The Abyss and the Resurrection, Part 2

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We're going to study as a church on the Book of Revelation. And interesting Lee. We are we have come to Revelation chapter 9, to the 5th. Trumpet judgment. We don't actually have to switch gears in order to talk about price in the resurrection. So, we spent the last week or so kind of doing the build-up to this and I'd invite you to turn just for starters to 2nd Peter chapter 2. Last week as we continued, our study of revelation. We begin addressing some, some key questions. 1. Why is it a big deal? That the abyss is open, and this trumpet judgment? Why is this a big problem? Why does it say? Angel fly overhead pronouncing. These woes, there's already been a lot of bad stuff happen, but all the sudden it's what gives And then secondly, what is the connection between our savior and this horrific places, scripture calls, the bottomless pit also known as The Abyss. What's the connection between our savior and this place? If you didn't already listen to the message from last week through our website and the app of strongly encourage you to do so cuz it'll fill in a lot of gaps. You may sense today give you a lot of background details. Let me give you the brief synopsis just to catch. Any of you up to speed who weren't here. Just kind of where we're at. By this point, we have established one that there are angels who were confined to the abyss and that they were guilty of a secondary, secondary terrible skin. You're in 2nd Peter. Look at chapter 2 verses 4 through 6. Peter says for God did not spare Angels when they send would cast them into hell. The word there is Tartarus and committed them to change of gloomy darkest to be kept until the judgment. And then goes on to say, if you did not spare, the ancient world. This will be key to what we're discussing as well. This is the end 2013 flood time. But you preserve Noah a Herald of righteousness with seven other one. He brought a float upon the world of the ungodly. Doesn't say the role of men noticed. It says the world of the ungodly more on that in a minute. If by turning the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah to ashes, he condemned them to Extinction. Hang on to that were as well. Making them an example of what is going to happen to the ungodly. Say there's a lot more than we got into that last week. So I'm not going to get exhaust up on this part today, but what you need to see is that, obviously, we know that Satan and a lot of the fallen angels are still sadly enough roaming this earth, right? They are doing their work. They're trying to do as much damage as they can. His job and be goal is to steal kill and destroy. He wants to sort anything. He can ask you, ask. And it's people. So they're not all there. But there are angels that are falling that were part of a secondary sin and they were committed to this bottomless pit. They were put in this Abyss think of it as a maximum-security prison for Angels. They're completely off the grid. They're not able to do anything here. Infect us at this point. There are some who can these ones can't? So just as you noticed your the word inverse sex, making them example was going to happen. The ungodly God not only did that was Sodom and Gomorrah. What is teaching is he also did that with these. This s a s class of what these angels at want. This Next Step Beyond they made them example, which is why as we previously saw Jesus with these two demon-possessed men. And remember the demons identify themselves as Legion because he said we are many the whole bunch, probably thousands the word legion Loosely mean 6,000. As they encounter Jesus, they know immediately. There is zero question about his Beauty. and what they say is, Basically, please do not. Is it like is this the time for judgment? What they're looking at is, are we now going to get kicked? Where the others got kicked, please anything, but that is so They begged Jesus to get, put into the pigs, remember that? Okay. So he made an example out of these angels, He sent the best, just like Sodom and Gomorrah in the judgment on them, which happened after the flood is example to the rest of humanity. There's a parallel there. That's one of the things we've established. We also establish last time that this is very clearly. There's no other passengers could be referring to. This is referring to the account of Genesis 6, 1 4 4, 2 6, verse 11 man begin to multiply on the face of the land and daughters were born to them the sons of God. The frasers Benny elihu saw that the daughters of man. We're attracted this phrase always means a In the Old Testament is certain they took their, as their wise any day shows. Then the Lord said, my spirit shall not Abide. A man forever for his flesh. 20 years. We know this from the time of this declaration in exactly 120 years of what happened. That's how much time I had to build the ark started when he was 400. Anybody up for that? And he bore his first son when he was 500. News me on strapping whippersnappers to help out if that's a word that means trying to get the meaning of this Hebrew word, is a little interesting, kind of means Fallen ones. And also carries this very interesting kind of undertones of miscarriage. The very strange word the Nephilim were on the earth in those days and also afterward, so pre-flood posted when the sons of God came in the daughters of mandated for children to them. These were the Mighty Men Who were of old men of renown. What we saw it last time is that they were fallen angels. That there are only three possibilities by the way, and if you weren't here last time, I wrote the message, there are only three possibilities. One. Is there were Fallen Angels. Certainly, they were powerful human rulers problem. Was that serious? That powerful people don't read. Don't forget us. A hybrid race of giants. That just doesn't happen the third possibility that ever offered as if they were Godly. Descendants of Seth intermarry with Wicked, descendants of Cain, that really can't, be it for two reasons. Number one, that kind of marriage wasn't forbidden. And secondly, if the supposed Godly descendants of Seth did this, how do you call them Godly? It just all falls apart men. His there have been some who have tried desperately to get away from the idea that this is what we're suggesting it is, but it is. You just need to know that the ancient near East mine had no problem with this. They fully understood. This is what Peters talking about. You're going to see Jus talkin about here in just a moment because the third thing we established as a scripture itself confirms that the angel sin was sexual in nature. If you're taking notes, just write down Jude verses 6 & 7, listen to this is everything. And the angels, who did not stay within their own position of authority, but left their proper dwelling. He has kept in Eternal chains under gloomy Darkness until the Judgment of the great day. Just as Sodom and Gomorrah and the surrounding cities, which is the key word, which likewise indulged in sexual immorality, and pursued unnatural desire. Serve as an example, by undergoing punishment of Eternal fire. This was 0 problem for the original readers of scripture, zero problem. Even the men of Sodom as we looked at last week, wanted the angels for sexual relations to remember.

