Lessons from a Blind Man
Thank you for joining us for this broadcast from The Ninth Avenue Church of Christ in Haleyville, Alabama. We hope that you will subscribe and we'll share our broadcast with others. Now. We take you to the pulpit of the Ninth Avenue Church of Christ in another place, but the blind beggar receives a size. What's over my particular? Passage this morning, but as I look at that, as I look at this passage and read this passage, you think about Zacchaeus what you think about the story of the cross in the journey that Jesus is on these two instances, although in our fine planning. We have approached them backwards. These two instances really are the last kind of group Ministry moments that Jesus has, if you go back and look at the other account, Jesus wife in Matthew, Mark and John you, you get the sense that because he is the healing of Bartimaeus. At least from a recorded idea, is the last recorded miracle that we see, Jesus me. Jesus, have that kind of moment and then his interaction with Zacchaeus, is really kind of his last Ministry moment. If you will, that he has with people other than those closest to him, and he's going to go on and of course, he's going to miss her very much. So, to his Apostles, and his closest kind of group of friends as they celebrate Passover together. And, and then, and then the road to the Cross, just approaches its and very quickly. And then we have the story of Jesus death, burial and Resurrection, which gives us great and amazing. Hope this morning, but a woman since we kind of Are looking in that direction, I want us to spend time cuz it kind of parallels with some things with, at least a story that Jonathan shared with us last week to look at these two stories week weeks together, and I kind of back in back together. Let's pick up our text here and we'll start in verse 35 of Luke chapter 18 as Jesus approached Jerusalem. A blind man was sitting by the roadside begging when you heard the crowd going by. He asked what was happening. They told him. Jesus of Nazareth is passing by, he called Jesus, Son of David. Have mercy on me. Those who led the way rebuked him and tells him to be quiet, but he sounded all the more son of David have mercy on me. Jesus stopped. And ordered the man to be brought to him. When he came dear. Jesus asked him. What do you want me to do for you? Lord, I want to see he reply. Jesus said to him, receive your sight, your faith has healed. You immediately, he received his side and follow Jesus, praising God, when all the people saw it. They also praise God, has go to God In Prayer as we dive into this passage this morning. God, we thank you for mazing story this This brief yet. Amazing moment. As Jesus is walking toward the cross. As he has his eyes are said in that direction. We thank you for this moment of him stopping and healing this man. So we can be encouraged so that while our faith can be lifted, so that our faith can be strengthened gone. We are grateful for that this morning. How was to open up our hearts and our minds if we study today. Help us to draw closer to you in this time is in your son's name. We pray. Amen. So what are some lessons that we can kind of learn this morning? From this particular passage? Will there be any of these aren't going to be just real groundbreaking things with me since I think will help us grow closer to God. The first is the base is acting even when you can't see where you're going, faith is acting even when you can't see where you're going. It's been a long time since I've been to Cracker Barrel. Cracker, Barrel is one of my favorite restaurants because it's just, you know, it's just old fashioned food, you know, just good old-fashioned food. Now, I remember the one time that we took my great-grandmother to Cracker Barrel. She sells the worst food she ever put in her mouth. And compared to the way she cooked, I completely agree with that, you know, if that's what she was used to it. She was a great cook. But Cracker Barrel is also if if you just stop and listen, one of the loudest restaurants, it is there is so much clinking and clanking and it is just a very loud restaurant. And if you just stop and listen, it can kind of be overwhelming. But let me ask you this morning. Just just listen for a second. Just listen for a second. What do you hear?
What do you hear, Johnson? What do you hear? I hear Cason UK Wiley. What do you hear? Listen?
A baby, okay. What do you hear saying? What do you hear this morning?
Heard babies.
How many you had babies? That's a good sound to hear. Isn't it? Now? I want you to close your eyes. Cauldrons. And listen.
Other than babies. Do you hear something you didn't hear before?
Do you hear the rustling of the papers? Somebody's opening up candy somewhere?
