The exaltation of Christ

Sermon Tone Analysis
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Week 3: Philippians 2:9-16, Romans 6:5 John 11
Theme: The exaltation of Christ (resurrection) means life for the believer
What difference does Easter make?
We think of Easter we might think of…
image Eggs, bunnies
image chocolate
image lamb (cute and cooked!)
image Cross - good friday
image empty tomb - easter sunday
might see facts about easter a bit like facts about aston villa. however amazing might be, don’t really matter.
examples of amazing fact about football team.
illustrate (amazing fact that doesn’t matter?)
For some feels like that with Christian message about Easter. Story of empty cross and empty tomb. amazing story - but (aside from impact has on my weight each year, does it matter? Even as Christian’s we can take the message of Easter for granted, failing to celebrate Jesus Kingship as we should.
I want to spend a few minutes this mornign thinking about implications of the ressurection. Seeing not just that Easter provides the proof for Christianity, but also makes it the best and most important news in world for everyone.
So lets have our reading - we have been in a the aposlte Paul’s letter to the church at Philippi for this Easter series, Overview of Easter story- birdseyes view humility and Glory of Jesus Christ.
Philippians 2:4–11 NIV
not looking to your own interests but each of you to the interests of the others. In your relationships with one another, have the same mindset as Christ Jesus: Who, being in very nature God, did not consider equality with God something to be used to his own advantage; rather, he made himself nothing by taking the very nature of a servant, being made in human likeness. And being found in appearance as a man, he humbled himself by becoming obedient to death— even death on a cross! Therefore God exalted him to the highest place and gave him the name that is above every name, that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue acknowledge that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.
Journey Jesus took bit like a catapult with glorious purpose.
Like catapult winched back. 3 steps to the lowest point, (Grave and wrath). But with a glorious purpose. like a catapult released - Jesus is propelled into Glory.
We’ve spend last week thinking about first half of this passage, events leading to good Friday. Reflected on Jesus humility- giving up his heavenly throne, entering into humanity, self denial, shame and scandal and mess. And James helped us to think about where his decending lead - to grusem death. But it wasn’t without purpose. Because on that Cross as he died, he took on himself wrath of God, for our sin. He faced rejection so that we might know forgiveness. He came for a glorious purpose - to save sinners., but also as a step on his journey to the Glory that is due to him.
This Sunday and next aswe think about v9-11, we are going to think about Christ’s super exaltation both in the past and in the future. and the glorious implications for us who believe.