So then the only verse that we we look at least cracked her head and we dealt with this last week. So get home. Get exhausted is Jesus, to Matthew 2020. 22, verse 30, which says in the resurrection, they neither. Married nor given marriage, but are like, angels in heaven and we saw Yes. In the resurrection. They neither married nor are given marriage that are like the angels in heaven, those that don't transfer those. That didn't pursue a natural desire, those that didn't do what these did, who suffered greatly for their sin. And we saw it last time, that it's not that it was impossible. It was that was forbidden. They crossed a very dark line with God and they paid dearly for it. No, regardless of how all of this sounds to Modern Man and are you know 21st century thinking and all of this sort of thing. This isn't the Marvel movie. Okay. This is exactly how the biblical writers understood. This was the ancient near East understanding. I have a book here called Giants Legends and lore of Goliath Goliath is not simply just a proper name its giant. I picked this up from the bookstore at Faith, Baptist Bible College. For those of you that that means anything to you. So if you're thinking this is fringe, I just want to read to you. I just finished. Sure about this idea that this is not new information fact, if anything we're finally just rediscovering what everybody always knew. And there, by the way, there's a lot of people that never really doubted this yours. What Josephus wrote that name mean anything to anybody? Just see this wrote for which reason they remove their camps at Hebron and when they had taken it, they slew all the inhabitants there were till then left the race of giants who had bodies so large, this is Josephus for the body. So large and countesses facial appearance. So entirely different from other men. That they were surprising to the site and terrible to the hearing, the bones of these men are still shown to this very day, unlike to any credible relations with other men. That's Josephus in the book, Antiquities. This is not new info whatsoever. Justin Martyr said that the Angels transgress the disappointment and were captivated by love of women and they begat children. That was Justin Martyr. Hello, Deanna said this from their seeds, Giants are said to have been born by them. Arts were made known in the earth. That's like witchcraft black magic. Imagine that irony is wrote this in the days of Noah. He just we brought on The Daily News for the purpose of extinguishing that most infamous race of men, then existed who could not bring forth fruit to God for the angel to send had commingled with them.

We saw it. Last time that there is a Physical Realm and there is a very, very active spiritual Realm.

Since the beginning, the enemy has tried Time After Time message after method, to do anything at hand or God's plan, true.

