Sermon Tone Analysis
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Social Tendencies
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9
2 Samuel 5-7
Up to this point we have looked at the kings of Israel, starting with how people of God, rejected God and demanded a king to be set over them like the lands around them.
We looked at the setting of he land, why they indeed needed a king.
We saw their first king, Saul, the good things about him, and the bad.
Then we began this section on David.
His early years, his time in Saul’s court.
We looked as his days on the run then finally we started looking at his early kingdom.
Last time we studied we looked and the first four chapters of 2 Samuel when he was reigning over Judah only from Hebron - until Ishbosheth was killed and he was anointed king over all of Israel.
David’s begins his reign over Israel
A. All of Israel receive him vv.1-5
The people followed his leadership
It is a godly characteristic to follow leadership.
Jesus did – He obey His heavenly father, his earthly father, his teachers, he submitted to the government to pay their taxes
The disciples submitted so long as it did not go against the word of God
The churches mentioned in the Bible all had members who followed their local church leadership; and the only ones who didn’t were mentioned as being rebellious and lovers of this world and preeminence.
We know the scriptures that talk about following the leadership in the church:
The Elders – those in authority vv.1-3
I like this a lot, I appreciate those who though they are in authority, submit to leadership and honor it.
These men were renowned in their own tribes in Israel, but in a godly example they showed the path for others of what was right.
I’ll never forget the first guy to call me pastor in Puerto Rico, I had a church of 25 people, and this officer had been coming, he was the Coast Guard liaison officer for Central and South America, he was originally from Belize but had learned Spanish as well.
It meant a lot when he started, with purpose to call me pastor.
I meant a lot when the X.O. of the base we were ministering there also started calling me pastor, they were both 15 years older than me, and knew their own Bibles very well.
I’ve always appreciated the men and women here that willingly give their support to their pastor.
The Soldiers – the common man 1 Chronicles 12:23-37
They came in masses before David to support and celebrate their new king.
They weren’t of the sort that said, “you know my support doesn’t count or is not appreciated.”
No, they wanted to give what they could.
Maybe didn’t have the money of some, or the fame or influence of some, but they came and lent their support to the new king.
The Wise – those that understood the Word and the day that they lived in.
2. The people celebrated his leadership 1 Chronicles 12:38-40
They had one heart v.38
Was David perfect, in no way.
We have seen a lot of problems with him already.
He was the enemy of their king even for years.
Yet they had one heart to celebrate his leadership.
No matter what kind of relationship, group of people, or a church, you want unity.
They celebrated for three days v.39
I must be honest with you, I have never in my life celebrated anything for three days.
Now when I got married we were on leave for about 10 days, and I have been a couple of vacations, but never did I celebrate one thing for three days.
They all provided for one another vv.39-40
When people are of one heart, they don’t just look over each other’s differences, inconsistencies, or idiosyncrasies, they don’t even notice them.
B. Jerusalem becomes the capital of the United Kingdom vv.6-12
He built v.9
David was one that wanted to take what he had received and make a better.
It wasn't enough for him to just conquer Jerusalem, he wanted to make it better.
If only we had that attitude of our church members.
I have found that there are three types of church members:
o The Breakers
o The Borrowers
o The Builders
2. He went on v.10
David had gone through a lot of problems, hardships, difficulties, and sorrows.
Yet, no matter what came his way he went on and did his best to fulfill god's will for his life.
We often say the difference between a successful Christian and a backslidden Christian is that the successful Christian gets back up after his fall.
May you and I discover and practice the importance of going on for the Lord.
Let's just go on.
He grew great v.10
Winston Churchill said the price of greatness is responsibility.
Someone once said you cannot manufacture great men anymore than you can manufacture gold.
It seems as in the life of David, that all those have a path to trod in this life.
The best thing any of us can do it is to faithfully do what God has called us to do to the best of our ability.
David did not plan all his life out and he did not seek to become the king.
He grew great by being faithful through those circumstances and the hardships that were placed in front of him.
4. The Lord God of Hosts was with him v.11
• God and any person make a majority, if you have God with you (or you are with God more accurately) there is nothing that you cannot do.
He acknowledged God’s blessings v.12
• Oh how important that still is, to bless God and for what he has done and give him glory rather than taking it for ourselves.
More Wives and Children vv.13-17
• In all, between David’s children born in Hebron and Jerusalem and his daughter Tamar, he had 15 sons from his proper wives.
• This does not include his concubines children nor his daughters, he may have had 3 daughters from his proper wives including Tamar.
• In all with his concubines, it seems David had married
o Michal
o Ahinoam
o Abigail
o Maachah
o Haggith
o Michal
o Abital
o Eglah
• In Jerusalem
o Bathshua
o Bathsheba
Let us remember that the Lord had already warned Israel about this sin of a multiplicity of wives:
They have said that the trouble of preachers is money and women.
It was the trouble of kings also.
There is enough trouble in life with one wife or one husband, and the kids you have to raise, the Bible teaches one wife for one life.
More victories over the Philistines vv.18-25
One final comment concerning this chapter, as soon as God is blessing the kingdom, the Philistines rose up against them.
When everything was quiet and normal and there was no revival or excitement, the Philistines were content, but as soon as the party started up and David was anointed king of all of Israel, the rose up against them.
Satan is still working the same way.
He is still trying to hurt the work of God if it is doing something or about to do something.
If it is not, what does he have to worry about and why should he attack.
< .5
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