How Did We Get Here?  •  Sermon  •  Submitted
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How Did We Get Here? Jeremiah 6:16 tells us the our souls will find rest when we go back to what God has already done and to know He doesn't change-something we can count on! This series has us looking back at the silent years from 600 B.C. to the days of Jesus Christ. They call those years silent because not much was written in the Bible during those years-but a lot of historical books were!

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We hate to have some people give us advice because we know how badly they need it themselves.


This study will survey the effects the Hebrew, Babylonian, Mede Persian, Greek and Roman civilizations had upon the world.
Specifically, how from 606 to 4 B.C. chronological look at some of these events as they unfolded. This resulting in the Hebrew religious and ethical perseverance; The Greek education and the universal language getting integrated into other cultures. Then how the Romans paved the roads and enforced and orderly environment. Which, paved the way for the Son of God to come onto the scene bring with Him a redemption plan.
We will also see in amazement, prophecy being fulfilled by the coming of the Son of God with 100% accuracy.
Another thing, through the eyes of both Daniel and the Apostle John- two prophets that will tell us exactly past and future events that have and will take place.
Daniel will be a huge player as one of those Prophets . God use's Daniel and his friends over a specific course of time to inspire us and wow us. Specially, Daniel, besides his escape from the lion's den, his gift of prophecy will prove to unfold before our very eyes-especially after 70 years of Daniels captivity- he will be visited by Angels- possible the Lord Himself to give Daniel a look into the future-our future. Such events as; The end of the Babylonian conquest; end of the Mede-Persian conquest; end of the Greek conquest; even the end of the Roman conquest as large as that was.
However, this book will unfold some of the mysteries and show how important each era has been to get us where we are today. How both our past and future rest upon the prophets details given through angelic beings for us to know the coming of fore told events- possibly with almost certainty our generation is shaping up to look a lot like some of the prophetic prophecy in the Book of Daniel and Revelation beside other books of the bible. Such prophecy as, The Rapture of the Church; Then the Seven Year Tribulation period; Followed by the Second Coming of Jesus Christ having a host of Heaven breaking through the clouds, which at that time, will bring the start of the Thousand year region and the Lord Jesus having Satan bound for those thousand years only to be released at the end of that millennial period as he raises HVAC for a short time, then to be thrown in the Lake of Fire with the rest of his ungodly angels.
At this time, the Books will be opened and will begin the Great Judgement of the righteous and unrighteous, some thrown into the lake of fire and some who had their names written in the book of life-being welcomed into God's Holy Kingdom. Yes, this is just some treasures found in this work "The Final Curtain."
Finally, everything fitting into God’s plan. How each culture brought something of great value to help prepare for the first and second coming of Christ?


Climax to end time events
Time line
Time line
Permitted to return home
Rebuilding the Temple
70 years
Time line
Time line
The Cross
Destruction of Jerusalem
First & Second coming
Time line

The Body

Throughout Hebrew history the Jews had conflict with their surrounding neighbors. Such was the time when the Jewish State had come to an end and Orthodox Judaism began.
In 606 B.C. King Nebuchadnezzar overran Judea and captured Jerusalem. At this time, Jehoichin was reigning for three months, at the age of eighteen years old. His reign was shortened, because of the evil done in the sight of the Lord. (II Kings 24:8-9) This resulted in his exile with many Prophets and Jews. One such Prophet was Daniel. Dan 1:6-7 says;
Daniel 1:6-7(AMP)
Daniel 1:6–7 NASB95PARA
Now among them from the sons of Judah were Daniel, Hananiah, Mishael and Azariah. Then the commander of the officials assigned new names to them; and to Daniel he assigned the name Belteshazzar, to Hananiah Shadrach, to Mishael Meshach and to Azariah Abed-nego.
6 Among these were of the children of Judah: Daniel, Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah.
7 The chief of the eunuchs gave them names: Daniel he called Belteshazzar [the king's attendant], Hananiah he called Shadrach, Mishael he called Meshach, and Azariah he called Abednego.
