Palm Sunday 2022

Jonathan McGuire
Vision 2022  •  Sermon  •  Submitted
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Making Disciples

Steve last week taught us on making disciples. We want to be a church that makes disciples who make disciples. We want to be multipliers.
I would add to that. We want a culture of making disciples. That is all of us are working to make disciples. Everyone is engaged in making disciples
We want to build on what God is already doing and keep enhancing it.
In order to do this, we will be expanding our college mentor program. This is going to happen in two ways.
We are going to expand our housing for College mentors
We are going to expand our programs for both college and high school students.
Let me start with the housing piece. We are going to use Paxton house that is already in use, the leaders unit on the end of the lodge that is currently in use, and finish out the remaining 3 buildings for collegiate housing.
(Share Village pics)
We want to attack the gap between High School and Adulthood where many students leave the church. We want attract them to stay in the church.
Adam shared this with me...
80% of college students stop attending church by December of their 1 year of college.  70% of highschoolers mentally check out of church their senior year  and only go because their parent or guardian makes them. This is because they are not grounded in their own faith. They have just been piggybacking off of their parent or guardians faith
College is a time where some universities try to change the mindset of Christians and change their Christian worldview. Our desire is to create a program that builds on a Christian worldview.
These students will live in community. We will limit the number of kitchens we put in these units. We will force them in to community. These students are smarter but they need developed emotionally.
They will live in community and they will be in our discipleship leader program. We will use Habitudes curriculum and so they will be in devotions from 8-9 then class from 9-11 and then in the afternoon they will have a service project on campus or community project, or adventure outing.
We will use adventure to attract students and to keep students seeking Jesus. We believe that God is a God of adventure. Adventure for us will look like but is not limited to hiking, kayaking, mountain biking, night fishing, camping and mission trips.
This is what they will get from us and what we will get from them is...
They will help to keep us young and carrying out the vision of transforming generations that transform communities.
This will allow us to expand the ministry and have students raising support to serve along side of us. This will allow us to keep our overhead low while expanding our reach.
Let me walk you through how the Will of God has been present through all this and show you some of His confirmations.
Dennis Mount took myself and Colten night fishing last fall. It was fun and adventurous. I had so much fun that I took Amy back and did it again. (No need to talk about who caught more fish that night)
Steve Conner said I want you to go see Surfing the Nations in Hawaii. He said take your wife and god check it out in Hawaii. We went in November. Surfing the Nations went into a very rough area and bought a bar and turned it into a coffee shop. They then purchased the strip club, porn shop, and brothel. They have turned all this into ministries that Bring the Kingdom of Heaven to Earth. They have 40 students for 3 months that come and serve and learn from them. It is centered around adventure. It is all about students living in community and growing in Jesus. We caught the vision for Rockaway Beach
Back to Dennis. He gets a passion to take kids fishing and contacts 2 professional guides in Branson. We had dinner with them in January and the guides have decided to donate 1 trip a month for 2 people that’s 2 boats with 2 students for June, July, August and September.
Dennis set all this up.
I see this as confirmation of what God is wanting to do.
Where do you fit into this vision?
We need a culture of discipleship. Every single one of us must be engaged in making disciples. It takes all of us. We must set our minds to disciple students. This will not work if we build this program and not everyone is all in. If it is a culture that if someone is not doing what they are supposed to be doing we run to tattle on them rather than taking the opportunity to disciple them. All of us must be committed to a culture of discipleship. We must be open to giving young men and women opportunities to learn and apply what they learn in our church. That may mean some of them teaching or helping but we must disciple them and grow them.
Jesus the fulfilment of prophecy
It’s passover and there were probably about 2 million people in and around Jerusalem.
Matthew 21:1–5 HCSB
1 When they approached Jerusalem and came to Bethphage at the Mount of Olives, Jesus then sent two disciples, 2 telling them, “Go into the village ahead of you. At once you will find a donkey tied there, and a colt with her. Untie them and bring them to Me. 3 If anyone says anything to you, you should say that the Lord needs them, and immediately he will send them.” 4 This took place so that what was spoken through the prophet might be fulfilled: 5 Tell Daughter Zion, “Look, your King is coming to you, gentle, and mounted on a donkey, even on a colt, the foal of a beast of burden.”
Zechariah 9:9 HCSB
9 Rejoice greatly, Daughter Zion! Shout in triumph, Daughter Jerusalem! Look, your King is coming to you; He is righteous and victorious, humble and riding on a donkey, on a colt, the foal of a donkey.
Tell no One
This is the first time in His ministry that Jesus planned and promoted a public demonstration. Until this time, He had cautioned people not to tell who He was.
Matthew 16:20 HCSB
20 And He gave the disciples orders to tell no one that He was the Messiah.
Matthew 21:6–7 HCSB
6 The disciples went and did just as Jesus directed them. 7 They brought the donkey and the colt; then they laid their robes on them, and He sat on them.
Jesus enters on a Colt of a donkey
Symbol of Peace
Not a warhorse of a military Leader
It was the royal animal of Jewish monarchs

Jesus’ use of the donkey at that point may also have been intended to remind the pilgrims of the peaceful yet triumphant return of King David back over the Mount of Olives by which he had fled during Absalom’s rebellion (2 Sam. 15:30), when he too presumably rode on a donkey (2 Sam. 16:1–2).

Am I worthy?
Matthew 21:8–9 HCSB
8 A very large crowd spread their robes on the road; others were cutting branches from the trees and spreading them on the road. 9 Then the crowds who went ahead of Him and those who followed kept shouting: Hosanna to the Son of David! He who comes in the name of the Lord is the blessed One! Hosanna in the highest heaven!
This beautiful Picture of people taking their robes and throwing them on the ground. Also, some ran and cut branches from palms and were throwing them on the ground. This signifies Jesus as royalty.
We see this in 2 Kings
2 Kings 9:13 HCSB
13 Each man quickly took his garment and put it under Jehu on the bare steps. They blew the ram’s horn and proclaimed, “Jehu is king!”
Three groups are present
The Jews who lived in Jerusalem
The crowd from Galilee
The people who saw Jesus raise Lazarus from the dead (John 12:17-18)
Matthew 21:9 HCSB
9 Then the crowds who went ahead of Him and those who followed kept shouting: Hosanna to the Son of David! He who comes in the name of the Lord is the blessed One! Hosanna in the highest heaven!
Mark 11:10 HCSB
10 The coming kingdom of our father David is blessed! Hosanna in the highest heaven!
Luke 19:38 HCSB
38 The King who comes in the name of the Lord is the blessed One. Peace in heaven and glory in the highest heaven!
John 12:13 HCSB
13 they took palm branches and went out to meet Him. They kept shouting: “Hosanna! He who comes in the name of the Lord is the blessed One —the King of Israel!”
Matthew 21:10–11 HCSB
10 When He entered Jerusalem, the whole city was shaken, saying, “Who is this?” 11 And the crowds kept saying, “This is the prophet Jesus from Nazareth in Galilee!”
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