Beware of Public Opinion
Thirty Pieces of Silver (Treasure Christ above all) • Sermon • Submitted
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· 45 viewsJesus's kingdom is not one of pubic or political power but of sacrifice. Believers are called to elevate the powerless, not hoard power for themselves or their comfort.
Sermon Tone Analysis
Beware of the Priceless Trade: Remember that there is a choice to be made between either the Judas tree or the Jesus tree. The Judas tree traded the priceless treasure for betrayal and death.
Beware of the Comfort Zone: Last week we saw that while glory was on the horizon we must first take up our cross and follow Jesus. The road for all disciples must go through the cross of Christ.
Beware of Public Opinion
The crowd is not as much concerned with truth as with what is most expedient for me. What is best for me. Many times this skews or colors the truth in shades of gray. We become led more by the mob or the popular culture and less by what is the truth.
Today people may ask the question what is the truth, but, do they truly want to know what the truth really is, or are they still looking to public opinion to drive their understanding of truth.
33 So Pilate entered his headquarters again and called Jesus and said to him, “Are you the King of the Jews?” 34 Jesus answered, “Do you say this of your own accord, or did others say it to you about me?” 35 Pilate answered, “Am I a Jew? Your own nation and the chief priests have delivered you over to me. What have you done?” 36 Jesus answered, “My kingdom is not of this world. If my kingdom were of this world, my servants would have been fighting, that I might not be delivered over to the Jews. But my kingdom is not from the world.” 37 Then Pilate said to him, “So you are a king?” Jesus answered, “You say that I am a king. For this purpose I was born and for this purpose I have come into the world—to bear witness to the truth. Everyone who is of the truth listens to my voice.” 38 Pilate said to him, “What is truth?”
After he had said this, he went back outside to the Jews and told them, “I find no guilt in him. 39 But you have a custom that I should release one man for you at the Passover. So do you want me to release to you the King of the Jews?” 40 They cried out again, “Not this man, but Barabbas!” Now Barabbas was a robber.
The question in front of Pilot today is twofold, 1) What have you done to deserve death? (Pilot pressed Jesus on the claim that he was declaring himself the King of the Jews). 2) What is the truth? (Jesus never answers this question for Pilot, the reader is left speculating whether Pilot knew the truth or not).
Jesus is appearing before a secular trial on a criminal charge. Johns writing of this account draws in the big issue relating to Judaism and the Roman State. The tensions during this particular time in history were very contentious to say the least. You now have what will continue to be the struggle even today between the sacred and the secular.
The pragmatic part of the trial was seeking what is most expedient and best for the Roman Government. Jesus is not in the least bit intimidated by this personal representative of the Roman Emperor and attempts to personalize the conversation, reaching out to Pilate as a man needing to find the grace of God.
“Is this your own idea…? Pilots whole goal behind the interrogation is to discern if there is any criminal activity involved from Rome’s viewpoint. Jesus concedes that he is the head of a kingdom, but not one which Rome need fear as a political rival. If it were he would be supported by the military action of his ‘servants’.
Note: Pilot was banking on the Peoples Public Opinion of Jesus to do the right thing and let him go free. Pilot even sweetened the pot by offering Barabbas a known criminal and murder in exchange for Jesus. Surely the mob that had formed would see the reason in sending Barabbas to the cross. I grew up thinking that Barabbas was a bad guy. You know, just another garden variety criminal. I thought people hated Jesus so much that they preferred the convicted murderer over Jesus. It turns out that Barabbas was more of a freedom fighter type, an insurrectionist, a hero of the people who was willing to take one for the team. The people loved Barabbas. He was something of a minor celebrity among them.
Now the chief priests and elders had no sympathy for Barabbas the insurrectionist, because it would jeopardize their status quo with the Romans; yet still they stirred up the crowd to ask for Barabbas instead of Jesus.
WHAT IS TRUTH?: This question is the in thing to say and we are all being duped. Pilot appears to be a modernist before his time. “Your a king then, you are right in saying that I am a king, for this reason I have been born to testify to the truth.”
BIG IDEA:Those who stand with Jesus at the foot of the cross are the only ones standing on the right side of TRUTH.
BIG IDEA:Those who stand with Jesus at the foot of the cross are the only ones standing on the right side of TRUTH.
