Romans: Session 18

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The Epistle to the Romans   •  Sermon  •  Submitted   •  Presented   •  46:12
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This lesson on Romans 9:1-33, was taught on Sunday, April 17, 2022 by elder Dick Bickings at New Life Bible Fellowship Church, Millsboro, DE.

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Even if you're online with somebody, I can't see a thing.

Well, good morning. Everyone. What are you going to welcome you on this beautiful Resurrection. Sunday is risen, Amen? To that, everything that we talked about today plays right into the resurrection. We are in a Roma chapter 9 through 11 were in that section. We'll talk about that. And then 9938 the understanding that last week, I wasn't feeling good. So I just have to recap the whole week before. So we forgot to thank you for not coming in a minute.

I will, I will. Take that correct.

Protecting your for typing, it show that sounds good. That sounds much more spiritual father. I thank you so much for the great morning will week. We celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead in the grave could not hold him. The fact that you received the payment for our sins. The sign that you received that was, you brought Christ back from the grave. We praise you. For that this morning, Holy Spirit, I would pray that you would be our teacher this morning Jesus name. Amen. Okay, so course we are in this one section of God's sovereignty and get your right as seen in chapters 9 through 11. Now think about this. We talked about salvation, talk about the particulars of Salvation. You know, this, this is righteous. God, dude, Drew Jesus Christ to bring about our justification. Now when we go to this chapter is 10:51. It's particularly important for us to focus in on his plan. On them who this was for and how this was to come up. Sometimes we take these chapters in isolation, you know, supposed to be 10:10. We bought it from Austin and the Romans road, as you bringing someone to Christ, you use those whoever calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved, you know, but they all fit into this is all part of this. Who was this for and how is it, how is it, passed in particularly with regard to the Jews? So it lit up all we see, first of God's saving promise to Israel and chapter 9, verses 1 through 29. And then the second section of this is Israel's rejection of God saving promises. And then, the third section is God's righteousness in his plan for juice and Ghent Hut, so this is all he Civ unified section on the sovereignty of God. In particular, you were talking about with relationship to Jews and Gentiles but the Jews, the Jews. And if it's not to what extent is it, does it continue. What is it that we can expect God to do for the Jews? And I'm hoping to answer that in this section would just review what we talked about 2 weeks ago, since it's been a whole week since then. And we were in this section called God's saving plan to Israel that first part of those three that I talked about. And week, we started out. You remember God, post concern for his brother and Israel. He was saying that, you know, I, I, I, I wish that I could be accursed for my brethren. Love them so much.

And some of us have felt that before we wish that that God would save our loved ones and not you be willing to take, take the rap for our own loved ones for even seeing them in any event. Haven't talked about in verses 1 through 3, his great concern for them. And why, why is it that they missed? Nothing, but the salvation and that's a good question. Where I answer some of that as we go through 9 and 10. They had what they had many, many blessings. They had he listed for verses four through five, eight different blessings. If you remember that, some of those, let's look at some of those. He says there is no bison, David Wong, the adoption and and all those things were given to them. They were blessings. They were given what no one else on Earth was given, you know, so in some respects kind of bewildered about why, They were put but in this we want to understand that nothing went wrong, right? Let's be real careful about that because Israel rejected. God does not mean that something went drastically wrong. Remember that. This was all part of God's plan. There. Is this beautiful wonderful thing in God's eyes that we don't understand. This human responsibility in God's sovereignty, they do come together. We may not get them. We may not fully understand him. Israel is responsible for rejecting Christ, but also in some mysterious way. This is all part of God's Sovereign playing. Yep. Yes. But these things that he is listing, okay. Yes, the Israelites had them but every other person who became part of the Jewish face proselytes, that Israel is also its the isolated to the Jews alone. When you go down this list.

We are all of us are adopted as Sons. Also yet those things pointed forward to Christ. But in in the physical sense of what they received at that time. Yes, these were considered to be the unique. Yes. I realize they were rejecting God from the very beginning. I mean, it's nothing new testament and in time and in the book of Exodus,

You know, they just left just left here. And there they are that supposed to be an indictment on the Israel of God are in. This is the section to we we got into this a bit a couple weeks ago. But it is. I who was it? That God had in mind to be his children, who wasn't? I'm going to go quickly over this cuz we did talk about this. You are the true children of Israel. They are, as we found out, verses 6 through 13, the children of promise, not the children of the Flash. Right. I remember he reversed 6 after 9 verse 6, but it is not as though the word of God has failed. For not all who are descended from Israel belong to Israel. There's a there's a very important understanding gear.