If you're in the habit of reading through your Bible, you've seen this many times, perhaps whether you realize it or not. And this is kind of part of what I want to walk through together with this this morning. Because as we look at the resurrection, and we look at Victory. We typically look at it from Simply perspective, just a human perspective. We sent we look at it from the perspective of sin, which is true and we should, but we are completely missing the idea of there was a spiritual war. That was wasted so many ways, but different now, because Jesus made a three letter word, declaration free word decoration. It is finished, the fight looks different. Now, prior to the resurrection, this fight, look much, much different and the resurrection had massive impact on how the spiritual fight is Wade. The Heathen Giants and their descendants of which obviously Goliath was one from these Unholy unions were known to the Old Testament, writers by a number of names. Including Nephilim Saint sons of anak. Anak in zoom in or zoom in and meme horites amorites, sit tight jebusites amalekite. Also super strong connections with the Philistines and the Canaanites you think about Conquest, we typically just look at that is, okay. They were going to possess the land and these are just people. There was so much more going on than that. We're going to look at, look at a little bit of Genesis 14. We're going to look at a few of the Consulate in conquest. And I want you to just be sort of tracking with your in your minds through all that was going on in Redemptive history. Leading up to the Cross. There has been this massive Time After Time After Time just work God's plan for Redemption. If we can only stop that, that was the goal. Remember the kingdom of heaven, is always being assaulted. We're so used to living in our little world putting food on the table and wondered why are tire has a flat, you know, all the stuff we forget. There's so much more going on.

The devil wants to sort God's provision for his people. That seem to always be hanging in the balance. Or at least from Humanity's perspective, Genesis, 14. This is prior to the destruction of Sodom Gomorrah and some teams head made war on them and other ungodly Rebels. You're in Genesis 14 just kind of noticed their inverse to you have the rocking of Sodom and bushwalking of Gomorrah. Okay. So Sodom and Gomorrah are here representing just be thinking like that, that's going to happen. Okay, now, fast-forward verse 5.

In the 14th for Taylor Larimore and the Kings, who were with him came and defeated the ref and deposit. I'm probably going to butcher a couple of these Hebrew names, but I'm just going to guess, nobody knows the difference. Thank you. And the consumer with him came and defeated the ref. I am in a Shiraz. Car name is zuzie. Remember I mentioned that one, the zoo's name and ham, the meme and Shabba curious, m&a, horites, and their Hill Country of steyer as far as El Perron on the border of the wilderness. Then I turned back and change it and Mishka that is Kadesh and disputed all the country of the amalekites. And also the amorites, you were Drilling and has on tomorrow. Okay, there we see some things happening. Now, flip over two numbers, 13. Numbers, 13. We have the report of the spies. We have Joshua, and Caleb were confident and God for deliverance. You remember, I want you to notice notice this Joshua and Caleb, never disputed. The details of the report that was given. Alright, that's very, very significant. They never did never denied that. The report was true. They just disagree as to whether they could conquer or not. Well, what were the details? The details were really kind of divided into two parts of spies wanted in and as they presented their assessment was sort of like, here's the city. Here's the Hill Country and here's what we saw in the land, your numbers 13, pick it up at verse 27. And when we can, before we do that, it just visually skip down to verse 32. And last part. I want you to notice a three-letter word there, the word. All Because this is going to frame the context of what you're going to read here. Verse 32, the end of it says, all the people that we saw in it. That is the land. All the people we saw on our very height. Okay, no bass in that part of your mind and then understand that everything we list down through here. These are those occupants of this land that Joshua and Caleb. And the other 10 spies are saying, they're all dying. Absolutely. Every, single one of them are giants. Ready. Numbers 13, starting 27. They told him we came to the land of which you sent it flows with milk and honey. And this is a true. However, the people who dwell in the land are strong in the cities are fortified is very large and besides, we saw the descendants of anak there. Those are some of these the amalekites. There's more dwell in the land of the Hittites, the jebusites, an Amorite dwell in the Hill Country, and the Canaanites, well by the Sea, and along the Jordan, But Caleb quieted the people before Moses, apparently he needed to and said, let us go up at once and occupy it for. We are well able to overcome it. That's fine.

Then the men who had gone off with him, said able to go up against the people for they are stronger than we are. So they brought to the people of Israel, a bad report of the land. They had spied out saying the lens through which we have gone to spite out is a land that is ours and its inhabitants and all the people that we saw in and are of great height and there we saw the Nephilim sons of anak who came up from the Nephilim and we seem to ourselves like grasshoppers. We pointed this phrase out last time and so we seemed to them. How did they know? I can only surmise that they were observed as they spied. And probably taunted. Because so many times, when you see these Giants, they are taunting. The people of Israel. Like, what you going to do with, what you going to do? You going to give me a try it. Let's do it.