Now, everyone believes that they are on the right side of truth, even the most hardened Atheist. If we listen to him and take Him at His word we are on the side of truth and if we reject Him and deny His word we are not on the side of truth.
1. Standing on the right side of truth avoids the lie.
1. Standing on the right side of truth avoids the lie.
Has anyone ever caught you talking to yourself. If you live in our house this is probably a common occurence. It’s not like we are crazy or anything. It is a little embarrassing. Why? It is embarrassing to feel so exposed. It’s as if someone has accidentally seen us naked.
Our internal life is something that few ever get to see it is suddenly open and exposed. For those who do talk to themselves it can be beneficial in that it helps us process our thoughts. You may not be to surprised when you catch someone talking to themselves because we know that we all have a constant internal conversation going on in our hearts all the time. Self talkers have simply made their thoughts known or explicit. We have already probably talked to ourselves a couple of times that day anyway, saying, “Is it really time to get up?” or “Maybe I will go to the store … No, I think I will stay home.”
We reason and debate things in our hearts. Think of Eve’s internal struggle with the truth she knows and the lie she is being told. The only part of the struggle we are told is “That fruit looks really good.” “I bet it will make me so much wiser.” “Maybe I should trust this what this serpent says.”
We know of course, that Adam and Eve chose wrongly. They knew the truth of what God had said, they listened to the serpent, and they willingly disobeyed God’s command. Satan introduced Self-Deception into their hearts. At some point in their interaction with Satan, Adam and Eve learned to lie to themselves. We live with distorted views of our selves.
There was a lot of Self-Deception going on in the last few day’s of Jesus life before his crucifixion.
24 Therefore God gave them up in the lusts of their hearts to impurity, to the dishonoring of their bodies among themselves, 25 because they exchanged the truth about God for a lie and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed forever! Amen.
Truth on Trial
The truth faced six trial in less than on full day, three of which were religious, and three were secular or legal. In the end. few people involved in the process could answer the simple question, “What is truth?”
The first trial was held by Annas, a corrupt former high priest of the Jews. Annas broke numerous Jewish laws the first of which was holding a trial in his house, trying to induce a confession out of Jesus. After Annas could not extract a confession the truth was led before the acting high priest Caiaphas who so happened to be Annas’s son-in-law. Caiaphas and the Sanhedrin had many false witnesses come forward to speak out against the Truth, yet nothing could be provided and no evidence of wrongdoing could be produced.
7 Laws broken by Caiaphas during the trial.
1) the trial was held in secret.
2) the trial was carried out at night.
3) the trial involved bribery.
4) the defendant had no representation.
5) the requirement of 2-3 witnesses was not met.
6) the use of self-incriminating testimony against Jesus.
7) they carried out the death penalty on the defendant that same day.
All of these actions were forbidden under Jewish law however Caiaphas declared the truth guilty because the truth claimed to be God in the flesh, something Caiaphas called blasphemy.
The Jewish leadership had no legal authority to carry out the death penalty. Therefore, the truth had to be moved to the Roman court to declare a verdict. The two charges that were levied at Jesus were:
1) Jesus forbid people to pay taxes to Caesar. (This was a lie, in fact Jesus declared “render to Caesar what is Caesar.s”)
2) Jesus is proclaiming himself to be King.
Note: Pilots question “What is the truth,” is a question that has echoed down through History to 2022. In a postmodern world that denies that truth even exists or can be known, the question is more relevant and important than ever before to answer the question. “What is the truth.”
*The right side of truth accepts reality over illusion
*The right side of truth accepts reality over illusion
Note: “What is truth?” retorted Pilate. (my translation of Pilot’s retort: “Whatever!” Isn’t that always the words toward the truth? Whatever!
Jesus Reply: “Everyone on the side of truth listens to me.”
How do we know if we are on the right side of TRUTH?
How do we know if we are on the right side of TRUTH?
We must first know what the Truth is by speaking truth to our hearts. Jesus grew up knowing and studying the scriptures. He referenced them throughout His earthly ministry. We must know the scriptures. I believe we live in one of the most Biblically illiterate societies in history. Very few Christians know the word. We must know the truth so that the lies we tell ourselves have an antidote.
