Sermon Tone Analysis

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This automated analysis scores the text on the likely presence of emotional, language, and social tones. There are no right or wrong scores; this is just an indication of tones readers or listeners may pick up from the text.
A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
Emotion Tone
Language Tone
Social Tone
Emotional Range

Tone of specific sentences

Social Tendencies
Emotional Range
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9
Thank the elders for giving you a chance to preach and open the Word of God with everybody
The Background of our Text (Verses 22-24)
Just read this while giving minor explanation
After the feeding of the 5,000
Jesus has just walked on water (which these people did not witness, just the 12)
The people who had witnessed the feeding of the 5,000 hop into boats to go where the saw the rest of the disciples go.
Do not work for the food that perishes (Verses 25-27)
The people ask him how he got over there, but he does not answer their question, but rather he tells them something different.
The Food that Perishes
These people were seeking Christ for the food he provided not because he is king of kings and Lord of Lords
Let’s not be like these people!
Do not seek Christ for earthly things you hope to get.
Prosperity Gospel: Following Christ does not gain you earthly things
Do not waste your life in pursuit of earthly things but rather seek eternal things
Christ came to satisfy spiritual needs, not physical needs
The Food that Endures
This is salvation
Our Identity should not be in what provides our physical needs (which are a means to an end), but rather in the savior who we serve
Engineer that happens to be a Christian
Christian who happens to be an engineer
Those who bow before the king of Kings and Lord of Lords are far richer than than any man to ever walk the earth
Only the “Son of Man” (Christ) can give the food that endures
God the Father has “set the seal” on his son
When someone set their seal on a letter it was to show that within that letter were the words of the person in authority.
It was to certify the truth of the content.
Christ’s words are the “certified content” of God the Father
What must we do?
(Verses 28-29)
The people wanted a “work” they could do.
All we must do is believe the one whom God sent —Jesus
Not a mere cognitive understanding—but rather an understanding anchored in faith and dependence
This belief is casting your hope on Christ for your salvation.
We are saved by Grace alone through Faith alone
If we were saved by works then we would have something to boast about!
Legalism says “do”
Christ says “done”
Christ has already done all the work
All the works we do once we have trusted him are to bring glory to Him
What sign do you do? (Verses 30-34)
The feeding of the 5,000 was not enough for these people!
They were wanting MORE proof even though Christ had just done an amazing work
We should never look to Christ and tell him that he has not shown us enough!
I AM the bread of Life (Verses 35-40)
Verse 35 - The Bread of Life
Christ being the bread of life fulfills the feast of unleavened bread
A feast where the Israelites were to make unleavened bread and eat it for a week to remember and memorialize how God provided for them in the wilderness.
This physical feeding of bread in the wilderness was a foreshadowing to the spiritual bread that would be provided through Christ.
Leaven = Sin
Christ is unleavened bread!
What does it mean to hunger and thirst?
We often hunger for things that do not benefit us - We all have a God sized hole in us
We try to fill this hole with “worldly” drink and food such as:
Our Jobs
Sex or Pornography
What does it mean to come to Christ?
Whoever comes to Christ will never hunger spiritually ever again—they will never die of spiritual starvation
Christ satisfies all
Verse 36-40 - Given to the Son and secure in His hands
Verse 36-37 - “All that the Father gives me will come to me”
The unsaved (unregenerate) person can only believe if and only if God does a work within them first.
These are people who have been chosen in eternity past by God.
These people whom God has chosen are given to the Son as a gift and they come to him.
We who were once enemies of God were bought by the blood of Christ.
I will never cast him out
Those who have been bought by the precious blood of Christ will never be cast out from Christ.
These believers are eternally secure within the hands of God
(supported in next statement)
Verses 38 - 40: The will of Him who sent me
The comfort found in this truth!
How often we try to fling ourselves from his hand but he will never let us go.
We rebel and fight against God but yet he still holds onto us.
Take heart!
He holds you in his hands and he will never cast you out of them.
No one can come to me unless the Father who sent me draws him (Verses 41-51)
Verses 41-42: The Grumbling of the Jews
Verse 43-46: No one can come to me unless the Father draws him
No one can come to Jesus unless God first changes his heart.
God must remove the heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh
Greek Word: The Greek word that is used in this verse can also be translated as the term “drag”
This use of the word is found in Acts when Paul an Barnabas are dragged in to prison
This amazing work is called regeneration
The act of Regeneration happens within a moment by God changing your will and drawing you closer to him.
No one is coming to God kicking and screaming
Your will was against God and you in love with your sin but God has moved in your heart and drawn you to himself.
Series: God of Miracles
The greatest miracle we receive is the gift of salvation.
Verse 47: Whoever believes has eternal life
The people who believe are those whom the Father has drawn.
If you are wondering if the Father has drawn you or is drawing you let me ask you this: Do you believe?
Has Eternal Life = Currently in your possession
Bread of Life Part 2 (Verses 48-59)
Your ancestors ate physical bread and died but Christ offers spiritual food that leads to eternal life.
This eating and drinking of Christ’s flesh and blood is purely metaphorical
If one partakes in Christ, they abide in Him and have eternal life
< .5
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