Sermon Tone Analysis
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This automated analysis scores the text on the likely presence of emotional, language, and social tones. There are no right or wrong scores; this is just an indication of tones readers or listeners may pick up from the text.
A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
Emotion Tone
Language Tone
Social Tone
Emotional Range
Tone of specific sentences
Social Tendencies
< .5
.5 - .6
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.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9
Through The Waters
As we saw earlier in this chapter their is a lot of Old Testament imagery.
When you think about seas and the Old Testament, what comes to mind?
The Israelites crossing the Red Sea.
We already saw how this chapter is connected to the Passover and Exodus.
The symbolism continues in this part of the story of Jesus’ ministry.
We see Jesus here bring them through the stormy seas.
In Exodus God led them to and through the seas.
How does it look when Jesus brings us through the waters?
Not every time looks the same.
Tonight we are going to look at two different types of sea deliverances
Called to the Red Sea
God does not always call us to easy paths, but often trying and tough paths.
This is one.
At times when you are going through trials it is going to seem like the whole world is against you and you got no where to run.
This was the Israleites.
Look at Exodus 14:10.
They knew they were as good as dead.
In our stormy moments we have a tendency to forget all the good.
Fear makes us waver and to forget the good.
They forgot the ten miracles they had just seen God perform (Refer to handout summary).
Fear can make us waver and that is not how it should be.
An immediate delivery is always nice, but that is rarely how God does it.
They were in a weak place in their faith, and needed opportunity to grow it.
Trying times offer time to grow weak faith into stronger faith.
Their trial lasted through the night, it wasn’t a quick deliverance.
The deliverance required a tough journey.
They walked through the sea on dry ground, but did that mean an easy walk?
Is a sea bed flat?
No Its gonna for sure be a downhill and an uphill part of the journey.
May be some coral to navigate around.
Walking by godly faith is not an easy walk, that is why it is the narrow path.
That is why it is the narrow path, not many will take it.
If we are being honest it will take a lot of faith too to step out into that trail through the red sea.
You don’t see the waters parted like that on a regular basis.
A lot of what ifs come when looking at the path we need to take.
Don’t let what ifs keep you from walking in the power of God.
If the Israleites had listened to the what ifs and stayed.
They would have missed out on the blessings that waited for them on the other side.
They also would have died.
Romans 5:3-5 tells us:
Their enemies watched as they walked in faith.
Their enemies mocked God.
God was glorified before the enemies.
The enemies met their demise.
People are always watching and are waiting for you to trip up and throw your hands up in defeat so they can destroy you.
Did some Israelites trip?
Were some slow?
yes, did God allow them to be overtaken?
No, His hand remained over them as they walked through the sea.
God will not abandon you just because you trip up.
The Israelites realized God’s goodness and we see them lift up praise in Exodus 15 after coming through the Red Sea.
This makes me think of the words of Psalm 30:5.
When the storm is before us things can seem hopeless, but once we pass through we realize God’s strength and the strength he gives us.
That inspires worship.
Caught in the Sea of Galilee
Now onto our John passage of the night.
What always comes after a mountain top experience?
Eventually a valley.
Think about a sea.
Sea is a valley.
The disciples trying sea came after a mountain top experience.
They had literally just came off the mountain hearing the word of God and experiencing the word of God.
How many of us have went through a trying time after major high moments?
Mountain tops are not physically big, but they are big life changing moments.
They require work to get there.
And the sight will stick with you.
The work and the insight there leaves you prepared for what is to come in the valley.
The valley makes you more deeply appreciate the mountain top experiences.
Four of the disciples were fisherman and would have known how to read the weather.
If they knew a bad storm was coming they would have delayed.
So the severity of this storm was a surprise, it was unexpected.
Sometimes storms we can see coming, and then some overtake us before we even know what is happening.
That is why it is important to follow the words of 2 Timothy 4:2
Never stop feeding yourself spiritually.
What happens when you squeeze something?
Whatever inside comes out.
When life squeezes you that is what is going to come out.
If you are not making God a priority in life, it is going to show when times of testing come.
Unlike the previous sea we were talking about, this trial by sea did not have a large crowd of spectators.
The previous trial by sea was in a big way to show God’s glory.
This trial by sea was more of a test.
Trials can be used to show God’s glory and to test and strengthen our faith.
If we were to look at some other accounts of this story.
We see Peter walk on the stormy waters.
Their trust in God was being tested.
Mark tells us Jesus was watching them.
They were also struggling.
The point of the lake they were at was right in the middle.
By this time they were probable at their wits end.
Jesus comes to them.
Makes them realize they were not alone.
His voice in the midst of the storm brought them comfort.
We must be willing to listen to the voice of God in the storm to find comfort and guidance.
Peace came when Jesus got in the boat with them.
and immediately they were at the shore.
Their time of testing was done and they were immediately delivered from it.
Sometimes trials last a while and we have to steadily walk towards the exit.
Sometimes God miraculously moves the exit way closer.
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