How do we respond to the question, “What is Truth?
How do we respond to the question, “What is Truth?
You must trust the truth that you know. When we hear lies in our hearts and are tempted to believe them, we have to make an active decision to choose the truth rather than the lies. This can be hard, Jesus in the wilderness before His ministry chose the truth over and over again as Satan spewed out his lies. We must actively choose to believe God’s promises.
How do we show that we have the TRUTH?
How do we show that we have the TRUTH?
Speaking the truth in our hearts requires that the truth we know and trust be externalized in our words and actions. The truth Jesus knew made its way into His words and actions. When James tells us not to be only hearers of the Word, but doers, I imagine he has the example of Christ who became obedient unto death.
Before we can come to an understanding of what truth is we must understand what truth is not.
Truth is not whatever works best for you. (this is pragmatism at it’s core - the ends justify the means approach to reality, lies can appear to work, but they are still lies and not the truth. This was at the heart of Jesus trial.)
Truth is not what is coherent and understandable by the majority. (A group of people can gather and form a conspiracy based on a set of false ideas and believes where they all agree to tell the same false narrative, but it does not make their version of the truth true. This was the mob that had gathered outside to watch the trial taking place.)
Truth is not simply what is believed. (A lie believed is still a lie, if you tell a lie long enough you start to believe it to be true. The Jewish leaders had told themselves the lie long enough that it became a deep seated belief that somehow they had gained a greater privilege and inroad to the truth.)
The Greek word for truth is Aletheia, which means to “Un-hide” or “hiding nothing.” It conveys the thought that truth is always there, always open and available for all to see, with nothing left to hide or obscure it’s view.
From a philosophical perspective truth is defined in three ways.
1). Truth is that which corresponds to Reality. (When Jesus conveyed in John 14:6 that he is the way, the truth and the life.” He is conveying a truth that corresponds to reality. When Jesus stated that his kingdom is not of this world he is stating a truth that corresponds to reality.)
2) Truth is that which matches it’s object. (it may be true that a certain person needs so man milligrams of a certain medication however, another person may need more or less of the same medication to produce the desired effect. When we say that Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life it matches it’s object the same way every time. Jesus testifying to the truth matches it’s object every time in the same way.)
3) Truth is simply telling it like it is. (telling things like they are and any other viewpoint is wrong.)
Challenges to Truth
Jesus reality of truth had to do with the Kingdom of God that He came to testify to it’s objective reality.
Pragmatic Truth: One who acts in a particular situation ignoring his own principles in order to accomplish his greater goals. The reality is that this way of dealing with the truth in the Church has long-term extremely damaging consequences. Therefore, whether something is right or wrong, good or bad is primarily dependent on results.
NOTE: you also have those who are:
RELATIVISTS: where are truth is relevant which in reality makes it meaningless: how do we know when and where it applies.
SKEPTICS: these people are simply doubting whether any truth exists in the Universe, (possibly Pilot) who wonder if one can know for sure if one truth exists and if so which truth is it.
POSTMODERN: Affirms no particular truth … all truth is an illusions … this idea is self-defeating and cannot stand up under it’s own claims.
PLURALISM: This idea say’s that all truth claims are equally valuable. The idea behind pluralism is an open-armed attitude of tolerance.
As Christians we must decide which side of truth are we going to stand on, this is the statement Jesus makes to Pilot, those who stand with me stand on the side of Truth.
What does it look like today when the Church chooses the Lie over the Truth? Churches say things such as....
If it only reaches one person it is worth it.
We must be willing to adjust our worship practice when unbelievers are present.
God tells us to be sensitive to the hangups of unbelievers.
These ideas are unbiblical; they are rooted in the perceived consequences.
Pragmatism is rampant in the Church today where Christians run to join programs and hurry to change their worship services because of what they expect to see happen because of the changes they make.
*The Right side of truth accepts Obedience over Convenience.
*The Right side of truth accepts Obedience over Convenience.
What does God require most of you and me? OBEDIENCE over Convenience.
The Rub on The right side of Truth.
1) Absolute Truth: claiming to have absolute truth in matters of faith and religion is that such a stance is “narrow minded.” However, the critic fails to understand that, by nature, truth is narrow. Is a math teacher narrow minded for holding to the belief that 2+2 only equals 4?