Celebrate that Jesus Christ is LORD

”Therefore God exalted him.” because of his perfect obedience, his humility, his death and sacrifice, Super exaltation,
What is the claim of Christianity? What is Easter Sunday all about?
In four words.
In phrase is whole gospel message.
Jesus means God saves.
Christ - Annointed one.
Jesus was chosen to rescue. Story of bible is of humanity made in God’s likeness to enjoy him forever, but who turned their back on him.Today we live in God’s world without reference to him, doing only what pleases us.
What bible calls sin. Rebellion against creator.
Can’t help ourselves. But Jesus came to rescue. That’s what first half of passage is about.
Salvation for those who could not save themselves. Rescue for the rebel. Forgiveness for the failure. A right relationship with God.
v9-11 Verses focus on today. About this glorification. God exalted him - Given the name which is above every other name. v9
That everyone will know that he is also LORD.
LORD. Why is this name added. because its this name which proves the others. Name we might have heard before. OT name.
Isaiah 42:8 NIV
“I am the Lord; that is my name! I will not yield my glory to another or my praise to idols.
Kurios. Greek form of Hebrew name - name above all names. Yahweh. Name of God himself, revealed to his people. Jesus not just saviour but also Lord. God himself. King above all. Glorious.
Claim is Jesus is LORD, who came to save us that we might know him and enjoy right relationship with him forever in perfect Kingdom where he rules. Only way we can know God is by knowing Jesus. Only way we can relate to God is by relating to Jesus, and only way we submit to God is by submitting to Jesus.
Huge claim.
What we celebrate at Easter.
SLIDE Empty tomb
The resurrection. God exalted him - raised him up? started by at the empty tomb by raising him from the dead by power of Spirit, and letting the world see him alive.
1 Corinthians 15:3–8 NIV
For what I received I passed on to you as of first importance: that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures, that he was buried, that he was raised on the third day according to the Scriptures, and that he appeared to Cephas,  and then to the Twelve. After that, he appeared to more than five hundred of the brothers and sisters at the same time, most of whom are still living, though some have fallen asleep. Then he appeared to James, then to all the apostles, and last of all he appeared to me also, as to one abnormally born.
Resurrection of first importance. Jesus 3 times in life said that he would die and rise again. And that is what he did. It’s the proof that backs up the claims. v4 told he who was in very nature God humbled himself, so that he might be exalted. Ressurection does not make Jesus LORD but shows that he is LORD.
This year is the queens Platinum Jubilee. Recognising 70 years of her being on the throne. It’s a time to remember her service and her authortiy and her glory.
As we look at our verses I want us to see that Easter Sunday is like the Queens jubileee. It’s a jubilee of the crowing of Jesus. As we look back to the ressurection, we look back to the Coronation of Jesus as King! Jesus is LORD and he will reign forever.
why it matters
Two reasons it matters. First because if Jesus is LORD he deserves our worship - spend some time on this next week.
If Jesus Christ is Lord, then he and only he can offer us life.

JESUS CHRIST IS LORD and offers us life.

It’s only in the ressurection of Jesus that we have an answer to death.
Dawning realisation that I will never be as youthful as I once was.
When loved one struck with illness, or accident.
Try to bury our head in sand, but death is reality. 1 in 1 people die. And it’s a reality that makes all that precedes it highly temporary and empty.
But in ressurection of Jesus we see death broken. As the one who made life, offers life to all.
Context of John 11 breif
John 11:25–26 NIV
Jesus said to her, “I am the resurrection and the life. The one who believes in me will live, even though they die; and whoever lives by believing in me will never die. Do you believe this?”
Death symptom of deeper problem of sin.
Illustration about symptoms and heart problem. Solve problem symptoms cease.
Jesus has dealt with heart problem - our sin, and in his ressurection sympton of death will cease. Offered new life by being united to him.
And its only this eternal life that brings meaning to our lives now. We can live with great purpose knowing this is not the end, but that the best is yet to come - and so this life is just the rehersal for the grandest stage. And who better to tell us how to make the most of life than the one who made it. Christian is on a journey - following in footsteps of Jesus. It’s journey like catapult. Of self denail, humility - as we recognise Jesus is Lord and give ourselves to him, he produces in us life of love and service to others. But in it we find true fulfiment knowing that our soul is right with God, and that one day we will be propelled into Glory, where we will be like him and see him face to face.
Why does Easter matter?
beause if Jesus Christ is LORD.
He is one who made us - who gave us life
he is one who keeps life going
He is one we owe our life to
he is one who knows how life is best lived (life to the full)
He is one who can offer life forever
Don’t settle for second best. People go chasing after experience or riches or success, or fame or power to fulfil empty soul. YOLO motto. How depressing. Christians can fall into it to, building our hopes into things that are temporary at best.
When what is offered to us is life eternal and life to the full - souls longing met in right relationship with our maker the LORD Jesus.
Why does Easter matter?
Because of these 4 words.
Who offers life. Such joy to baptise Sharon today because that is what she has found, and what baptism represents. She has put her trust in Jesus and follows him on his journey to Glory. She is a new creation and her best is yet to come.
Maybe hear not a Christian - if Jesus is LORD, will you accept the life he offers, by putting your trust in him as Savour and as King.
Brothers and sisters will we make today about Jesus jubilee - Celebrating his Kingship and finding our greatest joy in him. Lets celebrate that Jesus Christ is LORD. Risen and reigning.
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