There's a lot of things that you here. It's interesting to me that when you take a sense away, the others become stronger and there are things that you hear that you'll hear in the room when you can't see and when you just close your eyes, that you wouldn't normally here and think of was kind of in in your present. And I think about this blind, man, and I think about a life of not being able to see the life of not being able to see you soon. We we we we we, what would you do? It's just all of a sudden, you could not see any more just all the sudden you can know how upside down would your world become? It would become just just totally upside down because we are very visual people aren't, we were very visual. People how many of you other than maybe we'll Haley will buy a vehicle side? Unseen. Okay, so tenuous are insane. Just I'm not I'm you know, I had a good friend that he he works. He's over the maintenance department of this company and he does all the maintenance on their vehicles in his boss called him one day because I found a great deal to track down to Louisiana. I want you to go down there and get it. I mean a great deal on this truck. Wheelie. We got to buy this truck going to have this truck got down there and it had been flooded out during Hurricane. Katrina had to rent another truck because he bought the truck before they got down there and they had to pull this to all this truck back. But for most of us, how many of us if we're going to buy something like that where to purchase something like that. What are we going to go do first? We're going to look at it, right? We're going to kick the tires. You take it for a test drive. We want to be able to see that visual thing right there in front of us. All I do. I do real estate photography on the side. Real estate photography has become very important because now Scared of going to a house to see it for the very first time, where do people start looking for their house is now to start with online. You, they want to see that visual picture. Adrianna told me that they work at the house the other day. And she said she said the pictures online made that house looks so much nicer than it really was. I said, that's our job. Our job is to get you to want to go look at that house as photographers were very visual. People are the apostles probably had a little bit of a problem and I think we would have to in the moment and look up, John, where Jesus is Walker, walking down the road, and Jesus looks at him and says, hey, I'm fixing to leave. I'm not going to be with you. Remind me to give you something better. I'm going to give you my spirit. Do you know if if you had to choose? If you were just honest and had to choose. I can have the spirit of God dwell in me or I can physically sit look and touch Jesus. Which would you rather have? I think a lot of us would say, I would rather be able to look at see and touch Jesus Walks cuz we're very sensory, Orion it. But Jesus says it's better for you that I leave and send you this. Holy spirit's. Why am I? Why am I talking about this? Because we live very much like the blonde. Then we live in a world in the situation, in an environment. Where have we ever seen? Jesus know. We've never seen Jesus. Not one time. There's never been a single time in our life that you are. I have laid eyes on Jesus and in their ideas. And that idea, we can relate to Bartimaeus, Bartimaeus have never seen Jesus. But what what does Barnabas have the ability to do to? What may not be able to see? But he can want He can hear it can hear, and he can listen. And I'm pretty sure that along the way as, as a man, that just kind of set on the side of the road. You're just going to stay on the side of the road in Wilson. A lot of times you learn a lot more. Listening thing and you're talkin, don't you a lot of times you learn a lot more when you just sit back and listen, then when you're talkin and it would not surprise me. If there had been people that told Maya hates this Jesus of Nazareth. He can heal you. He can make you see again. And so he had this moment, but when he found out, when he heard that Jesus was coming by, what does he do? He steps into actions. He allows his belief, his face, his trucks in what he's turds and one. He's witnessed spooky stories. Let me not seeing with him stories and he says, Jesus can do something for me. And I'm going to act on that fact. Now. Let me ask you, how many of you this morning, feel blessed by Jesus. Movie Full Blast by juice. How many of you can sit down and think about great prayers that you have prayed to Jesus and to God and to the Holy Spirit and those things have been answered. Many of us can, although we do not physically, see Jesus. We see the presence of God, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit in our life everyday to answer prayers through the blessings through relationships. And those things are given to us for a specific purpose. Those things are given to us