Daniel will be a huge player as one of those Prophets . God use's Daniel and his friends over the next years to inspire us and wow us. Specially, Daniel, besides his escape from the lion's den, his gift of prophecy will prove to unfold before our very eyes-especially after 70 years of Daniels captivity- he will be visited by Angels- possible the Lord Himself to give Daniel a look into the future such events as; The end of the Babylonian conquest; end of the Mede-Persian conquest; end of the Greek conquest; even the end of the roman conquest.
However, this book will unfold some of the mysteries and show how important each era has been to get us where we are today. How both our past and future rest upon the prophets details given through angelic beings for us to know the coming of fore told events possibly with almost certainty our generation. Such as, The Rapture of the Church; Then the Seven Year Tribulation period; Followed by the Second Coming of Jesus Christ having a host of Heaven breaking through the clouds, which at that time, will bring the start of the Thousand year region and the Lord Jesus having Satan bound for those thousand years only to be released at the end of that millennial period as he raises HVAC for a short time, then to be thrown in the Lake of Fire with the rest of his ungodly angel.
At this time, the Books will be opened and will begin the Great Judgement of the righteous and unrighteous, some thrown into the lake of fire and some having their names written in the book of life-being welcomed into God's Holy Kingdom. Yes, this is just some treasures found in this work "The Final Curtain."
How exciting to possibly be living in the end times spoken by Daniel. Having our redemption near. This book helps us trace our begins and sheds some light on where we are going. How God use's Prophets and worldly events to accomplish His Almighty purposes. Let us go back in time and trace the steps of His faithful, but also see the decade of man and his insatiable appetite for more! However, God use's whatever means are necessary to accomplish His means
Now then, after his exile; Jehoichin’s uncle, Mattnaiah-who latter was renamed Zedikiah, was set up by King Nebuchadnezzar, in 590 B.C. as a puppet King. Although, Zedikiah had other plans as King. When he saw Psammitichus II of Egypt pushing northward along the -Palestinian coastline-encroaching on Babylon, he thought his chance to go against the King of Babylon had come. So He joined forces with
Psammitichus II. Unfortunately, this would prove fatal. Because king Nebuchadnezzar accepted the challenge and marched in defence of Tyrne. Result, in 588 B.C. he laid siege to Jerusalem and then by 586 B.C. took the city. At this point, Zedekiah was caught trying to escape through the Kings Garden, and then brought into Babylonian captivity wearing chains.
The result left Jerusalem opened to be plundered by having the sacred vessels of the temple brought into exile. Furthermore, this temple was the original one Solomon had built, and would not be restored for a long time. In fact, it would not happen until after the fall of Babylon.
In 539 B.C witnessed King Cyrus of Mede Persia, quite easily defeated the Babylonians, by simple diverting the Euphrates River that flowed through the city. Result, his army captured the Babylonian city with hardly a battle. At this time, Cyrus issued a decree that would allow the Jews to return home. Although, most remained, because they had their businesses and homes which kept them from wanting to leave. Those that lift were about forty-two Thousand. Mostly from the tribe of Judea, Benjamin and Levi.
This was the result of King Cyrus decree. He also tried to have the temple restored. But, because of strong opposition from the surrounding neighbors, the work would not get under way until 520 B.C. under the reign of King Darius. The effect this had on the Hebrews was that their Passover and Priestly Ministry was re-established.
(Tenney 22)
Another supporting factor for maintaining the Jewish religious and ethical way of life came at the end of sixty years of silence-458 B.C. the seventh year of King Artaxerxes (Ezra 7:7) At this time, Ezra and Nehemiah are key players.
On the one hand, the effect Ezra had was that King Artaxerxes gave him authority to renew the Temple Services. Ezra was scribe to the King and also was very knowledgeable of God’s Law. An example of this was when he read in Hebrew, but was translated by his assistants in Aramic. (Ezra 8:7-8)
This had a profound effect on the Jews, “all the people in the direction of hearing His Word of the Law.” (Ezra 8:9) He did this by preparing the hearts of those God has chosen to bring His Good News. Ezra’s knowledge of the scripture empressed upon the Jewish people and kept alive their devotion toward God.