Here are some instructions to Moses during the Wilderness wandering. You can slip the Deuteronomy 2 if you want, or I can just write it down for your notes. In Deuteronomy to this is a chat or a chapter 2, verses 8 through 11 says this. So we went on away from our brothers. The people of Esau who lives in Sayre away from the air of a road from Alaska and S Young giver, and we turned and went in the direction of the Wilderness of Moana. And the Lord said to me, do not harass, Moab or contend with them in battle for I will not give you any of their land for possession because I have given our to the people of lot for a possession. Everest 10 says this the amim formerly lived there, a people great in many and tall as the Anakin like the Anakin. They are also counted as wrestling, but the moabites called them. And me, you know, save a lot of them have their own words for them to horites also live in Sayre formerly, but the people of Esau dispossessed them and destroyed them from before them and settled in their place as Israel did to the land of their possession, which the lord gave to me. You see God warning them. Don't try it because I'm not behind this one because I've already given it a lot. Don't do it. It's not going to go well, and I hope one of the seems that you're starting to see is anytime there's conflict that the Giants are being exterminated. It's a wipe out effort. It's an eradication effort. And then what typically happens is that God's people then take over that place, and there are blessed with it. And the whole Countryside, understands. Your God is very powerful because he gave you, their land could do that. That's the point. Ears God speaking to Israel, through the prophet, Amos.

He says, yet. It was, I who destroyed the Amorite before them. This this guy, the same, right height and I listened to and who is as strong as the Oaks. That's God's words to Amos. I destroyed his fruit and his fruit above and his roots, been nice. Another words, everything that was walking, your breathing of his, I kill everything. It was below ground like that would come forth. I just took it completely out.

You're probably still close if you're in Deuteronomy, look at Deuteronomy 3 now and here is Moses conquest of odd. Do do do Toronto. Me 3 starting in verse 1. Then we turned and went up the way to bation and all the king of basin came out against us, he and all his people to battle at Edge Ray, but the Lord said to me, do not fear Him for, I have given him and all his people and his land into your hand. And you shall do to him as you did decide on the king of the Amorite who lived it hash browns, hash brown. Now, look at verse three. So the Lord Our God into our handog. Also the king of vacation and all his people, and we struck him down until he had no Survivor left. You noticing, again is a purge. We're clearing the system because you remember as the Apostle talked about in the New Testament. That excuse me. I spoke about in Genesis 6, they were in the land prior to the flood to. Also after them, the flood, wipe them all out and all of wicked Humanity at the same time, but they were also after that because these Fallen Angels apparently did the same transgression, post-flood. Got it already said he wasn't going to reflect the whole earth. And so he didn't. He did make an example out of Sodom and Gomorrah.

He chose to do is to begin eradicating them through his own people who Time. After Time. After Time, After Time, these races of giants would taunt his people and Israel would just destroy him, totally destroy him and I laid him and displace them. God was showing his own might look now over six and we devoted them to destruction as we did decide on the king of hashman devoting to destruction, every city men, women and children. Why their Mall out? First date. So we took the land at that time. Out of the hand of the two kings of the amorites who were beyond the Jordan from The Valley of it are non to Mount Hermon. The cydonia is called Herman. Siri on, while the amorites called a senior first ten, all the cities of the table and and all Gilly and All Vision, as far as seller, Celica, in a jury case of the kingdom of organisation now knows where. For only odd. The king of Bashan was lust. Senior ratification language. She's the only one still here at this point. Only odd was left of the remnant of the restroom. Now listen to this behold, his bed was a bed of iron. Why do you have to be if I earn because he was so large. Is it not in? Ravva of the ammonites? It says, this 9 cubits was its length and 4 cubits is breath or going to the common Cubit. Why all these details? Well, because you and I need to understand that this king's bed was 13, 1/2 feet long by six feet wide and made of iron. Why do you suppose that was the case? Because she was a giant like all of these others.

