In the Shadow of the Cross
Sermon Tone Analysis
The Upper Room: Ugliness of Sin vs. the Beauty of the Savior
The Upper Room: Ugliness of Sin vs. the Beauty of the Savior
Judas chose the temporary pleasure of this life over the eternal treasure of a relationship with the Savior. He was full of greed. John said that he was a thief. Like Esau who sold his birthright for a momentary meal, he traded away the Treasure of Heaven (God’s Son) for earthly silver.
In contrast, the beauty of Jesus is seen in His sacrificial love. The Lord’s Supper (My body, My blood). The new covenant replacing the old passover.
We are all guilty of sin. It was our sin (not just that of Judas) that drove Jesus to the Cross.
The beauty of Jesus is His willingness to die for sinners.
The Garden: Weakness of the Flesh vs. the Strength of Submission
The Garden: Weakness of the Flesh vs. the Strength of Submission
Peter boasted of his ability to follow the Lord all the way to death, but he was boasting in his own self-effort. He could not even pray with the Lord for an hour.
Even as believers we can fall into the trap of attempting to follow the Lord in self-effort. Maybe it is in trying to work to be found worthy of his love.
Jesus took the cup of suffering the full wrath of God upon sinners that we might take the cup of salvation.
How did he bear it? By submitting to the will of the Father in prayer.
Your flesh cannot achieve the righteousness of God, only submission to God’s plan of salvation and sanctification.
The Sanhedrin Trial: Deception of Self-Righteous Religion vs. Declaration of God’s Son
The Sanhedrin Trial: Deception of Self-Righteous Religion vs. Declaration of God’s Son
Self-righteous pride will cause you to miss the Savior.
The counsel unwittingly fulfilled the plan of God John 11:49-50 “But one of them, Caiaphas, who was high priest that year, said to them, “You know nothing at all. Nor do you understand that it is better for you that one man should die for the people, not that the whole nation should perish.””
Pride thinks that we have no need of God’s righteousness.
The declaration of Christ. He is Messiah and Lord! One day every one will bow before Him.
Will you choose the temporary pleasures of sin or the eternal offer of the Savior?
Are you walking in self-effort or have you submitted to God’s will?
Are you blinded by self-righteous pride or have you bowed to the Son of Man?