to strengthen our faith to make that face, girl, that even though I cannot Lay My Eyes On Jesus himself. I know that he is alive and active in my life and because of that, that causes my face to grow, I know that he is busy here in our church. That he is blessing our church, that he's causing our church to grow as we are seeking him. Excuse me this morning. And so, The question is this as you look at this guy? And you look at his life and you look at how he's living. Are you willing to step out in faith? F&n and call for Jesus, to trust in Jesus, to believe in Jesus, to know that Jesus could do great things in your life, even though you've never seen him. Are you willing to put that face in the action? That's really what? I see this guy doing. First and foremost, most is Faith is active or a Hebrew says that faith. Is the evidence and substance of what we believe in that. That's kind of a condensed version. But our faith. Our actions are the evidence in the substance that we believe there is a God, and that he is blessing us in his dude. That is how people see what we believe is. By the way? We at, for my question this morning to you, as we think about this first idea, are you in acting Christian? Or are you a setting quiz Christian? Is your faith is your faith. Shown in this building when you're sitting in the pews or is your face showing when you walk out of this building and you're living your life is great. That you're here. And I'm glad that you're here. But Jesus calls us to more than church building Christianity. He calls us to discipleship which is a life of action, a life that that shows others to how we respond, how we live, how we how we deal with people how we Face situation. It is showing them that we believe the Jesus is Lord and Savior. So faith is acting even when we can't see where you're going. Here's the next thing that I want you to think about with me for just a moment. Resist people who hinder you The desire to follow. Jesus. Resist people who hinder your desire to follow. Jesus has the most interesting part of the story cuz you look at her as you look in our story, inverse Converse. That's a rude to start biking. Verse 35, says, Jesus approached Jericho. A blind man was sitting on the roadside begging when he heard the crowd going by. PSY was happening. They told him Jesus of Nazareth is passing by, he called out Jesus, Son of David. Have mercy on me verse 39. Those who want to bring your Bible those who What's that? Say those who lead the way? Those who lead the way, who are these people in front of?
How many people in front of Jesus group, I guess you could say they're following? Jesus, kind of leading the way there. There's the front of the group and, and they are the Protectors of the Messiah. Sounds like a Christian comic book series, The Protectors of the Messiah, and there's this guy sitting on the side of the road and he's probably dirty. He doesn't look like those that are following. Jesus necessarily looks like a hindrance. Probably, because he's blind. He he's, he's nice. He he he doesn't fit the mold of everybody else. I got to slow things down there, leading Jesus where he needs to go. And then look at the guys, he calls out to Jesus who I can I say. Hush, don't bother Jesus. Just just sit back down and your own business. And let us pass by and get to, where Jesus is really needed. A course, that's just kind of paraphrasing here.
But it's interesting to me that this guy is seeking. The savior. And those that are following him, are the ones that rebuke him. They're the ones that say get away. They're the ones that say Jesus doesn't want to have anything to do with. You is a couple of things that I want to think about here for just a moment. And that is this. The first idea is as weak as we are. Cup of cold water. There you go. As we are living Our Lives.
And there may come a time. But we have to let go of certain relationships. We have to let go of certain relationships because those relationships hinder, our relationship with God. And that's a difficult time and place to find their self. It is difficult when I have to look at my relationships with people in this life and of this world people that I love, if you'd like, I care for, and I have to realize, it's okay. If I continue in this relationship, they are going to hinder my growth and my intimacy with Jesus and there may come a time in your face, but you got to let those relationships go. You have to not allow those people to hinder your desire to follow. Jesus your desire to follow. Jesus has to be greater than those relationships, and that's hard and I get that and I know that. But the one thing that really jumps out at me as if as a follower of Jesus, As a follower of Jesus, say about you being in this room this morning. I am going to assume for just a moment, but there is part of you that considered yourself a follower of Jesus. We cannot be guilty of hindering other people's desire to follow Jesus.