We need to be careful. When we talk about the true Israelites, okay, cuz you are the true Israelites. The Believers are Druids, real.

A child is born into. It doesn't automatically mean like if the parents are Christians at the correct end in n n e goes into an explanation of Denver. 7 is not all the children. They were man because they were his offspring. He said but through Isaac show your Offspring be named and then he goes on to talk about Isaac and up are how that Jacob and Esau were born and before they had even were even born God is declared that the younger, the older sister of the younger and that Jacob have I loved. Esau. I hate me.

So there's this aspect that the children of God in all through the scriptures we can read. This is not just a new testament thing is we're going to see in a minute. This is, this is Old Testament as well. Is that the children of Faith? Were the true children of God, not the children, The Flash yet. Simple that in the Old Testament is Jezebel and Elijah. Okay. No, I have preserved 500 to have never felt the need to Bale. Right? And that's a good example of the remnant. Yes, the whole family. No matter how bad it gets God will always have his remnant of people, every generation remnant of God's people. True children of promise that children of Flesh and course. That was the big thing with Christ and the Pharisees right? Pharisees were claiming what they were children of Abraham. If I can raise these Stones, you know, that's no big deal about the children of Promise by children and the children of promise not to turn on flash. But also they also with the object of God's. Mercy. In here. We're in verse 12. He was told, and she said she was told the older will serve the younger as it is written. Jacob. And I loved it. But Esau I hated and then Paul anticipating a problem with that statement says this is their Injustice on God's part. Go by no means and he goes one into this dissertation. And says the word where God says to Moses. I will have mercy on whom I have mercy and I will have compassion for them compassion. So then it depends not on human will or exertion. That's an important phrase, right? Not human will or exertion but on God who has Mercy in RP brains, but that doesn't mean the scriptures not clear on it, right? Speaker things of God are hidden in God, the review. So keep that stopped trying to understand the secret things of God. Figure out. Why does God have mercy on whom he chooses, but he is allowed to do that.


In the New Testament.

Who are the moabites?

You don't forget it. It doesn't come down. Not through Ruben. Who is this? The first born. It was no saint. You know, in fact his daughter-in-law is in the line of things.

How do I get a great-grandfather better than a ham sandwich? Anyway? Seriously again again.

Back to the Old Testament. Why does he do?

Why does he keep coming back to you?

He was bought by God to Moses in Exodus 33-19. This is any quotes in verse 15 chapter 92, and he said, I will make all my goodness pass before you and will Proclaim. Before you my name, the Lord. This is when God revealed his glory, to Moses, remember. And this is what he says, I will be gracious to whom I will be gracious. I will show Mercy on whom, I will show Mercy. Well, of course, Paul is anticipating that that's going to be a problem to to up in verse 19. He says, what shall we? You will say to me, then why does he still find f***? But who can resist his will? I just skip over Farrow but, you know, we know that why God raised up pharaoh to be an object think even the evil people.

God is not going to say that person. Why did that person even? Why was that person even born?

If you look up the definition of mercy even just in a dictionary, not biblical. It says, forgiveness shown towards someone who is within one's power to punish or harm. Yep. That's good. That's a good definition. God had a right and that's what I'm thinking. It's not like, why did God hate Esau? We should be thinking. How is it that God could love Jacob. I mean, that's the bigger question, right? Receiver. Jordan deceiver Miracle because everyone of us were born in sin and we deserve the Wrath of the Judgment of God. So God, passing over Those whom. He deserve his rap and choosing to show Mercy to those. He has chosen is a miracle, miracle mercy and Grace. Yeah, this is good preaching stuff. So we see that he even raised the Pharaoh as an object of this wrapped. We saw that in Exodus 9:16, but for this purpose I embraced you up to show you my power. So that my name may be proclaimed in all the Earth. So God's right to choose the mercy and his wrath is is it's up to God.

History is to magnify not in the show. Yes, All I can think of is wrong. This is so wrong. So wrong that happened, but allowed the most wicked to appear.

