
Response 2 - A Political Savior
vs. 15, Tells us that Jesus could see into their hearts.
They desired him to be their King and to free them from Roman oppression.
They wanted Jesus to fix the government.
Here is the tragedy
One thing is really clear - the people did not see any need for Jesus to fix them.
Earlier in the Gospel story Jesus calls some fisherman to follow him.
Peter was one of them.
Jesus does a great miracle.
After fishing all night and catching nothing, Jesus has the fisherman let down their nets on the other side.
A miracle catch was so big it damaged nets and almost sunk the boat.
What was Peter’s response to this miracle.
Peter fell on His face and said to Jesus, “Depart from me for I am a sinful man.”
Peter realized he was in the presence of holiness.
Peter realized he was not holy and confessed His sin.
Peters life was spiritually changed forever.
But here on a grassy hillside with full stomachs, healings, and a monstrosity of a miracle there is no confession of sin.
-There is no realization that they are in the presence of holiness.
-Out of 20,000 people there is not a single account of repentance or spiritual change.
-The best the people can do is think Jesus is a prophet or should be an earthly king.
They missed the one who is called the Bread of Life.
Their stomachs were full, but their souls were empty.
Here me - They deflected their spiritual need.
They said, The problem is the government, He can fix the government.
-They would not see that Jesus came to fix and change them.
I wonder if this is you this morning.
Illustration -
I have a dear friend that lives in Appling.
We don’t get to see each other often.
I got to spend about an hour with him on Friday.
He said, How are things going in your church.
-We’ve got a great core group.
-There are some mature people leading.
-We don’t have drama.
-I’m so blessed as a pastor.
-I said to my friend,
One of my biggest challenges is this. In my church we have way too many people who think they are spiritually ok just as they are.
Way too many think they don’t need to spiritually change or grow.
My friends, Many sitting in this room have seen God working and have said, “He Jesus, I’m OK - Go fix that problem over there.” Go fix that other sinner. Go fix the government.
My friend - Is that your heart attitude?
-Jesus’ immediate concern isn’t fixing governments.
-He didn’t fix the Roman government.
-He didn’t die on a cross to fix the American Government.
He came to change you.
-To give you life abundant life.
-He came to fix you...
The little boy said to Jesus, Here is my meal - Do whatever you want with it. It’s yours.
Would you do that with your life today?
-Would you say to Jesus. Jesus, here is my life. Do whatever you want with it.