Sermon Transcript Tone Analysis

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This automated analysis scores the text on the likely presence of emotional, language, and social tones. There are no right or wrong scores; this is just an indication of tones readers or listeners may pick up from the text.
A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
Emotion Tone
Language Tone
Social Tone
Emotional Range

Tone of specific sentences

Social Tendencies
Emotional Range
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So we're all thankful for the work that's being done here.
The service has been done.
We got some new members and a few young Christians and they're working and helping out and serving and they're just beginning this process and it's not an easy thing to get before it for them.
We're thankful for their efforts because it's not only is a good thing for them personally, but for all of us, it's a good thing to see, young Christians grow in the Lord.
We're so thankful for the people that you're with us that we can worship God and our savior in Jesus Christ together.
And think about all the good things that Jesus has in store for you.
And me is what we have to look forward to in that realm above.
I think about how the the Bible goes from Genesis to Revelation and we think about the whole scheme of human Redemption, Paul and caps.
And basically, one long sentence.
You says God was manifested In the Flesh and that he was justified in the spirit among Angels priests among the Gentiles to believe that on into the world and received up in glory.
That's why we're here today, all because of that, and everything that was involved there.
Involve you, and involve me.
We have been talking about.
The Lord's Prayer from Matthew chapter 6, and this is the last time we'll be discussing that, this is the fourth week.
Talking about that one prayer that Jesus gathered his disciples together and he was teaching them how to pray.
In fact, they asked him.
Now, they had been praying all their lives, but there was something about the way Jesus prayed that caught their attention and they were thinking to themselves.
What's different about what he says when his prayers as opposed to one.
I say my prayers and so perhaps you wonder that yourself when you read that passage and we're trying to make application from this passage concerning what our prayers should look like.
We know that the prayer begins Our Father, Our Father.
Who are or who is in heaven with our father in Heaven?
Same way, same thing, but he's talking about this Collective ideal about us together.
Having one, father.
And that he's our father together.
And he says, Hallowed be thy name.
Let us keep Halloween.
Your name is the rendering, let us keep glorifying your name.
Not just simply we recognize you as glorious but that we keep on making you glorious that we keep providing you the glory that you deserve.
That's what that means.
As we continue, says that kingdom come thy will be done.
We focus a lot on that because it's the key part of the prayer.
That Kingdom Come remember.
Sometimes we're striving with God to establish our own kingdom.
But there really is only one Kingdom and that's the kingdom of Christ.
And the kingdom of Christ.
We are to live a certain way.
The way the king tells us to live.
And so what we say in our lives, when we understand what Jesus has done for us, is that it's no longer I who lives, but Christ lives in me.
I have denied myself.
I am now to pick up my cross daily and follow him.
That means I Surrender, everything about me.
And I give everything to him.
It means I give up my kingdom the way.
I want to run my life the way I want to say the things that I want to say.
And now I turned it over to him and I said, let me speak the things that you want me to speak.
Let me do the things that you want me to do.
Let me be a part of your kingdom and met your kingdom Reign on me.
That's the point here raining so much upon me having an influence upon me so much that I can say that, I will be done, not my will, but I want to do things your way.
I know you gave us away.
But I want to do those things your way.
In the way that you prescribe them in the way that you just lay them out for us in Scripture.
It's always fine here.
A great example of how Jesus is trying to get the attention of his disciples.
He sang this ought to be the focus of your prayers.
Remember we liked it when we pray.
We like to put ourselves first.
We like to say Lord take me out of this issue or this problem.
I'm in.
Play Always jump ahead of where we need to be.
We can't be self-centered and that's the point that Jesus is really making.
He's trying to draw self-centeredness out of the picture and give God's enter this to the prayer.
By kingdom come thy will be done on Earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day, our daily bread.
We all know we're going to eat, right?
We all know, we're going to have food and sustenance.
But the thing about it is, is to pay homage to the one who supplies it.
We often, we don't think about those things.
We really think about our shelters, our homes.
We rarely think about the water we drink, and just last night.
It's all commercial.
I guess it was some little town in Africa, or wherever, and it's this little boy, drinking out of a mud puddle.
That's how they drink their water.
And here we are and one of the greatest Nations, the Most Blessed nation in the history of man time, and we really give thanks for the water that we drink.
Little bits of food and pieces of food that we have during the day, it all comes from God and be thankful that you have that and keeping the back of your mind that there are others who do not have such things.
Those would be considered luxuries.
Luxuries for some and so when you go out to the Golden Corral, when you go down, when you go down to whatever place you go to.
If you're going home to eat, give thanks for the food that you have.
Give, thanks for the food.
That's going inside your belly.
Because others do not have such a luxury.
lazy thing to think about, When we think about those things, when we go to God In Prayer.
So, our daily bread, give us our daily bread.
And the other thing to think about is this idea of
Forgive us.
Our Death, as we forgive our debtors, some translations, say forgive us our sin as we forgive those who sin against us or someone forgive us.
Our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us, but literally the word is death.
It's interesting because throughout the Bible, we have different words for sin.
Percentage, how much Chia for transgression is another word.
And for iniquity.
There's another word.
But consistently when they're tied together, they simply means sin and the same thing here.
When he's talking about death.
He's talking about the death, you and I owed.
Jesus Christ.
What's the death?
The price that was paid on Calvary for your sins.
That's the debt.
The good thing about that is our debt is over with.
I want to repeat that is over with, we owe nothing because of Jesus Christ.
He paid the sin debt.
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