When to show, you know, the magnitude of his victory, you're the concept of of hardening heart, you know, anything about a man's heart and his heart is hardened. Anyway. Why is it not as hard as I possibly can be because of God's restraining, rares, that restraining Grace, the man's heart becomes harder and harder so that the reality is those things that happened to Christ where result of a natural hardening of the human beings heart. God use them to bring his son to the Cross, you know, but the Apostle Paul in verse 19 anticipates the problem

Does who you know, why does he still find fault? I love the fact that he doesn't. Philosophically logically necessarily or give us a human satisfactory answer human way. We think that is just in just Why, why do we think it's in just that God chooses some and not others?

Alyssa's face it. We live in a land where we have the Bill of Rights rights of everybody, supposedly has the same, right? So you're not allowed to treat this person, different from that person and somehow we in cute, that seemed ill of rights to God. We think that God has to follow that. We live in a democracy God. So, how can you do this?

For those of us were children. We know that favor one or the other would not be a loving thing. Correct? So we probably If you don't have a natural tendency to apply back kinds of examples, in the Old Testament, is take a look at the 12 sons of Jacob. Okay? In the Old Testament, the firstborn inherited the rights. Okay. And in fact, when you have twelve Sons like that for you, divide your property in 213 and the first son gets two fortunes. Okay, so you are soaked. When you look at the, the 12 sons, you find out that even God didn't abide by that. Okay, the person who got the double sure was Joseph. Because she adopted this is not exactly an and I love how the because he doesn't give us the answer. We would want to hear, right? So really your verse 20 says man is a creature of God. There's one of Nana's done, unqualified-id to understand the subject 20, but who are you? Oh, man. To answer back to God. That's a good question. Brainworm of a person is answering back to God. You know, even if man, we're qualified to investigate these subjects, what right has he to reply to God or 2. I'm bringing, you know, will what is molded say to the Mulder? Why have you made me like this? So we just want to give an illustration of a Potter. Some of us understand the Potter has a power over the Claire, right? It's a local play there. Is anybody ever done Pottery? I know you use Mills Creations in the tea party, but the party

And what are you doing? You're going to make something from the lump the Potter you as the Potter have control over the loan is that God has the power over the clay Zapata. You know, God's Wrath makes his power and patients know that's rap. When he pours out his rap. You know, what we do when we re reform kind of people have the same thing. We said that God does everything for what? Display the overarching thing over everything that you know, people say well because you can't explain but true. Nonetheless. Why does God do when he does? Why did God choose people? Why does God not to people? He doesn't for his glory. Even his rat, it makes his power. Those who makes it spacious though. Why doesn't he just? You know, because he is a god of rap. Ask everybody get rid of them all.

Old Testament. Again, under the under Moses, Moses lyrics, this I spect, I got an invite away, you know, some people look at God, the attributes of God's vision. Of a grapefruit. These segments in the grapefruit. So you cut this out.

All loving, all merciful is a god of Rap. God, Holiness is the god of patient. These are all who got his. You can't say, this is who he is, and you don't have to go to his attributes to do that. Because different denominations segregate segment. God in history, pick persons. A good example is the Pentecostal. They seem to ignore Jesus in light of the Holy Spirit Guide channel.

Young, don't take him as a whole. Yep. So under this aspect of the who are the true children of God, you know, we we've seen that. They are children of promise, not children, The Flash, they are the objects of God's mercy, and then we see that they are both Jew and Gentile. Let me think about this is no one else, right? So they are here is that God has chosen to bring people to himself from both the Jews and the Gentiles. This is not just a favoritism for a race of people that has chosen to save from both. And this is not an again. I want to emphasize. I might keep them sizing. The fact that Paul keeps going back to no.