2) Arrogant to claim that someone is right and someone else is wrong: returning to the above example of the math problem, is it arrogant that the teacher insists on the only right answer to a math problem.
3) Holding to one absolute truth excludes some people: this position ends up being exclusive rather than inclusive. But the argument fails to understands that t truth by nature, excludes its opposite. All answers other than 4 are excluded from the reality of what 2+2 truly equals.
4) Truth is offensive and Divisive: The critics would say all that matters is sincerity. If you are sincere enough in your faith than it must be true. The problem with this position is that truth is immune to sincerity, belief, and desire. It doesn’t matter one sincerely believes a wrong key will fit the door; the key still will not go in an open the lock. Truth is also unaffected by sincerity. Someone who picks up a bottle of poison and sincerely believes it is lemonade will still suffer the unfortunate effects of the poison.
Truth is not affected to desire. A person may strongly desire that their car has not run out of gas, but if the gauge says the tank is empty the care will not run any farther, then no desire in the world will miraculously cause the care to keep going.
It is always more difficult to stand up for truth because the world will marginalize and come against you as being narrow minded or not truly caring about the lost.
Note: We can make lots of excuses for ignoring the things we know to be true in order to try and push along the results we are hoping to get when we ignore the truth.
2. Standing on the right side of Truth avoids the consequences of being wrong.
2. Standing on the right side of Truth avoids the consequences of being wrong.
"Groundhog Day": Consequences
In this insightful comedy, an egocentric TV weatherman named Phil (Bill Murray) is assigned to cover the festivities of Groundhog Day in Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania. Due to an unexpected snowstorm, Phil must spend an extra night in this little town with his producer and love interest, Rita (Andie MacDowell).
When Phil awakens the next morning, he discovers it is still February 2nd. Soon he realizes he is stuck in a 24-hour loop of Groundhog Days. No matter what he does, he wakes up every morning as if nothing had happened the day before.
Phil explores what life would be like if there were no consequences. People could do whatever they wanted. Along with some newfound friends, he lives recklessly, sparking a police chase. After leaving a swath of destruction, he's arrested. But when Phil wakes up, it is Groundhog Day once again.
On this particular day Phil goes out to lunch with Rita. He orders most everything on the menu and lights up a cigarette.
Curious about his strange behavior, Rita asks, "Don't you worry about cholesterol, lung cancer, love-handles?"
"I don't worry about anything anymore," Phil responds.
"What makes you so special?" Rita counters. "Everybody worries about something."
Phil contends that his lack of concern over any consequences (including the wages of not flossing) is what makes him special.
Rita responds by quoting a poem by Sir Walter Scott.
The wretch concentrated all in self
Living so forth with fair renown
And doubly dying shall go down
To the vile dust from whence he sprung
Unwept, unhonored, and unsung.
Phil attempts to shrug this off, but he soon discovers that a world not governed by moral accountability is an empty one indeed.
Giving someone the wrong amount of medicine can kill them; having an investment manager make the wrong monetary decision can impoverish a family; boarding the wrong plan will take you where you do not wish to go; nowhere are the consequences more desperate or important than in the area of faith and religion.
Eternity is an awfully long time to be wrong.
*The Right side of truth reveals the hypocrisy of the wrong side
*The Right side of truth reveals the hypocrisy of the wrong side
During the 6 trials the Pharisees continued to stand on the wrong side. There stood Jesus the Truth, and the life, being judged by those whose every action was bathed in lies. The Jewish leaders broke nearly every law designed to protect a defendant from wrongful conviction.
They worked hard to find any testimony they could to incriminate Jesus, and in their frustration they turned to false evidence brought forward by liars. But even that could not help them reach their goal. So they broke another law and forced Jesus to implicate Himself.
Jesus the righteous is being judged by the unrighteous. This is the hypocrisy of the whole trial of Jesus. Those who had been given access to the prophecy’s of Jesus coming should have known the truth of the Messiah. Here are some of the prophecies that should have been known.
