The Resurrection of Christ

Easter 2022  •  Sermon  •  Submitted
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The Resurrection of Christ
John 20:24-31
BI: You can have confidence in the Gospel because Jesus rose from the dead
Morning everyone. What a great day. He is risen! Jesus is alive. It’s great to worship our living God together.
1. Introduction
Here’s the question this morning. Have you ever doubted something but it turns out to be true?
But do you remember in 2019 federal election. That election. Remember Scott Morrison won. Can’t believe that was 3 years ago. Everyone doubted that he could win. Surely not. The polls were against him. The party had been in turmoil. Everything I read in the papers said he would lose. The day came and he won. Remember what he said. I’ve always believed in miracles. Remember the headlines. Scott Morrison won the unwinnable election. Morrison snatches victory from the jaws of defeat. Everyone doubted he would win but he became the prime minister. Let’s see what happens on the 21st May this year.
One closer to home for me. When my wife joy took a pregnancy test and we found out she was pregnant test. Funny story, we actually didn’t know how to read the result. We saw two lines and for some reason joy and I thought oh not pregnant. Oh okay. Hang on a second. Read the instructions properly. we’re doubting. No way. No way. really? No way. We doubted but it turned out to be true. That changed everything.
Have you ever doubted something but it turns out to be true?
Today Christians celebrate the Resurrection of Christ Jesus. The real historical resurrection of Jesus. You ever doubted this? Well. You’re in good company. Thomas one of Jesus Apostles. He doubted Jesus’ resurrection. He had big doubts. he had to be sure.
And here’s the thing. If it turns out to be true, then it changes everything. for all of us. The resurrection of Christ is so important. There’s no doubt about it. If Jesus didn’t rise again, we would still be in our sins. sin is our rejection of God in thought word or deed. The whole good Friday is not a good Friday. We can’t be right with God. we’d still be in our sins. Paul says in 1 Corinthians 15: 17 look here
1 Corinthians 15:17–19 ESV
And if Christ has not been raised, your faith is futile and you are still in your sins. Then those also who have fallen asleep in Christ have perished. If in Christ we have hope in this life only, we are of all people most to be pitied.
the resurrection is crucial. If jesus didn’t rise to life. We are Still in sin, those who have died in Christ perished, worse of all, we are to be most pitied of all living for a lie. Our whole faith rests on this truth. Did Jesus rise from the dead?
So this morning I want you to have confidence, with joy in your hearts that Jesus rose from the dead. It is true.
Be confident that Jesus rose again, so believe in him and find true life.
2. Context
Now, for a bit context remember on Friday we heard that Jesus has been strung up 9am at a Roman cross. He’s been crucified. Nails driven into his hands and feet. At 3pm he dies. It was confirmed. A spear shoved into his side. He’s dead. There’s no doubt. Then He was laid in a rich man’s tomb. On the Saturday he stays there the whole day. But on Sunday morning he rises to new life. He appears to his disciples that evening. Come with me to John 20:19-20
John 20:19–20 ESV
On the evening of that day, the first day of the week, the doors being locked where the disciples were for fear of the Jews, Jesus came and stood among them and said to them, “Peace be with you.” When he had said this, he showed them his hands and his side. Then the disciples were glad when they saw the Lord.
3. Thomas has real doubts (20:24-25)
The disciples have seen Jesus, he’s appeared to them, they put their trust in him. Could you imagine that scene? Wow. Seeing the risen Jesus. The excitement, the joy. But someone wasn’t there. Come to verse 24
John 20:24 ESV
Now Thomas, one of the twelve, called the Twin, was not with them when Jesus came.
We don’t know where Thomas was. He could be out getting supplies, I don’t know - toilet paper. The disciples were afraid of the Jews. They’re scared that the Jewish leaders might come after them. They just killed Jesus after all. Now, think with me for a second. Just imagine that scene when he gets back. Jesus had just appeared to the disciples. They are estatic. So excited. Unbelievable scenes. It’s a party. Thomas, Thomas, we have seen the Lord you’re never going to believe it! Thomas would’ve thought, you’re right I don’t believe it. How would you respond? I’d probably be like you’re right, last time I checked, dead people don’t rise from the dead. It can’t be true. Look how Thomas responds. He has real doubts. Verse 25
John 20:25 ESV
So the other disciples told him, “We have seen the Lord.” But he said to them, “Unless I see in his hands the mark of the nails, and place my finger into the mark of the nails, and place my hand into his side, I will never believe.”
Unless these specific conditions are met. I’m will never believe. He’s emphatic. Thomas was a sceptic. He refused to believe. Show me the evidence. But you know what’s astonishing. Jesus has told his disciples 3 times these exact events would happen. He tells them I’m going to die but I’ll come back again. Guys its all good I’m going to die but rise back to life. seriously I’m going to die but I’ll rise back to life. The disciples come to Thomas and say he’s done it. He did what he said he would. Remember when he said he would die and rise again? But Thomas refuses to believe. He’s has real doubts.
