Baby Dedication: Ezekiel Nieves Rivera

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Baby dedication

April 10, 2022 AM
Subject: Child Dedication
Synopsis: The parents desire blessing, a witness of their resolve, and help from the church.
I. Preparations
A. Have music stand & anointing oil in front of Communion Table.
B. Make sure mic is on.
C. Call for and meet parents and grandparents, etc. there.
D. After parents have come forward, Pastor asks:
1. Do you desire to do as Hannah in 1 Samuel by dedicating Ezekiel to the Lord?
E. Parents answer:
1. Yes.
II. Introduction
A. This morning we have the delight of dedicating Ezekiel Nieves Rivera to the Lord.
1. At the same time the presenting of a child in dedication is a serious matter.
2. It involves responsibilities with which we will all be charged and a responsibility which God has promised to take upon Himself toward each life which is put into His care.
B. As this mother and father bring Ezekiel before this church this morning, I believe I hear them saying 3 things:
1. First, that they want God’s will to be done in and God’s blessings on Ezekiel.
2. Second, that they want witnesses to their resolve to raise Ezekiel in a Christian home according to God’s will.
3. Finally, they are saying that they need our help.
C. Prayer
1. Prayer for dedication service and those involved.
II. God’s Blessings
A. I want to say that Jesus takes great pleasure in blessing Ezekiel
1. The scriptures tell us how He feels towards children.
B. In Mark 10:13-16we read that ...
1. Mark 10:13-16 (NIV) People were bringing little children to Jesus to have him touch them, but the disciples rebuked them. 14When Jesus saw this, he was indignant. He said to them, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these. 15I tell you the truth, anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it.” 16And he took the children in his arms, put his hands on them and blessed them.
2. In Ezekiel 18:14 (NIV) Jesus said: … your Father in heaven is not willing that any of these little ones should be lost.
C. We also read in:
1. Psalm 103:17-18 (NIV) … from everlasting to everlasting the Lord’s love is with those who fear him, and his righteousness with their children’s children— 18with those who keep his covenant and remember to obey his precepts.
D. May the Lord use my hands and my voice as we pray over Ezekiel.
i. Pastor takes Ezekiel ...
2. Anoint
3. Pray
E. Hand Ezekiel back to parents while saying:
1. Ezekiel belongs to the Lord, but God is entrusting you to watch over, protect, nurture and train him.
III. A Christian Home
A. These parents have embarked on a difficult endeavor.
1. They recognize that there are many challenges and difficulties that lie ahead.
2. But I believe that they know that Jesus will go with them and help them.
3. Hebrews 13:5 (NIV) … God has said, “Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you.”
B. Mom and Dad, the first responsibility for Ezekiel is yours.
1. Before God, to whom you have brought this child for dedication, I charge you:
i. That you live an exemplary life before Ezekiel so that he may, by your example, know what it is to be a Christian;
ii. That you make your home a “school” where he shall receive Christian instruction;
iii. That you will see that he is taken to church for additional instruction;
iv. That you pray for his salvation and that you endeavor to lead him to accept Jesus as his Lord and Savior.
2. If you are willing to accept this charge, answer, “I will.”
C. Prayer
1. Anointing and prayer for parents.
IV.The Church’s Help
A. These parents need your help:
1. To pray
2. To encourage
3. To be a good, a true example of Christ’s redemption.
B. Will the church stand?
C. The church, which through its pastor, accepts a child in dedication, assumes a responsibility before God.
1. In view of this responsibility, I charge you who are members and adherents of this church:
i. That you will do all you can to provide and support a place of worship and instruction in this community where Ezekiel may hear the full counsel of God’s Word;
ii. That you will all covenant together to set an example by your lives and to maintain an atmosphere in this church which shall inspire him to desire the Christian way of life;
iii. That as God reminds you, you will pray for Ezekiel’s salvation.
2. Those of you who are willing to accept this charge, please answer, “With God’s help, we will.”
D. Prayer
1. For congregation.
2. Seated after prayer.
V. Close
A. On the authority of God’s Word, and as a minister of Christ’s Church, I affirm that — if we faithfully keep our pledges to God — God will:
1. Through the Holy Spirit convict Ezekiel of sin as he comes to an age of accountability;
2. Make the love of Christ, His Son, known to him;
3. Bless and guide His child throughout all his life.
B. Congratulation, certificate, etc
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