Sermon Tone Analysis

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This automated analysis scores the text on the likely presence of emotional, language, and social tones. There are no right or wrong scores; this is just an indication of tones readers or listeners may pick up from the text.
A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
Emotion Tone
Language Tone
Social Tone
Emotional Range

Tone of specific sentences

Social Tendencies
Emotional Range
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9
There are a lot of frustrations that I think we all face throughout our days.
I was curious what some of the biggest frustrations of the modern day.
Coming in first we have bad wifi connection.
Following that we have:
Calls from unknown numbers
Running out of phone battery
Advertisements with no skip button on Youtube
Shows buffering while watching them
Cracking your phone screen
People who call you when you asked for a text
Straightening your hair and then it raining
Modern life is frustrating and it’s usually the small, seemingly insignificant things which, over time, all add up to an even bigger frustration.
What about the big things in life?
What about the times when our frustration affects our faith?
In our passage of Scripture tonight we see a familiar story that I believe we can relate to.
It is here that we learn about a woman who has dealt with a medical issue their entire life and how her faith shaped her approach to dealing with that frustration.
Faith Starts with a Choice (v.43-44)
This woman was in desperate condition
Her bleeding made her ceremonially and socially unclean
Meaning she would have difficulties in social aspects and unable to be around people
She was living with this burden for 12 years
According to Jewish ideas of the time
If this woman touched anyone, she imparted her uncleanness to them
An uncleanness that would not allow them to take part in any aspects of Israel’s worship
If we were to define what a frustration is we would simply define it as a reaction to an interruption to our normal day to day.
She spent all of her livelihood on physicians and could not be healed
She went to the doctors to get better
But only suffered worse and became poorer
Luke the physician knew how doctor bills take all you need
Despite all of the different opinions and the different frustrations of not finding answers
She only had one desire.
Her desire was to be made whole
She dreamed of a day in which she could interact with people without judgment
She longed for a day in which her body would not fight against herself
She heard about a person named Christ who had done miracles and who had healed a variety of people.
During this time, she only had the testimony
The word of those around her
Non the less, she had to make the choice to seek out Christ
Despite her frustration, despite the failure of others
She searched for the one that would not let her down, the one that would not fail her.
It is interesting to note that according to the text here there are a lot of people that show up to listen and to watch Christ
Peter makes mention of this when Jesus ask for the person that touched him
He says the multitude touches and presses you
Of course someone touched you
The difference between the crowd and this woman was that she wasn’t there for a show
She wasn’t there to spectate but rather she was there for a solution
She was there for healing
The crowd knew of the works of Christ but she believed in the works of Christ
The same is true for each of us
We live in a world that that is filled with frustration and failure
The people around us fail us repeatedly
Many of us stop at simply knowing the works of Christ.
Knowing in theory what he has done for us
But it takes years of watching, listening, and sitting on the sidelines for us to believe in the work of Christ
We miss the power of Christ.
We expect big things but never truly believe that He is capable.
The truth is everything we do is a choice.
We choose to trust in people and they often failure us
We trust in things and they never fulfill us
We look at the world to do only what Christ can do
We have to realize that faith is simply a choice to believe in what God has done for us through Christ
Faith Shares with a Crowd
After this woman’s first interaction with Christ
People begin to question her about it
This drama unfolds before the multitude and she is faced with only choice
Either she will flee or she will forecast the person of Christ
This was not a woman who desired the attention of people
She certainly did not come with this expectation that she would be called out in front of the multitude
This is the same group of people that she was not allowed to be around
The same group that avoided contact with her because of medical issue
The same group that pushed her aside and for all intents and purposes forgot about her
The Bible tells us that she tried to hide in the crowd as to not bring attention to herself
But it is her faith and her decision that immediately brings everything to a halt.
When she could not hide, she begins to explain herself to Christ and to the crowds
The woman had to come forward, because Jesus knew who she was.
He called her forward and it embarrassed her; but Jesus’ purpose was not to embarrass her, but to bless her.
Jesus did it so that she would know she was healed
The bible tells us that her issue of blood stopped immediately
But this woman was like any other person
She would begin to doubt and fear that she was really healed
Would her ailment return
Jesus called her forward so she would absolutely know that she was healed
Jesus did this so that others would know that she was healed
This woman had an ailment that no one could see and that made her a public outcast.
It would sound suspicious to many if she just announced that she was healed.
They would think that she made it up to be considered clean again.
Jesus called her forward so others would know that she was healed
We live in a culture that has developed everything that is needed to create perfection.
Photo adjustment, enhancement, editing, and various filters.
The ability to capture the right moment in the midst of chaos.
We tend to only share the perfection with others.
We show the side of ourselves that people want to see.
We learn to conform to the standards and requirements of society and those become our new normal.
All the while, we find ourselves in suffering internally and isolated.
This woman came to Jesus with all of her raw problems.
Her rejection, isolation, social, physical, mental, emotional, and most importantly spiritual problems.
She brings them to Christ and when, by faith, she touches the hem of his garment she finds healing from all of those issues.
That is what she shares with the crowd.
She shares her testimony
Faith Shows with Comfort
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9