We can't. We can't. And that's, that's a challenge sometimes because it's easy to look around the room and be like, well, this is what Christianity looks like. This is what Christians look like. This is what Christians do it when someone is different than us, and they have a different background in the house and they come to Jesus from a different place. Then I said different experiences. Then I it's easy for us to become the Protectors of the Messiah and say, no, no, no. No, you you, you you got to stand at a distance. You can't get in the middle of this because it's not what I'm used to it. It's not what's normal. It's not what's comfortable. I'm going to tell you as we continue down a path of growth. Those things will be challenged more and more. In our church family, you know what the most difficult part of growth is. The change that comes with it. Change that comes with it. One of the very first changes that comes with growth as you're going to walk in one day. This is kind of the funny side of it that we talked about it. So I'm one of the first things is going to happen with growth. You're a walk in one Sunday and somebody's going to have your pew. Somebody's going to have your puter going to be sitting in your seat now, not necessarily you people up front caused. Most people are going to come up front and sit you. No. And but but those of you kind of kind of in in in the back, you know, you're going to show up on Sunday and somebody why we summoned could be sitting in your seat. How dare they sit and Wiley & Vicki's Pugh, Atabey, do they not know that? That is? Why not Wiley, but Vicky has been sitting in that Pew for 15 years or if you had been here for fifteen years. I don't know but I get where I'm going.
Challenges come with growth. And we have to be careful. We have to be careful.
That when something new and different, that we're not used to, especially people come in. To our family. That we don't become like the people in this story and hinder their growth hinder their desire to follow Jesus. We have to do some soul-searching in that way and be aware of those things as we move forward. So I left must not be those type of people, hit the 13th. Jesus is never too busy. To help you. Jesus is never too busy to help you out. You know, we talked when we do our studying Revelation back several months ago. We've studied it in two different places, but we did that say we talked about then the power of Satan and what it meant for Satan to be bound at this time in his power to be limited and and I don't think that Satan has near the power. They did during the time of the Roman Empire in the time where it when scripture was, it was written for the very first first time. But when the things that he does have, the ability to do is plant great seeds of doubt, I believe in your mind. in one of the seeds of doubt, that that I think that he plants in her mind, is the question of Am I important enough? Am I important or not? But I think a lot of people struggle with the idea of of our they were thee, are they worthy to be a child of God. Where are they just important enough for someone? Even did the, are they worthy to be cared about? Maybe they lived a life that they've been ignored and I haven't had what they needed and spend different things. That is easy to carry this idea that I'm not good enough, but I want to know this morning and it doesn't matter how unimportant or useless, You Feel. Jesus loves you this morning. Amen. Jesus loves you this morning. Do you think that Bartimaeus felt useless? You think that Bartimaeus felt useless guy that said on the side of the road and had to beg for everything that he had. I think you probably felt pretty useless. The Jesus said, hey. Come to me. What, what, what? What do you want? He acknowledged him. Jesus is on his way. We just missed those beginning. Jesus, is on his way. Where where is Jesus going? Where's the end destination of this journey? The cross the cross.
And this guy was important enough for just stop. I want you to know this morning that you are loved and wanted by Jesus matter of fact in 1st Peter. The very first verse there, this with you before, it's one of my favorite words and scripture of of late. He says to God's elect and that word elect can be translating the three different word. They can be translated elect, which is used in that particular first. It can be translated into the word chosen to those chosen by God is another way that that can be translated and in my personal
Favorite is it can be translated to the word favorite? So that verse can also be translated to God's favorite is running. The church is right in the Christians. And if you are a Christian this morning, I want you to know. The scripture says you are a favorite of got, how many of you have a sibling? How many view come from multiple sibling? Families? You're not an only child K. How many of you there is a favorite child in that group of siblings. Thank you for hands. If there's a favorite child in your group of siblings, raise your hand razor, and keep it up. Hahaha. If you are the man.
All of my kids have their hands up.
That is a win in my book, as a win in my book. I was the favorite for 8 years, had a brother. When I was four had a sister when I turned eight. I was the favorite for eight whole years. I've not been the favorite ever since.
How do you know when there's a favorite child? You just know, don't you? You just know rotten, Adrianna. You just know, don't you?
