Sunrise 2022
Hope Conquers
Hope Conquers
This morning we celebrate Resurrection Morning, and Easter is the celebration of new life. Resurrection is more than just something to celebrate or talk about, it is eternal life with God Himself.
When Jesus saves us, our resurrection is not an indefinite extension of our physical existence. Our salvation in Christ transforms us into a completely new person.
In the resurrection, hope conquers:
A Resurrection hope is God’s pursuit of us - His willingness to die for us followed by His coming to life again.
1 Now I want to make clear for you, brothers and sisters, the gospel I preached to you, which you received, on which you have taken your stand 2 and by which you are being saved, if you hold to the message I preached to you—unless you believed in vain. 3 For I passed on to you as most important what I also received: that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures, 4 that he was buried, that he was raised on the third day according to the Scriptures, 5 and that he appeared to Cephas, then to the Twelve. 6 Then he appeared to over five hundred brothers and sisters at one time; most of them are still alive, but some have fallen asleep. 7 Then he appeared to James, then to all the apostles. 8 Last of all, as to one born at the wrong time, he also appeared to me.
This is not our normal Sunrise message but there are some things that we can learn from what Paul is telling the Corinthian church about the gospel message on this Resurrection morning.
I. Jesus Died For Us.
I. Jesus Died For Us.
Here in our main text we have Paul writing to the Corinthian church about the resurrection of Jesus, because of their lack of understanding of resurrection of others.
Paul begins with that he is talking about the same gospel that he preached to them when they were saved, unless they believed in vain. It is the Gospel that they believed, that Jesus died for their sins, was buried, three days later was raised from the dead, and was seen by the apostles and then five hundred people, and then by Paul himself.
So imagine the scene some two thousand years ago, Jesus was nailed to a cross, he is placed between two violent thieves, surrounded by people that are mocking him. He had been beaten nearly to death, had a crown of thorns shoved down on to his head, spikes driven through his wrist and feet, and barely hanging on to life.
Isaiah chapter 53 gives us 9 things that help us to think about the death of Jesus, I am not going to read the whole chapter just point out those 9 things.
Jesus was rejected so we can be accepted.
He suffered so we would be relieved.
He was despised so we could be glorified.
He carried our pain so we would find comfort.
He was struck down so we could be lifted up.
He was wounded so we could be healed.
He was oppressed so we would be free.
He was cut off so we could come near.
He was assigned to the grave, crushed, counted among criminals, so our rebellion could be exchanged for eternal life.
This shows us that the death of Jesus is a reminder that Jesus relentlessly pursues us when we are at our worst.
Jesus could have poured out the wrath of God on everyone. But, He instead absorbed God’s wrath.
Romans 6:23a (CSB)
23 For the wages of sin is death,
Because of our sins, and the consequences of our sins, we caused Jesus to have to go to the cross.
Therefore, we killed Jesus with our sins, and He chased us down with His grace, to save us from our sins.
II. Jesus was Raised on the Third Day
II. Jesus was Raised on the Third Day
4 that he was buried, that he was raised on the third day according to the Scriptures,
Many people deny this very thing, but everyone needs this miracle because no one escapes death.
Death exists for everyone, no one can escape death, yes we may be here when the rapture takes place and that will be awesome if we are, but if not we will not live forever, in this physical body, even if the rapture takes place we will not live forever in this physical body.
27 And just as it is appointed for people to die once—and after this, judgment—
Every person will face death physically, then we will face judgment, if We have accepted Jesus as our personal Lord and Savior then we will stand before Him and answer for the way we have lived and how we have used the gifts and things he has given us.
If we have not accepted Him, then we will still stand before him and answer for why we did not accept him, and then will be cast into Hell’s damnation to live for eternity in torment.
Death is unsettling because we cannot control it, though we try.
But through Jesus, death open into eternal life. John 11:25
25 Jesus said to her, “I am the resurrection and the life. The one who believes in me, even if he dies, will live.
Because Jesus died and was buried, he went into that tomb, where he went and defeated sin, and death, when he was raised from the dead, He won the victory, he has provided us with that victory over sin and death.
Yes, we still face a physical death, but with that there is hope because we will not die a spiritual death, we are spiritually alive for eternity.
See those that reject Jesus, and if you do not accept him for salvation, if you do not have a personal relationship with him, then by default you have rejected him.
And without that relationship, you are spiritually dead, and that means you will be separated from God for eternity, as believers we will be in the presence of God Almighty for eternity, unbelievers will be separated from him for eternity in Hell’s damnation in unending torment.
Some in the Corinthian church, were arguing that there was no resurrection, we still have people today saying oh your body just goes in the ground and that is it, but Paul clearly affirmed it. As many as 500 people not during the 40 days Jesus was on earth, but at one time seen Jesus alive again after his resurrection.
So is the resurrection really that important?
What if it is just metaphorical, or figurative, or symbolic?
Well, suppose someone that owed you $5,000 said, I will metaphorically pay you back, or I will figuratively pay you back, or I will just symbolically pay you back?
Would that work for you? Would monopoly money work for you?
No, these things would not work, you want $5,000 cash money!!!!!!!
Jesus literally rose again because God quite literally loves us!!! in fact, without the resurrection, our faith is worthless.
If Jesus died on the cross, but did not rise from the dead, the cross is worthless. See one without the other is meaningless.
But it was not figuratively or symbolically it was literally, Jesus is alive and seated at the right hand of God the Father today interceding on our behalf.
III. Love Defeats Failure
III. Love Defeats Failure
8 Last of all, as to one born at the wrong time, he also appeared to me.
Here Paul refers to himself, he states one born at the wrong time, Paul started off as Saul of Tarsus if we are familiar with him, he is the one that was going around after Jesus ascended and the Day of Pentecost had come, he was persecuting the Christians, and was there when Stephen was martyr at the end of Acts 7.
Paul though says he also appeared to me, in Acts 9, Saul now Paul was on his way to Damascus when Jesus appeared to him and blinded him and radically changed his life.
Paul is telling the Corinthian people, all these people have seen Jesus after his death, and he has risen from the dead, and has promised that he will come to bring resurrection for us also.
He states I also, even though I did not necessarily deserve it, He appeared to me also, and it dramatically changed my life.
Paul could have looked at his life and said there is no way I can be used by God as all I have done is torture his people, but Jesus stops him and says, I can use you.
But if we were to read on in Acts 9, we would see that when Paul went to try to meet with the apostles, they were afraid of him, because of his reputation.
Again this could be a big set back, a time to say I just am not cut out for this, I am just a failure. But when Jesus has called us, he will provide for us.
That calling may not be pastoral ministry, it might not be deacon ministry, it might be Sunday school teacher, it might be usher, it might be greeter, it might be children’s worker, it could be to share his word with others.
But the thing is we have to be willing to do whatever it is he has called us to, He is waiting for us to take that step of faith.
Maybe he is calling you to salvation this morning, or to lead some group, or to go public with you faith with baptism, or join the church, and God is waiting for you to take that step of faith.
Will you take that step of faith this morning, if so come talk to me, after we pray.