You know what. I think Thomas gets an unfair wrap. I’m thankful for Thomas. Let me tell you why. Firstly, Thomas says I’m not going to believe until you show me the evidence. He has real doubts. He doesn’t take a blind leap in the dark. Isn’t that what the world thinks about Christians? Your faith is blind faith. No no, when you follow Jesus you don’t leave your brain behind. You look at the evidence. Christianity is based on evidence. real historical evidence. And that’s what Thomas does. He wants real hard evidence. No funny business. No twins. The resurrected Jesus. Unless I see his hands the mark of the nails place my finger in to the mark of the nails, place my hand into his side. I will NEVER believe. It’s encouraging because it’s a reminder of how important evidence is in the Christian faith.
Now, secondly I’m also thankful because Thomas gives us hope. Don’t you think? If you find yourself doubting, did Jesus really rise from the dead? Can I trust in Jesus? Could it really be? Here we see you can go from real doubts to faith. If he can do it, so can you.
Here Thomas has heard the news. We’ve seen the Lord! But he refuses to believe. And then his world is changed forever. The Risen Lord Jesus Appears
4. The Risen Lord Jesus appears (20:26-29)
Come to verse 26
John 20:26 (ESV)
Eight days later, his disciples were inside again, and Thomas was with them.
Before we go on again think with me what would have happened that week. It’s a been a whole week. The disciples go from mourning and weeping to laughter and joy. Probably singing hymns, gone to kill a fattened calf. It’s party time. You could imagine Thomas. I’m not going to believe it. I’m not going to believe it. A whole week of this. Why are they behaving like that? Imagine the pressure for him to believe, to conform. Thomas is a sceptic. He has real doubts. He sticks to his guns.
And then Jesus appears. Come again to verse 26
John 20:26–27 (ESV)
John 20:26–27 ESV
Eight days later, his disciples were inside again, and Thomas was with them. Although the doors were locked, Jesus came and stood among them and said, “Peace be with you.” Then he said to Thomas, “Put your finger here, and see my hands; and put out your hand, and place it in my side. Do not disbelieve, but believe.”
Jesus comes into the room. He says to his disciples peace to you but then he zeros in on Thomas. How would Thomas have felt? Conflicted. Should I jump for joy or sink to the ground feeling ashamed? Jesus already knows what Thomas had said. What he had thought. So Jesus holds out his hands towards Thomas. He loves Thomas. He wants him to believe. Put your finger here, and see my hands, and put out your hand and place it in my side. Stop doubting. Believe. And in that moment I’m pretty sure Thomas doesn’t pull out a stethoscope let me check your heartbeat, or rips out a magnified glass let me see the wounds. or thought is this a hologram? No Thomas stops doubting. He believes immediately. Listen to what he says v28 this is the climax of the Gospel of John
John 20:28 ESV
Thomas answered him, “My Lord and my God!”
Now, in the Gospel of John, the big question is who is Jesus? And the tension has been building and building. Who is Jesus? In chapter two Jesus turns water into wine at a wedding and people think ‘who’s this!?’ he heals an officials son in John chapter 4 and you’re left thinking Who is this? He raises a man, Lazarus in John chapter 11 from the dead and you are wondering wow who is this?? The tension is building through the book. Who is Jesus? Verse 28 is the climax. Thomas gets it. Jesus you were dead. You are alive. You are my Lord and My God. The penny drops.
Friends, this isn’t just intellectual knowledge. Like something trivial. I don’t know, cows have 4 stomachs or worms have 5 hearts. Cool story. It’s not that knowledge. No no this knowledge changes everything. Like the two lines on a pregnancy test. now we know it as the covid test. This changes everything for Thomas. Forever. And He owns it. You are My Lord, you are My God. He’s saying to Jesus, take control of my life. I get it now. Everything you said is true. You’re the Lord, king and ruler of my life. I’m going to stop living life my own way and submit to you. Take me wherever you want me to go. You are my lord and my God.
Have you done that yet? Is Jesus your God and your Lord? If Jesus died and rose again, then he needs to be. The resurrection changes everything. I remember talking to my mate and I asked mate why are you so sure about Christianity? He said: it’s the resurrection surely. Jesus rose to life. that changes everything. it’s got to be. If he didn’t, I’m wasting my time – I’m still in my sins, why would I give up my life, great paying job, we were studying at Bible college together to share the good news of Jesus. This is the greatest news. Jesus died for my sins and now risen to give us life. He is the Lord, he the ruler. He calls on me to live for him. I have true hope for the future. Friends, is Jesus your Lord and your God?
Now you might be thinking hmmm Thomas has an unfair advantage. Like another high school mate said to me in year 10 on the train to school. If Jesus turns up on this train right now I’d believe. You ever had that type of conversation? I’d become a follower as well. I need to see it for myself. But John’s telling us you don’t need to see the resurrected Jesus. Thomas did. He was an apostle. What made an apostle an apostle? Well they witnessed Jesus in the flesh. This is what the Apostle Peter said in Acts 10:39-40
Acts 10:39–41 ESV
And we are witnesses of all that he did both in the country of the Jews and in Jerusalem. They put him to death by hanging him on a tree, but God raised him on the third day and made him to appear, not to all the people but to us who had been chosen by God as witnesses, who ate and drank with him after he rose from the dead.
