Resurrection Sunday: 4 FACTS for every person
FACT #1: You are going to DIE
FACT #2: You have an Eternal Soul that will live forever / Where is the Question?
Hell is factual. It is not something ‘invented by the church’. The Bible says more about hell than it does about heaven and leaves no doubt about its reality. It speaks of people being condemned to hell and thrown into hell.
Hell is fearful. It is described in the Bible as a place of torment; a fiery furnace; a place of everlasting burning and unquenchable fire. It is a place of suffering, with weeping and gnashing of teeth and in which there is no rest day or night. These are terrible words, but they are true. Those in hell are cut off from all good, cursed by God and banished from even the smallest help or comfort that his presence brings.
Hell is final. All the roads to hell are one-way streets. There is no exit. Between hell and heaven a great chasm has been fixed. The horror, loneliness and agony of hell are not in order to purify but to punish—for ever!
Hell is fair. The Bible tells us that God will judge the world with justice, and he is perfectly just in sending sinners to hell. After all, he is giving them what they have chosen. They reject God here; he rejects them there. They choose to live ungodly lives; he confirms their choice—for ever. God can hardly be accused of injustice or unfairness!