Sermon Tone Analysis
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A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
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Social Tone
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Social Tendencies
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Greetings brothers and sisters.
Its so good to be with you here today as I share what the Lord has placed on my heart for this Palm Sunday service.
Today I want to contrast the greeting at the Triumphal entry with the shouts of crucify Him just days later.
And how only by having a personal relationship with Christ can we have the faith needed to stand firm against the lies of the enemy.
Jesus is Greeted as the Messiah
This scripture is referred to the Triumphal Entry marks the beginning of passion week or the last week of the earthly ministry of Christ.
In only a few days from this point Jesus paid our sin debt on the cross and on the 3rd day rose again forever defeating death, hell and the grave.
Aren’t you so grateful today that Jesus made a way for us?
Amen! Give Him praise!
As Jesus and His followers leave the Mount of Olives and begin to enter Jerusalem the people lay down palm branches which symbolizes royalty and was a show of respect and honor.
Also, the people are singing “Hosanna!
‘Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord!’
The King of Israel!”
This is a reference to
Hosanna is often thought of as a declaration of praise, similar to hallelujah, but it is actually a plea for salvation.
We know this because the Hebrew root words are found in Psalm 118:25, which says, “Save us, we pray, O LORD!” (ESV).
The Hebrew words yasha (“deliver, save”) and anna (“beg, beseech”) combine to form the word that, in English, is “hosanna.”
Therefore hosanna literally means “I beg you to save!” or “please deliver us!”
With this as our reference point we can see that as Jesus rode the donkey into Jerusalem, the crowds were perfectly right to shout “Hosanna!”
They were acknowledging Jesus as their Messiah, as shown in their address “Son of David.”
Theirs was a cry for salvation and a recognition that Jesus is able to save.
The people were acknowledging Jesus as the Messiah because of the testimony of those who had been blessed by His miracles.
In particular raising Lazarus from the dead which some Bible scholars mark as the pinnacle of Jesus’s miraculous work.
You can imagine how the crowd was feeling.
They were under Roman subjugation, and all of their uprisings have failed.
Then at the Passover celebration they see Jesus fulfilling prophesy as written in
And in addition the testimony of Lazarus was bringing many people to the Lord.
So much so some of the Jewish leaders were seeking to kill Lazarus.
The joy the people must have felt as finally their Messiah had arrived!
The People Demand the Death of Jesus
Could this be the same group of people that just a few days before were greeting Jesus as the Messiah they had been waiting for?
So we are left asking the question what changed?
Why Did the Crowds Turn Against Jesus?
God’s Word Must Be Fulfilled
The most simple and direct answer is that God’s word must be fulfilled.
The Lord is sovereign over all and He is holy meaning that He cannot lie.
Therefore what He says will happen is in fact going to happen.
And I don’t know about you but that’s great news to me!
You see if not for God’s love for people than we would all be lost in our sins.
Yet because God loves people so much He was willing to sacrifice Himself so that you, me and every mother’s child could be reconciled to Him and that heaven can be our home!
Hear me today if you ever feel unloved or unimportant than stop listening to the lies of the devil and start listening to the word of God! Remember that God loves you and wants a relationship with you and that He sparred no expense to make a way for you to come home and spend your life in His loving presence!
You matter to God more than you ever possibly comprehend!
Somebody give God praise and glory in the house!
Today we are also living in a very important time in human history.
Most Christians around the world believe we are living in the last days.
Personally, I believe we are living in the last days of the last days but that is a different sermon for a different day.
My point here is that similarly to the reality that Jesus had to be put to death on the cross to fulfill the word of God there is also the wrath of God which is going to be poured out on a sinful wicked world that rejects Him and His ways and instead is selfish, violent and makes themselves god in their own eyes.
But I have some good news for you today which is the same Jesus who made a way for us to be saved from our sins will rapture His church so that we may be saved from the judgement on the world!
Thank you Jesus!
Give Him praise!
This should not only create a sense of peace in the heart of every believer but also a sense of urgency to share the Gospel so that as many people can be saved as possible.
May we always be a people that not only serves one another inwardly but also looks outwardly and has a compassionate heart on those who do not yet know the Lord.