On the other hand, Nehemiah, who became King Artaxerxes’ cup bearer. There is little known about Nehemiah except he was son of Hacaliah (Neh 1:1) brother of Hanani (7:2) and that a book of the Old Testament bears his name. His envolvment in the restoration of the temple in 446 B.C. was effective.
It started after Nehemiah was approached by a messenger from Jerusalem to restore the walls and gate. He then got Asaph, the royal keeper of the forest, for the lumber that would be needed to accomplish this task.
Furthermore, the work that began, needed to be under guard, because it was threatened with violence (Neh 6:15-16)
Another thing he did was to help the economic and social reforms the restitution for loss of their homes (7:5) plus, his applications of the principle of the law were strict Such as, temple worship renewed and contributions were exacted for its support.
Next, mixed marriages were forbidden (10:30) and Sabbath Breaking was proscribed (10:31). Concluding, regular administration of tithes was established.
Finally, Ezra and Nehemiah help pave the way for the coming of Christ. Ezra helped the people stay tenaciously loyal to the Law of God. Where-as, Nehemiah strictures in holding fast the Principles of the Law were firm. They both contributed in helping the Jews maintain a strong foundation staying faithfully sound religiously and ethically as God’s Chosen.
Another thing, perhaps the development of the Great Synagogue began in Ezra’s time, a council of one hundred twenty members that was forerunner of the Sanhedrin of Jesus day (Tenney 24).
Next, roughly another hundred years go by until 334 B.C. Alexander the Great comes on to the scene. This was called the Ptolemy period until 198 B.C. which was then called the Seleucider period.
Looking at Alexander the Great; He was son of Philp II of Macedon, who crossed the hellesport into Asia Minnor. Which, Philp would have liked having victory of this territory, but not until Alexander came into full power that Greece would be conquered.
Although, Alexander was inspired by his father’s brilliance in conquest of other territories. Alexander the Great would do many great things in a short period of time. Also, by the help of the fame Greek Philosopher Aristtotle who tutored him, helped further his vision.
The effect Alexander had on the world in the spread of the Greek civilization, Hellenism. This influence of Greek customs, literature, and language showed itself among peoples of diverse culture (Dunnett 15)
Another thing, the Jewish people under the Ptolemy's leadership enjoyed many of the privileges of a free community.
Such as: The law was administered; The Feasts of Passover, of Weeks, and of Tabernacles were regularly observed and were attended by devout pilgrims from the whole world (Tenney 25)
The effect this had on the world was that God was still being taught, even though the Hebrews became more and more integrated maintaining God’s Holy Scriptures.
Consequently, in 285- 246 B.C. Ptolemy Philadelphus, it was during his reign that the Old Testament Scriptures were translated into greek, which was called the Septuagint.
Furthermore, legend has it that seventy-two elders completed their work in seventy-two days. That is six elders from each tribe who was chosen for this task of transferring these words from the Hebrew to the Greek language. This work was done at the library, which laid on the coastline of Egypt in Alexandia. Ptolemy, as the work was completed, had all the scrolls collected.
This had a profound effect on the world at that time, and at the same time prepared for the coming of Christ.
For one thing, as the Hebrew people became more and more integrated into the world around them and their own language began to fade more and more.
The work of the Septaguint by Ptolemy would prove vital. Because the Greek language became the speaking tongue of their time. Yet, God provided us with the new translation to keep His Word alive.
Finally, the Hebrew tongue became a dead language in the second century before Christ, and still more after the spread of Christianity, translation therefore, were a necessity (Unger’s 1342).
In 198 to 168 B.C. under the Seleucid of Syria was parallel with the development of the Ptolemic Empire in Egypt. There was a rivalry between the two kingdoms with Palestine, home of the Jewish people, in the middle.
One of the effects the Seleucidar had is when Seleucus died in 175 B.C. and was succeeded by his brother Antiochus IV, who was a through Hellist. He was a vigorous ruler, but was so erratic that many called him, “The Madman” (Tenney 27).