Joshua 11 21 through 23 talks about, Joshua's Conquest over the anakim. I won't go into all these years for any that I'm giving you. There's at least twice as many in scripture. And if you're a faithful student of the Old Testament, you've probably seen these and try to scratch your head wondering what you did know. What wondering what's actually happening these huge figures taking place. What's going on? Had some good conversations last week with some of you, one of the questions being? Do you think you know, every once, while you hear something about these sorts of things, still happen? You think just my 2 cents? I don't think it's happening anymore. But here's why it seems that sometime after the flood had to have been After the flood because these beings continue to pop a back the flood. It seems that at some point After the flood is, when God decided to confine these Fallen Angels who are doing all of this to the abyss. Making them an example to the other Angels just as Sodom. And Gomorrah was an example to humanity. And it would be my assumption as afraid of the angels are of the abyss, and of going there, that the example was strong enough, that there aren't any left, who will try to cross that line, and I probably haven't been for quite a long time. So no, I don't believe that that's still happening. Probably hasn't happened for quite a long time. Probably well before Christ. We also have a story aminvii. I hope your stinking Redemptive history. Satan. Trying to thwart God's plan every every time by the way, this One of the things that this also helps, maybe click in your head all these stories and legends. That's what Genesis 6 was talking about. The heroes of old men of renown, you think of misology and there's Greek mythology. There's Norse mythology realize it, almost every civilization on the planet. Has their own version of two things. A massive flood in Giants. Almost everyone on the planet. This book has a lot of Chronicle, if you want to take a look sometime, that's very fast. You need to read but understand this. Everybody knew what was going on before the flood because they were living it. And then it was down to Noah and his wife, and his three sons and their wives. So these eight people came through the flood. But then this happened all over again, right? Between the time of the flood, which is Genesis 26 in the Tower of Babel, which is Genesis 11, a lot of time past because by that time the world had largely repopulated, there was a lot of people by this point and they were scheming together and they were building this Temple up in the sky and of course, the cigarette. And of course, God God didn't want them to do this and they will be able to do anything. They want to do this whole thing and so he can choose the languages. But here's what I want you to catch. All this time span between nobody had to tell Noah and his wife and his sons are they new?

All this time, between Noah and the Tower of Babel everybody. Speaking one language.

And so all these stories are shared. It's happening all over the place. People are witnessing their freighter, these things, everybody talks of things. They were men of renown. That's like saying they were they were a famous kind of like everybody knew about them. There was no question. You just didn't want to be on the wrong side of one. You didn't want to meet one. Especially if you're a person of God because you would be automatic enemies. They had all the same language. So everybody's talking about it. And then Genesis 11, the Tower of Babel guide, separates out all the languages. Well, that's what form nationalities and people groups and tribes and all these things spread out all over the world. And that's why every people group in the world has two-story blood Be Giants.

I mentioned David and Goliath in you know, that the conflict of David and Goliath is really this is more than just a conflict of David and Goliath. What this really was is the conflict of Israel in July, which was really the conflict of the god of Israel, versus the gods of the Philistines AKA fallen angels. this is first Samuel if you want to turn there you can, but I'm going to read 1st Samuel, 17 beginning in verse, or Yeah, go ahead and turn their first Samuel 17.

First four starts out singing and there came out from the camp of the Philistines, a champion named Goliath of gath spruce, height, width, 6 cubits and a span. He had a helmet of bronze on his head. That that's over 19. He had a helmet of bronze on his head and he was armed with a coat of mail in the weight of the coat was 5000 shekels of bronze. I didn't get all the figures for you. I wanted to but that's it's a lie. He had bronze armor on his legs and a javelin of bronze swung between his shoulders know. You're getting the image. Hear the shaft of a spear was like a weary Spears head weights. 600 s of iron in his shield Bearer went beforehand. Pause there. I did get some details on the speaker because I thought one example is better than nothing and just really ill. Most recent things there have been some people that took the full amount of of what we're given here for the sphere. The details were given and try to figure out as an intern. The balance. How, what would the dimensions of this thing be? And so the it in, with the way that things were constructed back then, one of the things that everybody anybody ever tried to make a beer, guys. Come on. I know I'm not doing okay. Thank you. Okay. So, one of the things you run into her at you make a throwing knife, you know how like you have that iron out front and saw his left side and don't spin right? And it doesn't do or you want in those guys when they were making their Spears, they have an Ironhead on it, but the other and there's a counterbalance. And that, that kept it from going like this and just kind of nose diving in. Like, you could go the different distance. But if your, if your spirit goes sideways, so I guess if it goes vertically. So they've done some measurements. And some dimensions on what this would have been, says, the spirit had weighed six hundred shekels. Here's what it would look like for him to these estimates. Picture. This, the spearhead was likely 26 in Long. And 7.8 in wide. Weighing 16 lb and 11 oz. That's just the Spearhead. The oak shaft is 10 ft, long weigh, 10 lb, is 9.8., Oz in the counterweight, on the back end of it is 6.6 lb, 1.2. Oz, total size of the spear would be about probably in the neighborhood of 12 1/2 ft. Total weight. Almost 34 lb I mean. This whatever this hits it's going straight through.