So in addition to prophesy being fulfilled another reason that the people turned against Jesus is that the enemy uses division to harden hearts.
The enemy Uses Division to Harden Hearts
The devil is a liar and the father of all lies and uses misinformation to divide and conquer people and this can often be done by placing thought of the wrong expectations in people minds.
For example in today’s text one of the reasons that the Jewish people were so excited to see Jesus as the Messiah is because what they expected from the Messiah.
As I mentioned earlier they were living under Roman rule and all of their uprisings were eventually defeated.
They were expecting and desiring a military and political leader who would establish a physical kingdom for the Jewish people on earth.
However, Jesus came to establish a spiritual kingdom.
His kingdom includes freedom from sin, eternity in heaven, purpose and meaning for your life and a love unlike any other.
As they did many times in the Old Testament the Jewish people were desiring and expecting a king like the other nations had.
They were looking to mankind to find solutions to their problems and to give them victory.
But what they failed to understand is that what God has to offer is so much more than anything in this world could ever offer.
When they saw Jesus seemingly captured by the Romans, beaten and bloodied they not only felt disappointed and hurt which led to anger.
Then the enemy does what he always does and brings ungodly people around to further influence and take advantage of the emotional state of the hurt, confused or angry person.
The enemy is using the same tricks today.
You see in today’s text the Jewish people knew that Jesus was the Messiah because they saw Him fulfill prophesy and had many eye witness testimonies of His miraculous healings and raising Lazarus from the dead, yet they still sinned and rejected the Lord.
In our day and time there is more access to God’s word than at any other time in human history.
In developed nations within a few moments we can access any Bible translation we want, countless commentaries, sermons or Bible studies.
While yes there are still more people in the world that we need to provide access to the word of God the point remains that for the majority of the world if someone has a desire to know Jesus than there are resources available.
Yet despite this fact there are many in the church, unfortunately even in ministry that do not know the word of God let alone those who are not yet saved.
This is a tremendous issue because the Bible teaches us in Hosea 4:6 that people perish without a knowledge of God’s word.
The enemy knows this situation and is constantly trying to put out misinformation or fake news about God or the people of God.
These lies give people the wrong expectations about who God is, what He expects from us and what we can receive from Him.
Similarly to how the devil deceived the Jewish people into not recognizing that Jesus was in fact the real Messiah and they shouted crucify Him there are some people in our time that refuse to invest the time to learn and apply God’s word and make up their idea of who or what God is.
Then when things don’t work out the way they think they should they reject the Lord and not only don’t believe but discourage others from doing so as well or even try to stop us as Christian from living out and teaching the true word of God as it’s written in the Bible.
So how can we make sure to not be deceived by the enemy like the crowds in today’s text’s were deceived.
We Must Know Jesus Personally to Remain Strong in Our Walks
Simply put we must know Jesus personally to remain strong in our walks and avoid being tricked by the enemy.
While we can and should encourage one another in our walks to have a personal relationship with the Lord means that individually as well as corporately you are making the time investment to grow closer to Christ.
This time investment should not seem like work but rather as many in this room can attest spending time with the Lord is actually the best part of our lives.
For example, I am a blessed man.
I have a fantastic family with a beautiful wife and four great children.
But as much as I love spending time with them and I do there is nothing more important in my life than my relationship with Christ.
My walk with the Lord is what gives me the character, the joy and the motivation to be better in every other area of my life.
Not because of me at all but because of Christ in me glory to God!
While there is much to say just a few simple things we can all apply to deepen our walk with Christ are what I call the Christian fundamentals.
The first and most important is to pray.
When we pray we begin by praising God and thanking Him and telling Him we love Him and that He alone is the one we worship.
Prayer provides an awesome opportunity to access the throne room of God.
We can not only communicate but listen to what the Lord is speaking to us.
We can not only pray for ourselves but pray for others.
And one of the most special components of prayer is feeling the Lord’s presence His Holy Spirit.
There is nothing on earth that can top experiencing the presence of God.
Another key component in deepening our walk with Christ is to know His word.
As I spoke about a moment ago we must have an appetite for God’s word or we will perish.
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