Look at all the families. Matter fact, I just look around the room and look at all the children of God. This morning. Looking all the children of God in this room. You were each God's favorite. And that should encourage you this morning, that should help you. But if you feel useless, if you feel like, like, there's nothing you have to offer. No, this morning that Jesus is never too busy for you that he cares for you. He loves you and there is a place for you. In this family is the last thing. You must admit your need in order to be changed. You must admit your need in order to be changed the interesting question. And Jesus. Jesus has the ability to look at people and read their hearts, you know, so and it doesn't, it it would not surprise me. If In This Moment. Jesus knew exactly when he looked at this guy, what he wanted what he need. It wouldn't surprise me at all. But he still ask the questions. He looks at this blond guy and he says, what do you want me to do for you? What do you want me to do for you? He could have said a lot of different things. But he's holding his ultimate need. He said, Lord, I want to see. Lord, I want to see.
Confession is a powerful thing, isn't it? This is a confession. What do you need? I'm going to confess to you that. I want to be able to see sharing. Our needs are such an integral part of our journey James talks about it. He says the looks, he says confess your sins, one to another and then in. And that's, that's an important pray for one, another Paul talks about. It's important that we share what we need and I'll off if I have a sin. And I need to get rid of that sin, part of of getting forgiveness, and part of the process of working through that, is that to talk about love to share with someone. This is this is a struggle that I'm having. This is something that I need help with and it's our in our culture or Society, where we're really kind of encouraged. Just a lot of time to keep those things to ourself. Don't don't share your struggle. Don't let people see your weaknesses. What scripture says? Look, you're not really going to change in your life until you say, this is what I I need from Jesus and my question to you this morning as we kind of wrap up. Our time together is what do you need? If Jesus was standing right in front of you this morning. And he looked at you and he says, what do you want me to do for you? How would you respond? Would you want him to make your life more comfortable? Would you want him to forgive you? Would you want him to heal a situation in your life where you want him to heal an illness in your life? I don't know what you need from Jesus this morning. But I want you to know that whatever it is. You need from Jesus. He still has the ability to meet that. Need this morning. He still has the ability to meet that. Need. All you have to do is talk to him and ask and share. So are four points. Faith is acting. Even when you can't see where you're going, resist people who hinder your desire to follow. Jesus. Jesus is never too busy to pause and help you. And you must admit your need in order to be a change of clothes with the word of Prayer.
Donna, thank you so much for being with us today. I thank you for The love that you show us the grace that you show us. Thank you so much for the mercy that comes from you. And got this morning. I know that there are many that have needs in. This room means I have struggles me that have questions. Many, that are maybe even lost this morning. God. So, my prayer is that they will come to you. Searching and seeking ready to change, ready to follow you.
And that you'll look at them and ask them what their needs are and they'll be ready to have those needs. Matt. We pray for those who are not your children this morning. But pray for their souls. Better lost even though they're in the room and maybe have gone through all these different motions of worship, God. We know that without. Without their baptism, without you filling them with the holy spirit that their soul is in Jeopardy of hell. We pray for those Souls this morning. We pray that you will convince their hearts that you will touch them that you will soften their hearts guy. And help him see the changes that they need to make in their life so they can open up their eyes and see you as their savior, what an awesome thought guy be with those who may be struggling with thin. He may have their focused just off-center enough that they're focusing on the world and not on you even though you still need to be in their line-of-sight. You're not their focus guy. And I pray this morning that they refocus where they need to be with those who were just struggling, who were carrying burdens this morning. Help us to lift those burdens. And carry them a ways for them. Thank you for your son sacrifices in your son's name. We pray. Amen. If this program has been beneficial to you, please consider subscribing on YouTube Apple podcast or your favorite podcast. Provider also would love for you to leave us a 5-star review, which will greatly assist us in getting the message of God's love and salvation to others. Would love even more for you to join us in person. We are located at 2309 9th Avenue, in Haleyville, Alabama. You can also check us out on Facebook.
And Twitter be sure to join us again. And until then remember, we are a Church of Christ caring for his community.
Thank you for joining us for this broadcast from The Ninth Avenue Church of Christ in Haleyville, Alabama. We hope that you will subscribe and we'll share our broadcast with others. Now. We take you to the pulpit of the 9th, Avenue Church of Christ.