God's Amazing Grace

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Wednesday April 6, 2022

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Amen, whatnot. A happy day. Amen.

On ya, good to see everyone here this evening. It's a beautiful day turned out to be a beautiful day. and, If you think that it's been a rather coolspring, it it has been a Cool Spring. As a matter of fact. We're about 15 to 20 days behind as far as the the blooming of the trees and so forth. 15 to 20 days behind than what we were in previous years. And so it's been a Cool Spring Grove to have another cool snap this Friday, and Saturday and some more storms in the early part of next week. And then another cool down. So,

Spring just does not want to stay, does it? If you would take her Bibles and come with me to Titus Chapter 2. That was your weather forecast for this evening this week.

Titus Chapter 2.

And verse number 11.

It says, for the grace of God, that brings salvation has appeared to all men. Teaching us that denying on denying ungodliness and worldly. Lust we should live soberly righteously and godly in the present age. Looking for the Blessed, hope and glorious appearing of our great God and Savior, Jesus Christ who gave himself for us, but he might redeem us from every Lawless deed and purify for himself. His own special, people zealous for good works. Let's pray, Our Father. We thank you, Lord, for the grace of God that you have bestowed upon us. Father, what a gift that is and lore. I pray as we reflect upon this gift of your grace that we would just be reminded Lord of what you have saved us from and what you have saved us unto and Lord, I pray that. So you and bless those who are unable to be here tonight. Those who may be working extra hours, those who are physically eel Prague on that, you would bring healing to them and follow. We just pray that you bless this time of our study and then bless the time of our praying and just a moment. We ask all these things in Christ name. Amen. I want to speak to you just for a few moments this evening on, God's Amazing. Grace by someone has Define grace as God's unmerited favor. John's undeserved favor toward falling, man. And when you consider all of what it means that we have been blessed with God's grace Upon Our Lives. It is really an awesome. Thought when you consider what salvation brings to us, it means that any thinner, any Center can be saved. Hallelujah for that. It means that any storm that we face can be weathered. It means that any situation we find ourselves in, we can face those things with the courage that comes to us from the grace of God. And so, this passage of scripture really has won the most clearest in the Bible on Grace, but it also really talks about the results of God's grace. God has saved us from something, but he has saved us unto something. I want of times. We leave off the unto part. I noticed, three facts about God's Amazing Grace. Notice number one. Obviously God Saves us. God Saves us for the grace of God. I could preach the whole Sermon. Just from those words, right there for the grace of God, God's unmerited favor. We think about that Grace and how they brings. First of all, it brings salvation to us and bring Salvation. And we know, and if Asians chapter 2 verses 8 and 9 that we did not earn the Salvation. This is not a Salvation of works. This is a Salvation of faith. It is a salvation by grace and through faith, and that, even the faith that we have is a gift from God. So, salvation by grace brings salvation, Romans chapter 4, and verse for telling us now to him who works. The wages are not counted as Grace, but as debt, but to him who does not work, but believes on him. Who justifies the ungodly, his faith is accounted for righteousness. And so, salvation is not given to those who work for it. It is given to those who believe I didn't notice. Also that no one is too great of a sinner that they cannot be saved, right? Romans 5:20 towels. As we're seeing abounds, overseeing overflows Grace, much more abounds, Hallelujah, for that. The Apostle Paul wrote that in Romans 5:10. And who else could write such a statement? Is that and look at his own life and know that in his life. He had a lot of seeing that overflowed. He was a persecutor of the church who made Havoc upon the Church of God, but Grace was lavished upon him. And though he was a great sinner, God's grace was even greater than that. And so that's houses that no one is too bad. That cannot be saved. No one is too good. That they don't need to be saved, but no one is too bad that they cannot be saved a real quickly. What does it mean? To be saved. What does salvation mean? Well. We have been cleansed. From seeing by the blood of Jesus. So salvation means that we've been cleansed our account. Of seeing has been washed away. It has been made pure. It has been made as white as snow. And what cleanses us from sin is the blood of Jesus Christ, Revelation 1:5, tells us to him, that loved us and washed us from our sins in his own blood, in his own blood and Titus 2:14 in our text. It says that he who he's asking say the word he who gave himself for us. Redeemed us, he redeemed us, he purified us and it was all God that did this.