The effect he had on the Jews was that he introduced Greek customs into Jerusalem; He converted the Holy Temple after plundering it, into a shrine of Olympian Zeus. Then ten days later a pig was sacrificed on the alter; Heathen alters were erected; and finally, Sabbath observance forbidden (Tenney 28)
Once again the Hebrew people were under stress, trying to maintain their belief in God, in a Heathen world. Yet, they did weather the storm of Antiochus IV by the time of Judas, nick-named Maccabus. “The Hammer.” Again, order would be restored to Palestine and the Jewish worship resurfaced. The temple was cleansed and rededications made. Such as; Feast of Lights; Feast of Dedication (Jn 10:22); or currently, Hanukkah (Tenney 28)
Again, we see God’s chosen people, tenaciously hold fast to things of God-preparing for His Coming by not throwing in the towel. Instead, they press on toward the goal of eternity.
In 167 B.C. until the time of Judea became a province of Rome, were called Maccabees from Judas Macabaeus. The Maccabees are known as the Hasmonaean family, distinguished in Jewish history. Under the Hasmoneans, 142 to 37 B.C. the Jewish people attained a treaty that was negotiated with Rome and confirmed in 139 B.C. Recognizing the independence of the Jewish state and commending it to the friendship of Rome’s subjects and allies.
This resulted in economic conditions improving, justice was ably administered in the courts, and Jewish religious life was revered (Tenney 29).
The effect the Hasmonean period had was in favor toward the Jewish people. Which helps prepare for the coming of Christ.
The political power changed hands several times from the Hasmoneans period 167 B.C. to the Herods, Rome’s regime grew powerful. The final period before Christ, 37 B.C. to the birth of Christ, 4-5 B.C.
The Herodian dynasty began with Antipater. His son Herod, called the Great, inherited all his father’s ability in diplomacy. Which is the art and practice of conducting negotiations between nations and governments (Tenney 31).
Herod began his reign at twenty – two years old. He found favor with the two leading men of Rome, Antony and Octavian. Herod was duly inaugurated as king of the Jews of Judea. His art of diplomacy and government, handed down from Antipater the father of Herod showed in his dealings with the Rome leaders. How with their help. He was able to clean up Judea of any undesired ruling powers or any forces up against that area.
Another side of Herod, his jealousy, which would become his down fall soon after the birth of Christ. At this time, his Jealousy caused by a political move by Cleopatra of Egypt. Forced to accept Aristobulos III as high priest, Herod had him killed by drowning, while taking a bath. Herod was found out, summed to Egypt to answer for his crime, but was then let go.
The effect Herod had in his time. That he secured his position as king of the Jews and ally to Rome. He also conferred many benefits in times of famine; and by erecting public works; military installations and fortifications, this helped keep Palestine free from foreign invasion. He was part of opening up Rome roads, making travel easier, as Rome expanded their Political powers throughout the surrounding territories.
Herod was very much a part of preparing the way for the coming of Christ. He helped bring order, by enforcing Laws. Also, Rome, to whom Herod served, would be major player in opening up roads along which the gospel message would get out more easily.


God had the Hebrews go through, “many of toils and snares.” Yet, God’s plan, safely, brought them through.
God also had the Cross in view. Always, preparing for the coming of His son, Jesus Christ.
This study only touched on a small part of God’s dealings with the Hebrew nation. We saw how He used the Babylonians.
In 606 B.C. how King Nebuchadnezzar overran Judea. This ended the Jewish state, as they went into captivity.
Moreover, they won’t become a state again until around 40 B.C. until 70 A.D. Jewish-Rome war. Then not until 1948 A.D will the Jews own their own State.
Another thing, by the Jewish state ending, also ended many of the traditions passed down, since they began at the time of Abraham, the forefather of Hebrew and Christian faith. But, one of the end time signs is the ushering in of the new Temple and it's traditions.
This maybe our day 2020+ through the help of President Trump, Biden, Putin - Just another means of God using who He sees fit for His Almighty purpose -how each dynasty played a part in setting the stage for Jesus's birth, death and resurrection-with the best yet to come,
"The Final Curtain."
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