He goes back to his, there's not a lot of Jews only as, for toad, in Hosea Hosea, tells us this Doctrine was established and found in the book of Hosea. Chapter 2, verse 23, and he says, and I will show her. I will so her for myself in the land. I don't have mercy on no mercy and I will say to Not My People. You Are My People and he shall say you are my God. Was he talking about who are the who are the new mercies and the not my peoples? The Gentiles. So we're talking about this, this plan of God to save a people of them self. Is it is people from both, Jew and Gentile. but only a remnant of Israel as for talk, so he's talking on one hand about the fact that God is going to choose. People that are not my people and no mercy and he's going to show Mercy to and then just a child and that he's going to choose just a remnant of his people. Real will be saved, text. I said they are. The contents of all Israel will be safe. Alright, so we'll save that for that cuz I know I want to run over there. But, okay. So for the sand of the sea, only a remnant of them will return. Destruction is decreed overflowing with righteousness. For the Lord, God of hosts will make a full end as decreed in the nest of all the Earth. So only a remnant of Jews will be safe for First Years to his threat of cutting off the people. And it means that, you know, he will hear them almost like he's cutting them off as a people and yet, he's going to save a remnant of them you're off. I want to go to that. I haven't further down the line, but I got to remember again, the original abrahamic, Covenant.

I'll wait till we get there. Even though I want to go there, we should have been like Sodom and become like good Mora. The nation was so wicked that unless God has preserved a small number who were Pious from the general Corruption of the people. They would have been swept off by judgment. Okay. So we we see that God's plan was to save a people. And those people were not the people of flash, but the people of Faith, they were the people that God has chosen to show Mercy to. And then they were people that were from both the Jewish and the Gentile Nations. Those were the true children of God were talking about here. Now in in verses 9 and 9:30 through 11:10, we're not going to do this whole thing as you can probably understand, So what was it? That Israel tripped over. What? We're going to start out with the basis of God's choice Faith vs. No fake vs. 32 33 verses note 530 and I'll just read this. And what shall we say that? That Gentiles who did not pursue righteousness for have attained it? That is a race this, that is by faith, but that is real who pursued a law that would lead to righteousness. Did not succeed in reaching that wall. Why? The question because they did not pursue it by faith, but as if it were based on Works. They have stumbled over the stumbling-stone at, as is written behold. I am laying in Zion a stone up, stumbling and a rock fence. Whoever believes in him will not be put to shame. okay, I'm so Let's talk about the Gentiles first that the Gentiles who did not pursue righteousness and it anywhere not actively looking for it. They had not made it to the main object to justify themselves. They had no such obstacles that created a system of self-righteousness as virtues did. So, what was it that caused them to a teen righteousness?

What was it? True Faith. They were Justified true faith. And how do you set your in in, in, in a way that Paul was saying that the Gentiles maybe have a little easier Road? In some respects, why? Les was expected of them out righteous, you know, so when they were, they were presented with the fact that they were sinners. Like, I am Sinner and invite her faith in Jesus Christ alone. I mean, just think about the Apostle Paul as he preach to the church has, I mean, he started out going to the Jews. And then, what did you say? That's it. I'm going to the Gentiles and many, many Gentiles came to Christ. They came to Christ how true faith.

Well, maybe.

they caught up talking a

Yeah, but when they talk about Gentiles and used it, they were actually talking about some other descendants of Abraham also, yep, right. What about Ishmael?

You know, they aint. So the house were saved through faith.

How do I get to look at Israel? Any stores in verses 31, he talks about the idea that they threw that. So, diligent for the law that did not have the attitude of faith. WYD of the phrase, the law of Rights means that the law of Justice, or just the law, they depended on their own righteousness. Not on the mercy of God. I just think about this. Okay, that's fine. Say you were Jewish and you were brought up with the understanding of the, of the, of law. First, five books of Moses and you were told that you are the promised see the promised people and threw you the Messiah is going to come and you were giving the lawyer, giving all these things. What would be your thinking? You think, how would you think? That righteousness is attained, or would you even think you need to take? Because you are who?

We don't, I don't have to, you know, I'm not a sinner. I'm a child of Abraham. I'm up a chosen people. That's not going to destroy me. That was the attitude, right? And if you read some of them.

Because you lived in the land. That was so great. Went by the law bought that you know where they were sensitive. Yep. Yep.

Yep, that's a good point because, you know, I've, I've met people along the way who really equated patriotism with. Godliness or giving their life go giving their, their service to their country. As being Godly. I'm going to be in heaven. As if you're born in Catholic. You're a Catholic for life. No matter what I've always found it interesting that when confronted by Jesus. They said we are sons of Abraham. We keep the law like he says, because because in their culture that was so much more important in our culture, keeping the laws because we have a different type of

A philosophy. Okay, there's was a honor and shame which you got descended from. I'm a descendant from a soldier who had a good name or not talking about a right and wrong justice system. We're talkin about a system where your heritage now that more than anything else and it's a totally different. It's not a western concept that all exactly whatever it was. They therefore, they stumbled over Christ, but that's tumbling was even 4.