Jesus will have a sinless, blemish free life and ministry (Exodus 12:5); The Messiah will be humbled in order to serve mankind (Psalm 8:5-6); Jesus would become the perfect sacrifice (Psalm 40:6-8); Jesus would teach in parables (Psalm 78:1-2); Christ’s parables would fall on deaf ears (Isaiah 6:9-10); The Messiah would be a stone that causes people to stumble (Isaiah 8:14); Jesus would draw the Gentiles to Himself (Isaiah 11:10); Jesus would perform miracles (Isaiah 35:5-6); Jesus would be despised and rejected (Isaiah 53:3); The Messiah will have a throne that is everlasting (Daniel 7:13-14); Jerusalem will rejoice as the Messiah comes to her upon a donkey (Zechariah 9:9).
Like the passover Lamb none of Christs bones will be broken (Exodus 12:46); The Messiah’s blood will be spilled for atonement (Leviticus 17:11); Jesus will be lifted up, and everyone who looks on Him will live (Numbers 21:9); The Messiah would be forsaken (Psalm 22:1); Everyone will abandon the Messiah (Psalm 31:11); They will plot to kill God’s anointed (Psalm 31:13); The Messiah will be quiet among his accusers (Psalm 38:12-13); The Messiah will conquer death (Isaiah 25:7-8); The Messiah will be mocked and abused (Isaiah 50:3-6).
*The Right side of truth reveals the enemies of the Cross.
*The Right side of truth reveals the enemies of the Cross.
18 For many, of whom I have often told you and now tell you even with tears, walk as enemies of the cross of Christ. 19 Their end is destruction, their god is their belly, and they glory in their shame, with minds set on earthly things.
What does Paul mean when he speaks of being an enemy of the Cross?
Is He speaking of the physical wooden material Cross. No, he is speaking of what is at the center and core of our belief which is the atonement of Christ. The Son of God who did actually die, nailed to a Roman cross, numbered with the transgressors, doing this because he had, of his own free will taken upon himself the sin’s of humanity.
Jesus seemed to actually be sympathizing with Pilate and his position of ignorance. Notice he first questions who gave him this information about Jesus being the King of the Jews. Jesus realizes that Pilate is not the true enemy in this situation. In fact at the end Jesus gives Pilate a nugget of why he has come and where he can truly find truth.
Consider Nicodemus, one of the same Sanhedrin that sought Jesus death. He came to Jesus in the cloke of night to ask a very important theological question. “How can a man be born again when he is old,” the deeper question he was asking is “what is the truth.” Jesus did not condemn Nicodemus for the question however, he pointed out the true enemy of the cross. The true enemy of the cross is unbelief, Jesus points out to Nicodemus that he is a teacher of the law and has been given all the tools to understand and yet he still does not believe.
Note: Notice that right before Paul speaks of those who walk as enemies of the cross he gives us an eternal perspective on towards the Kingdom of God. The upward call of the prize we have been given through the death and resurrection of Christ.
Some do not know they are.
Note: There are those who truly are led away from the truth and do not realize they are standing against the Cross of Christ. These people do not know that they are in error. I would say that Pilot is one of those who does not fully realize the significance of this moment in time.
But there are some who are obvious enemies of the Cross of Christ fall into two categories:
The Prideful haters (these people are self-sufficient, do not feel a need to be forgiven, see themselves as basically a good person, have great success in the worlds standards.)
The Gospel is so simple haters (those who are so smart that reason that the answer to the universe cannot be so simple)
The fact that Paul is writing this “with tears” in his eyes about them leads us to believe that in general he is not speaking of those who do not believe in God, but about a specific group of people he knows personally. Apparently they had been converted and even baptized but their lives showed that they were enemies of the cross.
NOTE: The Pharisees felt self-sufficient, they were the keepers of the law and did not need anyone else coming in to tell them how to interpret the law.
Enemies of the Cross Today
*Those who pervert the Gospel by approving of Sin.
In the Church today we see the apostate denominations glorified in homosexuality, premarital sex, false teachings.
What are enemies of the Cross Today?
Living in sin. (Romans 6:2 “Are we to continue to live in sin that grace may increase? May it never be!”)
Prioritizing our own desires. (James 4:13-16 “Are you to say ‘Today or tomorrow we will go to this or that city, spend a year there, carry on business and make money.” Why, you do not even know what will happen tomorrow. What is your life? You are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes. Instead, you ought to say, “If it is the Lord’s will...”)