Who gave himself for us? The Lure cleansed us from seeing by the blood of Jesus, but also salvation means that the Christian has been delivered eternally from the penalty of sin. Romans 6:23 says for the wages of sin is death. And that death is speaking of the Eternal separation that took place when Adam in the Garden of Eden. They once he and God had once close relationship that. I once a very close, there was no separation whatsoever. But when he send the Garden of Eden, there was a Eternal separation. But the gift of God is eternal life. It is a gift of God, that gives it to eternal life. And so, we have been delivered from the penalty of sin. And then, guess what? Jesus teaches and John chapter 10 net. This salvation that he gives is eternal. It's never going to expire. There's no expiration date on our salvation. And there's nothing that can separate us from the love of God. Jesus said that they shall never perish, neither shall any one. Snatch them. Out of my hand, praise the Lord. We've been delivered eternally from the penalty of sin, but then also salvation means that the Christian has been assured of heaven. When we die. We have been assured of heaven when we die. Jesus said, in John 14:1, let not your heart be troubled, you believe in God believe. Also in me and my father's house are many mansions and if it were not so I would have told you and I go and prepare a place for you. If I go and prepare a place for you. I will come again. Receive you unto myself that where I am, there. You may be also speaking about the joys and the glories of Heaven. It listen. It's not the mansion's, it's not the streets of gold. But it is being with Christ, Our Savior. So we have this a surety of Heaven. That's what sound ation means. We have been cleansed. We have been delivered and one day we shall be in heaven for all eternity.

And then we notice again and verse 11. It says for the grace of God, that brings salvation has appeared to all men. Not to all men. Does not mean that there is some kind of a universal salvation for all people. We're not universalists. We don't believe that every person that has ever been born is going to be saved. But what Paula saying here is, that rather there is the universal opportunity for salvation, Salvation has appeared to all men. We praise the Lord for that. That it's not just for the Jews, but for all men, all men, Jews and gentiles. I didn't notice we see that Grace saves us but notice also Grace schools US. It teaches Christian Living, we noticed this and burst number 12.

Teaching us that denying ungodliness and worldly. Lust we should live soberly righteously and godly in this present age. And so it teaches us a couple of things. First of all, that teaches ice, it teaches the negative side of Christian Living in that is what to avoid. There's some things that we as Christians, those of us who have been saved by the grace of God should avoid. What were those things? He mentions those things, one being ungodliness. That is anything that does not bring glory to God. Don't do it. Don't do it. 1st Corinthians, 10:31 houses whether we eat or drink, or whatever you may do, do all to the glory of God, do all to the glory of God. And as we learned Sunday, the word Glory means that we are to

Put the beauty of the Lord and the Perfections of our God on display for all to see. So, whatever you do, whether you eat or drink, make sure that you put all of his attributes in all of his Perfections on display for all to see avoid ungodliness. And then it says also to avoid worldly, or to avoid worldly. Lust James 4. + 4 verse board says, do you not know that friendship with the world is enmity with God? He goes on to say, whoever wants to be a friend of the world makes himself an enemy of God. That's pretty stout statement in it. That's a pretty sobering thought for all those nominal Christians, who want to flirt with the world. And yet name the name of Christ and really there are more attracted to the world and all that the world has to offer than what Christ has already provided for them. Do the not know that their worldly lust to them are our human to God is as an enemy to him. 1st John 2:15 towels is very plainly. Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. What is he speaking of there? He speaking about the world system that is anti-god. The world system that hates the church in the world system, that tries to do everything 2 to wash the gospel of Christ. We're not to love the world system. We are to love people. But not the worldly system in which this world operates. And so once Christ is say, it has saved us. There's some things that we need to avoid. We need to avoid ungodliness. We need to avoid these worldly lust, but on the positive side of Christian Living, there are some things that we need to do there, some things we need to do a 12. It says plainly, we should live soberly, we should live soberly that word there speaks about we should be alert, We Should Be watchful. Unlike the drunkard who is just stumbling around. He is not alert danger could occur upon his life because he's not watchful. The Christian needs a live sober-minded and this speaks of how we should live and watch and beyond God, on guard for our self turn to Colossians 3. Colossians chapter 3. In verse 5.

Colossians 3:5, there are some things that we need to be on guard.

Because were tempted.

To do many of the things that's Paul.