An Apostle had to see Jesus with their own eyes. They were witnesses. That’s part of the definition of an Apostle. Thomas saw Jesus in the flesh. So while yes, it would be great wouldn’t it to see Jesus with your own eyes. We don’t live in that time. But it’s not necessary. It’s not silly to believe. It makes perfect sense. You can be confident. look at 29
John 20:29 ESV
Jesus said to him, “Have you believed because you have seen me? Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed.”
Friends it is entirely possible to believe without seeing Jesus without own eyes. In fact, Jesus calls people like you and I blessed, favored.
I want to emphasize this. it is entirely reasonable to believe even without seeing. Of course it is. We can’t test history in a lab. But just because you can’t prove it in a lab doesn’t mean we can’t believe it. Believe lots of things we can’t prove in a lab. I can’t see the wind, but I feel it when I’m going for a jog. Don’t like it. But it’s there. Or Love. I know Joy loves me, not because can prove in a lab. But its way she treats me, cares, kind, compassionate, she’s faithful. I believe it without shadow of a doubt. Why? I look at the evidence and follow where it leads. Look at the evidence. This is historical proof. It’s in God’s Word. This is proof!
Thomas and the other witnesses are long gone, but the evidence is in God’s Word. He has preserved it for us. So read it. This is the best thing you can do. If you don’t follow Jesus. Look at the evidence. Its written in the Scriptures. Read it for yourself. See where the evidence takes you. If you’d like to keep exploring in a group, come and join us for Christianity Explained. We’ll look slowly at the Gospel of Mark over 6 weeks starting May 15th would love to have you join us.
Now here's the thing. Doubt, questions, I think it’s a good thing. Who wants to be fooled? Not thought through. No one. But be open to finding the truth. The point of resurrection, in fact the point of this Gospel is this: it’s simple: believe that Jesus is the Christ. He died and rose again for your sins. To give you life. so believe
5. We can confidently believe in Jesus (20:30-31)
Friends we can confidently believe in Jesus. When Thomas got certainty about Jesus. He not only became believer. Christian tradition says he went to India and was executed for his faith. He was so convinced about the resurrection of Jesus he was willing to die for it. In fact all of Jesus’ disciples had a radical change after the resurrection. Many died for their faith. Why would you do that unless Jesus rose again?! Thomas went from doubt to certainty because of the truth. That’s Thomas, what about you? John writes this to tell us what to do. Look at verse 30-31
John 20:30–31 ESV
Now Jesus did many other signs in the presence of the disciples, which are not written in this book; but these are written so that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in his name.
That’s John’s purpose statement. That’s why he wrote this Gospel. John said I walked and talked with Jesus. On the morning of the resurrection I realised he was my lord and my god. Thomas, he was my friend, I wrote that story so people like you could have certainty, confidence that Jesus is Lord and God. Why? So you might believe. Believe that Jesus is the Son of God. Believe so that you may have life, eternal life with God forever.
We can go from doubt to faith. Look at the evidence. Jesus rose again. Thomas doubted but boy did the resurrection change everything.
So friends
Do you believe? What’s stopping you from trusting in Jesus? Are you willing to listen to the testimony of those who were there?? Willing to listen to those who had nothing to gain from making this up? Don’t stay in your sins. Don’t face God’s judgement. that won’t go well for you. Jesus died for sins that’s what we heard on good friday, but he rose again to give you life. So come to Jesus. Believe in him. Find true life.
I’ve been getting into audible lately. listening to books on this app. been into Neale Daniher former AFL player, coach who’s now championing the MND cause. he’s got motor neuron disease. it’s incurable. pretty awful way to go. He’s got an interesting philosophy of life. listen to what he says
Hopefully there is something beyond dying. But nobody knows. Nobody has managed to come back and said ‘listen crew, there’s nothing’ because we have no certainty about an afterlife. My focus has always been about living a good life while I’m here. What goes on after death? Nobody knows, if I find out I’ll try to come back and write it on your wall but in the meantime lets just focus on the here and now.
Friends Jesus resurrection gives us certainty. Neale Daniher’s got it wrong. Jesus has gone through death and come out the other side. He does this to forgive you of your sins. your rebellion, rejection of God. that’s the point of the good friday message. he’s died for your sins, paid it’s price and now he’s risen to give life. So believe in him. One day we will all meet him as Lord or judge.
but friends, if you are a follower of Jesus. What a great day. Be encouraged. Be confident in your faith. Be emboldened to share the Gospel because he is risen. Walk daily with Jesus as your risen Lord, whatever he asks, whatever the cost.
As we end, we gave Ruth and Rebecca these middle names. Ruth – Anastasia means resurrection and Rebecca – Hope. It’s joy and my constant prayer they will always remember be confident their Lord who has risen again and hope in Him all their lives.
Brother’s and sisters, Jesus is risen. doesn’t that just fill our hearts with joy? Be confident that Jesus is risen believe in him so that you may have life in his name. Let’s pray
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