That's one of the things that the alliance is carrying verse 8, says, he, stood, and shouted to the ranks of Israel. And remember, I said this is really big. This is God's fight with the gods. Fallen angels of the Philistines at the ranks of Israel. Why am I not a Philistine? In an interesting. He didn't just say, I went out a giant because the Philistines were okay. Am I not a Philistine? And are you not Servants of Saul know where we don't match. You just by nature of what I am? You're outmatched. There's nothing you can do, but he says choose a man for yourselves and let him come down to me. But here's what he says and I want you to notice two things, two things and he's always Worship in Dominion. Worship in Dominion. first nine if he's able to fight with me and kill me, then we will be your servants but If I Prevail against him and kill him, then you shall be our servants and serve us.

That sounds like worship. The Philistine said, I defy the ranks of Israel. This day. Give me a man that we may fight together.

So now you got all these Israeli troops, Hebrew troops thinking it wasn't going to be by human strength before and that was all of it. Like now we got one guy. Verse 11. When Solomon all Israel heard these words of the Philistine, they were dismayed and greatly afraid. And then David.

See because David had confidence in his God because the odds were not greatly in his favor from a human standpoint. But he knew God and hear something very interesting if you recall, by this point. The prophet Samuel had already anointed David as the next king of Israel that true while there was a stage sitting King already. David's walking into this thing thinking I can't possibly die. Or there is no God in heaven, and I know there is I cannot possibly do. I will go out there and boldly represent my God, and he will have his way in the situation.

And so he goes and grabs five Stones, money and said, well, why 5 or 11 would work? It has been pointed out that Goliath had four brothers. And that the idea was to wipe them all out. By the way, not just an idea. Let me tell you something. From second, Samuel about the conquest of David and his mighty men in. This took place later on after the killing in the beheading of Goliath. This is second Samuel. 21 starting verse 15. It says there was war again between the Philistines and Israel. And David went down together with his servants and they fought against the Philistines and David grew weary. Now, listen carefully. An HP Bernard, one of the descendants of the gym, the Giants, who spare, but whose Spirit weighed three hundred shekels of bronze. I did the math. And if my math is right at 75 lb, 75 lb beer and who was armed with a new sword. What was his goal thought to kill David?

But abishai, the son of Zariah Zariah came to his Aid and attacked the Philistine and killed him. And by this point now, his guys are saying that you're a Target and it's going well so far, but we like, we don't want to lose you. Ben Davis, men swore to him, you shall no longer. Go out with us to paddle less. You quench the lamp of Israel. What's the point? It's supposed to come through. You, you know, this is supposed to happen through you. First 18. After this there was a gang war with the Philistines at Gary singing friend then Civic. I to husa, sites, truck down south who was one of the descendants of the Giants. And it was again war with the Philistines at God and Ellen and the son of Jay r or against the Bethlehem. I struck down Goliath, the get tight, another Goliath, the shaft of fish spear was like a Weaver's being and there was a gang war where there was a man of great stature who had six fingers fingers on each hand and six toes on each foot 24 number and he also was descended from the Giants. And when he taunted Isreal, see it just keeps happening. But Jonathan the son of shammai David's brother, struck him down. These four descended from the Giants and gas and they fell by the hand of David. And by the hand of his servants 2nd, Samuel, 21, 15 following, and then that goes right into chapter 22, in the heading of that chapter in my Bible. Is David song of Deliverance. You see the ancient near East Rider in reader, in the people who penned all this stuff for us. Not to be thought of as Fairy Tail, who don't consider anything else in the Bible Fairy Tail. Why would we start now? David's exalting, you need to understand? All Israel needs to know who has delivered us. From. This is not just a mano e Mano human-on-human paddle. It's so much bigger so much more complex and here were these agents that were put into the flesh as crazy as they were is unsightly as scary as they were. And God said today, not happening in Time, After Time, After Time, After Time. Voicemail.

There are many more. Over and over and over. We see these things happen. What's the First Peter chapter 3?