Look at, look at look at what I say. It says. Isaiah 28:16, he's quoting from, I say it in this passage 30 to the end of 32, but also at Isaiah Hooten, who pursued? But that Isaiah who pursued a law that would lead to righteousness and not succeed in reaching a little. Why? Because they did not pursue it by faith. Behold. I am the one who is laid a foundation and Zion a stone, a text, with stone, a precious, Cornerstone. Make sure Foundation whoever believes will not be in haste.

Do you think the children of Israel knew anything about this concept of fate? Should they have known about this concept of fate?

Okay, this Doctrine was established in the Old Testament, by the way. Habakkuk 2 forces, behold his soul is puffed-up habakkuk, right? It is not upright within it but what a righteous shall live by faith. The sacrifice just had reference to it future state of things.

The principal justification in the living by faith had been fully brought out in the lodge experiences at the same symbol. We see that in Romans, chapter 4 and Hebrews chapter 11, chapter 11, he bruised right by Faith by Faith by faith, in all these people did work on called them to do you remember back a while ago. We were in? Romans for it. We talked about who the true children of Abraham was and Paul gives reference to back to this passage in Genesis 15:5. 66 do your Offspring be and he believed the Lord. And he counted it to him. As righteousness. The Jews understand? Or did they have the information that they needed that righteous as can only be obtained by faith. Yeah. They did. They certainly did. This is not like how this and bailed it from them and just getting kind of gave it to the Gentiles know the Jews had it first. So if I do that, I've been justified by faith those way back to him or him. And it was mentioned over and over and over again, in the Old Testament. so that is chapter 9 but it is, it it it is a

It just kind of disc layers to us. What's going to happen again in chapter 10? There is a cohesiveness. Like I said, Israel's refusal of God's, on up, God's righteousness.

This Stone are referring to are they referring to a Cornerstone good question. That's all that's mentioned in Isaiah. This, this Doctrine is about the stumbling-stone isn't impediment in their pack, Jesus. Because if it is a Cornerstone, every building, during that time, has started with one stone of Cornerstone at the designated. We're at Angles, everything. And if you don't build on it, just just like it says, you're half the building, will be off, but they still adamant in their path. So this idea that God had established.

A means by which this righteousness was to be attained in, that was what babe?

You gave us all this stuff and this law and stuff, and we're trying to keep it. And it's really, you know, the righteousness of God is attained through faith. I don't know if they did you. At, you know, you can be given Privileges and have the truth all around you. But if there's no faith is the key aspect here to go in to check your time is just about quarter after 10. After 10, 10:15 Jewish passed down from generation, to generation is Josiah. If he was considered one of the better, one of the best Kings of Judah and got everything he wanted, but you got to remember the Jews were not a powerful Nation. But there was a bit but there was going to be a big battle in Israel and its toe territory and it was between Egypt and the Hittites. Okay, and just ended, Gyptian didn't want to but a battle with the dude didn't want to pass through and just know.

And he went out a battle.

What are the biggest things that we wrestle with at times? Is the idea of presumption or free? We got Pride. You know where. We're God's chosen people almost like, you know, never presume anything scripture. Tells us very clearly, what we need to do to obtain the righteousness of Christ. What we need to do to be right with God. It is true faith in Jesus Christ, the Risen Christ.

Nothing Else Matters. Me presumptuous. That anything else was in the Judgment Day we stand before. God. That we are. That will give us access into the Eternal Kingdom.

Blitz with that list but Frank by the way, thank you so much. The amazing salvation YouTube given us truth. The Lord Jesus Christ death, where our sins were imputed to him, his burial, and his glorious resurrection. And that his of righteousness was therefore imputed to us and therefore, being justified by faith. We have peace with you holler. We celebrate that piece this morning, so we didn't deserve it. We are to be creatures of your wrath. And yet, we have received your mercy and your grace, that we are so grateful for that. I pray that as we go into the next service, that we would be filled with worship and adoration. Our precious Lord and Savior. Jesus Christ, in whose name we pray. Amen. All right. Lord willing. We will see you next week and have a blessed week.

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