Right here in Colossians chapter 3 and verse 5. He says, therefore put to death your members, which are on the Earth. Fornication, uncleanness passion, evil desire and Covetous Covetous hness which is idolatry. Because of these things, a wrath of God is coming upon the sons of disobedience. In which you yourselves once Walt when you lived in them, but now you yourselves are to put off those. All these things anger wrath, malice blasphemy filthy language out of your mouth. Do not lie. To one another. Since you have put off the old man, with his deeds and have put on the new man who is renewed in knowledge, according to the image of him who created him. So, these are things that we must look into our self. We are to guard our self and be alert. That though we have been saved. As Paul says, how you have been safe from these things. Nevertheless. You need to make sure you put off these things, anger rap, and so on. Someone said this, if you don't kill sin in your life, it will kill you. There has to be this examination. This alertness, this sober modernist in the Christian Life that we must guard ourselves against. So we're we're to live soberly, but notice also, we're to live righteously. We're at soberly speaks about our our self, the word righteously speaks about how we live with our fellow man. Our brothers and sisters, Paul mentions this and keep your place there in Colossians chapter 3 because we will be right back there in just a moment. But let me just read to you. What Paul says in Romans chapter 12, as we think about our fellow man. He says repay. No one evil for evil, have regard for good things in the sight of all men. If it is possible, as much as depends on, you live peaceably with all men. Beloved do not have enjoyed yourselves. But rather give place to wrath for. It is written. Vengeance is mine. I will repay says the Lord. Therefore, if your enemy is hungry, feed him if he is thirsty give him drink for in. So doing, you will Heap coals of fire on his head. Do not be overcome by evil but overcome evil with good. That's not the way we naturally want to live. Is it somebody wrong sis? We want to get even, we want to do something to get back at them. But that's not how Paul. Nor the Lord tells us how we are to live with our fellow, man. We are to live righteously, right? Do not overcome. Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good and then noticed also he mentions the word. We're to live Godly ones who live Godly in this present age, the speaks as to how we should live. In such a way, that is pleasing to the Lord. Colossians 3:15. House of Sun. Let the peace of God rule in your hearts to which also you were called and one body and be thankful. Let the word of Christ to dwell in you richly in all wisdom teaching an Amana, washing one, another in Psalms, and hymns, and spiritual songs singing with Grace, in your hearts, to the Lord, and whatever you do in word or deed do all in the name of the Lord, Jesus giving. Thanks to God the Father through him. We are to live in such a way that is honoring to him. We're to please him in all things and so Grace. Not only saves us. We saw that but also Grace it teaches us how to live it teaches us there. Some things we need to avoid. I'm Gallina swirly last but there's some things we need to do. We need to be sober. We need to what was the next one?

I got work to live righteously and where to live Godly. Alright notice lastly, Grace separates us. Grace separates us.

And verses 13 through 14. It really provides the Christian with hope. Titus 2 verse 13, tells us looking for the Blessed hope and glorious appearing of our great God and Savior, Jesus Christ who gave himself for us. That he might redeem us from every Lawless deed and purify for himself. His own special, people zealous for good works. So our hope as Believers separates us from the rest of the world. Our Salvation. He tells us should cause us to look for Christ. Our Salvation should cause us to look for Christ looking for the Blessed, hope and glorious appearing of our great God and Savior Jesus Christ. We can praise the lord. We have a wonderful hope. And this hope it's not, the kind of hope that we use today. Well, I hope it doesn't rain today. No, this hope that is mentioned in scripture is always, I hope that is steadfast. It is something that is sure. It is a Blessed Assurance. It's a blessing. It's that fastest that we know the Lord is coming again. He said himself and John 14, that I will come again. and when I come again, I will also bring you with me Revelation teaches us with Jesus in The Book of revelation, behold I come quickly. We know our Lord is coming. So I salvation should cause us to look for Christ. Our Salvation also causes us.

To be in this world, a four killed who killed your people. A special group of people a people for his own possession. We we know that because of Salvation. We just don't fit in in this world. Do we? We, we kind of stick out. And that's a good thing.

We are his own special possession. Paul said this and 1st Corinthians chapter 6. What do you not know that? You are not your own that you were bought with a price? Therefore, glorify God in your body. You were redeemed your bought. You are his special people. I didn't notice our Salvation should cause us to be zealous unto good works. He did not save us so that we can sit soak and sour. He saved us unto. Good works. Ephesians 2 89, Ephesians 2:10 houses for, we were created in Christ. Jesus unto what good works. That's why we have been saved, good works does not save us. But now that we are saved, we are to show forth as our salvation by doing good works. And all of our works as method as Jesus said, in The Sermon, on the Mount should glorify your father, which is in heaven. He said, let your light so shine before men. So that they, when they see your good works, that they glorify Our Father, which is in heaven. So, praise the Lord for his salvation. He has saved us from

Hell and sin, but he also has saved us unto some things and that is he has saved us unto good works. Alright, let's take a few moments to take some prayer requests.

And Carol now is at the st. Vincent's rehab in Sherwood. She is now their prayerfully in Our Hope and prayer is that she's able to regain mobility and strength. We're not sure how long she'll be there, but just be praying for her and she adjusts and I pray that she gets stronger. Yes.

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