We're going to drive to close here in a moment. 1st. Peter 3 verses 18 to 24 Christ. Also suffered once for sins, the righteous for the unrighteous, then you might bring us to God. Being put to Death In the Flesh with Made Alive in the spirit. We're trying to answer this question. What is a cross had to do with Revelation chapter 9, in the abyss where God put all these Fallen Angels dastardly thing. And it says, but made alive in the spirit verse 19 in which he once and proclaimed to the spirits in prison because they formerly did not obey when God's patience waited in the days of Noah, and the Ark was being prepared in Wichita.

Now, one of the things I don't think we can, we can extract from that is the tiny. Some people try to say that during the three days when Christ was in the grave just happened. I would I would pause before saying, I don't think we're giving the time frame of when this happened but it would no doubt happened after Jesus death on the cross. Part of my hesitation with it, is the fact that to the thief on the cross. Jesus said today, you will be with me. We're with me in Paradise. Okay, so it seems to follow the very first place. Jesus showed up, post physical. Death was Paradise with a thief. Could he have done this in that 3 day time? Span, of course, but we don't know. So I don't think it's smart to be dogmatic on anything. We're not sure about But we are sure of is to the audience's, you Proclaim to. There was a time and place where Jesus. In the abyss he shows up to Proclaim to them Victory Dominion. It has been accomplished. Everything you were trying to do everything. You were trying to score. It's over. Now for you. You have no more opportunities to try to pollute the line, whatever they were trying to do, to destroy God's people to dishearten them. I believe that's what Paul was getting and washing to when he says in verses 13 through 15. He says you were dead in your trespass. In the uncircumcision of your flash. God made a life together with him having for giving us our trespasses by canceling, the record of death still against us with its legal demand. This he set aside mailing it to the Cross. Jesus is resurrection talk and then listen to next first first 15, he disarmed. The rulers and authorities, and put them to open Shame by transferring over them in him. My friends. That's what he is talking about.

This was not just a victory in the flesh or he never sinned. This is the creator of all things, including Angels, both both baseball and fallen for claiming to the following. You have not won. I did it, it's done. It cannot be undone. You lose game over.

Know a man's a man is right.

Let me close with this.

In doing the study for this.

When I come to John, 19. And I see my savior. Hanging on the cross.

First 30 says, when Jesus had received the sour wine, he said three words. Stay with me. It is finished.

I want to clarify something because I don't want anybody to get the wrong idea. One of those funny ideas out there. Any connection was 1st, Peter 3, is that Christ, descended into hell, that's kind of pretty much from the Apostle Creed. There's some problems with that. Number one, the idea that we don't actually know the timing's that so that's kind of be careful with that. The other part of it is, I think some people here that instinct because price was made sin for us that there was some extra stuff right needs to happen. Even if it was for 3 days and not fall prey to that understand. When Jesus said it is finished. It was finished. The debt had been fully paid. So that when he went, when he made the deluxe declaration, the time you really makes no difference. What's important is that the work was done? Satan and his minions. He tried for so long to interrupt. God's Redemption plan and Jesus single-handedly took it to the cross. Nailed it there for you and me and then 3 Days Later showed back up. As we were doing our readings this morning, it was intentionally. It was intentional that when we did the first Corinthians part that we left off and comfortable spots. Did you notice? It's supposed to be because that's what Paul is really getting at. He's like look, if this never happened as his, resurrection didn't happen. We're toast. We're tops were totally out of luck. And I think I have a tendency to too quickly to remember my theology that he did raise. I'm too quick to keep reading to get to the verses feel better cuz I'm like, okay. Okay, we're good. Let's think of it. What if it hadn't happened?

So, I hope it's okay that we sat in that discomfort for a little bit. I'm going to ask brother Rick to come up, just after I pray. and give us those finishing versus and we've got a few songs.

It is finished. Osprey.

God, you have done a tremendous work through the halls of history for your people. For your Plan of Redemption. You have turn after turn after turn, brought glory to yourself and showed yourself to be the only one worthy of dominion and worship and praise and glory, and the attention of a man. And so you are. We Adore You exclusively. We worship you alone. We Praise Your Name, above all others, as God, most high. We are so grateful for the garage for the cross and so, grateful for the resurrection and the victory, that was able to be proclaimed in those three simple, but just pregnant, with truth words. It is finished. Thank you, Lord, for all you have done and we yearn to see you one day, Ace to face. Thank you for this time in Jesus name. Amen.

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