Wednesday Worship - April 13, 2022 - 7:00pm
Praise the Lord. I'm so thankful that we have a savior that says come unto me.
It's been a while, a bumpy dry, the last 2 or 3 days and how many y'all received?
Don't know yet. Still waiting on you. Well, no leaks, or those are terrible. They're both around the area and have had horrible Monday night, south of here. And so anytime we get the severe weather alert for always on guard. But anyway, we're praise the Lord for his Watching Over Us with us, and his wife is also a child of the Lord and allow David to be here and speak to us this this evening. I got a phone call and my pastor friend in, Mississippi.
We have a missionary that was scheduled to speak to our he's in between I think it was Missouri and Mississippi. Is there a way that we could use it and that is right because he's a great guy. Great missionary. His name is David less gas tank. So it is a tremendous opportunity and it's special because this is our commissions and I'll be up in a few from David and hear of the work that the Lord is doing through him. Do after work or are we going to turn it over to his brother day? And let's pray. Our Father. We are thankful Lord over this evening or thankful or for your watch care over.
So many mornings in our safe. I know that the mini are dealing with the aftermath of the storm, but praise the Lord. All those things that are just things that have been damaged.
All the way. Thank you for you working this out tonight. This is a special blessing. This is totally unplanned, but on our end, but we know it was planned on European. We're grateful that were they were sitting in his ministry. Blessed. Lord, the travels as they will be traveling here in the next few days while they were visiting other pastures and other purchase breakdown for traveling. Mercies upon him and his family. We love you. Father. We ask all these things. You try for me again.
Nah. Yeah, so I think it's so-so in interesting, go to will admit to me not too long ago. He said that guy and he was lying to get together often to see how you were doing and different things like that and then in about a week or so after that, but I am just so glad to be here with all of you. I don't remember.
Exactly, 3 years ago. And we had a
We are in the middle of the war. So also I could say that happened to the world that God is still on the throne and then and then you can trust me on that. So I just wanted to give you some of the more recent.
Now, it don't matter. I'm on my way.
And seldom have.
Make the Flash. Do they prescribe includes evangelism? Proclaiming the gospel in a way?
How to put faith in Christ. Do we want to make it by, Michael Crichton. Waiting? And how do you do that?
That's something that we have been able to see. New believer. I have a 2000 penny with my parents and my brother. The Addams Family and then in 2013.
The first church. And the fact that you were working as a team at that, we were able to charge quicker because we are still working in that second or third straight national leaders raised and trained national leader. So that means a yes or no answer or send someone your way. It's already saved and, and already decide.
And leaders.
Is that a he was saved through?
Rapid City and he died and he was saved and they began to grow in the Lord.
When are you going to be at to learn?
How to delete a sandwich, but I try not to.
Then we knew that he was ready. So we are closer to 10. Would you be willing to pay? And you thought you started teaching me about financial classes and Paula and the East started happening for you. And so you just started with Genesis chapter one and he would study the and if you interact with the next week.
NFL Dallas.
For being an example.
After I finish up. The same office as different names of the different responsibilities of a pastor has, and if so, it's a good thing when it when the congregation and the leadership feed us all the patient and the until we approached them. And we said, brother. Would you consider being a pastor and, you know, it
The first one.
and with that,
it's the last year.
Pastor, they are of the church in the woods raised in the church. in two months ago, we were 4minute one of them came from the Arcane as a believer in Spotify, but but he is a young man by the name of it, but I was speaking to the Gospel of John at 9.
Like that, but but Joshua work and we began to work with him and his life for him. And and I've heard it took a little bit, but the book of 1st John.
When you would turn it off with people, you can basically take the Nadine Rawlins Road in order to grow. He was growing it until like, Merry Christmas, and I wanted to put some minutes on there. And if he came up to me, and he said, I need to.
my brother-in-law and
He's not reaching soft side window for the leadership roles and it just started.
Are you working to provide for his family. That's the best thing to do. Because about 4 or 5 years. He was, he was loving at them from the church serving, the people of the church and he started.
The Cardinals 2218 and and it's going to go away a way. It looks like a job in the future. Joshua is very strict and sending a layover there.
Provide proof, you need full-time. They recently purchased a building which is going to free up a lot of money. Meet him and give him his side are. So pray for that because the church is Popeye's coming to the point where and we're Did you want me to?
How has the pandemic? Spain.
That's a good question. It was just because you still have to wear masks indoors. But but if you were really affected the church evangelist.
And so, are you really? It really wasn't until the end of last year? You may have seen one of our prayer card for a prayer that we did a couple.
Great job. I think we had. Almost there and half of them were for gas until we have a meal very quickly.
Which was great, and it was a great blessing. So I love you and
Like we were getting any some normal minute, honey.
What are the? Gas prices.
Yeah, I mean before you guys, because we were over $8 a gallon.
I think, I think they're using the word for everything in Russian.
Well, that the sum of the problem. So both of our churches are in the cities in the problem.
And the ticket that they live in like now.
Yeah, I know. Maybe you should be more willing than it is now. So, it's about 68% Roman Catholic, but only about 22% of practicing.
Then the pig in your body.
Yeah, so did the other big religion other than Roman Catholicism would be as well. And yes, Mom. I think she has lost one. But Islam is because of their phone.
Yeah, so yeah, so that. That would be Islam those receiving any one of them.
That's not the man that has big boobs.
Oh my God. Thank you so much.
Your brother David.
We can do it. If we have, certainly the opportunity to say hello to him. Get to know me. I know for sure.
and, You're texting me a few days ago and let me know that it is raining son.
So we trying to offer vision.
I'm heading out of her request and you could mention or any.