It doesn’t matter how you live. (they glory in their shame)
Prioritizing earthly things. (set our minds on things above)
2 Set your minds on things that are above, not on things that are on earth.
3. Standing on the right side of truth avoids exalting the Earthly over the Eternal.
3. Standing on the right side of truth avoids exalting the Earthly over the Eternal.
Note: It is no wonder that Jesus states the only task we need to worry about is to seek first God’s Kingdom.
33 But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.
Note: four times in this account Pilate publically refers to Jesus as the “King of the Jews.” The first time comes after he questions Jesus (18:39). After Having Jesus flogged he brings him out before the Jews ans say’s, “Here is your King!” (19:14). Then he asks, “Should I crucify your King?” (v.15). The final act of Pilate after giving into the peoples wishes for Jesus execution was to have a sign made that calls Jesus the King of the Jews. (vv.19-22).
In essence even though Pilate continued to refer to Jesus as their king, he failed to understand that by doing this over and over he was acknowledging that he was not only the king of the Jews, He is the King of all kingdoms, the King of the world and all the Kingdoms that have ever been constructed.
At the foot of the cross all Kingdoms crumble and fall. We stand at the foot of the cross until Christ returns because even though he has established his earthly kingdom inside of you and me and we ain’t seen nothing yet!!!!!
*The right side of truth Expects Great Things from God.
*The right side of truth Expects Great Things from God.
Jesus went through the countryside, teaching and preaching the good news of the Kingdom of God, and healing every disease and sickness among the people. The presence and power of God had come down meet humanities deepest needs; and this is no different today.
I can expect my Heavenly Father to give me the strength to meet any storm or conflict that I am currently experiencing today.
Note: During the course of Jesus trial he continued to refer to a Kingdom that was not of this world. Jesus proclaimed that he came to testify to the truth about the Kingdom of God. The truth of the kingdom has a past present and future reality.
Kingdom Theology Summary
The kingdom is central to the Biblical story of redemption. The story follows the narrative of the fall of Adam and Eve, the calling of the nation of Israel, and the coming of the promised Messiah.
When Jesus came as the Messiah, he established God’s kingdom in the new covenant through his death and resurrection, and now reigns from heaven. One day He will return to consummate the kingdom, at which time he will set up the new Eden of God’s kingdom in the new heavens and new earth. In the meantime, we live in the already but not yet of the kingdom, serving our King and looking for his return.
Note: What did Jesus do to cause these men to have such animosity towards him to warrant his death?
Jesus challenged the thing that was most precious to them which was their system of religion. He taught that their religion was not the answer, but the gospel - God’s free gift of grace - is what people truly need.
We need a Heart Transplant.
We do not need more morals or reformed behaviors. If we attempted to change through religion, that is, through what we do, then the Pharisees had the model to follow.
Jesus pointed out the greater problem with the Pharisees was that they had a limited view and expectations of God. They were good at cleaning the outside of the glass, but, when it came to the inside they were dead men walking. They were like a pigsty full of filth.
Our religion smells rotten, but we say “I can fix that.” We get some wood and build a nice shed to place over our pigsty. We pick out beautiful colors to paint the shed, plant some flowers around the outside, and place a hand-carved sign outside the door that reads “welcome.” At first glance everything looks well in order, but when you open the door, the stench of pigs wallowing in their own filth leaks out. Religion only succeeds in changing the appearance, not the heart.
Jesus takes a wrecking ball to the shed the religious leaders have built. He exposes their hearts, filthy and defiled. The gospel does not deal in cosmetics, it gets dirty. It takes a shovel to your hearts pigsty and starts digging out the muck of sin. It isn’t pleasant at first because it exposes the ugliness of sin, but the gospel expels sin and transforms our heart.
Now, we respond to the king with great expectations because we no longer view the world through the lenses of the earthly beauty but through the eternal beauty of the Cross of Christ.
Christians often feel out of step with the world around us because we are out of step with this world. We are now citizens of a heavenly kingdom living among citizens of an earthly kingdom. The world feeds off the lie, each, bigger, bolder, and more outrageous.
We feed off of the Great expectations and Hope we have in Jesus Christ.
*The right side of truth empowers us to Attempt Great things for God.
