The Climax of Love and Hate
This week we are not in the book of Luke but are looking at one of the stories in the book of John.
John is a much different book than the other three gospels.
John deals with more of the theology of the life of Jesus rather than the history of His life.
The Heartfelt Service of Martha
The Heartfelt Service of Martha
This is the second time that we see these 2 sisters (Mary and Martha) doing completely different things just like last time but this time they both are doing what they have been called to do.
The first time Jesus was in Bethany He was eating at the house of Lazarus and his sisters Marry and Martha.
This is where we see the confrontation between Martha and Jesus when rather than helping her sister serve their guests Mary was sitting at the feet of Jesus listening to Him teach. Martha got mad that her sister was not helping. Jesus rebukes her for saying anything about it.
Here we see once again that Martha is serving the guests even though it is not her house.
This shows us the heart of Martha is truly one of service.
Some people just have to be serving or doing something or they just don’t know what to do with themselves.
Unlike last time Martha was not rebuked for serving this time her service was primarily directed at Jesus and was commendable for two related reasons.
it was motivated by loving gratitude to Him for raising her brother Lazarus from the dead.
She had a desire to generously honor Him in the way that she best knew how.
Although it tends to get overshadowed by Marys dramatic act of Worship, Marthas humble service which did not have as much fanfare was still on the same level of commendableness and was just as pleasing to the Lord.
The Humble Sacrifice of Mary
The Humble Sacrifice of Mary
Just as in the the first narrative when the sisters were talked about Mary is shown as the deep thinker and the one that looks at the whole picture.
I feel like she knew what was about to happen.
What was so outrageous about what Mary did?
The washing of Feet
Peoples feet were dirty and nasty
They walked in mud and in animal waste and in the dirty streets.
The responsibility of washing peoples feet when going to peoples house was most of the time reserved for the lowest class of a slave or lowest member of the household.
What she used to wash His feet
Mary used a sweet smelling concentrated type of perfume called Nard or Spike Nard
It was an oil that was extracted from the root and spike of a plant native to the mountains of northern India.
It was pure and had not been cut or watered down which made it even more valuable.
It was equal in value too about a years wages.
This perfume most likely made up a sizable portion of her overall wealth.
She refused to give something to the Lord that did not cost her anything
what she did she did out of love and devotion.
What she used to dry His feet
If the people were not already shocked enough by what Mary was doing they were going to be real shocked at what she did next.
She used her hair to dry off His feet.
It was considered indecent or even immoral for a women to let her hair down in public
Mary did not care about what the people thought but only cared about showing her love and devotion to the master.
The Hypocritical Self Interest of Judas
The Hypocritical Self Interest of Judas
Judas was the one that was in charge of the money bag for the group.
He was also sealing from the bag, and keeping it for him self.
Judas is the greatest example of missed opportunity in history.
He lived day in and day out with Jesus Christ, God incarnate, for three years.
Judas thought Jesus was going to setup an earthly kingdom and then the 12 would have high ranking spots in this new kingdom.
Yet in the end Judas rejected Him, betrayed Him, was overcome by guilt (but not genuine repentance), committed suicide, and went “to his own place” (Acts 1:25)—that is, hell (John 17:12) in its most potent form.
Judas now stood at the crossroads.
Unmasked as a hypocrite, pretending to care for the poor while in reality embezzling from the common purse, he faced the ultimate decision.
He could fall at Jesus’ feet in humble, penitent repentance, confess his sin, and seek forgiveness.
Or he could pridefully harden his heart, refuse to repent, surrender to Satan’s influence, and betray the Lord.
Tragically and sinfully, he chose the latter course, with full and sole culpability for its consequences, though it fulfilled the purpose of God for the sacrifice of His Son (cf. 13:18–19).
Immediately after this incident, “Judas Iscariot, who was one of the twelve, went off to the chief priests in order to betray Him to them.
They were glad when they heard this, and promised to give him money. And he began seeking how to betray Him at an opportune time” (Mark 14:10–11).
The Hollow Superficiality of the People
The Hollow Superficiality of the People
These people were not yet openly hostile to Jesus, like Judas and the religious leaders, but neither were they committed to Him, like Martha and Mary.
They were the thrill seekers, following the latest sensation, superficially interested in Jesus, but spiritually indifferent and ultimately antagonistic to Him.
We see this a lot in the world today.
People jump on new trends that seem hip and modern but them they soon fizzle out like a pair of bell bottom jeans.
The Hostile Scheming of the Leaders
The Hostile Scheming of the Leaders
By no means did the crowds that flocked to Bethany to see Jesus and Lazarus escape the notice of the Jewish authorities.
The ruthless chief priests had already plotted to kill Jesus (11:53); now they expanded the plot and planned to put Lazarus to death also.
As living proof of Jesus’ miraculous power, the resurrected Lazarus presented a great threat to the Sadducees, because on account of him many of the Jews were going away and were believing in Jesus (cf. 11:48).
He was an undeniable testimony to the Lord’s messianic claims.
Not only that, a resurrected man was also an embarrassment to the Sadducees in another way: they denied the resurrection of the dead (Matt. 22:23), and he was an undeniable refutation of that error.
No one is neutral regarding Jesus Christ; as He Himself warned, “He who is not with Me is against Me; and he who does not gather with Me, scatters” (Luke 11:23).
Whether loving and serving Him, like Mary and Martha, being indifferent and vacillating toward Him, like the crowd, or hating and opposing Him, like Judas and the chief priests, everyone takes a stand somewhere.
What that stand is determines each person’s eternal destiny, since “there is salvation in no one else; for there is no other name under heaven that has been given among men by which we must be saved” (Acts 4:12).
Benedictions 026 Benediction
The Lord bless you and keep you;
The Lord make His face shine upon you and be gracious to you;
The Lord lift up His countenance upon you and give you peace.