*The right side of truth empowers us to Attempt Great things for God.
You were not saved and placed here to take up space in this cosmos and do nothing for God.
Regular Routine of Life
These attempts are not just the once in a lifetime short term mission experiences to some foreign country, but are rather to be in the regular routine and challenges we find ourselves in everyday.
We are reminded by Jesus to “store up for ourselves treasures in heaven....” (Matthew 6:20). The kingdom that Jesus came to establish had a here and now element as a future culmination element. In seeking to meet our need for food and cloths or our need for sufficient purpose in this life we learn to trust in God and his purpose.
So, how do we show that we are living for the present Kingdom of God as well as the Eternal Kingdom. In reality the two are inseparably tied together. Living for God’s kingdom is not an either or proposition.
Should I spend time in solitude with God or should I seek to help and care for the people who are suffering in the Ukraine or Killeen Texas? The answer is YES! and YES! You can and should do both expecting great things from God.
20 Now to him who is able to do far more abundantly than all that we ask or think, according to the power at work within us, 21 to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, forever and ever. Amen.
What are you expecting from God Today?
What are you attempting for God Today?
The Marital Expectations
I have performed countless marriages during my time in ministry. Being a student pastor for half of my ministry has led to many wedding ceremonies that I have been asked to perform.
In preparation for the big day I spend time with each couple doing pre-marital counseling. I believe it is one of the most vital roles I play as the officiant of their wedding. If a couple is not willing to go through the counseling then they are not truly serious about a life long commitment to the marriage covenant.
I tell every couple that my job is to give them a realistic picture of marriage. Inevitably I have not had one couple who has come into marriage who is thinking completely clearly about the relationship they are about to enter. Studies show that the brain chemical dopamine is at their highest levels when someone is in love. Dopamine is key to our experiences of pleasure and pain, linked to desire, addiction, euphoria, and a surge may cause such acute feelings of reward that it makes love hard to give up. The term “crazy in love,” is no joke.
The majority of people I have counseled have unrealistic expectations when it comes to marriage. Here are some of the questions we go over in counseling.
1. At times do you feel your marriage will be disappointing and frustrating?
2. Do you believe that most of the difficulties that you have experienced before marriage will fade after you are married?
3. Love is all we need for a happy marriage?
4. I do not expect that we will ever have serious problems in our marriage?
5. Time will resolve most of the problems we have as a couple?
When we enter into the Christian life we are now a part of a grand marriage ceremony to the Lamb of God. The feeling we have when the Truth of the gospel is first made real in our lives is undeniable and many times like being in love. We want to serve and do everything we can to make our new Lord and Savior happy.
However, we soon forget that His kingdom is no of this world and therefore, we are no longer a part of this world. We forget the cost it took to redeem our souls back from the pit of despair and darkness.
“Normally the bride groom with some close friends would leave his home to go to the bride’s home, where there were various ceremonies, followed by a procession through the streets - after nightfall - to his home. The ten virgins may be bridesmaids who have been assisting the bride and they are expected to meet the groom as he comes from the bride’s house.. Everyone in the procession was expected to carry a torch. Those without a torch would be assumed to be party crashers. The festivities would last for several days. Five of the virgins who brought extra oil for their lamps represent the true born again who are looking with eagerness for Christ’s return (the bridegroom). They have determined that, whatever occurs, be it lengthy time or adverse circumstances, when Jesus returns, they will be ready looking with eagerness.
The five virgins without extra oil represent false believers who enjoy the benefits of the Christian community without the true love for Christ. They are more concerned about the party than about longing to see the bridegroom. Their hope is that their association with believers (“give us some of your oil”) will bring them into the kingdom at the end.
May we not be found “going away to make the purchase” (v. 10) when Christ returns. Take the time now to fill your lamp with oil and take extra along. Keep waiting and watching with joy and anticipation.
The Pharisees had the bridegroom right in front of them, however, they were more concerned with their own agenda and fame rather than that of the eternal kingdom of God.
Which one are you? Are you Standing on the Side of Truth today or are you like Pilot still clueless as to what Truth really is? Maybe you are like the Pharisees, you know the truth, however, it doesn’t fit into your present lifestyle and you would rather do what is best for you.